Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here

62 1 1
By Angelgirl4ever02


I breath a sigh of relief as I ran behind the wall. We almost ran out of time. We look at Iris for our next move. She signals the 3 of us to check the hallway on our side whilst the 2 of them check their side. "Let's try the storage room." Tricia suggests. I then noticed we were right next to a wooden door with the gold words 'Storage' engraved on it. "How fancy does a storage room even need be?" I ask sarcastically, not expecting an answer.

Takahiro picks the lock and the door swings inward. We quietly crept in and Tricia flashes a torch. It looked like any other janitor closet except bigger. We then noticed the mop and bucket were gone, hopefully Ranger took them. Suddenly we heard a muffled voice and Tricia slowly shined the torch in every corner of the room. Ranger was behind a shelf and tied up. If it wasn't for the light, nobody would've seen him. He looks at us with wide eyes.

I quickly shut the door silently whilst Takahiro and Tricia moved the shelf away. I pull Ranger out of the corner, onto the center of the floor and cut his silencer. He starts to gasp for air. "What happened?" Takahiro demands, grabbing Ranger's collar and lifting his upper body off the floor. When things don't go according to Takahiro's plan, so does his mood. Ranger pales and tries to start talking but he is interrupted by his own coughs. Takahiro clicks his tongue in annoyance and drops him to the floor.

When he was done he started to speak with pants between every few words, "Entered storage, knocked out, little b-" There was suddenly a scream and the 3 of us rush out towards the room after the corner, our weapons at bay as we neared the corner.


We approached fast and was absolutely silent. We reached the corner and I hold my hand out to stop Jennifer. I hear for a sound or even a creak, nothing. I give a nod to Jennifer and we quickly turned the corner.

A scream fills our ears and we, out of reflex, attacked. A boy that looks our age falls over and slams against a wall. I point Shiro at him whilst Jennifer pointed Kuroo. Suddenly, Katherine and the other appeared, "Freeze!" When we notice it's her and she in return, "Oh wait it's you guys, what happened?" Katherine and the others approached. "Ask this guy, we were around the corner when he screamed at us. In a girly way too." Jennifer retorts as the guy sat up and rubbed his head.

"Ahh." He hisses in pain. "You know when he said dangerous I did not expect ying yang girls." Jennifer shoots the wall beside his head, leaving a hole in it. "Who is he?" She demands, voice dripping with venom and her evil eye glared deeper. He flinched as he tries to find his words. "Look I'm just a janitor, just doing my job, just trying to earn some m-" He explains but was interrupted by Ranger. "Money?" His face was contorted in amusement and anger. He was panting heavily and his knuckles were white. "Did you run here?" Katherine looks him up and down. "Obviously, because 3 little people couldn't bother to untie and wait for me." He scoffs. When the boy hears that he tries to stifle a laugh. "Do you two know each other?" Tricia asks the both of them. They look at each other before turning the other way, "Brothers." They grumble as they answer at the same time.

"You know, for a janitor you have a very interesting cleaning utensil." I held up his double scythes. "Not that I'm complaining as long as you don't steal our jobs." I drop it to the floor and the chain drops with a metallic clang. "You were never a master of disguise." Ranger squats in front of the boy. "Only I could pull it off." He smirks. "Why? Cause you're trash?" The boy says in annoyance.

"Okay! Hold up! Cut!" I separate the two of them. "Family Time is over, Ranger I'm not gonna pay you if you're not doing your job. And yo-" Takahiro raises his hand, "Already docked his pay." I glance at him in annoyance for interrupting me. "And you," I restarted, "Tell us your name." He scoffs and stands up, sweeping his pants. "Why should I?" I snap my fingers and Jennifer in a flash had her right foot kicked up on the wall, which yes she dented, right next to his stomach.

Her eyes cold and almost dead looking with her glare and evil eye. I toss her a knife and she catches it with her left hand before pressing it onto his neck, the skin on the verge of breaking but yet still intact. "OKAY OKAY ITS REGIN." He exclaims as he held his hands up. "I'm not a janitor but I am doing my job and I'd greatly appreciate it if you let me go now." Ranger laughs, "That's what you get for angering them." Jennifer looks at me for approval and I nod my head. She removes the knife and slowly puts her leg down. "Just so you know you're paying for the wall." I inform her and she clicks her tongue before grabbing Ranger and the others, "Let's go, those two can settle it themselves."


I watch as the girl with the scary eyes walk away with Ranger and some other people that seems my age. A pair of fingers snap in front of me twice making me double back. "What?" I demand from the girl in the white dress and mask. She was holding my double scythe, one in each hand. "So," she twirls them around, "you own these?" Oh damn it, I forgot to pick those up.

"Yes and I'd like them returned." I step forward to grab them but she moves out of the way. "Tell me why you're here." She asks as she continues twirling them by the chain, suddenly she pulls hard on each one in the opposite direction and the chain stiffens, activating the second formation. The second layer hidden inside the handles extended and connected to make one long handle, either ends being the scythes. "Ooh, fancy." She tosses it to me and started walking away. "Well at least I know now you're a current enemy."

