Brown Sugar

By GirlsWithGoals

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Chresanto and Maya been best friends since they were in pre school. Times have changed and both have grown an... More

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Eighteen .
New story.
Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine.
Filler ..
Thirty (Finale Pt.1)
Finale pt. 2
Finale Pt.3
Book 2 .


250 9 4
By GirlsWithGoals

Can't believe this bum had the nerve to disrespect me and my fucking sister. It's alright, I'm gonna calm down but on me it's on sight when I see her again. I don't care who she with. I looked out the window and looked at the sky and watched the trees go by, I felt Corey's hand on my thigh. I didn't even notice my leg was shaking. But it stopped almost immediately when he touched it. I looked at him.

" Calm down baby girl " words so simple and the moment they left his mouth so did my anger. How the hell does he do that ?

" I'm fine . Just wanna go home " his hand rubbed my thigh . He was looking at the road but I knew I had his attention even if he wasn't looking at me.

"My place or yours?" I shrugged.

"Okay so yours " he took a turn that made it quicker to get to my house.

"Ma dukes home?" I looked at the time on my phone 5:20 .

"Yeah she should be she doesn't have to work til 6." Yes my mom has met him already and surprisingly she likes him. But I know she wonders why Chres doesn't come by as much anymore, but that's not on me. Anyways we make a couple turns and pull up to my house . And I seen my mom walking to her car. I don't know why but when I seen her I got so happy .

"Mommmyyyyy " I yelled and she looked at me silly like I was annoying her . We do this all the time though. I got out he car and hugged her.

"I missed you girl " and she laughed and hugged me back . Corey got out the car with the food and walked over.

"Hey Ms. C." he hugged her and she hugged him back.

" You two know the drill when I'm not home. I'm about to leave so I won't be late " we both nodded in agreement.

"Okay bye mommy I love you " I kissed her on the cheek and walked to the door.

"Oh so you didn't bring me no food?" I heard her say to Corey and his eyes widen.

"I can go get you something right now before-"

"I'm just messing with you boy , don't be over here too late . " she patted his shoulder and got into the car cranking it up. I unlocked the door and walked in the house and jogged to my room. I took off my shoes and my clothes and put on some tights and a gray t-shirt . And I walked back downstairs Corey was walking to the kitchen with just a tank top on. I guess he took it off when I went upstairs. I plopped on the couch and turned on the tv , got on Netflix and put on Don't Breathe the movie .

"What movie you putting on ? " He yelled from the kitchen .

"Don't breathe. Can you bring me some water ?" I heard cabinets closing and the fridge opening and closing before he walked back in the living room with my water bottle and one for him.

" You seen it ? "

"Bits and pieces , I always fall asleep ." He chuckled.

"Well you staying awake this time ." He put the water bottles on the table and took his shoes off and Laid back on the sofa . I drunk some of my water and ate some of my food then I leaned back on his chest .

"I would've gotten us drinks but we had to rush out of there " I laughed a little.

"Sorry about that ." I felt him shrug .

"Naw it wasn't you , I'm just surprised to see you snap like that ."

"Ehh not to brag about it but I can be a hot head . But I can have patience." I felt his hand in my hair and I immediately was relaxed.

"I believe it , don't worry ya pretty little head about it baby girl. " I smiled up at him then looked at the movie as it plays.

"What you mean you seen that bitch before ?" I said looking at Dillyn with my arms folded and my eyes narrowed.

"Like I seen her before, that's it baybeh. Ion like the vibes I got from that girl . And when she came at you and sis that just topped it off ." He looked away like he was thinking then looked back at me.

"Then why won't you tell Chres about it ." He made a face .

"I barely know the yungin, besides he'll prolly think I want the broad or sum . I'll just shut my ass up about it til I feel like something needs to be said ." I rolled my eyes and got out my phone.

"What if it gets worse D? And you'll put it on yourself if anyone gets hurt ." I left him to ponder on it while I called Rose to see what she was doing. It rung twice before she answered.


"Bitch you need to get back in town , we miss you already." She laughed .

"Just one more day I'll be back later tomorrow " I scoffed.

"Okaaay how's Atlanta? " Rose had went to Atlanta to see family. That's why she's been ghost she hasn't been in the state for almost a week.

"Atlanta is Atlanta, ain't got nothin on Cali , I miss y'all , I miss my man , I miss -"

"Man?! Whose your man? " it got silent .

