Moving On

By Malec0914

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*Sequel to The Phone Call* Jordan tries to move forward after the kidnapping incident, will she be able to mo... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Untitled Part 27
Untitled Part 28

Untitled Part 14

588 9 0
By Malec0914

By the next morning everything had simmered down from the previous night's events, Hank and Jordan got ready for the day and then they were on their way out the door.

Hank had driven his daughter to school and made sure to keep an eye out for Charlie or any potential threat. They arrived to the school and he watched her as she went inside then once she was safely inside he took off heading for the District.

As soon as Jordan got into school all the kids looked at her and began whispering, she didn't care what they had to say about her or any of it. She knew not to listen to any of the rumors going around about her, what the teen didn't know is that if the news about Derek had hit the school yet. As she was going to her locker Theo had went to her very worried.

"Hey is it true?" Theo asked.

"Is what true?" Jordan replied.

"Derek. Is he really ya know dead? I saw on the news this morning".

"Yeah he is, the guy who did what he did to me killed Derek".

"If you ever need any help or a safe place you always got me".

"Theo that's really nice and very sweet but this guy is back on the street he's trying to get back at me, I can't involve you or anyone else. He's already killed Derek I can't and I won't lose anyone else to this guy. Besides knowing how my dad thinks and operates he'll have me under secure lockdown until they catch him again".

"Totally understand. And don't listen to everyone else you know the truth about everything they don't know jack".

"Always, I gotta go English is about to start can't be late".

"I'm heading that way let's walk together".

"I'd like that Theo".

The two teens began walking to their classes together. Charlie was watching the school with a smirk planted on his face.

District 21

Hank had arrived going inside and he saw Roman and Burgess signing in for the day.

"Roman, Burgess, got a sec". Hank said.

"Yeah Sarge what's up". Kim says.

"I want you two to sit on Jo's school, I got Ruzek going inside to keep an eye on her. You two keep an eye on the outside the first thing that's out of place, or the first sign of trouble I'm you're first call".

"You got it sir". Sean said.

"Also I wanna thank the two of you for sitting outside my house last night".

"We don't know what you're talking about". Kim chuckled a little.

"I've been a cop for a long time I know when someone's following me especially if it's another cop doing it".

After that Hank had went upstairs and the two partners left heading to Jordan's school, as soon as he got up to the squad everyone who was there was working on the case. Erin had given a list on where Charlie would go and the known associates that she knew he might go to. He then saw Ruzek coming in from the locker room and quickly pulled him aside.

"What's up boss". Adam said.

"You're going to Jordan's school today, you will be inside the whole day. Get her schedule watch her, keep an eye on her. Wherever she goes you go if she goes to the bathroom you stand outside the door. I got Roman and Burgess outside of the school and what I told them I'm gonna tell you, the first thing out of place or the first sign of trouble I'm you're first call". Hank tells his detective.

"You got it".

"Get going".

Ruzek then left heading to the high school, Hank had went to everyone else in the squad.

"What do we got?" Hank asked, getting everyone's attention.

"I gave a list to where Charlie would go or hide out and who he might hang out with but those people could be either dead or in jail". Erin states from her desk.

"Check the locations and go see the people that you can".

"Hank you got a sec".

"Yeah let's go".

While everyone split up and went to check the possible locations and people, Erin went to Voight's office with him then shut the door.

"What's up kiddo". Hank says, sitting down.

"I'm not trying to pry into yours or Jo's life but she didn't happen to get a text last night from an unknown number did she".

"It was Charlie, I know".

"He sent me a message last night saying see you soon. Hank I think he's going after me and Jo this time, he wants us to suffer".

"I won't let him get either of you".

"So is Jo gonna be alright today? You got eyes on her?"

"Yeah I got Roman and Burgess outside of the school and Ruzek inside, Jo should be fine".

"I just can't help but think this is my fault, I brought Charlie into my life. And what happened to Jo wouldn't have happened if I never brought him into my life or around in general this is all on me Hank".