"What? Why am I an enemy to you?" I ask confused. She looks at me and smiles, "We're taking the jewels." She makes her way into the main room. How did she...oh god. I turn the weapon over and I realize I had forgotten about the to-do list I stuck on the handle. I sigh deeply, frustrated that I let myself be seen so weak. "No matter, I'll just take the jewels, get my money, go home, and have a cup of yogurt." I reassure myself as I returned my weapon to its first formation and put it around my waist. I take the janitor's uniform off which revealed my assassin clothes.

I was wearing a black tee with a leather jacket over it and jeans with black converse. I run my hand through my black hair to let it settle back as I had tried to change it when I was in disguise. "Okay, let's go," I blink, realizing what I was doing, "and I'm talking to myself." I started walking through different hallways, trying to figure out which room is the safe.


I duck behind a desk, the bullets barely touching me as they whizz past. I lean out, trying to shoot with Kuroo but the bullets came again and I duck behind. I jump behind another desk, using the opportunity to shoot again. I managed to hit two of the men which left only one. He finally ran out of bullets and I step out, "Finally, I thought I would never kill you." I spin Kuroo on my right fingers as I approached him. He is still trying to shoot despite the barrel being empty.

I kick the gun out of his hand and catch it. "Thank you and goodbye." I shoot the guy between the eyes and he falls against a wall, I didn't even notice he moved back. I turn on my communicator to check on the others, "Study room clear, how's the library?" There was static before Tricia's voice came on, she was panting slightly.

"All...clear. You know, I liked books until they were thrown at me." She pants. "Don't they have guns?" I ask. "I took it away when they were walking down the hallway but they noticed me right as I turned into the library. And then they had this great idea to throw books at me." Her tone turns sarcastic at the end.

Suddenly another voice came on, "I found the safe! It's at the-" Katherine was suddenly cut off by static and then there was nothing. "50K? 50K! Damn it! The connection was lost." Tricia curses. "Let's go gather with the others then find her." I turn off my communicator and walked towards the door. I opened it and a Regin falls onto the floor. He laughs awkwardly, "Surprise?" I scoff and walk over him, I would be nicer if Mr Mask didn't spoil my mood. I started loading up the gun I took and made my way to the living room.

"So erm, you gave me quite a scare back there. We...good now?" He tried making a conversation which annoyed the hell out of me as 1) I was trying to keep low and 2) I wasn't in the mood. I turn to him and pointed Kuroo in his face. "Look! I'm not interested in being buddy buddy with you so either you shut up or I shut you down." I speak in a shouting whisper. He visibly gulps and nods his head. If Iris haven't killed him then he is of no threat but that also means I don't have permission to kill him either if needed. I click my tongue in annoyance and continue making my way to the living room.

I heard gun shots around the corner and I stop, I swing my rifle to the front and loaded it. I approached slowly and once I turned the corner I shoot, almost that is. Katherine was on the floor, breathing heavily. "50k!" I rush to her side, her left abdomen was bleeding, must be a bullet wound. I prop her up against the wall as I look around to access the situation. Katherine suddenly drops something in her hand and I look down to see it's a gun, she must've had a shoot out like me earlier. Two guards lie on the floor, dead with their blood surrounding their bodies. I then notice a trail of blood that leads to the other room, it was Katherine's blood trail. I toss a roll of bandage towards Regin, "I'm going in."

The stench of blood filled my nose as I followed the trail with my gun at ready. I heard a hiss and almost assumed it was a bomb when I heard a clatter, like something was dropped. I look around and see a hand behind a desk, "Trixie!" I rush forward to her side. "Trixie! Trixie, get a hold of yourself!" I try to shake her awake but she was passing out. "Behi-" Before Trixie could finish her sentence she was out. "What? What did yo-" A sharp pain fills my head and my vision turns black.I struggle to keep my eyes open but it was all a blur due to the tears. My hand reaches to the back of my head and the only thing I saw was red before passing out. ""


My scanner continues to beep at a steady pace. I put one hand on the headphones around my head. The beeping suddenly increased slightly and I adjust my scanner towards the source. As I walk along the shelf, the beeping kept increased. Suddenly a tile I stepped on dropped down, "Oh dear." I quickly duck down and sure enough, arrows were shot from the other wall. I take off my jacket and tie, loosening the first 2 buttons. "Traps huh?" I take a poker card out of my pocket and threw it along the shelf. Sure enough, there was a sensor and lasers activated. The card burnt to a crisp and fell to the floor as ashes. "Tsk, I can't go through that. Let's see where that control panel is." I take my screwdriver out and started hunting for the control panel that could be hidden anywhere.

"2bullet, status please." My comm comes to life with Iris' voice. "The resting room has traps installed, very suspicious for a resting room." I continue looking around. "I've lost contact with 50k, OO9 and Trixie. I think something must've happened with them." I then notice her voice had a pant to it. "You sure? They might have just lost their comm." Suddenly there was static, "Actually 50k is with me." My eyes went wide with shock. "Regin?" Iris was as shock.

