New York Heroes

By Crazy_Booknerd

412K 12.5K 6.3K

The Avengers have a new target: a 17 year old boy? What would happen if Percy Jackson joined the Avengers? (... More

New Target
Battle in the Graveyard
Demigod vs. Superheroes
Can I ask you a question?
Thor freaks out
Fury vs. Percy
SHH!!! It's a secret meeting!
It's You!
Moving in
New People
New Recruits Arrive
New York Heroes
Hulk Out
Summons to Asgard
SUPRISE!!!!! Carter's the Pharaoh!
The Pharaoh's Meeting
Answers to Questions
Where He Went
Monster Mash
We're Back! (Part 1)
We're Back! (Part 2)
Hey, Look! I Actually Updated!
Wow. . . (A/N)
Prank War (A Relevant Title?!)
Important Story Stuff - A/N
*Insert Chapter Title*
Chapter 1 Edit
FIGHT!!! (Part 1)
FIGHT!!! (part 2)
Assess the Damage
Rule and Reign
X. . . Something?
Bring your Brown Pants
Multiple Breakings of the 4th Wall
An Ending?!
Final A/N

When Chapter Titles Stop Being Relevant

1K 27 8
By Crazy_Booknerd


I know I said I'd update in a week, but then I got sick. I felt horrible, but I didn't want to publish anything because I was feeling terrible, and I knew the chapter wouldn't be very good. Also, this chapter ended up way longer than I originally thought it would.

I'm sorry for the late update, but I hope you all enjoy it. I'd like to thank ilove3101 for the castle idea. Happy reading!



Camp Half Blood

It was a fairly normal day at camp. Of course, the rock wall spews lava, the woods are stocked with monsters, and the camp is guarded by a dragon, so that doesn't mean anything.

The Romans had stopped by for a visit. Obviously, everyone was excited. The New York Heroes had decided to take a weekend off and hang out with the two camps. The official story was that they were improving their relationship with their allies.

"So, how's it been in New York City without us?" Travis asked. The heroes (minus Leo and Tony) were sitting around the empty fire ring with a group of assorted demigods, sharing stories, telling jokes, and picking fights.

"Oh, um. . . it's totally boring without you?" Bruce tried.

"Really?" Connor asked.

"Oh, yeah. . . everything's dull. . ."

Travis flashed Katie a grin. "Then maybe we should move back-"

"No, that's okay!" Bruce said quickly. "It looks like everyone really needs you here!"

"Nah, not really," Travis replied, leaning back.

Katie swatted him on the arm, "You're staying out of their hair!"

Travis laughed, "I'm just messing with him!"

"I bet it's boring without us," Connor said. "You probably never do anything fun!"

"Actually, we do," Annabeth said.

"Like what? Read historical documents and gouge your eyes out?" Cecil, the Stolls' half-brother, asked.

"Tempting, but no," Lauren said.

"Careful, if you're too mean, she'll freeze your heart!" Connor said.

"I don't freeze hearts, idiot!" Lauren shot back.

"How's he supposed to know? You do build castles," Natasha said. Lauren's face flushed red.

"What?!" the Stolls exclaimed in unison.

Reyna laughed lightly, "This sounds like a story we need to hear."

Thor laughed deeply. "Of course, Praetor! It is an astounding tale! I shall narrate it with excitement!"

"Thor, you weren't even there," Hazel said.

"I know what happened, Horse Master!" Thor exclaimed. "How could one forget a tale so noble, so exciting, so Disney?!"

"Disney?" Reyna's face was priceless.

"Just what do you do in New York?" One of Annabeth's half-sisters asked.

Annabeth laughed, "Please, Thor. Go ahead!"

Thor laughed excitedly, "With pleasure, Strategist!"


It was a bright, sunny day on Earth. The hills of New York City were calm and peaceful. A group of heroes had driven all of the vengeful monsters out of the city. At the end of the day, the gathered at the tower bearing the name of Stark for some much needed rest.

The Strategist and Ocean Boy went for a calming walk along the peaceful streets of the city! Tony Stark and his small, greasy apprentice retired to their workroom to create wondrous explosions! Natasha traversed to her room of sleep to sharpen her knives!

Everyone had gone their separate ways for the night. Ice Child was left alone. Suddenly, a great noise sounded behind her. The city was not as peaceful as it had originally appeared!

Ice Child realized that she had to protect herself! She threw her hands up to clothe her enemies in defeat, but was instead enveloped in a castle of ice!

The other heroes came to her aid; however, the castle was too strong. They only managed to alter its outer shape, crafting it like a castle of the sea. Ice Child remained trapped inside.

And there she remains to this day. Encased inside the castle of ice, she awaits salvation! And vengeance on her enemies!


"That is not what happened," Lauren said.

"Are you questioning the credibility of my great tale?" Thor asked.

"Yeah, that seemed pretty legit," Connor said.

Lauren sighed in exasperation, "How can I be trapped in a giant ice castle in New York City if I'm standing right here?!"

"Are you questioning the authenticity of my tale?" Thor asked.

"Yes, because it doesn't make sense!"

"Do you have a better account of what happened?"

"Literally anyone else would have a better account of what happened."

"Really? Then, tell us what happened, Strategist."

Annabeth smiled and shook her head, "I'm not getting involved in this!"

"But we need a third party to settle our dispute!" Lauren said.

"I'm not doing it."

"But then this disagreement will never end! You'll have to listen to our incessant arguing day and night. You'll never get any rest! Think about how terrible that world would be!"

"Someone just tell the freaking story!" an impatient demigod yelled.

