It All Began With A Letter

By innocentuniverse

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Letters. Who knew they could hold your future? Your love? Your job? A fortune? Good news? Bad news? Change mo... More

It All Began With A Letter
Chapter 1: Meeting Asher
Chapter 2: Ice Cream
Chapter 3: Hidden Talent
Chapter 4: Matching Names and Faces With Jerks
Chapter 5: Flirting In Class
Chapter 6: Party Time
Chapter 7: Healing Burns
Chapter 8: Italian Restuarant
Chapter 9: Clubbing Hard
Chapter 10: Re-meeting Sam
Chapter 11: Shopping Time
Chapter 12: Free Period
Chapter 13: Wish You Were Here
Chapter 14: Everyone Has Problems
Chapter 15: Dealing With Danny
Chapter 16: Depressing News
Chapter 17: Memories
Chapter 18: Songs to Play
Chapter 19: A Day I Want To Forget
Chapter 21: We're More Alike Than You Think
Chapter 22: The New Student
Chapter 23: Malibu
Chapter 24: Counting Stars
Chapter 25: Candy
Chapter 26: Takes Being A Rebel To Know One
Chapter 27: Young Forever
Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home...
Chapter 29:Graduation

Chapter 20: The Dinner

375 8 3
By innocentuniverse

I stared up at my blank, white ceiling emotionless. Or at least it looked like I didn't have any emotions when honestly, I had too many!

I had sadness because who doesn't feel hurt when the person they like goes and makes out with someone else right before your eyes and doesn't even stop it. I also felt happy though. I actually had fun fighting and yelling. I guess it just helped me relieve some stress. I bet you I'll be relieving a ton more stress on Monday when we get back.

But for some reason I also felt somewhat guilty. I hadn't given him a chance to explain himself. But my feeling of betrayal made me forget that. Then, there was always that feeling that made me cringe as a billion thoughts ran through my mind: worry.

What was I worried about? Definitely not all those people on Monday whispering about it. What I was worried about was whether or not Asher was going to tell anyone about my past life and whatnot.

I always told myself not to worry but I couldn't help it. After all, maybe he was just acting nice. Or maybe, like most of those other girls are, I'm just his flavor of the month.

The thought of being like other girls made my nose wrinkle up in disgust.

Anyways, I obviously hadn't done a good job telling myself not to worry because here I was, still in bed, on Sunday when the incident had happened Wednesday.

Yep, I'd been in bed for a whole 3 days already and I planned on making it 4 days.

Logan and Ashley constantly came to check on me with worried expressions. I just put on a smile and told them I needed time. Mason even came by once. We chatted a little about random stuff which made me happy. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about what had happened.

Asher had tried to come by a few times but Ashley and Logan just shoved him away.

Eliza hadn't visited me with Drew yet and I hadn't bothered either. Eliza already knew how I felt after these things, when all I needed was some space.

All during this time, I just lay in bed either thinking, sleeping, or closing my eyes and resting as music from my iPod filled my ears.

I barely even ate. Instead, I just made one trip a day down to the kitchen when no one was around and grabbed a handful of snacks and drinks. Then I would walk back upstairs, use the bathroom and shower, only to go back and snuggle up in bed as I began my process all over again.

Truth was, no, I wasn't being like all those other girls that just sob over their ex while their friends comfort them and they eat popcorn, watch depressing movies, and are forced by their friends to dress up and go party to show their ex how good they are without them when really all they do in the end is cry.

I wasn't like that one bit.

One, because Logan and Ashley also knew how I needed my space. Two, I certainly wasn't going to be using ten thousand boxes of tissues over some guy that wasn't even related to me. And three, I already know I'm good without him. I don't need to get dressed up and make him regret making out with Brittany. In the end, he's just saving me trouble from being caught in his triangle of love again.

I only stayed in bed because I was extremely tired, had nothing else to do, didn't want to go out, wanted to think, needed space (and lots of it!), and mostly, I had no idea what to do.

