A Love Like Ours

By xxlove2writexx

85.7K 2.8K 305

Amelia Tompkins is a 29 year old who's life is falling apart. She's pretty sure her husband of 8 years is hav... More

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1 (revised)
Chapter 2 (revised)
Chapter 3 (revised)
Chapter 4 (revised)
Chapter 5 (revised)
Chapter 6 (revised)
Chapter 7 (revised)
Chapter 8 (revised)
Chapter 9 (revised)
Chapter 10 (revised)
Chapter 11 (revised)
Author's Note
Chapter 12 (revised)
Chapter 13 (revised)
Chapter 14 (revised)
Chapter 15 (revised)
Chapter 16 (revised)
Chapter 17 (revised)
Author's Note
Chapter 18: Part 1(revised)
Chapter 18: Part 2
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Possible Sequel!

Chapter 20

2.4K 95 11
By xxlove2writexx

Warning! This chapter is going to be long. Twenty nine pages written out to be exact. It's been awhile since I updated and I wanted to give y'all something worth the wait. This chapter is going to be all the thing that happen over the holidays with his and her parents. Plus some moments between the two of them. I hope it's worth the wait and you all enjoy. I am going to try and update again in the next several days.

Do they not make a beautiful couple? *sigh* I'm so in love with this book and I hope y'all are too!! Now onto the story.


"Amelia are you ready to go?" I hear Austin call from downstairs.


Slipping on my shoes, I grab me bag and head downstairs. I am so nervous about meeting Austin family. All I keep thinking is, what if they don't like me or I them? What if this is what comes between Austin and I? Brushing all those thought aside, I continue my way towards where he is. When I make it halfway down the stairs I see Austin on the phone, standing by the front door. I must admit, he looks absolutely dashing. How is it possible for one man to be as amazing as he is? Upon reaching the bottom step, Austin finally notices me presence and looks up.

"You look stunning." He says stepping closer to me.

"Thanks." I feel my cheeks heat up. "You look quite handsome yourself."

Austin moves until he is standing right in front of me. I look up at him and see an emotion in his eyes I have never seen before. He is making me feel things I've never felt around him before. Just his gaze is causing me heart beat to pick up. I need to get ahold on myself and my emotions. I look down at my feet trying to calm all that's going on in my mind.

"I mean it Amelia. You're absolutely gorgeous." Austin places his hand under my chin bringing my face up to look at him. He places a kiss on my forehead and grabs my hand. "We better get going."

He leads me to the car, opens my door, then helps me in. Once in his seat, Austin reaches over, grabs my hand, and rests it on his thigh. He places his hand over mine, then looks to me and smiles. Every time he moves I can feel the muscles in his leg flex. Those same feeling from earlier come back and I can only pray he doesn't realize what's going on within me. I seriously need to figure out what in the world is going on myself.

The ride to his parents is peaceful but long. Every so often I find myself glancing over to Austin, who in return smiles at me. Being in the confined space of the car seems to only intensify the feelings I've been having. After all the holiday festivities are over, I need to talk about all of this with the girls. Maybe they can give me a little insight into what's going on with me. I know Kylie will love it when I tell her how I have been feeling towards Austin lately. I also need to take time away from him for a few days to think through the feeling myself.

After three hours of driving, we pull up to a beautiful state. Austin's place is small in comparison to this one. If the interior is anything like the exterior, then I can't wait to see it. Austin comes to my side of the car and opens my door for me. He grabs my hand, like before, and starts to lead me towards the front entrance. I hesitate for a moment which causes him to stop and turn towards me. I look up to him and when our eyes meet he can tell I need a minute before going in.

"Are you alright sweetheart?"

"I'm just nervous. What if they don't like me Austin?"

"They know how much you man to me, so they will love you Amelia. Besides I have never met anyone who had met you and not loved you." He pulls me into his arms and I relax against him. He just stands there for several minutes holding me, while I gather myself. "You ready to walk in now?"


