Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 7

12.4K 76 23
By ShivyMay27

First off thanks again to all those who have been reading, who became fans, I do hope this story is as inspiring and intriguing to you as it is too me.

Ok I would love it if you guys would vote, and please leave feedback I know I may not be the greatest writer in the world so the more feedback I get the more improvements I can make, plus tell me what you guys would like to see too.


I was standing outside of Eric's building fuming I mean you could literally see the steam rising off the top of my head. I was waiting for Chris to come pick me up so we could head over to his church for the prayer service and after the fight I had with Eric I was really going to need spiritual strength to stop me from straggling him.

As I stood there waiting with my arms folded across my chest and an unpleasant look on my face, which I figured I had from the way people were walking by and staring at me, my mind drifted back to earlier in the afternoon.

Of course I got so busy with work and completely forgot to ask Eric the same night I had planned to, which was Monday so when he came to pick me up from work today I told him about it, he went silent and his body became rigid; you would think I told him I had cheated on him or something.

I saw his reaction and decided to give him his space, well at least until we got in the house, after we were settled I broached the subject about if he would come with me, "so will you come?"

I was really nervous for some reason, I could normally talk to him about anything but seeing his earlier reaction I was a little tense, can you blame me.

"Listen I don't umm, maybe it's not, what I am trying to say." He paused and I was no longer tense, I was now beginning to get agitated.

"Eric, will you just say what's on your mind." I raised one eyebrow and placed my hand on my hip.

"Look Simone, I don't want to go to church with you!" he practically shouted, while running his hands through his hair and lowering his gaze from mine.

"Can I ask why not" I said quietly, I wasn't looking for a fight I just wanted to know his reason for not wanting to come, it's not like I was asking him to join the church or get baptized I just wanted him there for support.

"What difference does it make, I am a grown man and I don't want to go." Still with his voice quite a few octaves above mine, why was he acting so rude and unreasonable?

"Well for a guy who claims to be a grown man, you sure are doing a fine job of acting like a child." He had worked on my nerves and now I was becoming defensive, because he was yelling at me.

And then we both were in a screaming match, me calling him a baby and him telling me I was rude and selfish. Selfish, me, was he serious, I had no idea where this was all coming from and I didn't feel the need to stand there and be insulted.

I had decided that I was going with or without him and afterwards I was going home, to my home. I missed my bed, my space and sadly I missed Kate who wouldn't be there but I was hoping she would be home soon enough.

So now I am waiting for Chris and it may seem like a long time but I was actually early, I didn't want to spend another moment in that apartment, so I showered quickly, got dressed and left, I decided not to pack anything because then he would know where I was going and would try to stop me.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I had not noticed Chris was right next to me until he put his arm around my shoulder, too which I flinched and he apologized for startling me.

"Sisi are you ok I was calling out to you for a few minutes but it's as if you were someplace else." He smiled at me and all though I tried I could not bring myself to smile back.

He then frowned, "where is Eric, I thought he was going to join us." I raised my head to look at him and anger flashed in my eyes.

"Yeah, so did I" was my response through gritted teeth. Now I could see the look of concern on Chris' face and I hated to make him worry; so before he could say another word.

"Won't we be late?" I asked trying desperately to change the topic.

Chris glanced down at his watch and then back at me, "Nope we have plenty of time, now tell me what's wrong."

I sighed loudly while we walked to the car and told him I would tell him later right now I just wanted to feel connected to something and have my spirits lifted.

I must admit I was very lucky to have Chris in my life, he had been my rock through some tough times and although Kate was my best friend, I had never told her about my family the way I had talked about it with Chris.

He just had this way about him that made it easy to get even the darkest of things off your chest. I believe it had something to do with the fact that he never judged you and he always made you feel so warm and comforted. He was the best and if I was not with Eric I could see myself with Chris but I knew he wasn't interested in me so having him as a friend was still a sweet deal.

We drove for about twenty minutes and arrived in front of the church. It wasn't huge but it wasn't small either, painted white with beautiful stain glass windows and an elegant mahogany door with a gold handle. There were only about eight steps and the parking lot was a decent size as well.

When I stepped out the car I looked up to see the top of the building and saw a cross and tears stung my eyes, my Savior had died on the cross for me and I hardly acknowledge Him.



