Dixon's Sister?

By httpDarylDixon

54.9K 1.9K 197

Nobody believed it would happen, but it did... the end of the world. But it's not like the movies or the t.v... More

Dixon's Sister?
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

7.8K 215 19
By httpDarylDixon

Daryls P.O.V.

         We left our little cabin we held up at last night, and started walking to the prison. I heard a groan come from behind me. I turn around and see Hailey on the ground with the deer and blood everywhere. "Hailey!?" I yelled, putting the deer down, I ran towards her. I faught the erge to cry but Dixons dont cry. That's what I always told her when she gets upset. Her sadness turns to anger and shes a feisty one. Remembering the situation i'm in, I check Hailey for any wounds and When I turned her over, she had a stab wound in her right hip. "Who did it?!"."Whoever it was they ran away. It's not bad is it?" she said almost laughing. "Don't it hurt?" I spit with a sad grin. "Eh, been through it before. this is nothing" When she said that my heart stopped and I swear I died inside. "You- you mean, you've been stabbed before?" she nodded a yes then picked herself up. She picked up the deer and asked "u comin'?". "yea" I shot back".

            About a mile later we came apon a little river with a bridge going over it. Behind the bridge was a huge Metal fence that surrounded the prison. Hailey trailed behind me and gasped when she saw what I called home."You live here?" she said softly. "Er' day"i said, she laughed at that. I havnt heard her laugh in 4 years. Its so different. "Sooo when do i get to meet em'?" she said rocking herslef back and forth with her hands held behind her back. "Now" I lead her through the gates that were opened my Maggie, and we entered the prison.

      Haileys P.O.V.

           We walked into the prison and there were people everywhere outside and in. Daryl took me to a room with only a few people, just under ten maybe, and sat me down at the end of a long table. "Whos this?" a man with dark curly hair was questioning. "This- this is my sister". Everyone sat in silence, broke by an old man. "You have a sister? how old?" . Me and Daryl exchange glances and I blurt out  "14". Everyone in the room exchanges looks then their eyes transfer back to me. "Before we ask you any questions ill intorduce us. Im Rick, thats Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, Carol, T-dog, Sasha and Tyrese" he said while pointing to each individual.

"Now whats your story, how did u survive by yourself?" that question made me sick to my stomache. Just thinking about surviving in this world is gut wrenching. " The only weapon I use is my crossbow and knife. Usually I find houses to camp in for the night. I usually have a different place to stay every night. When this first started, I saw a man run out of a tank in the city. I tried to yell but then I realized that every walker in the city would be going after me. He could have helped me, that was the only living person ive seen till now" some people gasped but others didnt. "What?" I was curious as to why they reacted as they did. Then Glenn - I think... still learning names- said that was Rick running out of the tank. I was actually upset with myself. I could have been here a long time ago.

          "So you and Daryl... were you guys close?" Rick asked me. Everyone stareing at Daryl and I. "We were very close. Merle and I , we never got along. If Daryl has ever told you about our family, you would know it was rough, but I got through it with the help of Daryl. If it wernt for Daryl Id probably be dead right now. Beaten to death by my own father. Daryl doesnt know what Ive been through. Its unimaginable. I dont want people to know what Ive gone through, but Daryl deserves to know. Hes his father too"

Everyone nodded in agreement. "We understand" Hershel said with a sad grin.

            I stood up and Rick asked me to follow him. I did. Then he told me to sit down. We were in a cell and I was sitting on one of the beds. "How many walkers have you killed?" "Uhm too many to count" I said feeling accomplished. "How many people have you killed?" another question making me sick to my stomache. "O-one" I answered shakily. "Why" trying to come up with the courage to answer, I blurt out "I lied about not seeing living people Rick. About a couple months after I saw you in the tank, There was a group of guys maybe 16 year olds. there were 5 of them. I stayed with them for about a year. Then somebody attacked on a run, some place called Woodbury was where I was held captive. I got away and havnt seen anyone till I saw Daryl". "You did the right thing. You're welcome to stay."


          I was walking in the forest trying to hunt down some game. I was starving. I heard a crack behind me and I whipped around and aiming thinking it was just a walker. But it was a group of boys. Around 5 of them. They were young. No sense on hiding it but they were all georgous. Like damn. They all stared me down till I spat "What you want". "I'm Ethan" his voice was deep. I think he was the leader of the group." You are?"  He was walking towards me and stopped when he was about a meter infront of me. The others were 4 meters back. I stepped back a little and reached for my bow when he said "I'm not gonna hurt you. We dont kill the living" his words calmed me down a little, I heard the honesty in his voice. "I-" I hesitated. "Im Hailey.... Hailey Dixon" They all started to murmer to eachother and I gave a confused look.