Austin pecks me on the forehead, then intwines our hands and we walk into the house. Once we step into the foyer Austin calls out to his parents. I hear his mother before I ever see her, but when she does come into view I am stunned. This woman is absolutely stunning. She looks like she should be a sister to him instead of his mother. I glance behind her to see his father, and I can tell where Austin gets his good looks from. This family seriously has great genes. I am brought out of my gaze when I feel Austin's hand slip from mine. His mother steps towards him, engulfing him in a hug. He slips his arms around her then kisses her cheek.

"Oh Austin, I'm so glad you made it." She says.

"Me too mom. You know I wouldn't miss being here for anything. Hey dad." Austin says hugging his father.

Austin steps back to my side wrapping an arm around my waist. He looks down at me, at the same time I look up to him, and we smile at each other. The nerves I was feeling earlier vanishing when I look into his eyes. Looking back over to his parents I see them watching our interaction. His father smiles sweetly, where as his mother has an all knowing smirk on her face. Like mother, like son.

"Mom, dad, I'd like you both to meet Amelia."

"It's nice to finally meet you Amelia." She says pulling me into a hug. "Austin had told us so much about you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Harding."

"None of that sweetie. Please call me Katherine, and this is my husband Patrick."

"Nice to meet you." I say looking over to Patrick.

"You too Amelia. As my wife said we have heard a lot about you."

"Told you." Katherine says. "Austin couldn't shut up about you the whole time he was here for Thanksgiving. It was Amelia this, Amelia that. I feel like I know you already."

"Alright mom. You can stop at anytime." Austin states.

"Awe are you embarrassed buttercup?"

When his parents hear my nickname for him they both bust out laughing and start to pick on him. I can already tell we are going to get along fine. I don't know why I was so worried before. We make our way into the family room and Katherine excuses herself to the kitchen to check on dinner. Austin and I end up on the same couch, with his arm around my waist and his hand resting on my hip. Patrick offers us a drink, which we accept graciously. After awhile Katherine comes back into the room and we sit around visiting. About an hour later the doorbell rings, so Katherine and Patrick excuse themselves to answer the door.

"Are you alright?" Austin asks looking down at me.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"It's just, I know my mother can be a lot to handle and I wanted to make sure you're not uncomfortable."

"Austin I think your mom is great." I turn to face him. "I'm glad I said yes to coming with you."

"Me too." Austin places a kiss on my forehead and smiles at me.

We are sitting there looking at each other when I hear a squeal, then see a beautiful little girl running towards us. Seconds later she leaps onto Austin causing him to fall back onto the couch. He wraps his arms around her and begins to kiss her all over her face, which causes her to giggle. I sit there watching the two of them interact and can't help but think of how great of a father Austin will be one say. Just by seeing the two of them before me I can tell that his future wife and kids will be dearly loved and taken care off. A few minutes later I am brought out of my daydream but the little girls squeal and her finally speaking.

"Uncle A, that's enough." She giggles. "No more kisses."

"Awe, but I thought you loved my kisses?" He playfully pouts.

The little girl grabs Austin's face between her tiny hands, kisses his nose and speaks.

"I do, but save some for later." She smiles at him then finally notices me sitting beside them. She looks at me with a confused look and then to Austin, who smiles at her. "Uncle A who is that lady?"

"Her name is Amelia, and she's my friend. Can you say hi to her?"

"Hello." She says.

"Hi beautiful. What's your name?"

"I'm Kynleigh." She holds her hand out to me.

"It's nice to meet you Kynleigh."

"Nice to meet you too. You're very pretty."

About that time a man and woman walk into the room along with Katherine and Patrick. When Austin notices them walking towards us he stands, Kynleigh still in arms, so I stand next to him. The man, who I assume is his brother, comes to stand before us and embraces Austin in a hug.

"It's so good to see you Stephen." Austin releases him and turns to a woman. "How are you Kate?"

"I'm well." Kate replies. "I see you've already found the munchkin."

"More along the line of she found me." Austin laughs as he looks to Kynleigh.

"Mommy, Daddy, guess what?" Kynleigh says bouncing in Austin's arms.