When I say I have no idea what to do, I don't mean it as in how to be myself or continue life without him. I can do that. What I mean by I have no idea what to do is well, this: I'm supposed to go to Asher's house tonight for dinner and go to California with them!

I know I can always back out of the California thing now but that'd mean Logan and Ashley wouldn't go and that's just mean more money wasted. Then again, Asher could always take Brittany and another friend and have Brittany bring another Barbie along also.

The whole dinner tonight thing, now I wasn't sure how that was going to play out.

I sighed as I reluctantly forced my legs out of bed and walked over to my mirror. I gasped at what I saw. I actually looked better than I thought! After being in bed so much and sleeping uneasily, I figured I'd have tons of bags under my eyes and just look horrible.

Staring at me now though, I only saw a somewhat slight bag under my eyes which was easily fixable with makeup. My showers helped to keep me clean and keep my skin glowing. The sweatpants and t-shirt I had on weren't at all dirty and my hair was thrown up into a messy bun.

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror before shaking my head. I was tired and I needed to end this. I couldn't be stuck in my bed all day long today just dreading the time until I had to go to Asher's house for dinner.

Then again, bed does sound like a good idea...

No! Snap out of it! I told myself. I needed to get over this.

I sighed as I grabbed all my trash, snacks, and drinks gently placed on a table I had placed in my room to hold them all, and carried them all the way downstairs into the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen, Mason walked in too.

I jumped and looked at him, startled.

"Hey, look who finally got outta bed," he commented with a smirk.

I ignored him. "How long have you been in my house?" I asked him.

"Um, two day? Wait, no...," he stated as he tried to figure it out. " yeah, two days," he answered smiling.

I dropped all the stuff on the counter before peering through the window curtains to get a glimpse of Mason's shiny black BMW parked in my driveway.

How had I not noticed that before?!

I glanced back at him in the kitchen where he stood with his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face, and one eyebrow raised.

"But how have I not noticed you were here?" I asked him.

"I don't know...," he said as he began to act like he was thinking before he stopped and looked at me saying, "Maybe because you were stuck in your room!"

"Oh," I answered dumbly before continuing to put away whatever snack or drinks I didn't use and throwing away the trash.

I then walked into the living room as Mia bounded off the couch and ran up to me, licking my hand that was limply hung at my side. During these past few days, Mia would sometimes come into my room and snuggle with me as I fell asleep. Then when I got back up, she'd bring herself back downstairs and do whatever the heck it is dogs do in their spare time.

I felt bad not taking care of her well these past few days but my 'housemates' have been feeding her, walking her, and playing with her. Whenever she hangs with me, we always end up sleeping. At least I'm making sure she's sleeping well right?

But anyways, starting today, that'll all change. I will become the real owner I had been before instead of moping around and locking myself in my room.

I smiled down at her as I plopped onto the couch and patted the seat next to me, motioning for her to jump up. Without effort, she placed herself on the couch next to me before stretching and laying down as I rubbed behind her ear.

We were watching a re-run of Undercover Boss when my phone went off. I glanced at it quickly and realized I had a text.

Asher's mom.

I hesitantly opened the text before reading the contents of it.

Hey, Riley. It's Asher. I figured that if I called, you wouldn't answer and if I texted you, you'd just delete it without a second thought, so I'm texting you on my mom's phone. Cool right? ;p

I stopped and laughed silently. Even when I was mad at him, he could still manage to make me laugh. I then continued on.

Anyways, I know you're mad at me and I get that. I deserve it, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Hopefully, we'll be able to talk about it sometime. Anyways, as for now, I was wondering if you would still come to dinner at my house. You don't have to come for me. Just my mom. She misses you and I know it would make her happy. So, think about it please. I miss you, ~Asher.

I smiled slightly at the fact that he remembered the dinner and that he was doing this for his mom. My breath caught in my throat at his last words. I miss you.

They played over and over. I missed him, too but I couldn't admit that.

