The Girl With Flame Red Hair...

By writeforever52

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Shirayuki and Akastsuki are sisters both born with unusual colored hair. Being twin sisters they've always be... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Flame Red Hair
Chapter 3: Freedom
Chapter 4: Kidnapped
Chapter 5: Escape
Chapter 6 1/2: A Day Alone (must ready what's in bold REALLY IMPORTANT)
Chapter 6: Testing
Chapter 7: Sexist
Chapter 8: Dream
Chapter 9: Survival
Chapter 11: Fight
Chapter 12: Recover
Chapter 13: Arrival
Chapter 14: Bells
Chapter 15: Izana
Chapter 16: Questions

Chapter 10: Hostage

3.2K 112 11
By writeforever52

Omg omg omg!!!!!!! Over 6k views. To some that's no big deal but it makes me super happy. Thanks to everyone who reads and thank you to those who vote and comment.

Thanks again and here I bring you, Chaptor 10...

"Is that her?" A young boy asked.

"Yes." A women confirmed. "This is my daughter Haki."

The blond boy looked at Haki. He faked a smile and nodded approvingly. Although the women couldn't seem to be able to tell the difference between a genuine and fake smile.

"This is going to be your husband some day. Haki say hello." The women instructed.

"Hello." The two year old greeted quietly,she stared at the blond intensely before saying, "I wike your eyes."

The women left the two newly engaged children alone as something else called for her attention. The smile on the boys face fell to a line. He stared at the girl. Her hair and eyes, just like her mother, Haki's apperance was strange. Not only did she look diffrent but her age. There was a eight year age gap between the girl and boy.

The boy continued to watch Haki as she shied away from his intense gaze.

"So-" The boy began.

The sudden sound of his voice made the two year old jump and she ran to hide behind a wall. When the girl heard nothing she peeked around the corner of the wall. The boy was there, towering over the toddler. His stare plain, making him look bored.

From his sudden apperance Haki stumbled back, tripped, and fell onto her butt. Tears threatened to spill and they did. Haki broke out crying and as time progressed her cries grew louder. Her mother crossed the toddler's mind and she so badly wanted her to hold her like always and pat her head, wispering sweet words of comfort like, 'It's ok.' 'I'm here'.

Haki was finally silent when a hand gently stroke her head. She looked up and saw that it was the boy. He sat with his legs crossed and no longer looked bored. His sapphire blue eyes twinkled.

"It's ok." He soothed. "Sorry for scaring you. I'm here."

Haki's eyes widened and she began to cry once again. She moved closer to the boy and cried into his freshly clean and ironed shirt, wrinkling it as she clutched it tight and pushed herself closer to his chest. Her wet tears made a part of his shirt damp but that didn't bother him. He put his hands behind him stretched out to the floor so he wouldn't fall back.

Haki was now no longer crying when her mother reappeared worried. She saw the two of them and calmed a bit. Instantly Haki left the boy and ran to her mother cheering.

"Mommy mommy!" Haki called.

The mother had her arms opened that welcomed Haki. She then turned her sights to the eight year old Prince and laughed slightly.

"She's a cry baby and a bit shy, sorry." The mother apologized.

The young first Prince shook his head.

"I'll take my leave now."

Before he left the mother asked, "Please bring you little brother next time you come. He's around the same age as Haki, I'm sure they'd would love to meet each other."

The boy nodded and gave a curt nod. When he got into the carriage he saw through the window that Haki had reappeared. As the carriage began to move he smiled slightly at the shy toddler.

Unexpectedly Haki yelled to the departing Prince, "Bye Bye, Izana!"

"Bye bye."

Akatsuki woke the moment her dream ended. At this very moment of time she wished she stayed asleep. It hit her all at once, the pain.

Her chest was tight and she could barely breath. She stuggled to inhale but she could only take in so much before breathing out with ease. Her whole body felt itchy but not in the way where you can just scratch the irritated spot and the discomfort subsides. This was worse, it felt as though something was constantly biting her making her skin crawl. Akatsuki 's body felt heavy, her joints raw. 

The injury received from the bear attack was inflamed. There were lymphangitis surrounding the wound indicating that it's infected.

The pain only got worse as Akatsuki started to feel hot. It felt like fire underneath her skin and it continued to rage on. The excruciating pain made Akatsuki scream but it was barley audible. Tears fell from her eyes at the unbearable pain.

'I need my medicine.'

That was all she could think about. It was the only way to make what she felt stop. But there was none. Akatsuki clutched her hands into fists that sent stinging pains throughout her arms. The tears kept coming and they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

She could light the flare but then she'd lose her chance of being a guard. Of working with Zen. Of being with Shirayuki. As these thoughts crossed her mind the same ferret with lime green eyes appeared. It tugged onto her clothing and pointed to a random direction.

It was trying to help her.

Akatsuki stuggled to move her hands ahead of her and crawled after the ferret that was leading her. It hurt, gnawing pain and the constant stabbing. The ferret finaly stopped and what felt like hours was actually minutes. The ferret had lead her to a river. The same one where she was attacked.

Happy as could be she rolled herself into the river. The current slow and water ice cold. This made the burning sensation subside and slowly loosened her joints and limbs. Her breathing was still ragged, her skin still itched, and the infected scratch throbbed but at least the symptoms she now felt was more bearable.

The ferret disappeared from sight however Akatsuki was still greatful. Along the bay of the river she saw the match and flare she had dropped when the bear made its...untimely apperance.

Still conscious about the infected wound she unwillingly left the water. She slowly gathered sticks and twigs as well as dead dry leaves on the forest floor. After gathering enough Akatsuki lit the match and set fire to the bundle. She stripped down into her undergarments and hung them on a low branch above the fire so they'd dry. She then heated a rock and pressed it against the wound. Akatsuki screamed as it burned her flesh and skin. This will leave a scar. Akatsuki was exhausted, hours passed and the pain became violent.

Akatsuki weakly held her clothes and started with her pants. About to put on her shirt it was snatched from her hand by a familiar fellow.

"Can I have my shirt please?" Akatsuki asked with what was left of her voice.

The ferret tilted its head in question and dashed away. Akatsuki pursued it. Although she was moving slower than a snail the ferret stayed in site. It stopped and dropped the shirt before running away. Akatsuki pissed and annoyed made her way over to the white button-down shirt. It was wrinkled and covered in both dirt and leaves.

Not bothering to pick it off Akatsuki lifted her shirt and put it on, buttoning all the buttons. About to go back to the river hushed voices were heard.

"Let her go!"

Demanded a familiar voice.

"Not till she gets here. She'll pay for what she's done."

Not learning her lesson about curiosity kills the cat, Akatsuki peaked through some bushes and gasped. Before her was Shirayuki and Zen tied up against a tree. They were struggling to break free. Then there was Sirbasturd along with a brown haired guy.

"Please just don't hurt Akatsuki!" Shirayuki begged Sirbasturd.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

With a knife at hand he held it to Shirayuki's throat. Red flowed against the blade of the knife and Shirayuki winced.

"Another word from you and I'll slit your throat." Sirbasturd  threatened.

Zen was boiling with anger.

"You'll pay." He said.

Sirbasturd walked up to Zen and punched him square in the face. His head snapped to the opposite direction. Akatsuki began to panick.

'Why are they here?!'

Ok so this chapter was fixed and probably won't be edited again. I hope you liked it,vote comment.

    Bye ~Nyah~

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