U.N.S.S. & Elemental Arts [CO...

By John_karter

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Welcome to the UNSS. A solar system home to the human race inhabiting each of the 25 planet nations. This hum... More

The Info First...
And Some More Info...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

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By John_karter

I ran back to the monorail, quickly threw away the bad fish then headed up the steps, showed the guards my pass and walked in then sat down As the trained speeded over the small houses, I looked out the long window.

The sun was just about to set.

After passing through long tunnels and going from the Lowest Ring train to the Middle Ring train, I finally arrived at the Upper Ring station.
I got out and walked down the steps, strolling along the beautiful Upper Ring districts of the city. There were lanterns lit and blue crystal street lights coming on.
I think I will go see Ghen's brother later. I'm so exhausted from today's information.... Now I see why Leander acts like He doe- Oh shoot! I forgot that Renina was going to teach me how to bend! I need to hurry and get to the mansion palace! I started running up to the palace. I hope she won't be mad.
I walked up to the gates of the palace and the royal guards let me through and I went up the steps. The guards at the door opened it allowing me inside to see one of the maids walking down the hall. I stopped her.
"Excuse me. Where is the Queen?" I asked.

"She's in her second office room. It's down the hall to the left upstairs. My name is Trudy." She smiled.

"Thank you, Trudy," I said. She bowed and walked away.

I ran up the staircase and made it to the double doors made of gold glass and ice. I knocked.
"Come in!" She said. I slide it open and saw Renina sitting on the big brownish desk with papers and office stuff everywhere.
"Hi," I said in a tired tone.
"Oh. Hi, Garik." She said nicely, not taking her eyes off of the papers in front of here. She was wearing a blue evening gown and glasses.

"Sorry I missed the practice." I apologized. She looked up with a shocked expression. She closed her eyes and laughed softly.
"Oh. I seem to have forgotten about that as well. Never mind that we can work on that later. How was your day?"
"Nice. I got to see a lot more of the Lowest Ring. Interesting people and-"
"You? Went down to the Lowest Ring?" She cut me off.
"Uh-huh. was that bad?"
"Well... I guess not, it's just no one really what's to go down there." She said in a sad tone
"Why don't you fix it up?" I ask sitting down on the blue sofa.

"I would but I'm told the people said it's fine. That they are happy."
"Who told you that?" I ask, already knowing the answer.
"Councilman Leander Grenchen. Remember him? He's the Grand Secretariat." She said in a mix of sad and happy.
"Yeah, I know the guy. And you believed him?" I said again, crossing my arms.
"Garik. He's my most trusted attended. I have to believe him. He helps run things here."

I let out a sigh. "Auntie.I have a long and important story to tell you.."
"Oh um, Garik. I really wanted to get this stuff down tonight. Can it wait till later?" She asked, pleading.

I sighed and nodded. I stood up and walk out to go to my room and to get some sleep.
I need to tell her without letting Leander Grenchen know.

Little did I know, the Rarc Lee agents already know.
"Ok First Son! Time to teach you how to manipulate an element at physical motion will!" Queen Renina said, excited. I gave a nervous smile. We were sitting in a large grand reading living room, getting ready to leave.
I stood up and followed her out the doors.

We walked along the gray titled ground with green trees on each side of us. Four palace guards accompanying us as well with no Rarc Lee in sight.
"So what element do you what to bend?" She asked. looking up at the cloudy skies.
"Hum. I don't know. What do all the elements mean?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"

"Like. In your in-depth studies, what have you found to be their spiritual purposes?" She chuckled softly. A few people wearing any different shades of blue clothes, waterbenders, walked by us and bowed at Queen Renina. She smiled and nodded and they continued walking.
"In many fictional worlds, the power is called magic. But in this world, it's called the Elemental Arts." She said.

Really author? Really?

-I'm trying! Be still to your lines before I give You a pathetic death-

Ha! We have three more books to go Pal.

"Oh." I nodded as She continued.
"This will help you when you chose what you want to bend.

Firebenders are inspirational and confident. They Like to take control sometimes too." She chuckled. "They are also enthusiastic, action takers, funny, and explorers."


"Airbenders are Social, analytical fluctuating people. They like to share their ideas with the world and people around them. Their works are mainly writers, teachers, and philosophers here in Western Wall City. That's why our way of life is peaceful like air is peaceful."

Humm... Gabriella for sure...

"Earthbenders are very physical, practical people. They are very patient with anything. They are stable, like earth. They work hard for success, that's why they agreed to work in the farming lands and valleys."

Tanner. Definitely.

"Waterbenders are intuitive, and very artistic people. They have deep feelings and are protective of the people they care about. And they are private people too."

"I can tell." I laughed, causing Her to chuckle.
"Fire transforms us. It can burn out the old evil in everyone.

Air moves us. Pushing us to change and do the right things in life.

Earth shapes us. It can pull out the bad and plants good.

Water heals us. It washes away the bad past and lets you move on." She explained.
Soon we walked past one of the lake parks.
"All you have said. I can only reflect one culture." I smiled, looking up.
"You've chosen?" She smirked. I nodded.
"Please. Teach me to be a Waterbender."
Councilman Leander Grenchen -3rd person POV-

Two Rarc Lee agents stood by the green door. It was a greenish, dark library room with a wide fireplace with green crystals burning in it and had a green furnished bench In the front of it.

"The First Son knows, sir." One of the agents said.
"It's a shame He doesn't see it the logical way," Grenchen said, crossing his hands behind his back and looked at the burning crystal flakes.
"Do you want us to take care of him?" The other one said in a low voice.
"No. Let's see if we can still handle this, quietly." He said doing an evil smile at the green fire.
"He's, going to learn how to bend as well, sir." The two bowed and exited.


