John X Reader ~Listen To The...

By heir_of_windsock413

883 12 15

Musicstuck AU, You are a girl who just wants to play her violin, when some guy steals it as a prank? You find... More

Lets begin
C major
D minor
E minor
E major
G flat
A sharp
B flat (HAHAHAH this isn't a real chapter)

F sharp

114 1 0
By heir_of_windsock413

Your POV

You have been up practicing by yourself all night so far.

It's late and you should probably get to bed, but you just couldn't stop thinking about John. You aren't even sure why actually, all he has been is rude the way you see it...

Though, the thought of apologizing has popped into your head, but the stubborn side of you says otherwise.

You laid down in your bed, exhausted you closed your eyes and drifted to a heavy sleep.

John's POV

After dinner, you and your brother decided to watch another shitty movie together because simply why not.

You had never asked him for advice on girls before, probably because the last time you had a crush on someone you were seven.

But you guessed you could give it a shot anyway.

"Hey, so..." You started reluctantly.

"Hm? What's up?" He asked half directing his attention to you.

"So say that a boy likes this girl...," you continued but we're only interrupted with an "oh boy.." from Jake.

"No! But like, he kind of pranked her when they first met okay. So would it still be ideal for him to ask her out or does he have no chance?" You asked playing it cool. Jake looked at you for a moment, oh you knew you shouldn't have asked him.

"Good grief," he sighed out before continuing, " you're the one who likes this girl huh?"

"Erm....yeah...." You said nervously scratching the back of your head.

"Well, now I don't wanna hurt your feelings but I would say ya goofed firstly"

"Yep, noted."

"Second, if you do wanna win her over ya might have to do something drastic. First just ask her out and see what she says, ya know to a movie or something. Just go from there or something"

You nodded your head, " 'kay thanks"

"No problem" Jake said ruffling your hair

"Hey!!" You said swatting his hand away.

"Goof ball, who pranks their crush", he laughed out, " that's freaking stupid"

You sighed. You really knew ya shouldn't have told him about it.

Your POV

Today is the day you would sign up for the spring orchestra!

As excited as you were, you made your way to school earlier than normal today

To your surprise, two people were already here signing up.

You made your way over, when you noticed that Rose was one of the people there.

You waved, "Hey Rose!!" Hurrying over to her. You stopped quickly realizing who the other person was.

"John? You're signing up for the spring orchestra??" You accidentally thought aloud.

"Eheheh, y-yeah" he nervously said finishing signing his name and turning around to face you.

"You are too huh?" He asked

You nodded in response a little nervous.

He handed you the pen

"Well, good luck then!" John said beginning to walk away.

"Hey!!" You shouted running up to him

You placed your hands on your hips and looked at him questioningly.


"Just what instrument do you play anyway John??" You asked in a slightly rude tone.

"Um..." He nervously said

You slightly tilted your head to the side still questioning.

Then he whispered after looking side to side "if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone."

You looked at him for another moment before letting out an irritated sigh.

"Why are you hiding it in the first place?"

"Well, that's...I never know when my sister will come and if she finds out I'm in the orchestra she'll be really annoying about it."

You still weren't buying it.

"A-Also because nobody knows I can play..except Rose..." He said looking down to his feet and pushing up his glasses nervously.

"Fine" you said plainly

"What?" He asked looking at you

"Fine, I promise I won't tell." You said

He looked to both of his side's again before embracing you in a hug.

Your eyes widened in surprise as he leaned in closer to your ear and whispered the faintest words.


He said just before the bell for homeroom rang.

You could feel your face slowly heat up just as he let go of you

He nervously scratched the back of his head while grinning a bit.

"Heheh, um..."

You were speechless, his eyes shifted to his side before he spoke again, "well I guess I'll see ya after school then, bye" he said before rushing to his class.

You looked down in your hands where his pen still was, "W-wai–!!" You said trying to gain his attention, but he was already gone.

"..." You stared back down at the pen in your hands.

You guessed you'd just go sign up then, since you just remembered you haven't signed up yet.

You walked over to the sign up sheet and took a look at the pen again before signing your name on the sheet.

(Y/n)  (L/n) : Violin

"So," you heard Rose say behind causing you to jump a little

"R-Rose! Hi..." You said clearly embarrassed.