"No it's not Erin none of this is on you, Jo, any of us, it's on him and I promise you that I will be the one to end Charlie for good".

Chicago Central High School

Burgess and Roman were outside the high school keeping their eyes open for any threat, Adam was inside the high school wearing a janitor's uniform he was mopping the floors as he kept glancing around. A bell rung and he stopped mopping, a moment later the hallway filled with kids going from one class to the next or going to lunch. Jordan had he backpack on one shoulder as she carried a couple of her books. Adam saw Jordan as she was walking he turned away trying not to get caught, as the teen was walking she could have sworn she seen Adam. She walked around everyone and found the detective, she 'accidentally' bumped into him.

"Adam, what are you doing here?" Jordan asked.

"Hey Jo, what's going on?" Adam replies.

"Adam I'm gonna ask one more time, what are you doing here?"

As the detective looked at the teen she had a pissed off face that highly resembled her father's face, when Adam looked at her it was like looking at a mini Hank Voight but as a girl. Nothing had ever scared or feared Adam except looking into the eyes of a furious Hank Voight, but to see the stare coming from Jordan that scared him too.

"Making sure the...the fire extinguishers are working".

"My dad sent you to watch me? Didn't he. Knowing dad he'd do something like this".

"Jo he wants to make sure you're ok and that you stay safe, we don't know where Charlie is or what his next move is".

"So if you're here does that mean Kim and Sean are outside".

"How did-" He was cut off by Jordan chuckling.

"Adam, my dad raised a kid but he didn't raise a stupid kid. He wanted eyes on me inside and outside".

"Jo don't be mad at your dad understand why he's doing this, he just doesn't want nothing to happen to you".

"I get it I really do, does my dad nor trust me?"

"What? Jo you're dad trust me more than anything".

"Then why not tell me about you guys being here?"

"Because if you knew you'd tell him you wouldn't need us that you'd be ok but knowing you're dad he wouldn't buy it".

"Hey I gotta get to class, let's have lunch outside can't deal with everyone staring at me all day".

"You got it".

The teen then went to her next class and as she was walking she glanced around to see everyone staring and whispering, it was starting to irritate Jordan. When she got into her next class which was Algebra 2 everyone looked at her and started whispering again.

"Alright whatever you have to say about me stop being little wimps and say to my face". Jordan spoke.

"Did you get Derek killed?" One boy asked.

"Excuse me".

"Rumors goin around you got Derek killed".

"That is not true, I didn't even know what he was doing so how the hell can I get him killed?"

"Please that's what they all say".

"Whatever Derek did that was on him, I didn't know anything about what he was doing. I didn't know I was being stalked, I didn't think I was gonna get shot. So if I didn't know any of that and Derek did please how did I get that little piece of shit killed. Humor me".

The kid got closer to Jordan, the teen dropped her backpack to the floor and set her book on the desk. She balled up her fist and got ready to take a swing.

"I bet after what happened to you, you wanted to blame Derek so you had your daddy, Sergeant Voight kill him or he had someone else kill him".

"You son of a bitch!"

Jordan swung and punched the kid in his face, the boy then hit Jordan in her midsection and pulled her in a headlock. At the right angle Jordan was able to elbow the teen boy in his ribs and sent another punch to his face.

"Do not ever talk about my father!".

The kid got back up and tackled Jordan and she managed to fight him again, after a moment 2 teachers ran in the classroom and pulled the teens off each other.

"Get off me!"

Jordan released herself from the teacher and bolted from the classroom, she was seething. How could they think she got Derek killed? And most of them believed it? She felt something under her nose so she wiped it to see blood, scoffing she went to the nearest bathroom to see what the damage is. She looked into the mirror to see her left eye was a red color she, the teen grabbed some paper towels and wiped her nose of the blood.

The whole time she was seething with anger and she didn't know what to do, her first thought was to punch the mirror to let the anger out but that was not gonna be a story she wanted to explain to her father. Jordan then left the bathroom and went to find Adam, the detective was still wandering the halls cleaning keeping an eye out for anything. When he saw the teen coming down the hall he got concerned he immediately got concerned when he saw her eye red.