Garik Smith -1st person POV-

"I was hoping you would say that." I noticed we were at a square gray and blue building. It had no windows and only one door. Reina motioned for the two guard with us to open it. The nodded and ran up to it, took a stance and moved their hands in a swaying way and the ice doors slide upwards.
"Cool," I said, partly impressed.

We walked in and there were blue crystal lights on the sides of each wall and in the middle was a large pool of glowing dark water at the center of the concrete floor. There was also a chilled, cold feeling in the place.
"Waterbending is a very versatile bending art. You need to focus and channel your energy into connecting with the energy currents of the waves." Renina said to me and bent some water up into her hand.
"Ok. I'm ready to try." I said, taking a stance and closed my eyes.
"Hear the waters, Garik. It's all around you. Focus your spiritual senses on controlling it. Meditate your Chi energy to touch that of the particles of water... Move your hand."
I started slowly moving my hands back and forth. After a few minutes, I felt something moving with my hands. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a large amount of water moving back and forth with my moments. "I'm- I'm doing it!" I said surprised at myself.
Renina giggled. "See? I told you It's not that hard. Go on, move around a little and get the fill for it." I stepped and walking in a fighting way and the water moved with me.
"Wow. What til Alex and Tanner see this." I smirked.
"Now pretend you're in a fight. Throw punches and kicks and do your flips but still focus on the water bending." Renina said, getting interested. I did as told. I throw punches and did backflips in the air and jumps. Every time the water would follow and attack at I was doing, but faster. When I kicked, the water moved in a sliding way. "Good job!" Rein cheered. "Now. Let begin you real training to be a master water bender."

Renina has taught me a lot of water bender fighting ways. Here are most of them.

Ice Disc: A cylindrical column of ice water and proceeds to slice razor-sharp sections of and sent at an attacker. They are sharp around the edges but also thin.

Ice Gauntlet: Can freeze water around their hands and turn it into a sharp spike that can be used to scale almost anything.
Ice Hook: Can form a hook out of ice to allow the water bender to claim any vertical object.
Ice Shield: My favorite, you can freeze water in front of you. Creating a shield of ice.
Ice Spear: Freezing a stream of water into a spear to fire at the intended target. Cole loves this one.
Iceberg Spike: Waterbenders can shoot small shards of ice or hard water at their attackers or person of choice. These ice techniques are easy to learn and good ways of offenses. Now more, harder waterbending powers.
Streaming the Water: Draws water from a source that water-benders like me move around their bodies.
Water Bullet: Is where us waterbenders bend a large amount of water and sends it to a forceful blow towards our enemies.
Water Cloak: I can use my water as a form of armor with tentacle-like arms. It can grab the opponent or shoot a strong blast of water at them.
Water Filtering: With me working in concert with an earth-bender I can water bend and act to purify the polluted water. I suspend the polluted water in the air as the earth bender removes the pollutant.
Water Jet: High-pressure jets are used to force the opponent back or even blast clean through a target if focused enough. I only use it If I want to hurt someone evil, which I plan on when seeing Chen.
Water Manipulation: Almost all forms of water-bending involves moving and shaping a body of water to my or any water-benders desire. Not only can we move large amounts of water, I learned that we can part the water under the surface of a water or a great sea. Allowing us to walk along the bottom of a basin without the need to swim.
Water Pressure: Waterbenders can compute the pressure of water. We can make it semi-solid and grab our opponent. That also allows us to avoid sinking and walk on water. Which I've done a lot of times now.
Water Wall Deflector: I can mold the water into a shield and deflect the blast of fire. Once I was fight training a firebender and he throws a blast of fire at me. I turned around and quickly tried to water deflect it but I made the circle of water to quickly and wasn't compressed even and I got hit with it.
The Water Whip: Is a commonly used move that involves creating a lashing tendril of water to swipe at our opponent.
Ice Floor: With a significant amount of water, we can cover a large area with ice and trap our enemies. 

"Aunt Renina, will Cole be ok? I didn't mean to hurt him." I say as I sat down breathing heavily. I accidentally whipped Cole in the head.

"Oh, He'll be fine. He's a tough guy." She said, sipping some cool lemonade as she sat on the beach.

"That's good."

Ok back to explaining!
Maelstrom: Using a great body of water, I can create a massive gigantic whirlpool. I used this when we went swimming in the sea lake on the left side of the whole city.
Partial Water Whipping: I also can hold the end of one's water whip and locally freeze the opposite end in order to trap them and pull them closer.
Razor Rings: For me, this is a hard one. Basically, you create multiple simultaneous water rings with the even power to cut. I don't really get that one thought.
Wall Dome: Since I'm technically a waterbending master, I can collect water from the rain and from a dome which I use mostly as a defense.
Water Gimbal: This is my favorite fighting style! I use this one all the time and love it. I can create a gimbal or two rotating rings of water around me. It looked kinda like to x's. I can defend myself with this or attack by shooting them at a person.
Water Ring: I can create a large ring of water and ice to shoot at someone.

Water Spout: High-level technique. Controlling a whirlpool- pillar of snow and getting onto it. From there you can send water carts at my opponent.
Ice Tissue: It's hard but, I can split frozen grounds by bending the water mixed in with the earth dirt.
Tsunami: you already know what we can do with that.
Water Run: We can use any part of our body to run across lakes or seas at high speeds.
Steam Manipulation: It allows me to bend and manipulate steam. We can also use this to make fog.
There are hundreds more waterbending moves Renina wanted me to learn, but I didn't what to know, I know enough. She also said that I will be a lot stronger in my bending at night, I really didn't care through. Something about, the strength that comes from the Original Moon?

"GARIK! Time for your maelstrom practice!" Queen Renina called. I groaned and walked back the lake.

-All information from: http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Waterbending  

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