          "By any chance do you know a Daryl Dixon?" The name of my brother shot threw me like a bullet. "Is he alive have you seen him do you know where he is?" I didnt stop for a pause or breath. It shot out of my mouth so quickly I didnt know I said anything at all. I kneeled to the ground and felt sick. I started to panick and I was breathing heavily. "Whoa whoa Hailey hes- hes fine hes okay. Who is he?" I was on my knees almost crying but remembering what Daryl always used to say. Dixons dont cry. Ethan kneeled beside me with a hand around my shoulder trying to help me up. "He's my brother. Is he ok?"  I said faintly just above a whisper. "I dont know. We saw him a few months ago."  By now all the boys were standing around me... almost worried. "How do you know who he is?" I was getting angry for no reason. But I tried not to yell. So far so good. Another one of the boys stepped forward and kneeled beside me aswell.

          "Daryl saw us when he was hunting and he asked us if we've seen a girl around our age. A little younger. He described you pefectly. Beautiful too. He said if we ever see you to keep you with us until you feel like going out to find him. He said he'd be at a campsite on the mountains. But we checked and it was overrun. He could be anywhere." The words that came out of his mouth startled me. What if hes dead? alive? hurt? sick? lost? alone? questions flooded my head until I passed out.

        I woke up in a room. It was huge. I looked out the door and saw a huge staircase going down. I shot up without thinking and fell to the ground as soon as I got to my feet.I got up and all 5  boys ran up the stairs to my aid." Are you alright?!" a boy whos name I didnt know shouted. "Yea just- just got dizzy" I mumbled. I then felt an arm wrap around my waist to keep me from falling. I turn to see Ethan at my side. The other four trailing behind us. Ethan sat me down at a table and walked to the kitchen. "How you feelin'?" he asked while making a couple cans of soup. "tired" I yawned right after, then the boy who told me about Daryl sat beside me. "Hey, Im Chris" He said softly. Almost soothingly. "Hi" I said quietly. "How you feeling? you've been out for a couple days. Dehidrated". "A little sore. Tired and hungry. Feel like shit" I let out a tiny chuckle. Chris chuckled a little too and leaned back in his chair. " So were you out there alone?" His words were full of surprise. "I uh, I lived in the forest before all this. I got used to the outdoors. Walkers to me are like wolfs, but slower" again a little chuckle from him.

              "Here you go, hungry?" Ethan asked while handing me a bowl of soup. "Very, thank you" I said back. He smiled then started handing others their bowls. Ethan walked over and sat down. "Now that you're in better shape, after I was  thinking Id introduce you to everyone, then we would all go out in the yard and see how good a shot you are" He winked and then walked away. About  an hour passed and Ethan escorted me to the backyard. With my bow on my shoulder, everyone else had their own weapon of choice. We made 5 targets all farther than the next.The farthest was 50 meters away. Closest was 10."Hailey will prove herself first" he said to everyone then walked to me. "You must hit every target. 3 tries each target... go" I walked off to the first target. Standing infront of the first target, I reached for my bow, aimed and shot within 3 seconds. Without hesitating I hit all 5 targets right in the middle within 7  seconds.

I look back and see all eyes on me. "How did-" I cut him off "Daryl taught me" Chris stepped forward "Daryl said you were a good shot, but thats better then good.... you're a pro" . His smile got bigger and when I turned around all the boys were smiling. It feels good to be noticed. "Thanks"  then I started to smile big and I went to go retrieve my arrows.

      (1 year later)

             I just woke up with Ethans arm wrapped around my waist. About a month after I met the guys, I got closer to Ethan. We started to hang out more and shoot together... go on runs together, and now I would say we're a couple. I never thought about dating in the zombie apocalypse , but I can't control it. I love Ethan. I turned myself around and faced him. "Hey Thor wake up!" I whispered loudly. I call him Thor now because of his name-Ethan, Ethor, Thor- and one of his weapons is a hammer that looks like Thors. Logical. Ethan woke up and opened his eyes slowly. His black hair brings out his bright blue eyes so much. Hes georgous. "Mornin'" he said quietly. He started to fall back asleep so I rolled over top of him. "Ethan get uuuuup" I sounded like a 5 year old child asking for candy. "But im so comfortable" he complained. I got up, walked over to his side and pulled off the blanket that was over him. "Hey!" He yelled and laughed at the same time. He got up, put me over his shoulder and brought me downstairs. Slapping his back and yelling "Put me down!" in the process.

          Ethan put me down on the couch and walked to the kitchen. Chris came into the living room and sat on the couch across from me. "Sleep well?" I could tell he hadnt slept well lastnight. He looked awful. Bags under his eyes, He could barely open his eyes. "Ya, how about you? you dont look so good" He rolled over on the couch so he was laying down on his side and he looked at me. "Didnt sleep at all lastnight. Had a nightmare and couldnt get back to sleep after that"." Well looks like you're catching up. You're about to pass out now" I laughed then copied him. I rolled on my side and did everything he did. He yawned I yawnd. He moved his arm I moved my arm. It was fun messing around with him. Ethan called everyone for breakfast and we all ate. After I finished I went upstairs and changed. Dark blue jean shorts, my black converse, a black aero t-shirt and my leather jacket I found. Daryl has the same one so I grabbed it on a run one day.

