Chapter 22

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Jane nodded, her eyes stinging slightly from the amount of tears that had left her eyes.

"Yes, pl-please." She told him as she watched him slide down the wall.

She wondered why he was deciding to talk to her now. After all these days he's ignored her, made her feel weak and defeated. But she couldn't ask him all that right now. She'd missed his presence, the way he made her feel. And at the moment, she didn't think it was possible for her to feel less hopeless. Plus, she just really needed someone to talk to, and he had always been her first choice.

Calvin sat down besides her, crossing his legs and taking a deep breath. It had really been to long since she'd last seen him. She missed his soft brown eyes, hidden behind his thick glasses and his sweet, dark distinctive scent that only belonged to him. Looking over at him, she felt the ends of her lips twitch in a smile.

"Calvin, I-I um..." Jane trailed off, not knowing the right words to say and not wanting to ruin the moment.

"I missed ya." Calvin sighed, finishing her sentence.

Jane nodded, grabbing his arm and burying her face in his shoulder. She was beyond glad the feeling was mutual.

Calvin nervously scratched the back of his head, avoiding her eyes. "Well, ya been?" He asked her.

"Better, definitely better." Jane admitted, wiping some of the leftover tears from her face with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He questioned, finally looking down at her.

His eyes met hers and she swore all kinds of sparks rushed through her body. But maybe it was just because she hadn't seen him in awhile. There was something else hidden deep within his eyes, but she couldn't define it. Not just yet.

"I'd tell you...but then I'd have to kill you." Jane looked up at him with a small smile before shaking her head jokingly.

The older boy chuckled, rubbing his chin slightly.

"Ah, c'mon Jane. Cain't be that bad." He tried shrugging as he smirked looking down at her. There was a hidden sense of...knowledge? Was that even the right word Jane thought to herself.

"Well, let's just say I have a decision to make and ju-just whatever I chose, I know the outcome will hurt someone." Jane shrugged giving him a sad smile.

Calvin nodded, looking dead ahead. Like he was immensely focused on something in the distance.

"Sounds like you've got yourself into a nice, little pickle." He said. "Well, maybe I could give ya some friendly advice. What's the options?"

Jane bit her lip lightly, shaking her head. "One side, I could be completely selfish and keep the best thing I've ever had all to myself or-" She started only to quickly get cut off by Calvin.

"Wait a minute, hold up there. How do you know it's the 'best' if you haven't given anything else a chance? How can you be so sure, Jane?" Calvin's voice rose a bit, an angry edge to it.

Jane stiffened up beside him, detaching from his side. There's was something she wasn't quite catching onto yet and it bugged her.

"Because he-it makes me feel special and different and-" Jane's voice was starting to rise slightly as well, to catch up to his until she was cut off yet again.

"Jane, but check this out. You can't judge what's best unless you've tried everything. And you haven't because if you had you'd obviously see that the best is right in front of you, but you're to damn stubborn and blind to see it!" Calvin was now practically yelling.

Jane scoffed, shoving him. "What in God's name are you getting at Calvin?" She asked him, confusion in her voice.

Calvin sighed, resting his head in his hands aggravatedly. "I know, Jane. I know all about you and him. All about your little fling." He breathed.

Jane gasped, not able to take in anymore or release any. She just sat there. Dazed, confused, frozen.

"What-what, Calvin. I-I don't even-" Jane stuttered nervously, looking down at the ground, her mind a jumbled mess.

What could he possibly be talking about? Could he actually...know? She pondered that thought before instantly discarding it.

"Oh, bullshit. Don't play stupid with me now, Jane. A little to late for that." He spat.

Jane breathed for the first time in awhile, due to the slight pain im her lungs.

"Why are you acting like this? Shouldn't ya be, I dunno, happy for me? Isn't that what friends are for?" She tried, taking a dip into unknown waters.

"Oh, so that's what we are now? Hm, I thought I was the lame kid you relied on when something went wrong with that golden boy of yours." He gave her a disgusted look, raising his arms above his head.

"How long have you known?" Jane said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Awhile now. I saw you two...I saw you two kissin' in the damn window."

Jane mentally slapped herself in the head. How could they've been so reckless, so carefree? They made one silly mistake and they'd been exposed.

"Really Jane? You've always been silly but this? C'mon now, you just cain't be stooping this low." Calvin brought her out of her thoughts.

"Stooping low? You'd be one to talk." Jane admitted, disgusted by his attitude. "Don't try to make me regret this. It won't work. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I mean that."

"You've gotta be joking me." Calvin groaned, resting his head on the wall.

"Jealousy is absolutely atrocious on you, Calvin." Jane gave him the nastiest look before starting to gather her things and stand up.

"Hm, maybe that's why I told Lois. Does it look any better on her?" Calvin said it quickly, almost looking like he regretted it right after. "Jane...I'm sorry. I-"He trailed off at a slight loss of words.

Jane had made slight leway, but hearing his words, she stopped dead in her tracks. She turned on her heels, jaw hanging. "You...told...Lois?" She gaped incredulously.

" might've came out-I don"

She shook her head. Not wanting to hear anymore of his lies, his excuses. That was the last straw, that was what had really done it. Calvin telling Lois had pretty much ended Robert and Jane's relationship.

Almost subconsciously, Jane felt her hand raise in the air and before she knew it, it made contact with Calvin's cheek. The sound and impact making Jane jump back. She felt a single tear roll down her face, and didn't bother to wipe it off.

"I hate you...and I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this, but I hate you, Calvin." And that was the last thing she said to him before turning around and walking off.


Sorry it's short! The next one should be much longer. The "break up" chapter. Thanks for reading guise! xo.

Forbidden Love (On hold, revised and improved edition in the works)Where stories live. Discover now