One Sight and You're Mine

By Jenny_35

109K 4.1K 250

"Oh my god!!!!" I shrieked. I got into my dream college of architecture. THE SCHOOL OF ARCHIT... More

New Begining
Important Authors Note
Life Of The Party
Chapter 3
New Place New Vibes
New People on the GO!
PDA Caught
Cranberry Juice + Vodka= Drunk Us
What an A-Grade A-Hole
Nao Why You
Who's LoverBoy?
Babes I'm here! Get your SHIT Together!
Can't stop the feeling!
Truth Revealed!
Treasure Hunt! [Part I]
Treasure Hunt! [Part II]
I never thought this could be TRUE!
Spain PART I
Important Authors Note
Spain [Part II]
Time has come!
New World
Happiness or Sadness
Driving me NUTS!!!
Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!
New World!
Author's Note
Winner of some HEARTS!
Crazy girl!
They Felt Like Home
I Love You!
Where am I?!
My old family!
Today is the end!
Today is the end!- II
You're one hot head!
Explainations and reunion
One Big Happy Family!
20 Questions...

Déjà vu

1.6K 80 7
By Jenny_35


I got up in the morning and saw my babies were missing. They weren't sleeping with me. I looked around. I was sick worried. Just then it dawned on me. We were in our new home. The kids had a separate room.

I got up and went to their room and saw they were sleeping soundly. I went back snd had a nice shower. After which I wore my blue ripped jeans and a black printed tee and paired it with my converse. I went to make some breakfast but I saw these asses were having breakfast without me.

"Morning mommy!" Both the twins
"Morning babies." I said kissing their cheeks.

"Okay babies. So me uncle Kai and Uncle Scott are going to look for jobs. I will drop you at the daycare and Uncle Liam will pick you up. Okay?" They just nodded and digging deeper into their pancakes.

We all had our breakfast and the three of us left the kids at daycare and left. I had thought of taking the job at a cafe since it won't take up so much energy and I could see the kids as well.

As We entered the cafe Scott and Kai sat at the table and I went to the manager.

"Hello. I'm Natasha Desanta. I would like a job out here." I said politely.

"Umm. See the thing is we don't have a job vacancy just now." As he said that, it broke my heart to pieces. I had been rejected four times already.

"Sir please. I have a big family and we didn't have money so I couldn't go to college. Please sir. Anything will do." I said almost crying.

"Um.. Okay! It won't kill to have another waitress. We give 200 mexican dollars per month but depending on your work I can increase it." He said.

"Thank you so much sir. We do I start?" I asked.

"You can start tomorrow. I'll tell one of the waitresses to help you." He said.

"Sure sir." I said and walked off.

As I approached their table they were looking at me. "Guess who got the job." I said happily.

"Seriously. I'm so happy for you. Both of us also got a job. This calls for a celebration." Kai said.

"Wait! Both of you had a job and you assholes didn't tell me." I said.

"Actually we thought of telling you when you also had a job." Scott said.

"Okay so a pub it is."

(3 hours later)

"Where will the kids go. We can't just leave them." I said.

"Mommy! We want to go and play with Ali." Ashley said.

"Okay baby. I'll drop you but first let me call and ask her." I said picking up my phone.

"Hey why not leave the kids there for a night. " Liam suggested.

"Ya. That's a good idea." I said.

I waited for the phone to be picked up. After three rings someone picked up the phone.

"Hello!" The voice came. It was so familiar .

"Hello. Am I speaking with Juli. This is Natasha speaking."

"Natasha who?"

"Um.. remember I live in house no.40. The mother of the twins."

"Oh. Yes. How can I help you?"

"Can the kids come over to your place. Actually they wanted to play with Ali."

"Yeah sure."

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

"Yeah sure."

"Umm.. Can they stay the night there. Actually I won't lie to you but today we just got new jobs and we wanna celebrate but the kids can't come with us. So can they stay the night there?" I asked

"Yes sure. I'll tell Juli. She and Ali will be glad to see them." She said.