I stood singing a hymn and glanced over at Simone who looked positively radiant, she was using the spare hymn book I brought for her and seemed to know the words to Old Rugged Cross without reading them, and she was really into the song. She had a sad smile on her face and sang with a beautiful voice which I didn't even know she had.

I could see tears in her eyes but somehow knew it wasn't because of anything bad, they were more like joyous tears. We ended the song and the head deacon did the closing prayer, I could feel Simone's tightened grip on my hand and I squeezed hers gently for reassurance.

When it had ended I introduced her to a few church friends and showed her around a little, she was beaming, I mean she seemed truly happy and I was happy for her.

It was 8:30 pm; "Sisi would you like to go have some pancakes at the diner?" she answered right away with a nod of her head and intertwined her hands in mine as we headed for the diner across the street. It was known to be a regular hang out for some of us at the church.

We grabbed a booth and the waitress came over and we placed our orders. We talked about if she liked the church and the service, "are you kidding me the service was absolutely incredible, I felt so at home."

I smiled as she told me about how much she enjoyed it, "I am really glad you liked it, which means you will be more willing to come again."

"Definitely, I may become a regular, I never knew I could feel so at home and wanted around so many strangers." We both laughed at her enthusiasm and then I had to go ruin it by asking her if she wanted to talk about what happened earlier with her and Eric.

Her face literally fell and she sighed again like earlier, she told me slowly what happened and that she didn't understand why he got so angry. He even went as far as telling her not to go, not asking but telling. This was the last straw before she walked away from him and got ready.

I was happy that she didn't give into his demands and not come and she must have read my mind, "I am glad I didn't listen to him, coming here tonight was just what I needed."

The waitress came over with our pancakes and we changed the subject, talking a little more about tonight, the church and the people I had introduced her to.

When we got back into the car I was shocked when she told me that she was going home, not back to Eric's place. I have to admit my heart best became a tad irregular but I had to remind myself that she was doing this for herself and that they would work things out.

Besides my date went well the other night with Lily my blind date, as I had guessed she was really beautiful but also smart and funny, she was about 5"7, slender with long curly black hear, hazel color eyes and very shapely. The two of us had really hit it off, even after James and his wife left we continued talking and getting to know each other.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised, I was mulling over whether or not tell Simone about my date. Since we talk about everything I decided to go ahead. We got in the car and headed onto the high way, "so guess what Sisi."

"What's up Chris?" she asked turning slightly in her chair towards me.

"I had a date on Monday night."

"A date, and since Monday, why am I only now hearing about this Mr." she said with playful accusation, I could always tell when she was serious, and I knew she wasn't offended in the least.

"Well, a lot has been going on, but I had every intention of telling you." I glanced over at her to see a big grin on her face.

"So, was she hot?" I almost chocked when she asked that question, she was always straight forward but I really didn't expect that.

"She was very beautiful and smart" I stated cautiously trying hard to keep my eye on the road.

"That means she was boring and not at all hot,"

'She was ..." I was just about to argue her attractiveness and that she wasn't boring at all when I heard Simone burst out laughing.

"I am joking Chris, come on I know you are not shallow and if you are mentioning her that means she must have left quite an impression."

I smiled thinking that I should have known Simone wouldn't ask such a ridiculous question and seem so superficial. I knew her well enough to know better.

"You got me good Sisi; I was starting to wonder about you for a sec there." We both chuckled and I turned on to her street.

"Does Eric know you're not coming back over at his place?" I didn't want to ruin her mood but I didn't want her to make hasty decisions, just because she was upset, "besides is it even safe for you to be here?"

"No, he doesn't know as yet, I will call him when I reach up and yes I should be fine, the police told me that they have been keeping an eye on the place and there is nothing out of the ordinary."

"Okay, if you're sure, I don't want you putting yourself in danger, just because you're angry with you know who."

"I'll be fine, don't be such a worry wart," she grinned up at me and reached for the door.

"Hold up, I will walk you up, just for my own peace of mind."

"I expected that, and I have done all the arguing I need to in one night so come on down," she made a motion with her arm like the guy from the Price is Right game show.

I walked her up to her Condo and checked the place out a little before sitting down for a little to finish up our earlier conversation about my date. I looked at my watch realizing that it was close to 11 pm I decided to call it a night.

I hugged Simone good night and headed for the elevator, she waited until I was inside before closing her door, I really didn't envy her because I knew she would have to call Eric and that was not a conversation I wanted to be around for, he was going to hit the roof.

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