"The girl in the black dress left me with 50k and went off on her own. She didn't come back, I'm bringing 50k to the storage room where it's safe. She's out and has a bullet wound to her left abdomen. I'm about to-" Iris quickly interrupted him, "Wait a sec! Hold on a minute! Why are you helping us?" He chuckles slightly, "I guess I just couldn't not. Anyway, I'll be leaving her at the storage room. I'm heading to the reading room where the girl in black went. That's all from me." Static sounded again before it was just me and Iris again.

"Can we trust him?" I ask Iris, waiting for her response. "For now since he has 50k, if he finds out anymore than us, we may have to kill him." I nod my head in understanding. "Continue searching, "I'll contact you again later." The call ends and I sensed a figure behind me.

"Had a nice chat?" I turn to see who the voice belonged to but I felt a pain in my neck. I pull out whatever pierced my neck, it was a long needle. My vision started to blur and I see the figure. Black shirt with a leather jacket. "Lights out." The figure snickers. With the last of my strength I turn on my comm, "We're not" I feel my body fall to the floor and the last thing I hear is Iris calling out.


"2bullet! Answer me!" All I got was silence. Frustrated I punched the wall beside me, why is everyone disappearing one by one?! I sigh deeply, concentrate Iris, you can do this mission and find them. I held two daggers in each hand, one in my palm and the other tied to my wrist. I hear my boots make slight tap sounds as I walked along the hallway. By now everything stank of blood, the owner is gonna flip. As I pass several rooms I noticed how many guards were killed, there must be a reason on why there's so many.

The only clues I have is that Katherine searched the study, game room and din- That's when it hit me, "The dining room!" A wave of realization washes over me and I immediately started making my way there, avoiding furniture and dead bodies. The door was closed which was suspicious enough. I hold Shiro close to my chest as I approached. My hand reached towards the door knob.

"Hey." The voice caught me by surprise and I turn to shoot. The bullet flies and hits the wall at the end. Regin was on the floor as he had ducked the bullet. I sigh deeply, "Don't do that!" I shout in a whisper. "S-sorry." He stutters. Suddenly I hear footsteps from the other side of the door. "Hide!" I push Regin into a room and I run in myself. I didn't close the door because that would be too suspicious. We were hiding right behind the door. The room we were in had dead bodies which made it look like it had already been gone through. "Not. A. Word." I whisper harshly and he visibly gulps before nodding.

"You, check over there. The rest of you go that way." Several footsteps started sounding and eventually fading away. There was a series of grumbles before the sound of a door closing. "Check the coast." I push Regin out onto the hallway. "Hey you!" I guess its not clear. I hear a series of gun shots and clangs of metal before a drop of a body. I swing out of the hiding spot, "Hmm, great job." I come out in time to see a body slide off the blade of Regin's scythe. Two guards lie dead on the floor. 

I take Shiro out again and approached the closed door. I press my ear against it, nothing. I kick down the door and the room was empty. "Too suspicious for its own good." I mumble. "I agree." An unknown voice replies me. I turn so fast that I could've gotten whiplash. The door slowly closes and standing behind it was a guy with a fedora. "For a girl you have great strength." I then notice he had his arm in front of his face and there was a bruise on his wrist. He looks up, "Nice to meet you, Leader of the Night Reaperz." He looks up, hand still on his fedora. I'm met with emerald eyes and a sinister smirk. "Who are you?" I ask, my voice full of demand. I don't have time for this.

"You don't recognize me? I'm pretty sure I'm on the list of Top 10 criminals." He hums. "I don't have time for you." I put Shiro back into her holder and started walking away. "You know I thought it would be rude of me to not welcome my guest but it seems that you don't have proper manners at all." I hear his footsteps get nearer and nearer. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his hands were trying to grab my neck. I turn such that we were face to face, he was caught unguarded by my speed. His eyes widen as I took out a blade in each hand and I used the back to hit his arms away. The force sent him stumbling backwards and I skidded to a stop, regaining my balance. 

"Feisty." He chuckles weakly, clutching his right arm as I had put more pressure there. I flip my knives such that the blades were under my hand and it faces him. I smirk, "How's that for manners?" I charge at him and started swinging my blades, he dodges most of them but I managed to leave a few cuts on his arms. He jumps back, putting space between us. I put my blades back into their hidden spot. 

"Enough playing around!" He exclaims as I watch his eyes fill with blood thirst. "If it's a fight you want," he digs into his pockets and throws a smoke bomb at me, "it's a fight you'll get." In seconds I was surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke. "Now would be a really great time for back up." I sigh as I watch a shadow with a fedora lung at me from above.


Honestly I wanted a more dramatic cliffhanger but I guess this will do for now. Happy waiting for Chapter 15! :) 

~Author Angel~

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