She had a sly smirk painted across her face, you could only hope she hadn't seen what happened between you and John.

"I saw what happened between you and John"


"Y-yeah, but it wasn't–!!"

"Don't worry (y/n) I won't tell anyone"


"That you two are dating! If Jade found out there'd be no end to it. I won't tell"

"EHHHHHH??????? WE AREN'T DATING!!!?!!!"

"Yeah okay, but I saw how red your face was after he hugged you, you can't deny you at least have a crush on him"

"I-I....." You were speechless

Did you have a crush on him??

"I do not like John Egbert." You said sternly.

"Of course you don't." Rose said obviously antagonizing.

"So what if I do anyway?" You mumbled.

Rose laughed, she heard you DAMN.


After school, you made your way to your locker to grab your violin case.

You opened your locker, next to the case you noticed John's pen was there. You guessed you'd just give it to him in the theatre.

You grabbed your Violin case and closed your locker beginning to make your way to the theatre, when you saw Rose waiting in the atrium with her Violin case.

You decided you'd talk to her.

"Hey Rose, you waiting for someone?" You asked her.

"Oh, yes I am waiting for John. Jade instructed me to 'take care of him' for her. However I think he's capable of doing so for himself. Besides, if anyone could keep him in check, I'd say you'd be best at that."

"Huh?? What the heck? No I wouldn't!"

"Yes you would. That is why I am going to leave you responsible for waiting for him for practice every day. And, don't tell him its because Rose or Jade said so either. See you in the theatre!" Rose said walking away.

"Oh come on! You aren't really doing this are you? Rose!!" You said yelling after her.

She just kept sashaying her way to the theatre though.

You stood against the wall and let out a big sigh.

Checking the time on your phone, it was almost 4:30. You really didn't want to be late because of this cute bonehead! No NO! You really do have a crush on John!! How though?!?!

You looked to your side where the music room's hallway was.

John was running down the hallway at full speed doing something weird with his fingers and hands.

"(Y/n)!!! What are you doing out here?!! You're gonna be late!!!" He said running toward you

And he didn't seem to be stopping either!!!

You thought he was just going to run past you, but suddenly as he did run past you, he grabbed your hand dragging you with him.

"Hey! What are you doing??"

"If we don't run we'll never make it on time and it's almost four-thirty."

"Well so–rry! I was waiting for you!"

"Why the hell were you waiting on me?!"

"I don't know!!! And what are you doing with your hands?!?!"

"Stretches! To warm up!! Don't violinists do those??"

"Um, no?!"

You both finally arrived at the theatre to find Mr. Sariano waiting outside which caused you two to stop abruptly.

"Excuse me but just why are you two late? I didn't know what I was gonna do if you didn't show up."
Mr. Sariano said crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sariano, I was trying to explain to my sister that I had to stay after school today and, (y/n) was waiting for me. I'm sorry on both of our behalf!!"

Your eyes slightly widened in surprise at John's response to this.

Mr. Sariano looked between the two of you with his head turned upward a bit.

He grinned a bit, "go inside and warm up with everyone else, we've got alot to do"

You both seemed to notice you were holding hands at the same time, because that's when you both let go.

"Thank you!" John bowed before going inside.

"Thank you.." you muttered, bowing and followed inside behind him.

You suddenly remembered again that you haven't given him his pen back.

You dug it out of your pocket, "John!" You said

He turned around and realized you were holding his pen out for him to take.

"Oh, thanks! But...This wasn't my pen. It was on the bulletin soo..."

"Oh...Hah..S-sorry" you said.

"Oh well, I'm gonna keep it anyway cause pens are pens" John said stuffing it into his pocket.

Mr. Sariano walked past the two of you, heading toward the stage.

"Also, (y/n), um I was wondering if you maybe want to walk home together after practice" he asked scratching the back of his head nervously. You kind of loved it when he did that, it was so cute when he got nervous.

You were kinda nervous, but spoke confidently anyway, "Sure," you said

He smiled and said, "Okay" before heading over to the piano to warm up.

You went to the seats on the stage and sat in the violin section beside Rose.

"So, how did things go?" Rose said setting her Bow down on her Violin in her lap.

"We were late but, they went okay. We're gonna walk home together soo..."

"You are welcome." She said.

You rolled your eyes playfully and we're about to start practicing, when you heard John at the piano.

