Darker Skies *The Walking Dea...

By TWDislife123

23.6K 503 35

"Carl." The girl breathed. Her legs shook from pain, excitement, surprise, happiness. "Skylar?" The boy who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Notes/Look into Cowboy Hat

Chapter 4

1.6K 39 1
By TWDislife123

As they walked outside, Patrick talked to Skylar about how he came to the prison. He lived in a small town that was run by a power hungry man who was entertained by having people fight each other with zombies tied just out of reach.

"So Rick came and saved us from Woodbury." Patrick finished.

"The Governor? Giving himself that title just sounds like bad news." Skylar said.

"I think some of the citizens gave him that name. I don't really know." Patrick shrugged. The loud scratch of the gate running against the gravel made them look over. A car had pulled in.

"That must be them." Patrick got up. "Come on, you'll want to see this." They ran to the car as it pulled in. Patrick raced Skylar to the concrete area that had a bunch of other cars sitting, where this car would be pulling up to. As it got closer, Skylar could see a dark-skinned woman driving, and a kid with a large hat on. Skylar's heart started racing not because of running, but because she had an idea of who was wearing the hat. As the car parked, Skylar felt a little nauseated.

The two people got out, the boy with the hat was holding onto some small books and a gun was holstered at his waist. The woman had a sword in her hand a few bags of goodies.

"That's Michonne, she's pretty badass." Skylar knew it was a comment meant to make her smile, but she couldn't smile. Her stomach was feeling more and more unsettled as she watched the boy in the hat make his way over to them. She was feeling hotter than usual in the sun and was sweating profusely. She didn't want to be out here, she wasn't ready to see Carl like she thought she was. So she turned on her heel and ran straight back inside.

Daryl was in her way when she got to the door and she almost threw up on him. He moved over just in time for her to make it to a trash can where she threw up all the good food she just ate.

"You okay?" He sounded like he didn't want to be there so she just nodded her head and waited for him to leave. Skylar didn't know why she got so sick, she didn't eat a lot just like Hershel instructed her. She might have just been too excited, she threw up. As if that ever happened before. Maybe it's a new thing. Maybe the food she had was actually bad? Her nerves just got to her.

"Skylar?" Patrick had followed her inside. She wiped her mouth and lifted her head out of the trashcan. She thanked God he was alone.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, probably just something I ate." She said. He looked worried but didn't say anything else about that. "Carl's putting his comics away and then he'll be back outside. Wanna come with us?" Skylar stood there for a moment. She was scared about seeing Carl again; this time closer.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll go." Patrick smiled brightly. He led her back outside, where Carl sat with his dad's hat on the table. His dark hair was long and a little unkempt. His features were sharp, but still had the baby fat on them. Freckles dotted his face and his blue eyes were squinted in the sun.

"Carl." Skylar breathed, standing across from where Carl sat.

"Skylar?" He tilted his head in confusion. He didn't seem to recognize her, and all she could do was stand there and tremble like a tree being blown in the wind. There was a strange feeling passing between them, charged tension that made Skylar take a step back. His face didn't change as he looked away from her and stood up. It was like he didn't want to believe it was his old friend. He didn't hug her like she was expecting. He didn't smile. He showed no emotion.

"I've got to go see my dad." Carl walked into the prison, pushing by Skylar and Patrick. His shoulder brushed against Skylar's and she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.

"What was that about?" Patrick watched Carl go inside. "How did you know his name?" She didn't answer him. She just sat down on the bench feeling defeated.


Skylar wasn't feeling too well for the rest of the day. She was confused and her chest hurt so bad she thought she had a cramp in her heart. Her best friend didn't say more than two sentences to her. She couldn't understand why he just walked away. He didn't ask how she got there or what she was doing there. He didn't say he was worried about her. He didn't care about her like she thought he did. What happened to seeing each other every day at school and immediately after school? They had spent so much time together and now it was like they were strangers after 2 years.

Patrick sat beside her on the bench pressing her for an hour to talk to him. He even held her hand and she allowed it because she couldn't feel it. She couldn't feel herself. She was abandoned by something she thought would always be there. Sure, she didn't know if Carl was still alive, but now that she knows he is she wants to be by his side again.

"Hey, want to go see the pigs and horses?" Patrick was quiet for 2 minutes. Skylar counted. She finally decided to cave into him and stood up. He got up quickly, still holding her hand and dragged her to the pig pen.

"These guys make pretty good bacon." Patrick stepped on the fence to lean over it. "I guess it's sad because they are cute." He was trying to pick up their conversational tone from last time but Skylar wasn't having it.

"Let's go see the horses." She enjoyed horses. They were one of her favorite animals. There were two in the stable and were very excited to get treats. Skylar felt her heart thump a little happier when she put her head on the horse's neck. It was her first time near a horse and loved the experience.

Patrick was watching her the whole time and feeding the other horse. She did think he was kind of cute, in that nerdy way. He shared his favorite book with her and told her all about his life in Woodbury. Even though he was pushy, he was friendly and held her hand when she needed it. It was something nice but she just felt more pain in her chest.

"Hey, Lizzie and Mika are at the fence." He pointed out after they started to leave the stable. Two very young girls were talking and pointing at the zombies that lined the fence. Patrick and Skylar made their way over. Skylar hadn't seen any other kids yet besides Beth, Pa, rick and Carl.

"Hi!" Mika said happily when she noticed the teenagers. "I'm Mika."

"Skylar." Skylar greeted. "What're you guys doing?"

"Naming them." The other, Lizzie, pointed to the Walkers.

"Why?" Patrick asked.

"Because it's fun. We give them stories too." Mika said. "Her name's Jane. She was a mom of two." Mika had pointed to the undead woman with the torn pink hoodie and the black tank top.

"You named them?" Carl's voice had made Skylar jump. He stood next to Patrick and had his arms crossed. "You shouldn't do it. They're dead." His tone was bossy and Skylar didn't like it. The girls were having fun; they deserve that. Lizzie stared Carl down, Mika looked crestfallen, and Skylar and Patrick felt awkward.

"Hey, storytime is soon," Patrick tried to ease the tension.

"That's for kids." Carl muttered. Mika made Lizzie walk away before the older of the two could punch Carl. Patrick started to follow them. When he noticed Skylar wasn't at his side, he reached out to her. Skylar looked at Carl, who wouldn't meet her eyes. Then she grabbed Patrick's hand and pulled him at a fast march up to the prison. 

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