I texted him back letting him know that I'd still go to dinner. He texted back moments later saying he'd pick me up at five.

 I glanced at the clock quickly. 3:57. I guess I did waste a lot of time in bed.

Seeing as though I didn't have much time left, I decided to just go upstairs and get ready.

I found a dress in my closet and decided to wear it. It was one I had gotten when I was at the mall with Sammy.

It was grey and fitted just to about above my knee. It was strapless and had a black bow at the waist. The top was tight where as the bottom was loose. I then pulled on a pair of silver sandals that Sammy had made me buy at the mall. She said 'Every girl should have a pair of sandals.' Obviously, she was right because right now, I needed them.

I then looked at the mess of a bun on my head and groaned. How was I going to do my hair? Sammy was probably living life, Lauren was probably working, and Ashley and Logan were out of town hanging with friends.

Then, as and idea popped into mind, I rushed down the stairs.

I ran into the living room where Mason sat with Mia on his lap, stroking her, as they watched some TV show that I didn't recognize.

"Oh, Mason," I sang with a smile on my face.

He turned around to face me with a smile on his face. The smile then faded as his eyes went wide and he took in my appearance.

"Like what you see?" I asked arrogantly, my head cocked to the side, an eyebrow raised, and a smirk playing on my lips.

He gulped before regaining his coolness and smiling at me. "What's up?"

"So," I said slowly as I sauntered over to him, "I was wondering if you'd do my hair..." I finished.

"Um, yeah, sure," he told me as he picked Mia up off his lap and placed her on the floor. He then shut the TV off and followed me as I happily skipped up the stairs, Mia trailing behind us.

Yes, I know. Mason's a boy but he was amazing at doing hair! I mean, he'd obviously never admit that to other people. It'd ruin his reputation, apparently but I knew and whenever I needed help with mine, he helped me. I guess that's what he gets for living in a house with four girls. His mother and his three younger sisters. Mason's dad had walked out on them a few years ago and ever since, his household had been totally different.

Pushing those horrible thoughts away, I walked into my room and grabbed my hair items before placing them on my desk and sitting down on my desk chair.

Mason walked over to where I was as Mia followed behind him before she walked over to my bed and jumped on it, walking in circles before plopping herself down on the bed. Why dogs do that, I'll never know.

"How do you want it done?" Mason asked.

"I don't know. Surprise me," I told him. Then I quickly added, "But make it cute."

"I don't think you need your hair to look nice to make you look cute," Mason told me.

I resisted the urge to turn around and pinch his cheeks. He was always so nice to me. I smiled at him. "You're too nice to me," I told him.

"I know," he answered, grinning back.


Half an hour later, my hair was done and looked amazing. The sides were pulled back and there was a slight bump on the top. The rest of my hair was in soft curls and I looked beautiful.

I grabbed a clutch and shoved my cell phone, keys, and some money in it before heading down the stairs.

As I walked down the stairs, Mason walked out of the kitchen doorway, a bag of Ruffle chips in his hand as he let out a wolf whistle. I smiled at him and did a twirl for him when I reached the bottom.

"When are you leaving?" he asked me.

"Um, Asher should be here soon," I told him as I glanced at the clock and wrinkled my nose in disgust at the mention of his name.

Mason began to choke on the chips he had in his mouth. "You're looking like that to go on a date with Asher?" he asked me, his eyes wide.

"Er, no. I promised him a last week that today I'd have dinner with him and his mother. And I would back down but I don't want to disappoint his mother. So I'm doing this for her, not him," I told Mason.

"Do you mean you're going to dinner for her or you're dressing up like that," he said motioning towards my appearance, "for her?"

I blushed slightly. "I'm going to dinner for her," I mumbled, not looking at him.

"Then why'd you dress up like that?" Mason asked.

"Just forget it," I told him.

"I-" he started but was cut off by the beep of a horn.

"I have to go," I told him as I walked to the door.

