Murder Hotline

By _breadjinniee

123K 7K 1K

[Highest Ranks: #1 in hotline, and #11 in Short story] "Do you really want to know my name" " Yes tell me" "... More

Short interruption
Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty One

Thirty three

2.2K 155 43
By _breadjinniee

20 minutes of driving-(yes driving)-a pink toy car she got from a 5 year old for 40 bucks. The trail of balloons finally ended at Sweet Delights the ice cream shop.

After parking the toy car at the sidewalk, cause she's a responsible driver in society and because a police officer forbade her to park it in an actual parking space. She got out of the car and headed inside the shop.

The shop looked normal, like any other summer day where people went in and out of the store to visit the towns best ice cream shop and probably get fat in the process.

But Who cares it's ice cream?

But of course she didn't notice that, because in front of her was a table which contained a huge bowl, probably the largest bowl of ice cream Lucy has ever seen! It was filled with mouth watering chocolate and vanilla ice cream, her favorite. Drenched in chocolate syrup and sprinkles. With a Hershey on top, because cherries are overrated.

Is it real? Am I finally in heaven?

Beside the huge bowl of deliciousness was another note. Still eyes wide and drooling from the ice cream, she walked towards it and read it.

Trust me I'm not a poet,
I'm trying hard to make it rhyme
In order not to waste your time
Just read the clue below and you'll be fine.

*Once a damsel not in distress told me*
-Ice cream is cooler than you'll ever be-

P.S.- Eat the ice cream first
before heading on to the next clue :)

Chuckling to herself from the thought someone took the time to do this. she took the little ice cream charm taped to the side of the note and attached it to the bracelet along with the fire charm.

Following the note. She grabbed the spoon next to the bowl and gobbled the mountain of ice cream in front of her to her hearts content.

If you asked her, she would describe it as heaven because it is, in this world you would describe as hell.

Finishing the bowl of goodness. The cashier guy gave her the next clue.

Opening it and reading it. For she was excited for where it will take her next.

Hey you made it!
It's a scavenger hunt, that must be clear
The next clue still remains,
So off to the mall my dear!

Without a minute to waste. She got out of the store,hopped on the pink toy car and drove off.

The mall wasn't that far from the ice cream shop, so the trip would be quick. Until a kid decided to block her way. Stoping her little scavenger hunt.

"Hey, can you please move a little bit to the side. You're kinda blocking my way." She says to the pudgy kid in front of her eating a lollipop.

"Sweet ride babe" The kid winks to her." Mind me pitching a ride?" He says pertaining to the pink toy car Lucy is currently driving despite Lucy being big and the car being small and kid sized. She managed.

Oh my glob

She stared in horror at the kid. He must've been at least 10 years old! Where are the kids parents?!

"Listen here kid, I'm busy. And you're to young for this!" She says to him. But that only made the kid wink at her again.

"I'm fourteen" Pudgy kid smirks.

She narrowed her eyes at him. Completely shocked at the kids audacity to flirt.

"Bob, I don't-" She began, but Bob cut him off.

"My names not Bob, Sweetheart" he shakes his head. " my name is Doug. Thats "god" spelled backwards with a little bit of U wrapped in it." He winks again.

"Are you sure you're not having an eye spasm or twitch or something" She raised an eyebrow.

"It's called winking babe" He winks again.

This kid got the nerve to---
Shh Lucy you got no time for this.

She raised her hands in defeat and disgust " I am not having this. Listen Bob-"

"It's Doug"

"Whatever Bob, Doug, kid whatever your name is. just move outta way and I'll forget this ever happened." She suggests.

"Nah I'll pass" He winks AGAIN!

She sat there in her pink toy car, annoyed. Really annoyed. She was driving at the sidewalk, the sidewalk wasn't really wide. She also wasn't allowed to the drive in the road after another police officer scolded her. So her only path was blocked by the egocentric kid.

"Okay mister, I will not hesitate to run over your little chubby body! And you seriously should see a doctor with your eye spasms!" She flails her arms. Groaning in annoyance.

He chuckled at her and moved out of the way.