"Jo, are you alright what happened". Adam says quickly, scanning her for more injuries.

"Me and this kid got into a fight. Let's go outside not in the mood to deal with other people right now". Jordan replied, her voice was angry.


The detective knew one thing, this was gonna be a fun story to tell Hank.


Jay and Kevin went to go question one of Charlie's associates. Jesse Henderson. The guy was outside on a stoop when the two detectives showed up.

"Jesse Henderson". Jay said.

"Depends who's asking". Jesse says.

"Chicago PD, we got a few questions". Kevin steps in.

"About what".

"Charlie Pugliese".

"When was the last time you seen or heard from him". Jay says.

"About a month ago, he had some crazy ass plan I told him not to do it and leave me out of it".

The two looked at each other then back at Jesse.

"What was this plan?" Kevin asked.

"He was going to go after some cop's kid. A sergeant to be exact. Told his ass not to do it if he did it that was complete suicide".

"He mention a name of this Sergeant?"

"Hank Voight. I told Charlie not to go after that kid if he did anything that was all him I told him no, I heard of Voight that is one person in this city I'm not gonna cross. If Charlie went after his kid he signed his own death wish".

"You know of any places he would go? Anybody else he might go to for help?"

"Not that I know of, after he came to me to offer that deal I turned him down haven't heard from him since".

"Call us if you see or hear from him". Kevin handed over a card.

"You got it".

The two partners walked away going back to there car.

"I will say this that guy was smart". Kevin said.

"I agree. Who else would Charlie go to? Erin said whoever he talked with is either dead or in jail who's left". Jay replied.

"Maybe the others will get something from the locations".


Antonio, Kenny, and Jimmy were at three separate locations to see if Charlie would be there or if he was dumb enough to leave something behind.

At one location Antonio was searching an apartment, he walked through the whole apartment and saw nothing. The paint on the walls were chipped, it was peeling. He walked into one room with his gun raised and looked around he then opened a closet door as soon as the door opened he was stunned. More pictures of Jordan were taped up, pictures of Erin were up as well all of them were from the past month. If Charlie was in prison who took these pictures of Erin and Jordan?

Kenny was at an abandoned house, he searched the house thoroughly he didn't see anything out of the ordinary so far. He swept the top part of the house and it was clean same for the middle part. He then searched the bottom part of the house and it was clean.

Jimmy was searching another apartment building so far it was good, he was about to leave when he heard a scream and he ran to it.

"Chicago PD! Where are you?" Jimmy called out.

"In here!" The voice called back.

He ran back and looked in the bathroom to see a guy holding his stomach, blood was oozing out of his stomach. Jimmy then ran in and began putting pressure on the wound.

"What's you're name?"

"Zack. Zack Dalton".

"What happened".

"Crazy son of a bitch shot me".

"Who was it".

"C-Charlie Pugliese. I told him I couldn't help him no more".

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. He's loaded though".

"He's got a gun?"


Jimmy then called for an ambulance and stayed with the guy.

District 21

Hank and Erin stayed back at the District, Hank wanted Erin to stay back so Charlie wouldn't go for her. He hadn't heard anything from Adam, Sean, or Kim so he figured Jordan was alright. Antonio then came back and went up the steps holding some pictures.

"Charlie has a partner somewhere". Antonio said, entering the squad.

"What'd you find?" Hank asked.


He handed over the photos of Jordan and Erin, Erin got up from her desk going around to see what they were. When Hank saw the pictures he was furious, Erin was sickened. Who could have gotten this close to them? Who'd be dumb enough to help Charlie?

"How is this possible?" Erin asked.

"Have you noticed anything strange for the past month?" Antonio asked.

"No way it was quiet ever since we put Charlie away, it's been nothing out of the ordinary".

"We'll find Charlie and his new partner".

Erin's phone rang and she answered it.

-Lindsay. Erin answered.

-Erin you guys gotta get down here now. Kim's voice came on, frantic.

-What's wrong? What happened?