When my eyes trailed up to Asher's car, I stopped dead in my tracks. Because there, in the front see, was the biggest bitch in the world. Brittany. I guess Asher was so sorry that he decided to stay with her and even invite her to dinner. Who knows? Maybe I will give her my ticket to Cali.

I groaned but not wanting her to have satisfaction, I marched down the driveway and into the car as she smirked at me from behind the glass. She probably thought that just because she was behind the glass, she was untouchable. One swing of my fist and I'd prove her wrong.

As I climbed in, I felt a gaze on me. I looked up to see Asher's eyes raking over my body.

I bit my lip to keep from smirking. I needed to show him that I didn't want him anymore.

"You wanna drive?" I asked him. I was impressed when my voice came out laced with impatience and a harshness.

He gulped and then nodded, slowly turning his eyes toward the road as he put the car in drive and started off down the road.

I caught Brittany scowling at me through the rear view mirror on her side of the car. I smiled back at her and placed a smirk on my lips.


I sat there uncomfortably at the table, poking at my Chicken Alfredo before taking a bite of it. It tasted great, but it didn't stop me from wanting to puke and wishing I was blind and deaf.

Across from me, Brittany was talking in her annoying as fuck, high-pitched voice to Asher and his mom, he body draped over his arm.

I looked up for a quick second and rolled my eyes as she told us about how she had been prom queen for the past 3 years and was determined to, seeing as this was her senior year. I wouldn't be surprised though if she won it for 5 more years, seeing that she was so stupid. She probably payed her way to graduate.

Asher's gaze connected with mine as I immediately glanced down at my plate and started eating again. When I looked up, I turned my attention to Asher's mother and took in her appearance. An appearance I knew all too well. Why? Because it was similar to mine! Except I wasn't smiling.

She was smiling but it was fake. I could tell she had the urge to roll her eyes any second now. I bit my lip to keep from smiling. She was annoyed with Brittany and her mouse-like voice and fake features too.

Then, as if on cue, she interrupted Brittany's sentence and said, "Excuse me, I'm just going to take care of the dishes." And with that, she got up.

I did the same thing and got up. "I'll help," I told her.

She gave me a warm smile and I smiled genuinely back.

"Are you two done?" I asked, turning my attention to the disturbing couple across from me.

"Not at all," Brittany purred. Honest to God, I could feel my dinner coming up. And I was glad I was near her in case it decided to reappear.

"I meant with your food, slut," I told her.

She stared at me with a shock expression on her face before it turned into a scowl.

"Watch it," she warned me.

"No thanks, I'm not scared," I told her.

"Just because he doesn't want you anymore and his mom loves me, you don't have to be jealous," she told me.

This time, I couldn't hold it as I burst out laughing.

"You think she likes you?" I said. "Wow, your oblivious. She only got up to leave so she wouldn't have to see you."

"You wish," she snarled at me.

I raised my hands in surrender. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," I told her.

She turned to Asher and purred. "Oh, I know what helps."

I rolled my eyes and gagged. She looked at me and scowled before shoving her dishes at me.

"Why don't you be a good little girl and take our plates, bitch?" she asked me.

"Wow, I'm so scared of a plastic Barbie doll," I said sarcastically as I snatched the dishes from her.

Then, I shoved my face in hers as a look of fear flashed in her eyes. I smirked as I whispered, "Watch it when you're near me. Plastic burns near hot items," I told her.

Then I pulled back and continued to smirk as a scowl made it's way onto her face.

I then left the room, but not before seeing a sad look in Asher's eyes.

I ignored it as I walked towards the kitchen and began to put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"So," I said to Asher's mom. "I see you're just as annoyed as me."

"IS it that obvious?" She asked me as she began to chuckle.

"Maybe not to someone as stupid as her but I've worn that look enough times to know what it means," I told her smiling.

She smiled back at me and I then proceeded to tell her about what happened after she left and how the fucking Barbie tried (and failed) to threaten me.

When I told her the part about what helps that whore sleep at night, Asher's mom rolled her eyes.