"Yes. You've properly built up the suspense. We're all dying to know what happened." Reyna said.

"Unless Thor was right. . . " Connor said, grinning.

Annabeth sighed, "Fine. It was a slow day - "

"That is not how you begin a tale of such grandeur!" Thor scoffed.

Annabeth glared, "I can tell a story however I want!"

Percy smirked. "Gather around for a grand tale of heroism, bravery, the thrill of battle, and a castle of ice!" he said dramatically.

"Are you done?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes. Now tell the story, Wise Girl."


It was a slow day in New York City. The heroes who guarded it were taking a day of rest.

Leo and Tony were being irresponsible in the lab. Natasha and Clint were sparring in the training center. Percy, Jason, Piper, and I were in the living room playing cards when we heard a loud crash from the balcony outside. Thinking it was an attack, we ran to check out the sound.

When we arrived at the balcony, there weren't any monsters. Sadie and Will were standing beside a giant blob of ice. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that it was a castle that was still slowly growing.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Since Lauren's mom is Khione, she has ice powers, right?" Will said.

"Okay," I replied. "What does that have to do with the giant ice castle?"

Sadie started to explain, "Both Lauren and Elsa have ice powers - "

"Elsa? Like, Disney Princess Elsa?" Piper asked.

"Technically, she's a queen," Percy said.

"Does that matter right now?" I asked.

Percy looked wounded, "Yes. If she was a princess, she wouldn't be running her country. Her parents would still be alive.The entire plot of the movie would've changed!"

"So Lauren and Elsa have ice powers. What does that have to do with an ice castle?" Jason asked.

"Don't tell me that you wanted to see if she could make a castle like Elsa's just for fun," I said.

Sadie just smiled sheepishly. "I didn't think it would take so long to make," she said.

"Oh, I can help with that," Percy said. "It's easier if you have water to work with instead of taking it out of the air." Water flooded onto the balcony.

"Where's that coming from?" I asked.

"The pipes," Percy said. Leo and Tony were going to have fun fixing those.

"Dude, I can help too!" Jason said. He thrust his hand towards the sky. It started raining.

"Really?" Piper asked.

"I have to help my bro Percy!"

Percy grinned, "Thanks, Jason!"

When they were finished, the building definitely looked like an ice castle, but it better resembled King Triton's palace from The Little Mermaid, not Elsa's. Apparently the plan was a failure. The castle melted less than a week later.


"And that's what really happened," Annabeth said.

"It really melted that quickly?" Katie asked.

Percy shook his head solemnly, "Never underestimate a New York summer."

"Okay, but what'd you do with the castle while it was still there?" Travis asked. "You didn't just build it to let it melt, right?"

Jason and Annabeth grimaced. Percy grinned sheepishly, "We might have possibly role played The Little Mermaid. . . "

Sadie smiled, "It was epic!"

Clarisse laughed, "You role-played a Disney movie?!"

"It's a good movie!" Percy said defensively.

"I was just helping my bro out," Jason mumbled.

"So that's why you were so into it?" Piper asked.

Jason's face burned red. "Okay, it was a little fun. . . "

Everyone jested and laughed about that for a while, until finally things calmed down.

"Seriously, how are things going in New York City?" Reyna asked.

"Good," Percy said. "We actually don't get attacked that much."

"There was that Monster Mash incident. . . " Hazel said, shuddering.

"Monster Mash? Like the song?" Will Solace asked. Of course a son of Apollo would be the one to point out the musical element of the story.

Clarisse laughed harshly. "What, Jackson? Get beat up by a song?"

"No!" Percy said.

Annabeth giggled slightly, "I could see that happening."


"You are terrible at dancing."

"I'm not that bad!" Annabeth stared at him, eyebrows raised. "Okay, I am pretty terrible," Percy finally relented.

"Leo got a Wii," Piper said. "The boys were all obsessed with playing the Monster Mash on this dancing game - "

"We weren't obsessed," Clint said.

Natasha snorted. "No, you only played it ten times a day!"

"Actually, it was thirteen," Frank said.

"Frank! We're supposed to be on the same side!" Clint said.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Frank said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Hey!" Clarisse yelled. "Shut up! I want to hear the end of the story."

"Um, okay. . . " Piper continued. "Anyways, the boys were playing Monster Mash, and it attracted this huge army of monsters!"

"Did ya slaughter them all?" a boy from the Ares cabin asked, grinning wickedly.

"I bet there was dust everywhere!" His half-sister exclaimed. "How much dust would you say there was? Did it take a long time to clean up?"

"Why are you all so violent?" (Egyptian) Will asked.

"Our dad's a war god!" Another Ares camper shouted.

"I don't understand how we're related. . . " Frank mumbled.

"Frank, never turn out like them," Percy begged.

"We didn't kill anyone!" Piper said loudly. Everyone's attention snapped back to her. "There were too many monsters. We turned on the Wii and had Nico take it to China. The swarm followed."

"Are the people of China okay?" A daughter of Ceres asked.

Percy shrugged, "Probably."

"Why is Leo so dumb?" Connor asked.

His brother snorted. "You're one to talk."

"Hey!" The Stolls started arguing.

"Speaking of Leo, where is he?" Will Solace wondered.

"He dragged Tony to the forge as soon as we showed up," Jason said. "I haven't heard anything explode yet, so we're probably okay for now."

"What're they working on in the forges?" A daughter of Bacchus asked.

"Most likely surprises for tonight's game of Capture the Flag," Chiron said as he cantered towards the group. "I'm afraid we're going to have to cut this reunion short. It's time to get prepared for tonight's competition."

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