-Shots fired at the high school, Jordan's location and condition is unknown.

-Oh my god. Were on our way.

She hung up just as Antonio looked worried and Hank was at his door, he got worried at hearing the tone of her voice.

"What happened". Antonio says.

Erin looked back at Hank with a look of fear in her eyes. "Hank there was a shooting at the school".

Chicago Central High School

Adam and Jordan were outside on the bleachers, Jordan had her arms crossed and rested her chin on her arms. The detective looked down at the teen.

"Everything ok?" Adam asked.

"It will be once everyone stops asking me that". Jordan snapped.


"No I'm sorry, everyone just keeps asking me that all the time and it gets annoying".

"I feel you".

The teen looked over at the detective confused. "You do?"

"Yeah. Remember back when I first started in the unit".

"Of course you were the new kid from the academy".

"Being fresh out of the academy I never fired a gun before and during a case I fired my gun for the first time. I admit it messed me up a little and every two seconds it was someone asking me if I was ok it got me annoyed".

"Rumors going around school that I got Derek killed, apparently I knew what happened all along so I had my dad kill him or he had someone else kill him".

"Let them believe whatever they want, we all know the truth".

"It's hard ya know being the kid of a cop, the moment I get into any kind of trouble everyone thinks my dad will make one call and it goes away. And going back to what that dick said how my dad killed Derek or he sent someone to do it, stuff like that pisses me off. Back when I was younger I never knew what my dad did about him being dirty or any of that I understand he does what he has to, to keep me safe and protected but I know my dad wouldn't stoop to that level not ever. I don't care what they believe anymore they can blame me all they want, at this point I don't give a damn anymore".

Before Adam could say anything there was a loud bang followed by more shots, Adam took Jordan and covered her as more shots were being fired. The detective pulled his radio out.

"This is Detective Ruzek of Intelligences I got shots fired at Chicago Central High School send back up immediately". He says into the radio.

"Back up en route".

"Roman, Burgess, Shots fired find the shooter! I repeat find the shooter!"

The two partners heard Adam on the radio and got out of their cars to begin their search, they had the school put on lockdown while they searched for the shooter. Kim then called Erin.

-Lindsay. Erin answered.

-Erin you guys gotta get down here now. Kim's voice came on, frantic.

-What's wrong? What happened?

-Shots fired at the high school, Jordan's location and condition is unknown.

-Oh my god. Were on our way.

She hung up the phone and went to find the shooter, Adam kept Jordan covered so she wouldn't get hit. A few more shots rang out till they stopped, the detective looked around and saw nobody.

"Jo, hey Jo you alright kid". Adam says.

"I-I'm fine". Jordan replied in a shaky voice.

"You're not hit are you".

Adam scanned the teen over to see if she was shot, he already had to explain one thing to Voight he didn't wanna explain how she got shot. A moment later sirens were heard as ambulances, patrol cars and the team arrived on the scene. The school was off of lockdown and kids ran out, Hank looked through the swarm of kids to find Jordan and couldn't find her. Fear and panic began to rise inside his chest he couldn't lose his little girl he couldn't.

"Search the grounds! Find out where those shots came from! Find Jordan and Ruzek!" Hank ordered everyone.

All the patrolmen fanned out, the detectives went inside the school to find Jordan and Adam. Jordan was shaking in Adam's hold he wouldn't let her go and he wouldn't move from the spot afraid that if they moved more shots would be fired and either him or Jordan would get him. Erin, Antonio, Jay, and Kevin were searching the grounds on the high school, as they were searching Jay had seen two figures on the bleachers and went over to them.

"Hey! Ruzek? That you?" Jay called.

"Over here Jay!" Ruzek called back.

The three had went over to see Adam and Jordan, they saw the teen still in Adam's hold shaking like a leaf.

"You guys alright?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, I think Jo's in shock though". Adam replies.

"Jordy, are you alright honey". Erin spoke gently.

Without saying a word all she did was nod her head and went from Adam's hold to Erin's arm. Erin wrapped her arms securely around her sister holding onto her tightly.