"If that happens, I guarantee you Asher will be having his own address soon!" she told me.

"Ooh, can I help pack?" I asked jokingly.

Then we both burst out laughing. When we had stopped, his mom looked at me as sadness took over her happy expression.

"I really miss you, Riley" she whispered. "My son is an asshole for doing that to you. Not only doing that but saying sorry and then still deciding to stay with that whore," she commented as she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I let out a wolf whistle. "Whoa, Momma can swear!"

She let out a low chuckle before continuing,"But just because he messed up, I don't want to suffer. I'll always be here for you, especially now that your mom is gone." She said the last part silently and I felt a lump rise in my throat.

I threw my arms around her and hugged her as she hugged me back and a few tears spilled out of my eyes. I closed my eyes, savoring the hug. When she pulled back, she looked at me with a sad face as I began to swipe away the tears while laughing.

"I'm so emotional," I told her as I rolled my eyes.

We began laughing and then Brittany and Asher appeared in the kitchen.

Brittany sent me a glare and I just smirked back at her, obviously unaffected.

"I'm going to take Brittany home," Asher told us.

I nodded. "Cool but you might want to move a little faster. We'd like to start celebrating," I told him.

"Celebrate what?" Brittany asked, obviously confused.

Asher's mom and I just burst out laughing.

"Told you she's oblivious," I whispered to Asher's mom.

Asher frowned at us and then looked at me. "Let's go, Riley," he told me.

"I'm not getting in that car with you two," I said wrinkling my nose. "I'd rather not return home and have someone ask me why the fuck I smell like sex, " I told him flat out.

"How'd you know?" Brittany asked cocking her head to the side.

"Besides," I added. "I have to pack some stuff," I told them with a smirk as I looked at Asher's mom.

"Whatever, let's go Britt," he said, tugging on her hand.

"Bye, Claire," she said waving to Asher's mom with a smile.

"It's Mrs. Johnson to you," she said harshly.

I smiled at her.

Brittany blinked a couple times, obviously shocked but then just rolled her eyes and continued forward.


A half hour later, Claire, Asher's mom and I were drinking coffee and laughing when Asher walked in.

"Hey, Riley?" he asked.

"What?" I asked in a boring tone.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.

"Sure," I said with a slight lace of annoyance in my voice.

When I didn't move he spoke again. "Uh, somewhere private," Asher told me.

"Nah, I don't feel like moving. Plus, we're all frineds here. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of your mom," I told him as I took a sip of coffee from my mug.

"I'll go," Claire whispered silently as she got up. I sent her a look, my eyes wide, telling her not to go and leave me here with her asshole of a son.

She just sent me back a look that said 'It has to happen somtime.'

I sighed and turned my attention back to him.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"Um, thanks for coming to dinner. I can see it meant a lot to my mom."

"Yeah, well, like I said: I only came here for her," I told him, taking another sip.

"Um, can we talk about what happened?" he asked me.

"Nope," I answered, popping the 'p'. "I," I started, as I got up to put my mug in the sink, "Actually, have to go. So nice chatting with yoy, I'll you around if I'm unlucky enough," I told him with a fake smile.

"Riley," he said gently.

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" I called to him as I grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to his mom.

When I exited the living room and walked towards the front door, he grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Rilye," he began again.

There was a honk outside and I smiled. "I have to go," I told him as I slipped out of his grasp and walked outside, into Mason's car.


Author's Note:

Hey! So yes, I warned you guys I wouldn't be able to update for a while. I'm going to try and update another chapter today. So yeah.

I hope you all like this chapter! I think it's fairly long and good. What do you think about Brittany and Asher? About Asher's mother, Claire?

Well, if anything is confusing, please let me know.

See a mistake? Point it out, please.

Do all that good stuff: Vote, comment, fan, and read.

If you like this chapter, One Direction, cookies, sugar, summer, hate school, love your friends, or you're breathing right now, I think you should press that button with a star next to it that's up there. :]

Thanks! Love all my readers!


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