Feeling relieved, she began to drive forward towards the mall. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, the kid gave her a call me gesture while walking away.

Gaping in horror once more. She drove a little bit more faster as fast as the toy car can go.

After the horrifying episode with the kid, She finally reached the mall. Parking at the front. She stayed there curios and confused.

Sitting there at the toy car looking like an idiot.

People passing by staring at her with curiosity.

I mean the note didn't specifically said which part of the mall, it just said "The Mall", So she stayed there waiting for clue, scanning around for a note she might've missed.

As she sat there fidgeting her fingers. A hooded figure approached her. Thinking this was the same hooded figure who kidnapped her. In panic she accidentally put her foot in the Go pedal making the toy car lurch forward. Running over the poor hooded figures feet.

"OUCH! THAT HURT!" The hooded figure/mysterious guy exclaims as he crouches and caters his foot.

"Im so sorry! Errr it shouldn't hurt that bad, it's just a toy car" She apologizes.

"It's okay" He says still wincing in pain."Just take this" Pertaining to the note in his hands.

Practically shoving the note into Lucy's palm. A little bit of the face of the hooded guy can be seen.

The face looks familiar, She thought.

Narrowing her eyes. She reaches forward, grabbing the top of the hood as The figure crouches. Instantly pushing the hood backward, a familiar forest green eyes meet her.

"Shawn?!" She says incredulously."Yo-you were the one who threw me in a bag!" Pointing an accusing finger at him.

Shawn's green eyes widened "OH NO! IM EXPOSED!" With that Shawn quickly stood up and ran the opposite way,but not without stumbling a few times. " DON'T LOOK AT ME I'M UGLY!" He shouts dramatically.

"GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!" She hollers to him, but he's already running away.

Knowing he's already to far away to scream at. She reads the note, he handed to her.

It feels like time stops when your around
Your feisty attitude leaves me astound
If I could change time
And have one moment with you
It would be now.

This is so cheesy.

She thought. Yet she secretly loved it too. Smiling ear to ear, she took the little time turner charm taped on the note and attached it to the bracelet.

Flipping the note. Another clue was written.

Are you ready to be done?
I bet you're having so much fun!
If you go to the park lake
It has your last one.

Shoving the note in her pocket. She starts the toy car on her way to Greenhills park lake.About to press her foot on the go pedal. A little buzzing sound fills the air. Indicating that the battery has run low and wont be enough to reach the park lake.

She sighs as she runs a hand on her dark brown wavy hair.

How am I going to get there now!

Suddenly an idea came to mind.

Eyeing the grocery carts parked next to the grocery store.

They wouldn't mind if I take one...

With one swift movement she grabbed a cart without anyone noticing. Smirking in triumph. Now she only needs someone or something to pull her. Searching the streets. A German shepherd caught her eye. The only problem was the owner was there.

She approached the loving dog owner hoping to borrow her dog.

Smiling. "Excuse me I've noticed that you have a very wonderful dog!" She says. The owner smiles in return. "Oh hey, I'm Violet and this is Chewy! I agree he's a great dog. Trained and all"

She bends over and pats the dogs head." So where'd you get him?"

"My husband got him from the police department."Violet explains."This big guy right here is a police dog. But he's on his day off."

Clasping her hands together. She smiles."I was wondering if I could borrow your dog Chewy to pull me while I'm in the grocery cart over there" Pointing to the alleged cart. "It's just an emergency and I don't have means of transportation" She explains sheepishly. Worried a bit that Violet won't agree.

Violet nodded enthusiastically. As if not finding her plan weird at all."Sure! Chewy here knows the way home so after you reached your destination just let the leash go and he'll come running back to the house" She says as she hands Lucy the leash."See you soon Chewy! Be good to her." She bids goodbye, patting the happy german shepherds head.

Lucy tugs on Chewy's leash and leads him to the shopping cart. Hopping on it. One hand on the rail and one hand on a leash.

"ONWARD CHEWY!"  She shouts. The cart moving forward as chewy pulls her.

And off they go to Greenhills park lake.

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