I wanted to know who I was speaking to.

"Who am I speaking to?"

"I'm Ella. Juli's sister."

"Sure. See you at 6."

I said and hung up. I was so confused. The voice was just like Eli's.

I packed the children's bag and walked them to their house. I rang the bell and a lady opened the door. When she looked at me her eyes widened. She was wearing the mask which the sick wear when they have cold and cough.

"Oh Hello. You must be Natasha. And these might be the kids." She said holding her hand out for me.

I shook her hand. I came in and sat in the living room. The kids ran in a room to meet Ali.

"So Natasha how are you liking the place?" She asked me handing my a glass of OJ.

Yay! OJ

"Thanks. The place is really nice specially when we have such nice neighbors."

We talked for so long about random stuff that I didn't notice Carter had come and was standing behind me.

"Oh Carter how long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"I just came. However I insist that you must stay for dinner. Juli has got stuff from the cafe today and she has got like plenty of food." He said.

I looked at the time it was 7:30 p.m. already. Me and Ella were talking fir almost an hour and thirty minutes. Damn! We just clicked.

"Oh no! I should just get going. We are going to celebrate on the occasion of us getting jobs. The kids will also be staying here. Thank you all for taking care of them." I said.

"I'll be going. Bye." I said.

"Bye!" I heard the reply.

As I reached I walked to my room and pondered on what I should wear. Just as I was selected a dress my eyes fell on the dress I was wearing in Cali two almost three years from now when I met Ash.

"You know what! You really should wear that dress." Mar said.

"Its one of the most sexiest you've never worn till now." She said.

"You know what I'm gonna wear that dress." I said.

"Yep! And then we shall find a hot guy for you to replace Ash." She said.

I just frowned and said," I don't think so Mar. I've tried liking Kai even Theo but nope. That asshole never leaves this place." I said pointing at my heart.

"Aww its okay. Come on let's get ready." She said.

We got ready in half and hour and were just about to head down when Liam came and knocked on the door.

"Girls can fucking hurry. We're tired of waiting." He said.

"Coming!" I screamed.

As we ascended down the stairs I saw the guys' mouths were wide open.

"Let's get going." I said.

We reached Chelita Querida in no time. We entered and all of us were having fun. Liam and Mar had gone missing probably they were making out somewhere. Kai was with a girl and Scott I truthfully didn't know where he was.

I was dancing alone when a drunk guy came and bumped into me. He practically passed out and fell on me. I knew I had humanity left in me so I helped him to the bar and made him sit. I cleaned me with the wipes the bartender gave me. I was making him drink the lemonade when the guys phone rang. I saw the caller ID and it said Ash. I just glanced at the name. Just then a feeling of déjà vu hit me. This all had happened before. Oh my God the history is repeating itself. I picked up the call with shaky hands.


"Hello. Seriously you asshole. You were not supposed to be drunk or go away. This was a fucking guys' night. Do you get it. Wait! How did you sound like a chick."

"Yo! Calm yourself you idiot. You're friend is here with me and is passed out. Get your ass out here and get him."

"Who the hell are you? Stay away from him! I'm coming." He hung up then.

What an asshole.

He called again but I deliberately cut it.

Just then he texted me.

A: What are you wearing? It'll be easier to find you.
N: Look for your friend. Don't fucking bother me.
A: typing...

"Oh my God. Reece are you okay. Who the fuck told you to drink so much." The guy slammed his fingers on the bar table.

I coughed so he could acknowledge me. As soon as he turned a feeling of shock overwhelmed me. I swear If I was a cartoon character my eyes would have popped out.

I saw freaking Ash standing out there. He looked at me and well he was speechless himself.

"Angel?..." he trailed.

"Fuck it." I said and stepped closer grabbed his head and smashed his lips on mine.

Hey guys. Another update.
Keep voting reading and commenting.

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