"What is it munchkin?" Stephen asks.

"This is Amelia." She pauses and points to me. "She's Uncle A's girlfriend."

Her words leave me speechless and causes me to blush. I look from Austin's parents, who by the way are smiling, to Austin for help, but he is trying hard not to laugh. He would think this is funny. Glancing back to Stephen and Kate, I can tell they are amused but confused. Unable to hold it anymore Austin bust out laughing, causing me to gape at him. I can't believe this is happening. I haven't even formally met these two yet and he is standing here laughing at me. If I am being honest, this whole situation had me feeling quite uncomfortable. When Austin and my eyes meet, the look on his face let's me know that he knows how I'm feeling. He hands Kynleigh to Stephen and wraps his arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry." He whispers so only I can hear.

"It's fine. We can talk about it later." I look back to his family.

"Yeah." He looks to his family too. "As Kynleigh announced this is Amelia, but she isn't my girlfriend. Just a friend."

"It's nice to meet you both." I say.

"Nice to finally meet the girl my brother can't shut up about." Stephen smirks at Austin. "I'm Stephen, the better looking brother, and this is my wife Kate."

"Stephen behave." Kate slaps his arms. "Ignore my husband. He can't help but pick on Austin for everything. Like he said though, it's lovely to finally meet you."

"Same to you." I smile at her.

"Now that's settled." Katherine says. "I'll go check on the food."

"I'll come with you." Kate offers.

"It's alright sweetie stay here. I'll be right back."

We all take a seat and they start to talk. I sit there watching Austin wondering what he's thinking about. Feeling me looking at him, he looks to me and smiles. I smile in return, loving the fact that I am the reason for the smile on his face. Austin looks back to his family, slips his arm around my waist, and pulls me closer to his side. The feel of his hand on my waist and the way he is running my side is all too much. I place my hand over his to still the movement only to have him interlock our fingers. How did I think this would be a good idea. Now he is doing the same as before just to my hand. The feelings he is cause me to have are crazy. I glance back to him and although he is talking to to Stephen, I can see a smirk forming on those beautiful lips of his. Just by this I know he knows exactly what he is doing to me. I continue to sit there trying me best to act like nothing is wrong and that he isn't affecting me what so ever, knowing deep down it's just the opposite.

A while later his mother comes back into the room letting us know dinner is ready. Everything about this family and home is wonderful. I've only known these people for a few hours and they've already stolen my head, especially Kynleigh. After dinner we all move back to the living area for the gift exchange. Austin and I take a seat in an oversized chair while the other sit on the couch and chairs across from us. Katherine stands by the pile of presents, sorting through them. From the corner of my eye I see movement and the hear Kynleigh squeal again. She comes running towards us and I just assume she's coming for Austin. Boy was I wrong. She leaps into my lap, wrapping her little arms around me. I look at Austin and he just smile at me for the hundredth time tonight.

"Leigh why don't you come sit over here so you can open your gifts?" Kate asks her daughter.

"I want to sit by Millie, mommy. Please?"

"Have you asked Amelia if you can sit with her?"

"Millie may I please sit here?"

"Yes you may."

"See mommy, she doesn't care."

"Alright, if you're sure?" Kate's asks looking at me.

"I don't mind at all."

I sit there holding her while she plays with my hair. This little girl is the sweetest thing ever. Hopefully when I have children one day they are as sweet, beautiful, and polite as she is. Finally Katherine hands her and few gifts and she becomes occupied with them. Looking back up to Austin, I find him already smiling down at me. He moves his arm up and around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. He leans down to whisper in my ear and I can feel his lips brush my neck. This sends chills all down my body.

"Sounds like you have a new nickname."

"I guess so." I say trying to calm myself. His hand rubbing my bare shoulder not helping. "At least it's cute and was given to me by a beautiful little girl."

"She like you."Austin looks at me. "She usually doesn't take to new people like this."

"I'm glad she likes me. She's a very special little girl."

"You're a special woman." He states. "Especially to me."

