I'll Catch You

By purple0221

22.3K 146 113

Jess (literally) runs into One Direction while they are filming their One Thing music video. Is it purely coi... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty One:
Chapter Twenty Two:
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Chapter Twenty Five:
Chapter Twenty Six:
Chapter Twenty Seven:
Chapter Twenty Eight:
Chapter Twenty Nine:
Chapter Thirty:
Chapter Thirty One:
Chapter Thirty Two:
Chapter Thirty Three:
Chapter Thirty Four:
Chapter Thirty Five:
Chapter Thirty Six:
Chapter Thirty Seven:
Chapter Thirty Eight:
Chapter Thirty Nine:
Chapter Forty:

Chapter Fourteen:

590 5 2
By purple0221

“Anywhere!” we all shouted, and headed down the street in search of the next adventure. 

“Jess,” Niall stopped me. “Lets go get ice cream!”

And without even waiting for a response he grabbed my hand and pulled me down a side street. Well, I’m sure Maddi won’t mind me leaving her alone with 4/5 of One Direction... 

To my surprise, even as we slowed to a walk, he didn’t let go of my hand. Not that I minded of course, but all I could do was wonder. Is this normal treatment?

“I hope you don’t mind being separated from Maddi...” He started, but I cut him off.

“No, don’t worry. I’m sure she will be able to manage, especially with Liam around. Wait, crap, don’t tell him I said that! And, besides, if any of you try anything funny we’ve both got our phones.”

This earned me a full on laugh and an eye roll. 

“We’ve only known eachother about two hours and you already think very little of me. I don’t know if this is going to work out Jess...”

“Well, I guess I can TRY to change my opinion...” I teased.

But about not telling him about Maddi, what you don’t know is that this is the easiest he has been around girls in a long time and I think it is because of her. I mean, I’m one of his best friends. If the opportunity arises, it is basically my duty to tell him. You wouldn’t ask me to shirk my duty, would you?”

“Well when you put it like that, I guess it is a little unfair. But only if the perfect, and I mean PERFECT, situation arises. She would kill me slowly otherwise. I can’t even believe I’m trusting you with this...”

“Wow, accusing me of both funny business and spilling secrets? I really must have a good reputation... No, but honestly I’m touched you are trusting me. Makes me feel like less of a celebrity and more normal.”

“Oh, yeah teenage drama has that effect on all of us. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about...”

He playfully shoved me, but immediately put my hand back in his. 

“So where are we even going? There were like two ice cream parlors back there you know.”

“Oh don’t worry, unlike Lou and Zayn, I never get lost. We’re just going to a special one. It’ll be worth the walk, don’t worry, because they have the best sundaes in the entire world.”

By best Niall had just meant largest, as their “small” size was about the size of his hand. Not that I’m complaining, I love ice cream and cute boys so this was doubly a treat.

Okay, I’ll have a three scoop sundae, all chocolate. Actually, wait make one vanilla. Could you add some sprinkles, gummy bears, whipped cream, chocolate chips, and marshmallows?”

“Geez Niall! The rest of us want toppings too. I’ll have a two scoop cookies and cream sundae please. Chocolate chips, whipped cream, and fudge please. Oh, and lots of sprinkles!”

“Jess, its empty in here. Obviously you just wanted me to save the sprinkles for you.”

“Okay, so what if I enjoy multicolored sugar. Don’t judge me.”

Laughing, he handed me my ice cream, pulled out his wallet, and paid before I could even process what had happened.

“Oh, Niall! No! Don’t do that! How much was it? I can’t have you paying for me.”

“Consider it a down payment on my reputation. What kind of guy who pays for you sundae is going to try funny business?”

I knew he was teasing, but I apologized anyway.

“You know I didn’t mean that...”

“Eh, it never hurts to be reminded of it. Besides, its my job to be a gentleman anyway. The girl never pays.”

“Yeah, on dates maybe.”

“Well, what is this then?”

Blushing, all I could do was say thank you.

I’m sure the ice cream was delicious, but it was probably the last thing on my mind. The second I sat down we started talking, and didn’t stop until Harry called, wondering if we had been kidnapped. 

“Top ten things I should know about you?” Niall asked

“Sorry, what? What is this, an interview?”

“No, I just assume you know a lot about me already, so the least I can do is to try and even the score. I don’t mean to sound conceited but our fans are typically pretty... dedicated. They tracked our plane to Australia, did you hear?”

“Yeah, oh trust me I saw it. And probably laughed about it for a good three minutes. Besides being super creepy, we’re also freaking hilarious.”

“The creativity is amazing sometimes, but quit trying to avoid the topic! I guess I have to start with an actual question then, don’t I? What is the best prank you have ever pulled? You were too calm about Lou’s plan earlier to be anything but a pro at pranking.”

“Pass. It is too mean. Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.”

“I just bought you ice cream!”

“Gentlemen don’t argue with a lady.”

“Fine.” He blushed. “Favorite movie?”

“Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Mean Girls. I am a sucker for romantic comedies and chick flicks. It is somewhat embarrassing. What’s a little thing you’re embarrassed of?”

“As insignificant as it seems, my braces. I know I’ll look better in the end, but I feel childish and lesser than the other lads...”

“Oh Niall no! Don’t ever say that. To be honest, your braces have endeared you to m..erm, some of the fans. They’re an interesting quirk that makes you seem more human.”

Luckily Harry chose the perfect moment to call, distracting Niall from what I’m sure was an amazingly obvious blush.

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