Undercover Revenge - BTS (HEA...

By satansoo_yoongi

102K 2.8K 888

Kay was a nerd, a book worm, the girl with no friends at school. She was always picked on by everyone for alw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

3.1K 93 18
By satansoo_yoongi

Kay's POV:

(A little while has passed since the nightmare)

Its been a good week since the bad dream. No other dream was bad, actually they were really good!

One thing had started bothering me recently, Suga's behavior. He's being very sketchy and its really weird.

I feel as if he is going behind my back and doing something wrong that he rather not have me know. I frantically start to search my room for my phone. 

The reflection of the screen hit me as I lunged for it. I quickly opened to my contacts and scrolled down to Yuju.

Not a lot of people know who Yuju so she is perfect for what I have planned. She is close friend of mine who also happens to work with me as a spy.  Suga being sketchy makes me want to assign Yuju on his case.

My finger hovers over the call button and I forced myself to push it. I want to trust Suga but then again he wouldn't be hiding anything from me.

The phone began ringing over and over until it goes to voicemail. I sigh in double mindedness not knowing if I should go with my gut feeling of something being wrong or if I should trust Suga. Deep in my thoughts I feel my phone vibrate violently. The caller ID read Yuju.

I picked up trying to keep my voice steady.

"Hello Yuju." I said formally.

" Hey Kay its been a while." I heard the excitement and seriousness in Yuju's voice. 

I thought for a second what to say... " Are you free to do a small job for me? " I asked.

"Yeah, I literally work for you so even if I didn't have time I would make some. By the way who am I spying on?" Yuju seemed to be taking notes.

" Its my so called boyfriend Min Yoongi. He has been avoiding me and looks suspicious in general. He wasn't like this before." I try to explain the situation to Yuju.

I hear a hum coming from the speakers of the phone. As I continue to discuss the personal details of this problem I hear my room door creek open. I got cautious and went to grab my concealed hand gun.

I load it as I continue to talk on the phone so the person listening by my door doesn't know that they have been spotted. 

Inch my inch I shuffle to my door and I yank it open. 

With a thud Suga falls face first. 

I was in shock. Why was he listening to my conversation, like I know he is acting really weird but why would he need to know what I am doing. This was just confirming my suspicions about him.

"I got to go, stay safe. Bye!" I rush in one breath as I press the end button quickly.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" I stare at him with a hard expression that was going to be hard to understand on his part.

Suga's POV:

I rush to the car to go home before Kay thinks that something is up. Fiddling with my car keys I curse under my breath. I shove the keys into key hole and enter the car.

I drove as quick as I could back to Kay's house.

As I entered the home a strange thick silence hits me hard. This would be the last home people would assume to be quiet.

I hear mumbling coming from upstairs, to be exact Kay's room.

I creep up the stairs making sure not to make a sound and all of a sudden I hear "Suga". Why would Kay be talking about me and who is she talking to?

I got up close to the room door and crack it open to hear better. Kay seemed to not notice the door open. She was fidgeting around until...

BANG I fall right on my face which not to mention hurt so much.

"I got to go, stay safe. Bye!" Kay hushes into the phone and finally ends the call.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" Kay looked at me with an almost mean face but not quite mean face. I don't know, I can't explain this well.

"Uh, I was going to surprise you..." I lied through my teeth.

"Talk to me when you aren't going to lie to me." Kay rubs her face in disappointment.

I didn't hear anything specific about me but why did she bring me up on the call. Does she know I am meeting her?

What if she found out and is trying to get me whacked?


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