"I feel the same way about you. You are one of, if not the most important person in my life."

"We should talk after the holidays are over."

"Okay. Is everything okay?"

"Yes sweetheart. Everything is fine." He pecks my forehead then leans back into the chair.

The rest of the evening goes over great and soon enough Stephen, Kate, and Kynleigh are saying goodbye. Austin and I excuse ourselves and head upstairs to bed. The whole walk up the stairs and to the room I am extremely nervous. Never in my life have I ever felt this around him before. Austin comes to a stop in the middle of the hall and tue s to face me. I am confused for a moment then he speaks.

"Do you want to sleep in the room with me or would you like to sleep alone?"

"Would it be alright if I stayed with you?"

Without another word he laces our fingers together and leads me towards his room. We walk in and I see all of my belongings are already placed on the bed. Austin let's go of my hand and I walk over to collect my night clothes, while he walks to the restroom. I sit down onto the edge of the be, trying to get all of my thoughts under control. After all of this is over I have to figure out why I am feeling the way I am around Austin all of a sudden. It's like I can keep my mind of of him lately. Maybe I have always felt this way and just punches it down before. When he comes out of the bathroom I try to step by him to go change but he stops me.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I walk past him and on into the bathroom. I step over to the vanity and prop against it, trying to clear my head of all the things running through it. Knowing I can't stay closed up in here all night, I wash my face, change clothes, and walk back into his room. Once in the room I notice Austin is nowhere to be found. I climb into bed and begin to pull the cover over me, when I hear the door open and see Austin walk in. Here come the feelings again. He is walking towards me in nothing but a pair of grey sweat that hang dangerously low on his hips and his chiseled torso is on display. It ought to be a sin for anyone to look that good. I can feel myself blushing, so I look away from him and scoot down to where I am laying on the bed. I feel the bed dip, then feel Austin's arms wrap around me. He pulls me around to where I am facing him and drags me closer to him. I look into his eyes and immediately know he has something on his mind. He looks as if he wants to say something but he's not sure if he should. Reaching up, he cups the side of my face and starts to rub his thumb over my cheek. I closed my eyes relishing the feels that are coursing through me. When I open my eyes I notice Austin starring at me with a look that completely takes my breath away. He starts to lean in but stops when the realization of what he's doing hits him. I can't stop the feel of rejection that washed over me. He already told me he's in love with someone, so why does this hurt so bad?

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" I know he must have read my face whenever he asked this.

"Nothing." I shake my head and look away from him.

"Amelia look at me." He places his fingers under my chin, bringing my face back up to meet his gaze. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing that needs to be addressed now. I promise we'll talk about it when we get back home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. There are somethings I need to work out and think about before we have this talk."

"Everything alright?"

"It will be."

"Okay then." He pulls me to where I am laying on his chest and wraps me back in his arms. "You know I am always here for you whenever you need me?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Wanted to make sure." Austin kisses my forehead then rests his head on top of mine. "Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight Austin."

The next morning when I awake, I reach for Austin only to find him gone. Where could he be? The only thing I want to be doing right now is laying in the bed with his arms wrapped around me. I'm scared I've already gotten so use to it that I won't be able to sleep without him. I walk downstairs to find him but am instantly stopped in my tracks when I hear him talking to his mother in the kitchen.

"What am I suppose to do?"

"Son you need to tell her how you feel and quit putting it off."

"I know. I'm just scared she's not going to feel the same way. Plus I don't want things to change between Amelia and I. She's my best friend."

"I understand all of that Austin, but you can't let fear hold you back from letting the girl know you are in love with her. Amelia will understand it all. Like you said, she's your best friend."

"Yeah, I suppose." Austin sighs.

When I hear this my heart drops. I knew this day would come, I just didn't know it would be so soon. I am about to lose something I never knew I wanted before it could even start. Oh God! Tears start to form in my eyes without me being able to stop it. Turning around I head back ip to Austin's room not wanting him to see me this way. I am going to have to put on a brace face and support whatever he decides he wants to do. He deserves to be happy and if this other woman is what makes him happy, I'll have to accept the relationship. This hurts so much more than I thought possible. Upon reaching the room I dry my tears and walk into the bathroom to wash my face. I decide to get ready for the day since we have to be at my parents in a few hours.

