Lies And Pain

By JayyMarie1877

213 2 5

Mackenzie Smith dates David Watson and they aren't in your typical 2 person relationship.. Well Mackenzie thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

6 0 0
By JayyMarie1877

I smiled at him and and walked off to my room and saw Kay on my bed playing the Sims 3. "Having fun?" I asked her. "Yep. I'm married to a super hot guy." she told me not looking up from the game. I laughed. "How amazing." I said to her. I reached over and picked up my phone. I had 3 messages from Jake; "Hey baby. I really miss you I can't wait to see you again. And I hope you're not as bored as I am. I have never been this bored in my life. And I love you so much can't wait to call you.  I really love him too. He is just amazing. I smiled from ear to ear from his messages and after I texted back I heard Kay say something. "What?" I asked her. "Oh. I was talking about your boyfriend I think it's gross." she said. She is still at a young age that boys are gross but at the same time she is grown and turning into a butt face. "Oh. Well I'm sorry." I said. She never replied to me. "Man you get into this game too much." I told her scooting closer to her to see what she was doing. "Why are you all in my space dude?" she asked me. "Wow. Excuse me!" I told her getting off the bed. I walked out of my bedroom and back to where I was before; the living room. "Dad. I want to get my hair done agian." I told him. "What do you mean?" he asked me. "I want my hair color different." I said. "Well honey, we have to wait until tomorrow. I need to see how much money we have left after court." he said. "Alright. I understand. Can I take a nap in your bed please?" I asked. "Sure." he said. I smiled and walked back to his room and closed the door behind me. Before laying down I check the closet and then under his bed. I was still shooken from what happend that day. Once I saw that it was okay I folded the side of the cover I was going to lay under over the other side of the bed. And got under it and pulled it over me. I finally fell asleep after 20 minutes.

(In Mackenzie's dream)

I just got out of my dads car and he is already inside the court house for some reason. I don't know how. But he just is. I'm dressed in a black suit with black wedges, and my hair is pulled up in a tight bun. As I walk into the building I see everyone I know. My dad, Kay, Jake, Linsey, Rosie, even my mom. They are all siting on the outside of the isle in chairs. White chairs. But where is David? Is he going to come out in hand cuffs? There is a man in all white holding a large book behind a tall desk. "All rise." said a hespanic man in a white suit. Everyone stood up and looked at me. "What's going on here?" I asked my dad. He just stood there with tears slowly falling from his eyes. He doesn't dare more. No one will move. I walk over to Roise. "Rosie! What's wrong?" I asked her. "What's going on?" I asked again. She didn't say a thing. It was like I was inivsble or something. I then turn around and walk ahead of me up towards the man in all white at the desk. "Sir?" I asked. He looked at me. His face was pale and long. I closed my eyes tight and counted to 10. Then opend them. Once I opend them the man that was in all white before was now in all black. His face was a blood red color with ugly yellow patches on it, and the large book he once was holding was then black and old looking. I backed up slowly. My heart with beating like crazy. I turned around to see my family and they weren't the same. Dads eyes were black not his normal brown and there was no white. Anywhere. I back up faster and faster. Breathing harder and harder. I turned around and tryed to run away but ended up seeing myself in a huge mirror. I was then dressed in an old wedding dress. It had lace all over it. Beeding was falling off and I had on a veil with holes all in it. I took it off and as I did I heard a huge bang. The ground was shaking. I saw behind my reflection and saw David. Standing there. Dressed in a black suit. My jaw dropped. I tryed to run past him but ended up going threw him. "What is this?" I asked myself. He smiled and then slowly walked towards me. I ended up backing up so far that I hit my back on the desk. The man grabbed my amrs and wouldn't let go. David finally got to me and pulled something out of his pocket. He pulled out a large knife. I saw it and I felt my heart stop. I saw him and almost fainted. He smiled and put the knife in his right hand cocked it back fast and then stabbed me in my stomach. "If you try to get me jail for the things that I did. I will kill you." I heard that in my head. For some off reason I saw myself. I saw myself lying on the ground holding my wound bleeding. Then David came down to me smiled and bit my neck. My neck then started to bleed. I tryed to yell for help but couldn't. I then felt a hot sensation on my back then everywhere. I was on fire. I fell down a deep black hole to no where. I fell and fell and fell. Never stopping.