" Boost mobile where you at? Spill it girl ." She giggled .

"You remember Rayan don't you? " I gasped.

"Monkey braids? Bout time y'all got together. Y'all were crushing on each other since elementary school."

"Don't tell Maya yet, you're the first I told. I'm telling her when I touch back down tomorrow." I squealed I just couldn't help myself.

"Alright deal ." I talked with her for a little bit then we hung up .

"Aye babe " I looked up and and seen Dillyn walked back into the room and sat on the bed.

" I thought about what you said ..and the last thing I wanna do is for someone to get hurt so you should call Maya and tell her to tell ya boy. "

"What changed your mind?" He shrugged .

"I thought about sis or even you getting hurt or the bro getting hurt . If I can prevent it that's what I'll do ." I smiled and kissed his cheek .

" You gotta good heart D ." He smiled and kissed me before walking back out. So I did what he said and called my girl .

" Hello?" I sat up.

"Hey girl , you not busy are you? " I heard moving in the background .

" Just watching a movie with Corey why what's wrong? You okay? I gotta fight?" I laughed .

"No no ion think so but this is important it's about Chres lil friend ." She sucked her teeth.

" What's up with her? "

"Well D was telling me that he's seen her face before and he was liking the vibes he got from her...I don't know what he meant by that."

"I thought I was the only one thinking the same shit . " I heard Corey say in the background so that means she has me on speaker .

" Like what y'all saying is y'all must've seen her hanging with the wrong people?"

"Could be but I don't forget a face ." He said and it made me think.

"So what are we gonna do?" Maya cut in .

"You have to tell Chres he'll listen to you ." She scoffed .

"He never listens to me ion know why y'all try to play me with that . I can see it now I tell him what y'all told me and he gon think I'm 'jealous ' "

"Are you jealous?" Corey asked her and I could almost hear his eyebrow raise .

"What am I jealous of? Let's keep it a band ." We all laughed .

"But seriously girl you gotta tell him ...or just tell him to watch his back or something don't over do it . " she sucked her teeth again.

" Alright fine " Dillyn walked back in the room with some Chips and laid down on the bed . I put the phone to his ear and he made a face .

"Who is this?" He whispered.

"Maya and Corey . "

"YOOOO WASSUPPP FAMMM !" He yelled and everyone laughed .

"Aye man I don't want to go deaf before it's my time ." Corey mumbled .

"So did you tell her ? " he said looking at me and I nodded and he gave me my phone back . I put it on speaker .

"So what y'all doing next weekend? " Maya asked and Dillyn shrugged and so did I .

"Nothing why what's up ?"

"We should go play laser tag at the new arcade their building across town ."

"Sounds like a plan what time ?"

"2. Because Corey got to get to the studio after so we won't be there long ." I laid back on the bed with my phone in between Dillyn and I .

"Alright. Well I'll talk to y'all kids later , I'm gonna be slumped in a few minutes " I laughed .

"Ian no kid " they both said at the same time then laughed .

"Alright boo talk to y'all later love y'all ."

"Love y'all too ." I hung up and put my phone on the charger. I looked over at Dillyn who was knocked out with the chip bag still in his hand . I giggled and kissed his cheek moving the chip bag and putting it on the night stand and going to sleep.


I lay down on FaceTime with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Just one more day . " Rose said and I smiled .

"One more day." I repeated. We've been lowkey about this relationship because we didn't know if it was gonna get serious or not . Well spoiler alert, it has . So Rose told Typh and she plans on telling Maya when she touches down. So you know I have to tell my boy . But he in something with that girl so I'll hit him up later.

" I miss you " she poked her lip out and I smiled.

" you'll be fine for another day " she giggled and pushed her hair back shyly .

" I know " and before I could say anything I heard a car pulling up outside and a few people getting out . Before I could react bullets immediately started flying through the windows and I jumped off my bed to the floor.

"Ray what's going on?!" I heard Rose yell. But at that moment I was too shocked to say anything. My adrenaline was pumping and it reached my ears and I couldn't hear a thing. But I realized the noises ceased and the car sped off . I got up and immediately feeling pain in my chest and winced.

"Ray I'm calling 911 !" I started feeling lightheaded and sat on the floor holding my leaking chest.

"Okay.." I mumbled and my vision started getting blurry and my eyes were closing and it was like I couldn't stop it .

And everything went black...

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