Forbidden Love (On hold, revi...

By shericee_

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In the 1940s, living in Georgia, is hard. Being an African American is harder, even if your only half. That's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

450 18 11
By shericee_

Jane didn't know if it was possible to hear a heart break, but in that moment she swore the sound rang in her ears. She instantly felt empty, alone, scared. Her eyes followed him until he angrily slammed the door on his car and sped away. Jane stood there, frozen in shock and not really sure if the events that had just happened were real. She didn't just break up with Robert, no no no no, she would just wake up tomorrow and everything would be like it normally was she reassured herself. Hopefully, he'd even sneak in her room and give her a goodnight kiss this evening.

Jane nodded and started walking home, soothing her mind with these silly and untrue thoughts while her heart screamed differently. Other students still lingered in the school's parking lot, despite the barking principal telling them to leave. She cut through the crowds, deciding to take the long way home so she could gather herself and her thoughts before arrving home.

Leaving the school grounds and starting towards the long road that led her home, Jane noticed a car trailing behind her slowly. Turning her head, she met the evil and sulking eyes of Lois who turned her lip up in a smirk before driving off. Jane rolled her eyes before wiping them and quickening her pace. 


Jane honestly didn't know how long it had taken her to get home today but she arrived in front of her house, snapping her out of her clouded thoughts. The sun was nearly set and clouds dotted every visible part of the sky. She sighed before walking inside. 

Her father's radio was playing music between the static every five seconds making it possible to hear the song but still annoying. He sat on his chair with a beer in hand as he hummed along to it. Jane smiled slightly to herself. Well, at least not everything had changed. She went into the kitchen and found her mom washing and putting away some dishes. 

"Hey, ma," Jane mumbled softly.

"Jane! Where have you been, sweetie? It's nearly sun down. Dinner is in the oven if you're hungry," Her mother exclaimed, without even turning around.

I could be bleeding to death or have a bullet wound in me and neither of my parents would know, she thought to herself.

"Yeah, okay." Jane sighed before sliding her shoes off and heading upstairs.

"Jane?" Her father called out after hearing her footsteps. 

"Yeah, hey Pops." She responded, stopping midstep.

"Why are you home so late?" 

"I stayed for some extra credit at school, sorry I didn't ring." 

"Yeah, yeah. Go get washed up."

Jane nodded and continued upstairs until she finally reached her room. Collapsing on her bed, she felt another fit of sobs coming on but her body wouldn't allow it. She felt so...numb. Nothing would ever be the same anymore, she realized. Sitting up slowly on her bed, Jane glanced out her window which had a note stuck to it. She mashed her eyebrows together in confusion before getting up and opening her window to grab the note. It read:

Jane, I feel like shit. Worse than shit, the germs that live on shit. Just give me a chance to talk to ya, please. 


She looked around her room, grabbing a small rock from the ones she collects and wrapping it in the paper. Jane then walked back over to her window and threw it at Calvin's window with just enough force so it wouldn't crack. Not a minute later, his small face was at the window and he opened it.

"Hi." He said simply.

Jane waved her hand, signaling him to come over. Calvin promptly nodded and ducked his head back inside to go change. Flopping back onto her bed, Jane's head filled with images of Robert and his voice flowed through her ears. She sighed, rubbing her temples just as Calvin pulled himself up into her room. 

"H-hey," Calvin stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.

Honestly, he was the most adorable thing ever. Jane sat up, patting the spot next to her on the bed. He smiled slightly before making his way over and sitting down, clutching his hands together. Calvin brought his eyes to hers as she plucked the few leaves he'd accumulated out of his hair.

"Your eyes...they look all puffy. I don't want you crying no more." Calvin stated, wiping off one of the tears that had stubbornly fallen from her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," she grinned slightly.

Calvin sighed, taking a deep breath before continuing "Listen, Jane, I just wanna apologize." he started, looking down, "I'm really sorry for what I did, but I just can't live with you hating me forever. I was just jealous and hurt, just was bein' a real jerk to ya."

Jane smiled sadly, bringing her hand up to stroke his cheek. 

"It's okay," she said simply.

"No, no it's not, what kind of friend am I, I mea-" 

"Cal, it's really alright." Jane assured him.

"If you wanna be with him, I should be supporting you not trying to bring you do-"

"Shut it and kiss me," She said, sliding her hand down to his neck and crashing her lips into his.

Calvin's eyes lit up in utter shock and excitement, he didn't hesitate to kiss back, quickly wrapping his arms around her body.

Jane wouldn't be lying if she said she didn't have a clue what she was doing right now. She didn't like Calvin this way, at all, but she just felt so numb. She wanted to feel something, anything. 

She imagined it was Robert she was kissing, who was trailing his hands down her body and kissing her neck. And those mere thoughts set her body on fire. Smiling against Calvin's lips she laid down on her bed, with her arms wrapped around his neck, never breaking their kiss. Calvin broke away temporarily, breathing heavily and looking down at Jane.

"So...I'm guessing you two brok-" Calvin was interrupted by Jane's lips meeting his again. This time with much more hunger and lust. 

She didn't want to think about that right now, she just wanted to feel. And pretending Calvin's lips were Robert's was doing the job. Jane ran her hands through his coily, dark hair pretending it was Robert's soft and blonde hair. 

He brought his lips to her neck once again, this time sucking lightly on the skin as his hands moved up her dress. Jane knew she should be stopping this, it was going way to far. She was leading her best friend on and this was never what she wanted. But her eyes only saw Robert and felt him and god did it feel good. Chills ran down her body and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he continued kissing and sucking the skin on her neck. His hand was now fumbling with her bra strap and soon she was wiggling out of it. Calvin brought his lips back up to hers as his hand gently massaged her breast.

Jane moaned, biting her lip with her eyes closed tightly.

"Robert...yes, yes. I'm ready, I wanna do this. I love you." She breathed.

She felt the lips detatch from hers and the hand snaked from out of her dress. Jane's eyes quickly fluttered open and she sat upright on the bed, her hand covering her chest. A couple of buttons on Calvin's shirt had come undone and she was pretty sure it was her doing, she watched as he buttoned them up again. 

"I knew this didn't feel right," He muttered. 

Jane felt her eyes well up as she quickly put her bra on again. What was wrong with her? It's like she hadn't even been herself when all that was going on, she was so selfish and stupid. Wiping the tears that fell onto her cheeks, Jane got up and opened the window before standing next to it.

"I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. Could you just g-go?" She asked, sniffling and looking down. She couldn't bring herself to look into his eyes.

Calvin nodded with a frown on his face, "No need to tell me twice, princess." He said before quickly exiting out her window. She slammed it shut and crawled back into her bed, bringing her knees to her chest. 

I'm a mess, an absolute mess, she decided. Maybe I did Robert a favor, breaking up with him. He honestly deserves someone better, Jane thought. She couldn't even believe she'd stooped this low and brought Calvin down with her. She knew things between the two of them would never be the same now either. Picking up a pillow, Jane promptly screamed into it before lying down on her back in exhaustion. She was tired but her mind was racing and she wanted everyone and everything to just stop and help her. But she knew she was in this alone now, it was a scary thought for her because Jane had never been alone in her life. She'd always had someone to depend on but now that Robert and Calvin were both gone she felt lost.

Jane felt her eyes slowly get heavier and sleep suddenly wasn't as far as she thought anymore.


Sorry this is short and sorry it took me two months to update again but better than another year right?? I'm writing more chapters currently and they will be longer but just bear with me, I will update again as soon as I can alright. Thank you for reading and supporting me!

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