"I-Is dad here?" Jordan asked quietly.

"He's in the front". Erin answered.

"Can I see him?"

"Of course, come on".

As the two started walking shots were once again fired, Erin took a hold of Jordan and dropped on the ground. The three men ducked to find out where the shots were being fired from. Hank and everyone else heard the shots he felt more fear and worry in his body, was Jordan hit? Was Erin hit? Could someone on his team be injured or worse? The older man pushed those thoughts out of his mind for a minute he wouldn't be alright until he saw Jordan.

The shots stopped and as quickly as they could they all ran to the front, Erin kept a protective arm around the teen they all circled arounded her incase more shots were fired. Hank saw everyone gathered around Erin who had a protective arm around his daughter. He was finally able to breath he rushed over to the team, he pulled his little girl into his arms and held her tightly. One of his hand rested on the back of her head and the other on her back.

The teen wrapped her arms around her father's waist she was still shaking a little, they got to the front and Hank had Jordan be looked over by Gabby and Brett. As the two paramedics were looking her over she felt pain in her midsection and when Brett pushed there the teen tried to hide the pain.

"Jo how bad is the pain, scale 1-10". Brett says.

"About a 5 or 6". Jordan replies.

"We're gonna transport you just to be sure".

"I'm fine".

"Transport her, I'll follow". Hank said.

"Dad I'm fine".

"I'll be right behind you sweetheart".

He kissed the top of her head and she kissed his cheek in return, Erin decided to ride with Jordan to the hospital. During the ride Jordan laid on the stretcher and when Brett was checking her midsection she gently pressed down and Jordan hissed in pain, she tried to hide it. She didn't want her father to know.

"Jo what happened that you and Adam were outside". Erin said.

"Kids being assholes". Jordan replied.

"What happened to your eye?"

"Don't tell dad please, I don't want him flipping out".

"I won't tell him you have my word".

"Adam won't tell him either?"

"I don't know but remember what's said between us stays between us".

"I...I got into a fight at school with a kid. A guy. He started it".

"What happened".

"Since I came back to school kids they stare at me and whisper, today I had enough of it so I told everyone to say what they were whispering to my face. This dick says that the rumors going around school is that I got Derek killed as if I knew everything about what was going on and that Derek got killed by dad or dad had someone kill him, I wasn't gonna let him get away with saying that so I swung he got me in a headlock I got out of the hold and punched him again. He ended up tackling me and that's when two teachers broke it up I left the classroom went to find Adam and went outside. We talked then all of a sudden shots started coming, he covered me and called for back up".

"Do you know where the shots were coming from?"

"No I didn't even see anybody".

"Jo don't listen to any of those kids they don't know anything about what happened, they wanna blame you because Derek was so popular. We all know the truth".

"At this point Erin I really don't care what any of those ass holes at school think, they can think what they want, believe whatever the hell they want. They all can blame me till the end of time it's not like they liked me at school anyway. Everyone looks at me the same way, a cop's kid. The second I get into any trouble all I gotta do is go to dad and is fixed that's what they think and that's what they'll always think so they can think what they want and believe what they want because I don't care anymore".

They arrived at the hospital and Will had checked over Jordan, the conclusion was she had a few bruised ribs other than that she was fine. She was ready to go back to the District or go home as long as she was away from the world she didn't care where she went. Hank arrived to Chicago Med and found where his daughter was being treated, after finally knowing she was alright and safe he was able to breath and think straight again.

"Hey you alright sweetheart". Hank asked.

"I'm fine dad, just a long day of hell". Jordan replied.

She kept her head down not wanting to her father to see her eye but Hank had already noticed as he took two of his fingers and lifted her head up by her chin and saw the eye.

"Jo what happened".

"Don't worry about it you got a lot more to deal with than my eye".

"I wanna find out what happened to your eye first".

"I got into a fight ok. That's what happened. A kid was saying that I got Derek killed and that you killed him or hired someone to kill him I wasn't gonna let him get away with saying shit like that dad. I wasn't gonna stand by and let some dumb ass high school kid who doesn't know anything talk about you like that so I punched him he got me back in a headlock I got out punched him again and he tackled me. I got a few bruised ribs from it but it was worth it to defend you".