As I am sliding into my shoes, Austin walks into the bedroom. I don't immediately look up, because I don't want him to see that I've been crying. He stands in the doorway several moments, observing me, before coming to sit next to me on the bed. He hands me a cup of coffee and turns to face me. We sit there neither of us speaking. I don't know why he's so quiet, but I am in fear if I speak I may start to cry again.

"You look beautiful as always." He finally speaks.

"Thanks." I glance up to him. Big mistake.

"Amelia have you been crying?"

"No." I lied not wanting him to know. "My allergies are just really acting up this morning. I'll be fine in a bit."

"You sure?" He ask, not sure if he should believe me or not.

"Yes Austin. I'm sure."

"If you say so." He states. "Mom and dad just left, so I'm going to get ready and we can be on our way."


"If you want something to eat or more coffee you know where the kitchen is. Make yourself at home. I won't be too long."

Forty five minutes later we are packed and on our way to my parents house. I am trying to make things between us as normal as possible but ever since this morning it's hard. Just the thought of Austin and someone else makes my stomach hurt. I have to get these feeling figured out and under control before I'm the one that cause him to leave. This being friends and watching him be with another woman is going to be harder than I thought.

As we pull into my parents driveway, I take a deep breath and push everything to the back of my mind. Don't get me wrong I love my parents and being back home, I just need to be alone and to have some space between Austin and myself to get some clarity. The truth is I have to start depending on him less and myself more. After he commits to this women of his things will change. I'm going to put a smile on my face and pray no one notices its fake. I can only hope today goes smoothly. Austin brings me out of my thought when he opens my door.

"You ready to go?" He reaches out to me and I take his hand.

"Yep. Let's go." I hop out of the car and we walk towards the house.

"Amelia are you alright? You've been awfully quiet this morning."

"I'm fine. Now let's go see my momma. You know she loves you more than me."

"It's not my fault she loves me more." He smirks. "I can't help I'm so lovable."

"Whatever you say buttercup."

Once inside, I hear my momma in the kitchen and head that way pulling Austin along with me. I come to a stop in the doorway and watch how my momma and daddy interact with each other. You can see the love they have for one another in everything they do. Seeing them this happy makes me have hope that one day I'll have it too. After a few minutes momma notices us standing there and heads over to us.

"Oh my babies. I'm so glad y'all are finally here." She pulls both of us into a hug. "I have missed you both so much. Especially you Austin, being as you weren't here for Thanksgiving."

"I've missed you too Evelyn. How are you Samuel?" Austin reaches his hand out to shake my daddy's.

"I've been good son. Where's that boyfriend of your Amelia?" Daddy asks.

"We aren't together anymore daddy. Too much stuff went on and we are just in different places in our lives. We decided that we are better off as fiends."

"Good!" Momma states. "I never really cared for you being with that boy anyway. Something was just off with him."

"Yes momma, I know. You made that perfectly clear during Thanksgiving."

"I can't help it Amelia! You deserve better than him. In my opinion you should be with someone who is going to treat you the way you should be treated, and he didn't."

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" I say starting to get a little annoyed. "We aren't together anymore so you don't have to worry about it. There's no need to keep bringing it up."

"Okay. I will not bring it up again and I'm sorry." Momma says as she goes back to cooking. "What about you Austin? Is there anyone special in your life?"

"There is someone. She just doesn't know how I feel, but I plan to change that soon."

"Good for you. I always thought you and Amelia would end up together. Guess I was wrong. Anyway, why don't don't y'all go make yourselves comfortable and as soon as u put this pie in the oven I will join you both."

Austin and I walk into the living area to find daddy relaxing in his recliner. I was wondering where he got off to when momma got on her soap box over Tyler. I take s seat on the love seat and Austin follows suit, wrapping his arm around me. We are all sitting around talking when I hear my niece and nephew giggling in the foyer. Moments later they appear followed by their parents. After greeting them all, my momma disappears back into the kitchen along with my sister. I decide to head in there to help finish things up.

