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I woke up from laying on Coreys chest and just laid there looking at the ending credits. He took a deep breath which dawned to me that he was sleep too . I lifted my head and looked at his face. He looks so adorable and innocent when he's sleep. He shifted in his sleep again and exhaled deeply.

"You know it's creepy to watch people sleep right?" He smirked without even opening his eyes . His voice was so soft and smooth and I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I can't look at you?" I raised an eyebrow. He smiled a little more still not opening his eyes.

"I want you to have the same energy when I stare at you" I sucked my teeth .

" I wasn't staring Corey " he finally opened his eyes even though they rested low and he licked his lips . He looked so good .

"Okay I'm sorry you were admiring me " I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"You think you cute huh ?" He shrugged.

"Cute is for puppies , I know I look good " I smirked. That's one of the things I like about him he's not cocky but he's confident.

" Yeah you do sometimes " he ran his hand through his hair and yawned . He wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me closer. I giggled when he put his face in my neck only because his breathe tickled me when it hit my neck.

"As much as I wanna argue with you, let's go back to sleep babygirl " I love love loveeeee when he calls me that . My phone vibrated on the table right next to us and he groaned which made me laugh. I lean over and picked up the phone not even looking at the I.D


"Maya where are you? Did you see the news?! " I immediately recognized the voice that belonged to Chres. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No I'm lost what happened Chres just tell me .."

"Ray got shot, they shot up his house -" I cut him off.

"What?! How's he doing is he okay?!" I asked rushing to put my shoes on and Corey sat up confused but he was right behind me finding his shoes.

"I-I don't know , they heading to the ER now and -and .." his voice cracked and it got silent.

"And ..?" I said walking to Corey's car and got I. while Corey locked up the house. He got in and we backed up and pulled off.

" We're at the Hospital on 47th we'll be in the waiting room on the third floor ..I'll see you when you get here " before I could reply he hung up . I wasn't even mad at him. I felt my vision get blurry and I looked out the window. He's gonna be okay , Ray is gonna be okay . He's not gonna die on us , he wouldn't leave us here.

"Head to the Hospital on 47th . We have to go to the third floor . " I said loud enough for Corey to hear . I felt his eyes go on me then back at the road.

"Okay but what happened?..." I felt my body get hotter.

"Rays been shot ...he's been shot" it got silent . I know Corey and Ray are good friends, so this reaction was expected. He sped up , instead of going through traffic lights he went through a back road. My vision was blurry again so I couldn't see anymore. I don't cry, I hate crying. Everyone knows I hate it . But since I'm comfortable around Corey it's like a signal to my mind that's it's okay to cry. Why Ray? Ray doesn't bother anyone. He may be an asshole sometimes but he has a good heart. I wipe my tears and Corey's hand held mine. I squeezed it to like I'm thanking him because I couldn't say it right now.

Dillyn and I finally made it to the parking lot of the hospital getting out the car and I looked at seen Corey's car pulling up beside us. Corey and Maya jumped out the car and locked it. Maya face red and wet from tears and Corey's jaw clenched.

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