Untitled Part 15

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Hank had kept Jordan at the District the rest of the afternoon so she was safe, he gave her phone to Mouse hoping to track the number Charlie is using. When Hank didn't see Erin he figured she went to the locker room to calm down the older man then went and checked the locker room and didn't see his surrogate daughter so he went back to the squad.

"Anyone seen where Lindsay went?" Hank asked.

"We haven't seen her since you two talked". Antonio said.

"Mouse ping Lindsay's phone". He looked to the tech.

"One sec and...sorry boss nothing either she turned the GPS off or her phone's off". Mouse replied.

Hank then took his phone out and called Erin's phone, it went straight to voicemail. Fear began to creep up in his body not knowing where she went. Did she go and find Charlie on her own? Was she lured away? Many things roamed his mind about the situation, he went to get his jacket from his office. Jordan looked to see her father grabbing his jacket.

"Dad, we going home or something?" Jordan asked.

"I'm gonna go find Erin you are going to stay here". Hank answered her, putting the jacket on.

"Why can't I go with you?"

"Jo the safest place for you right now is the District, as long as you're here Charlie won't get to you and he ain't stupid enough to come in here and try anything".

"When could we go home? I love it here and all but I wanna lock myself in my room after the day I had all I want is to be alone".

"Yeah after I find Erin we'll go home".

He then kissed her head and headed out leaving the District, everyone in the squad knew where he was going and to look after Jordan. Antonio decided to go see his surrogate niece, he knocked on the door to get her attention. The teen looked over and saw him entering the office.

"Hey Antonio". Jordan says.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked.

"I will be".

"Can I ask what happened to your eye?"

"Got into a fight at school with a dick".

"What was the fight about?"

"Rumors were going around saying that I got Derek killed, they were saying my dad killed Derek or he had someone else do it".

"Jo they can't say anything about what happened alright they weren't there, they don't know what happened. We know what happened, the truth. Their kids they say whatever they want but just know that we'll always know the truth".

"That's all I get all day at school, people staring at me, whispering things about me as if I'm a danger to be around but they all look at me the same way. A cop's kid. A cop's kid who gets in any kind of trouble and my dad comes into save the day and make whatever disappear as if it never happened. Everyone thinks that because my dad is the Sergeant of Intelligence I can get away with whatever I want ever since my dad and Justin went to jail when I was younger it was bad, it's like now. Everyone staring, whispering, saying how I'm gonna end up like them behind bars now it's hell all I gotta do is get in a fight my dad gets called and it's like nothing ever happened. That's how everyone sees me at school now on the streets that's a different story all they gotta do is look at me and think, 'oh there's Sergeant Voight's daughter'. Most people they turn the other way because they know who my dad is others will come at me to get at my dad, I'm sick and tired of everyone looking at me like that and treating me like that".

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