In What We Believe

By nurse2

981 72 54

SLOW UPDATES..... SORRY!! _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ After meeting in a freshers party 2years ago, 3rd year univers... More

In What We Believe


80 8 5
By nurse2

The bar is still relatively empty when we arrive, but the music is deafening and vibrates through the floor and bounces off the flyer covered walls. We find a table towards the far corner of the room, as far away from the speakers as possible, and settle down each with a drink in hand.

"Hey guys, as you know, Halloween is fast approaching." I begin speaking to the small group of 6, all of which were well on the way to becoming drunk.

Tom and Dave are your typical university boys, big sport enthusiasts and even bigger party animals. How they get their coursework done I have no idea. Both are tall bulky lads and have blonde hair. Dave has his shaved short and has chocolate brown eyes. Tom on the other hand has deep blue eyes half hidden by a mop of soft curls.

Even though they are boys, they both have a unique flare for the outrageous and flamboyant when it comes to decorating. Last years chance of letting them loose and giving them free reign to decorate the bar was a complete and shocking success.

Rachel and Liz are close friends but complete opposite in looks. Rachel is tall, brunette, hazel eyes and curvy, whereas Liz is of average height, poker straight red hair and turquoise eyes. Both have an amazing ability to get what they want from whoever they want it from. They are the best people to have on your side when arranging any sort of party

"The students union bar has agreed to host the party, including DJ. Emmy, have you worked out the costing of tickets yet?"

"Um, yea, I'm thinking £5 per ticket... if we could somehow arrange food, we could charge slightly more, therefore increasing our profit margins and hopefully make the Christmas Ball even better." Emmy explains excitedly.

"YES!!!!" Tom and Dave chorus loudly performing a high school fist bump.

Rachel and Liz - the last two of our commitee group- silently roll their eyes at their immaturity.

"Okay, Rach, Liz, can you speak to the bar manager and see what deals you can come up with.. cheap is good.. free is soo much better!" I say and they nod their heads in agreement and clink their blue alcoholic drink bottles together.

"Right, Tom and Dave, can you organise the decorating of the bar? Find out what we can and can't do and set about making the banners and stuff. Fancy dress will be mandatory so the place needs to be as amazingly spooky as possible." I ask, putting the last piece of the major planning into motion.

Turning to the center of the table, I pick up my glass of vodka and cranberry and take a big drink." Emmy and myself will make the layout of the tickets and flyers and distribute them around campus. Shall we meet again next week to see how plans are going? Any other questions or have I missed anything??" I ask, pulling the meeting to a close. The group shakes their heads in answer, picking up their drinks and getting up the meeting has officially ended. Everyone stands and dissappear into the growing crowd of intoxicated students.

Emmy and I make our own way towards the bar to order more beverages. After a few more vodka and cranberrys, Emmy leans in close to my ear, to be heard over the thumping base of the music, and loudly yells "Hey Kali, don't look now, but I think you've scored!!"

Like the complete and utter moron that I am, I immediately turn to follow Emmys gaze. As soon as I do, my eyes lock onto a strangely haunting pair of dark eyes. The foreboding stare belongs to a eerie looking guy wearing a outfit mostly consisting of black and standing in the darkest corner of the bar-next to the outdated jukebox.

Unable to look away, everything appears to pause. The surrounding noise of dance music and rowdy chatter seem to dissappear, leaving me completely immersed and drowning in the darkest depths of his eyes. An overbearing feeling of dread settles into the bottom of my chest. Struggling to try and maintain a sense of reality, I attempt to focus on my breathing. In, out. In, out. I am totally unable to break eye contact with this stranger. Falling and falling, I hear him whisper my name like a gentle lullaby, beckoning me further and further into the dark murky depths.....

Suddenly, a burning sensation on my arm breaks through my haziness and the room comes back to life.

"Kali, what the hell??" Emmy all but screams at me. The look on her face is one of anxiety and trepidation.

"Um, I'm not sure. I, umm,' I stammer, unable to focus on what is happening.

"Kali, do you know him? He was staring at you so fiercely, he's kind of intimidating." Emmy has calmed down minutely.

