Untitled Part 25

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After a few more days in the hospital Jordan was finally going to be released into her father's custody. While Hank was filling out the discharge papers Dr. Charles and Will gathered the team around to talk with them.

"As you all know by this point Jordan has regression which means she has the mind of a toddler so during this time you're gonna have to have patience with her. She may or may not remember you so re introduce yourselves to her jog her memory a little bit". Dr. Charles said.

"Also keep an eye out for her injuries with her emergency C-section she'll need to heal and rest it's still uncertain if she'll remember and if she asks any question don't tell her the truth because that could cause her to have an episode". Will continued.

"Should we tell her anything about her life? If she ask?" Erin asked.

"I'd think that'd be wise just be careful what you tell her because if she gets upset that could cause an episode and we don't know what'll happen". Dr. Charles answered.

"What if she ask about...Justin? Then what do we tell her?"

They all knew that was a very touchy subject to talk about so they never mentioned it.

"Tell her that he went on a trip".

Erin couldn't hear anymore because she was getting very emotional, Jay then went after her. She ran halfway down the hallway before falling to her knees and began softly sobbing a minute later Jay was by her side hugging her but was careful with her arm and shoulder.

"It's alright Erin, before any of us know it Jo will be back to her normal self in no time". Jay tried to calm her down.

"T-this is all my fault Jay. Jordan wouldn't be like this if it weren't for me. We have to lie to her about Justin, we have to lie to her about her own brother. We shouldn't have to do that". Erin says choking on a sob.

"We lie to protect her, we do it any other time so why should now be any different?"

"Jordan has regression this time. She may or may not remember a lot from her life and we have to lie about some stuff. That's not fair".

"I don't like the idea but like Dr. Charles said if we tell her something about her life she could get upset and have an episode. We don't know what'll happen if she has an episode".

"I still feel this is my fault".

"Erin don't do this to yourself, none of this is your fault. We don't blame you, Jo doesn't blame you, Voight doesn't blame you".

"Look where we're at Jay. Jordan's in a hospital, she has the mind of a child, she was kidnapped and held hostage twice she almost died both times. She was pregnant and never knew it, Jo can't hold her child in her arms Jay. Charlie wouldn't have done what he did if it weren't for me".

"You couldn't have known any of that Erin. You didn't knew that he was still here, what he was doing or planning any of it. Don't put any of that on you what matters now is the facts, Jordan's alive and safe, Charlie's dead. For now the only important thing is to help Jo get back to her old self. After today I don't wanna hear you blame yourself anymore because it wasn't you're fault, it wasn't you're fault, Jo's fault, it was all Charlie and the bastard is dead let's move forward and help Jo".

Hank was finished filling out the discharge paper, Kim and Trudy were helping Jordan change into some regular clothes. The teen hissed when she felt pain but it subsided.

"You alright sweetie?" Kim asked.

"I'm ok. Thank you for helping me". Jordan says shyly.

"You're welcome honey".

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