Hank couldn't have been more of a proud father at the moment, he knew Jordan was open minded, she was always able to say what was on her mind. The one thing he knew absolutely for sure she had his temper. Once Jordan was released from the hospital they all rode back to the District in silence. After they arrived back to the District they all headed upstairs, Jordan headed for her father's office and shut the door.

"Everything ok? We heard the scanners". Kenny said.

"Yeah, Ruzek covered Jordan so she wouldn't get hit. What'd you find". Hank replies.

"Place I went to was clear nothing was there".

"Jimmy how about you".

"Place I checked there was a guy there he knew Charlie he tried to back out and Charlie shot him. He's in surgery at Chicago Med now". Jimmy answered.

"What's his name".

"Zack Dalton".

"I know that name, he use to be Charlie's right hand man for almost 2 years till he split. Never heard from him again". Erin spoke.

"As soon as he's out from surgery get him to talk".

"He said Charlie's loaded".

"Charlie's the one who fired the shots". Jay said.

"But we didn't see him, I looked around and didn't see anyone". Adam spoke.

"Zack had to have been the one stalking Erin and Jo for the past month, hide the pictures at another place so it wouldn't be traced back to him". Antonio says.

"We'll know more when Dalton gets out of surgery. Ruzek did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary today". Hank looked at his detective.

"Other than a bunch of moody teenagers no. When the shots started I looked everywhere and didn't see anyone, so either Charlie was out of sight or he did it from a car".

"Take Halstead, Atwater, Burgess, Roman, and Olinsky, look around the school, look everywhere in that area he had to be within that area to be that close to you".

"I'll go too". Erin said.

"No you're staying here and helping to run down leads".

"Hank I can take care of myself, I'll have backup in case you didn't notice".

"I said you're staying here and that's final".

"Look I appreciate you looking out for me but I can handle myself, you need to worry about Jo and helping her".

"This ain't up for discussion Erin you're staying here and that's final".

"I'm not a kid anymore Hank so I'd like it more if you stopped treating me like one".

He looked over to his detectives for a second. "Go find what you can".

They then left just as Erin threw her jacket down in disbelief and stormed off to the lounge and Hank followed her closing the door.

"I don't care if you like it or not Erin, you're staying here and that's it". Hank said.

"Hank I know this guy better than anyone I should be out there helping, he shot at all of us and Jordan". Erin replied, angrily.

"I understand that but he's after you and Jordan so to keep the both of you safe you're gonna be here at the District".

"I'm not about to sound harsh or anything but I'm not Jordan and you can't tell me what to do anymore. That was fine and dandy when I was 15 but I'm not anymore you need to stop with this overprotective father thing and let me do my job and find this bastard before he does something else if not kill someone else. You can do the overprotective father thing with Jordan all day long but not me, I can handle myself just fine. All you need to worry about is Jo and helping her".

"Last time I'm saying this, you're staying here and this isn't up for a debate".

Hank then left the lounge just as Erin threw her arms up in frustration, he phone buzzed signaling a text message she unlocked her phone then clicked the message notification. She froze when she saw the message.

-I'm coming for you Erin. Jordan too. Watch out.

She knew it was Charlie without a doubt if Hank wasn't gonna let her do her job then she was gonna do it without him knowing. The detective slipped out of the lounge without anyone seeing her and she left the District.

Jordan was laying on the couch in her father's office when her phone went off with a text message she picked up her phone and checked the message.

-I'm coming for you Jordan. Watch out.

The teen let the phone fall out of her hand which caused Hank to go in his office and check on her.

"Jo what's wrong". Hank says concerned.

She pointed to her phone and he bent down to pick it up, he read the message on it and it infuriated him. He was gonna put a bullet in Charlie's head to finally end the bastard. He went out and gave Mouse the phone and told him to track it. Charlie better hopes someone else finds him before Hank does. 

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