           I grabbed my bow and went downstairs. Everyone stared at me and Ethan said "Where r u going?". "Just feel like shooting things" It was true. Im just bored so I  decided to shoot some walkers. "You can't go alone" he said. I could hear the worry in his voice. "Alright, Travis you wanna come?" Travis was just one of the other guys. I learned all their names now. Ethan, Chris, Travis, Cameron and Joey. But he likes J (Jay)."Ya sure, just let me grab my sword". Travis loves his sword. Hes really good with it too, we were stuck in a herd of maybe 20 walkers and Travis got em' all with his sword. "K lets go" . "Bye guys, be back in about an hour" I said before shutting the door. "So where to?" Travis said behind me. " Just around here... you see a walker, you kill it. And after we clear the area we can go in the places we havnt gone throught yet". "We stay together or we split up and take a house each?" . "Stay together. Just incase something happens" he nodded in agreement and we head off the a neighbourhood we havnt been to yet. We stood on the porch of the first house and made a plan. "Ill go upstairs and check the extra rooms while you stay down here and check the kitchen and living room and so on" I said and he nodded. I opened the door slowly and I was pushed back by the door raming open and two walkers charging out. Travis cut both their heads off in one swing and helped me up. "You okay?". "Ya, just got the wind knocked out of me"  I was taking deep breaths and shaking a little. I walked upstairs and opened the first door. A bathroom. I grabbed toilet paper, handsoap, handcreams and razors for me. I went to the next room and found a babys bedroom. It smelled horrible. I left and shut the door almost instantly. The last room was a girls room. About my age maybe. I searched the dresser and found a huge amount of cloths and shoes. I found a pair of boots that were perfect for running in. I found a couple bags of (girl stuff) and shoved everything I found in my bag. I went downstairs with my bow in my hand just incase Travis missed a walker down here. I yelled Travis's name and there was no answer. I turned around and somebody put a bag over my head. Then I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and I was out.

                I woke up strapped to a chair both my hands and ankles were tied together.I heard talking and footsteps outside the door of the room im in. The door opened a crack and a man stepped in and he sat down in the chair across from me. "Whats your name?" he said with a smile. "Why should I tell you anything you kidnapped me... you're holding me hostage" I spat back. "That I am. Just tell me your name and no harm will be done. I just want to ask you a few questions. Thats all" I know that tone of voice. He's lying. "I know you're lying"  I said quietly. "Just answer me" the venom in his voice crystal clear. "Hailey" it came out.  " Hailey what" . "Dixon.... Hailey Dixon" . "Well Hailey that wasnt so hard now was it. I have a little surprise for you. Now you wait here". "Not like i have a choice" I  mumble under my breath. About ten minutes later The guy came back. "You never told me your name mi-" I stopped talking when I saw my big brother Merle standing behind 'Mr Bigshot'. "Merle?" I said just over a whisper. "Hailey!" He yelled trying to run over to me but Mr Bigshot grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Come on Philip let me see her" . Well now I know his names Philip... Ill call him Phil. "You can see her in the rings and-" Merle interupted."YOU CANT PUT HER IN THE RINGS SHES ONLY A CHILD!" Merle yelled loudly. " Well lets hope shes a good shot" . "Merle dont worry. Im a better shot then all you guys here combined" . Merle smiled and I knew he believed me. "So you think you're the best shooter in Woodbury?" Phil said with an evil grin. "With my bow, yes I do" Im starting to challenge him and I know Ill win. He has no clue how good a shot I am with my bow. "Well Ill see you in the rings tomorrow night. Goodluck" he smiled and then walked out with Merle. "Bye Merle" I yelled out the door. "Bye Hailey" his muffled yell was heard from outside the door and I was alone.

           It was 2 minutes till I was in the rings and I was placed in the middle of the square. There were people sitting and standing on bleachers and they were all cheering. There was a group of teens my age and they were staring at me with sad expressions. Some guys were holding walkers on chains and were bringing them out. There were about 20 walkers surrounding the ring. The rules were to shoot down all the walkers in a matter of 10 minutes. The record I have to beat is 8 minutes and 36 seconds. I had my bow in my hand just wishing Ethan was here so I could hug him. But knowing I might not ever see him again broke my heart. It was me against 20 walkers. The match started and I loaded the bow instantly and shot. 3 walkers down in 5 seconds. 6 walkers down 9  seconds. 14 walkers down 1 minute and 4 seconds. 20 walkers down 1 minute and 31 seconds. I found it so hard to believe that the record was 8 minutes... when a little girl got 2 minutes. Pathetic. Phil came down and walked towards me... I thought he would congradulate me but instead I got a punch to the face. I fell to the ground but got back up right away. I kicked his jaw and then he took a knife and stabbed me in the hip. Because it didnt effect me I barely made a reaction which shocked Phil. I quickly grabbed his knife and shoved it into his eye. He fell to the ground with cries of agony. And knowing his other people would kill me any second, I ran. I kept running until I thought I lost them. Then I just spent the night in a tree. I never saw them again and everyday since then Ive been looking for Ethans group. Until I found Daryl.

         (Hey guys♡ Just thought you would want to understand Haileys story better if you read the flashback. That was the end of the flashback so now its back at the prison. Please vote and comment ideas for next chapters!!)

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