"I'm going to head in the kitchen to see if momma needs any help. Will you be alright with these two by yourself?" I whisper to Austin.

"I'll be fine sweetheart. Go spend time with you momma and sister."

"If you need me, you know where to find me." I smile at him.

"Just go." He pecks my forehead as I am getting up.

As I enter the kitchen, Meghan looks at me and smirks. This is a dead give away that she and momma have been talking about Austin and I, and I am about to get an ear full. I step up to the bar and take a seat In one of the chairs. Before I can even utter the word 'don't', my sister starts in in me.

"Mia, when are you going to make a move on that hot piece of man out there?"

"I'm not. We are just friends. How many times do I have to tell you this?"

"Girl you are crazy. If I was single, I'd be all over that man."

When Meghan says that her and momma laugh, but something inside of me didn't like that statement. Joking or not! I sit there starring at Meghan and mom, not knowing what to say to either of them. I love them, but man are they nosey sometimes.

"Meghan's right Amelia. You better make a move before it's to late. That man loves you so much. I can tell by the way he treats and looks at you."

"You're wrong this time momma. You heard him talking about that woman he loves this morning. He doesn't know this but I overheard him talking to his mom in the kitchen earlier. Long story short, she asked him when he was going to confess to the woman he loves and he said soon. The only thing holding him back from telling her is that he doesn't know how I'd take it. He's afraid that confessing to her will come between the friendship we have. So you can both let go of this fantasy you have of the two of us being together. It's not going to happen."

"Alright I'll let let it go. I didn't know that he was in love with someone else."

"Yes momma, he is."

"Okay then. Enough of all that. Go get the men and children so we can eat this food I've slaved over."

The rest of the day is spent eating, opening gifts, and just having an all out good time. Neither momma or Meghan bring up Austin and I for the rest of the evening. Around six that night we say our goodbyes and head home. Austin tries to get me to stay over at his place, but I insist on going home. With Joshua in jail for what he did to me several days ago, I know I'll be fine. Austin doesn't like it but agrees to take me there none the less. When we pull into the driveway we sit there for a few minutes before Austin speaks.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"I'll be fine. I promise."

"Alright, but I'm still walking you to the door."

Austin comes to my side, opens my door, and grabs my hand leading me to my building. Once inside my condo, Austin shut and locks my door then walks into the kitchen with me. This place is a mess after that night with Joshua. When I bring my gaze back to Austin's I can see the worry on his face. I walk until I'm standing right front of him and hold his face in my hands. I want him to look me in the eyes when I tell him this.

"Austin I will be fine. Joshua is in jail and he can't hurt me anymore."

"I know sweetheart, but I can't help worrying about you." Pulls me into a hug, so I wrap my arms around his neck.

Austin picks me up and places me on the bar so that we are more eye level, then pulls me back into a hug. Him holding me like this isn't helping the feelings that keep popping up when I'm around him. What is this man doing to me and my emotions? Austin pulls back from the hug and places one of his hands on the side of my face.

"Amelia if you need me for anything, don't hesitate to call me. I don't care if it's just that you can't sleep, call me and I'll be on my way. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." I laugh.

"Sweetheart I'm serious. I don't like you being here by yourself."

"I know Austin, but like I said before, I'll be fine."

"Well I'm going to go then. Walk me to the door then lock it behind me."

I follow him back to the foyer and stop at the front door. Austin pulls me into another hug before turning to unlock the door. He stands there looking at me like he is contemplating whether he should leave or not. Soon enough the look on his face leaves and he opens the door.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight Austin."

He kisses me on the cheek and leaves. With that I am left all alone, to figure all these feelings I've been having for him. What joy!


Well there it is! Hope you enjoyed it and that it didn't leave you to disappointed. I am hoping to have the next chapter published in the next few days and I promise it has lots of drama.

Lots of love. M

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