"No, I, um. No, I don't think I do" I shake my head not only in answer, but to try and dislodge the feeling of doom.

"Then why in God's name were you walking towards him? Huh?? Emmy replies curtly.

"I wasn't, I barely looked at the guy." Not really sure what Emmy is playing at.

"Kali, you were staring at each other for what seemed like 10mins!! It was like you were having a silent conversation with each other. Then you just got up off the stool and started walking towards him!!"

"What?? I, um-" Now im freaking out!! Had I really been looking at Mr Tall Dark and Scary for that long? And, why on earth would I approach someone I don't know and who looks that scary?? Don't get me wrong, I've approached a fair few number of strangers in the past, but, this guy was different, and I have Connor now.

"I, ah, I'm just going to the ladies, I'll be back in a few." I try and cover my zombie like behaviour. Not convinced that Emmy buys my excuse, I add "Order me a mojito, yea?"

"Okay, yea. Sure." Emmy turns around to wave down the barman and I make my way over to the bathrooms. I hesitantly look over to the jukebox to discover Mr T D and S has vanished. shaking my head, I continue on my way.

Finishing up in the surprisingly clean bathroom and washing my hands, I look into the mirror above the sink and attempt to rationalise what the hell just happened. Time seemed to have been lost while I became equally as lost in a dark abyss. Quickly dabbing my face with a wet paper towel, I give myself a pep talk and put it down to my overactive imagination and consumming too many V&Cs on an empty stomach. I reapply my lipgloss and head out of the bathroom.

Taking two steps towards Emmy, my vision is covered. Just as im about to scream, a smooth and sexy voice whispers in my ear.

" Guess who?" I immediately relax. I would recognise Connor's voice anywhere. Playing along I answer, "Um, could it be you Tom??" I am spun around so fast, I nearly lose my balance.

"Really, Kali? Thats not funny!" Connor protests. I instantly begin laughing at the stunned and somewhat hurt expression on his face, making me slighly remorseful.

"I'm sorry babe, but it was too funny. I'm so sorry, forgive me??" I plead, looking up at him through my eyelashes, flirting shamelessly.

"Jeeze woman, don't do that! You know I cant stay mad at you when you play that look! And why Tom, of all people? You know I can't stand the guy." Connor complains.

"I know you have a longstanding grudge with him! Anyway, how about I buy you a drink as an apology?? Yea??"

Connor pulls me up against his chest, circling his arms around my petite waist and whispers in my ear, "Mmm, or, we can skip the drink and head back to my place and you can apologise there??" His voice full of lust. My knees turn to jelly instantly and I'm as eager as Connor to make haste and leave.

"Okay, that sounds fair. Let me just tell Emms that we're leaving, she'll kill me if I don't."

"Fine. meet me out front. I'll grab my jacket from the lads." Connor sighs.

As I approach Emmy and the bar, I see her talking to Rachel, happily giggling like school girls. "Hey guys, Connor's just arrived so we're heading on home. I'll see you guys Monday?" I ask, knowing that my weekend will be spent with Connor.

" Oooo, have fun!! Yea will text you tomorrow." Emmy answers in a heavily slurred voice.

"Yea sure, no probs. have fun guys" I reply.

"Oh, you too Kali!!" Rachel and Emma call in unison and erupt into another fit of giggles.

Turning around, I make my way through the ever growing crowd of drunks, I'm pushed and pulled in every direction except the way in which I need to go.

Finally, after feeling like I've been lost in a sea of people, I squeeze my way to the front doors where Connor is looking at me smirking. Trying unsuccessfully to hide the fact he witnessed my piss poor attempt to get out of the club. Connor is trying hard not to burst into laughter, but the twinkle in his eye gives him away instantly.

"No comments!! Or it will be a long and lonely night for you.. Got it?" I demand trying to sound authorative.

"Yes ma'am" Connor answers, saluting me like you would an army officer. At which point our eyes meet and we both burst into laughter. Whilst walking towards his flat, all thoughts of my tall dark and scary stranger have been fogotten.

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