He was only doing simple exercises, but the happiness he seemed to have while he played was stunning.

It almost made you admire him.

You hadn't realized you were staring until Mr. Sariano began speaking.

"Hello everyone, we are all gathered here today to make up the Spring Orchestra!!" He said as everyone began cheering.

"I assume we all know how to play our instruments" He continued, causing everyone to laugh.

"Now right now, we are really in need for a pianist. If nobody else is here for it then John will inevitably be our pianist."

There was a sudden silence in every student. Nobody else seemed to be a pianist.

Mr. Sariano spoke, "Okay then that's settled. I didn't want to keep you all too long today. For now we're just going to pass out the sheet music for each section. Everyone go home and at least take a look at it. We'll begin practicing next week on Monday. Everyone's dismissed, have a great weekend." He said.

You closed your music into your case along with your Violin. Logically you knew you wouldn't be playing anything today, but it was a little disappointing. Why did you all warm up then?

You stood up, " I'm gonna head home now. I will text you later or something. Bye!" Rose said

"Bye!" You said behind her as she left.

You noticed John seemed to still be talking to Mr. Sariano so instead of leaving without him, you decided to wait by the door outside of the theatre.

While you were leaning against the wall beside the door, you pretended to be occupied with your phone but really you were just looking at dank memes.

The time read 5:03pm

The sun was setting, just as you let worry get to you, John came out of the theatre. "Hey (y/n), sorry I took so long again. Mr. Sariano wanted to go over certain parts of the music with me. Ugh, I'm gonna have to study this thing back, forth, inside and out just to get it right." He said beginning to walk to the doors to the school.

"I didn't even know you'd could actually play. I know you were just warming up, but I saw..." You trailed off.

"What did you see? Was it bad?!?! " John freaked out.

"No! No I just saw a lot of...potential."

"Oh, thanks. I wish you'd say that to my sister, or my dad." He said as we reached the doors.

He opened the door for me and I bowed thanks.

"You have alot of potential to you know. Even Rose can't do some of the things with the Violin that you can."

"Well, it's less skill with me...It's just extensive training. So I guess it's less potential, more intelligence in my case."

"I'm sure if you just made up something on the spot it would be pretty good." He said, adjusting the straps on his bookbag to fit his hands around them.

You looked at him for a moment before speaking, "Not really, Violin is a strict instrument. Making something your own is like sin." You said, moving some of your hair out of your face and looking to the ground.

"W-well..." He started, "The people who made the sheet music had to start somewhere, didn't they?" He asked looking over to you.

He had a very good point though, maybe you could make something.

"You're right actually, but if I ever do make something you should probably observe me. Y'know, just to be sure I don't mess anything up..." You spoke nervously.

"Hahahah" John laughed for a bit.

You frowned and stopped before you crossed your arms with your Violin case still in one hand. "I'm serious..." You muttered

John faced you and bent down to your height, placing his hand atop your head and ruffled your hair a bit while smiling.

"You just want me to help you, don't you?" He said in a narcissistic tone.

"No, just observe...And occasionally critique..." You said looking up into his crystal blue eyes. His hair looked so soft, it was so dark too.

Just made you want to....

You reached your hand up and ruffled his hair worse than he had yours. Wow, it really was soft!!

You snickered at your obvious win here.

"Hey!! What was that for? Now I really won't help you." He jokingly began to walk away.

"Wait no!! I need your help though!!" You said running behind him.

"Aha! So you do need my help"

"Yes, but–!! I-I would need you to make a song with me after the orchestra some day.." you held your head down.

"Okay fine, you gotta promise with me though" John said holding his pinky toward you.

You locked your pinky around his.

"Promise." You said.

"Jeez, it takes time to do this hair (y/n). Now it's probably all messed up." He said jokingly once more.

"Shoosh your hair is fine. I'm the one that probably looks trash." You said.

"Na you look cute like normal." John said with a laugh.

"Cute? Egbert I am not cute, I will smash your hands with this violin"

"Noooo not my hands. You're still cute, even with the 'Violince' hahah, get it?"

"Clever." You said.

You both talked until you reached your house. You will admit, you can say for sure that you have a crush on John Egbert as of tonight.
A/n: yay an update finally! Yeah well thinking is hard. Especially when you're the one behind all of the 2672 words.

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