Song of Ashes

By MinaParkes

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A jealous, vengeful goddess. A ruined land. A woman alone, desperate to survive. When the goddess Kogoren was... More

Prologue: Hunger
[Book One][ A b s c o n d e r ]
1: Gold Eagle's Roost
2: The Wildcat
3: A Hero
4: Thirst
5: Shadow of Death
6: Fragile Hope
7: A New Woman
8: A Decision
[Book Two][A s h - W a l k e r]
9: Donkey-Meat
10: Eagle's Rock
11: The Ash-Walker
12: Unpleasant Qualities
13: Wits and Manners
14: Lady's Wrath
15: Mercy and Kindness
16: Adventure
17: The Razors
18: The Beginning
19: Horn Harbor
20: The Captain
21: The Crescent
22: Nightfall
23: Waking Nightmare
24: Burning Eyes
25: In Extremis
26: Tooth and Claw
[Book Three][A l l y]
28: Deynaport
29: Sweet Rolls and Taxes
30: An Unfinished Blessing
31: Gods Among Men
32: An Arrangement
33: Out of Sight
34: Konn the Unshod
35: A Heavy Price
36: Taste of Freedom
37: Sanctuary
38: Fleas
39: Coming Clean
40: The God of Broken Things
41: Turncoat Priest
42: An Unlikely Alliance
43: A Promise
44: Out of Reach
45: An Old Friend
[Book Four][A c o l y t e]
46: An Accord
47: Followers
48: An Invitation
49: The Library
50: Hall of Wisdom
51: A Vision of the End
52: The Scales of Fortune
53: Boundaries Crossed
54: A Time for Action
55: The Golden Lady
56: Bone Prison
57: Face to Face
58: The Death of Traitors
[Book Five][A s c e n d a n t]
59: The Becoming
60: A New Song

27: A Fragile Dawn

195 32 20
By MinaParkes

The next morning, Sarka woke to the sounds of seafaring industry. A sailor was rummaging through the crates in a corner, and she could hear boots trotting back and forth on the ship's main deck above. Bewildered, she saw morning light streaming in through the portholes.

Sarka sat up. Piece by piece, fragmented memories of the night before came back into her mind. She reached up and gingerly touched her neck as she looked around, expecting to see Tayo watching her from the shadows. But he wasn't there.

Had he really let her go?

"Am I alive?" she asked aloud.

The lone sailor belowdecks looked up from his crate at the sound of her voice, incredulous. "Aye, you are, and a lazy rat. Aren't you supposed to be helping the cook with the meals?" He muttered something under his breath-although Sarka couldn't hear it, it didn't sound kind-and, with a grunt of disgust, he returned to his searching.

Sarka struggled to her feet. She was sore, but for the first time in a long time, she felt well-rested. Every inch of her body was in need of a good stretching; she'd been in a dead sleep for hours. She attended to this necessity, letting her muscles ease themselves into motion.

Above on the deck, sailors were busy at their work, and everything seemed perfectly normal. The first mate stood near the wheel with Captain Etza. The two were deep in a heated discussion about a map the first mate held. Etza seemed to be winning, and the argument concluded with a rude gesture on the captain's part before she seized the map and turned away, taking the stairs down from the captain's deck two at a time.

Etza saw Sarka and stopped. She looked the younger woman up and down in the same way she had the first day they'd met in Horn Harbor, coolly assessing her. Then she pressed her lips together, nodded, and turned away.

Sarka went to the ship's railing and stood for a moment gazing out over the sea. The waters that had seemed so black and unfathomable the night before were now jewel-bright and glistening with the light from the sun. She marveled at the blueness of the sky and the vastness of the seascape, which stretched on toward a horizon that seemed an eternity away.

Sarka went to her work that day with a renewed sense of hope. It was a strange feeling. And that night, she slept. Tayo did not bother her again while she was on board The Crescent, but she felt him sometimes, as if he were there unseen, keeping some kind of vigil.

Perhaps he meant to warn her, to hold her to her promise with his constant presence...or perhaps he was guarding her from those who would be less merciful than he.

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