(Out Of Her Dream)

My body is stiff I can't move at all. I'm trying to scream for my dad but I can't let anything out. I'm scared. I finally hear my dad screaming for me. He is shaking me and I can hear and talk to him, but he just can't hear me. It took him about 10 minutes to get me to wake up. "Honey! Please!" he yelled. I finally got to open my eyes and move. I jumped out of bed and fell to the floor. "Dad! Dad! My stomach!" I yelled at him. He came down to me and put his hand on me. "What's wrong sweetie? Does it hurt?" he asked me. "I'm bleeding! Help me!" I said. "No you aren't sweetie!" he said holding me in his arms. He tryed rocking me back and forth but it wouldn't help. That dream had really scared me and I didn't like it. "Get off please!" I begged him. He let go of me and we both fell to the floor. I began to cry. "What's going on?" Kay asked wiping her eyes. She saw me and came running to me. "Mack! Are OK? What's wrong?" she asked me her eyes were starting to get red and she looked really sad. "Nothing. I want to go to my room." I told her. She nodded and me and helped me up. She helped me get in bed. "We should pray." she said bowing her head. I did the same as her. I fell alseep but not for long. I was too scared to do it. So I just sat up in my bed for the rest of the night. not looking forward for tomorrow.

"Honey we have 20 minutes to get ready." dad said. "I fell asleep last night?" I asked him. "Yes." he said. I gave him a small smiled and he walked out letting Kay in. "Hey, you OK?" she asked me. "Yes. Thank you." I said. I got up and picked out something nice to wear to court I got it on and did everything else. "Okay can you and Kay get in the car already? I need to take care of Brownie and lock up." he said. "Yeah." I said. Me and Kay left him and walked out to the car. "What was your dream about?" she asked me after getting inside the car. "I can't say. It's horrible." I said. "It can't be as bad as the one I had one time." she said. "I just can't say." I told her. She sat back down in her seat and looked out of the window crossing her arms. Dad came out to the car and got inside starting the car. "Everyone buckled up?" he asked. I nodded and so did Kay. We didn't say anything the whole ride there. I was still very tired and tried to stay awake. "We're here girls." dad said. I got out of the car and headed to the doors. Dad followed me, and Kay followed dad. "Let me be in front please." dad said. I moved back beside Kay and followed after him. We came up to a large room where we needed to wait to be called. We waited for like 45 minutes. "Okay. The Watson/Smith case?" said a tall man in uniform. "Here." dad said raising his hand. The man waved to us letting us know that we needed to follow him. Dad got up and me and Kay followed. "Okay. Sir I need you to be in the jury with your daughter, and Ms. Smith." he said pointing to me. "You need to follow me." I nodded and hugged dad and Kay before leaving. "So what am I going to do?" I asked the man. He was still walking before he answered me. "I just need you to sit by the judge. You won't say anything. Unless he forgets something. Then you need to tell him. We need all the right information to make the right choice." he said. He opened a small door that led to my seat. there was a rice board in front of my chair so no one would see me. "Go threw there and sit down please." he said pointing to the chair. I nodded my head and did as his said. I sat there. As I sat there I began to think about my dream. How scary it was. I didn't want it to come true. "Order. Order in the court." said the judge. "This is the Watson/Smith case, right?" he asked the cop beside him. "Yes your honor." he replied. "OK. Good. So I am hearing that the defendant has been beating on his ex-girl friend and raped her recently and got her pregnant. He has also been charged for steeling, abuse, drug use, and attempt at murder, and of corse failed at it." he said. "Mr. Watson, do you have anything to say?" he asked David. David stood up to answer. "Yes you honor. I never raped her. She told me she wanted me to do it to her." he answered. "So she wanted you to get her pregnant? And put her threw all that pain? You're lying! Sit down now!" he yelled at him. David sucked his teeth then sat back down. "Is there anything else that I am missing?" he asked then looked at me. "Oh no sir. That is everything." I answered back. "OK. Come back after recess you have one hour." he said hitting gavel on the desk and getting up stacking his papers. The man that brought me to my seat whispered for me to come back. "Come on." he said. I obeyed him and got up. My dad and Kay were with him. "Are you OK?" dad asked. "Yes. I just don't want my dream to come true." I said. "What dream?" dad asked. I searched the hallway for some chairs I found them and walked to them and sat down. Dad and Kay followed shortly after I sat down. I then began to tell them.

"Oh honey I'm," dad was cut off when the man told me that I needed to come back to my chair. "Back to the jury please." the man said. Dad and Kay walked off. And I walked back to my seat. I was not prepaired for the answer of the judge and jury. "We have made a choice. Since he has not yet killed anyone. He will get life in prison." he said stacking his papers. I couldn't help but smile. He seemed to see me and the corner of his eye. "You're free." he said whispering to me giving me a small smile. "Case dismissed." he said tapping his gavel on the desk for the last time. I never saw David being taken away. But I did hear him yelling. "This is bull!" he said. "I'll get out! I always get out! And when I do! I'm comming after you Mackenzie!" he said before having a cop shut him up. Me? I felt my throat tighten up and my mouth felt dry. "Wooh!" Kay said with excitement. "Chill." I told her laughing covering her mouth. I felt better knowing he was gone. Gone forever. But a piece of him was still with me. I forgot I was carrying His baby. I don't want to give him or her away. But at the same time. It's going to be hard to take care without money. Get a job. I told myself. "Come on. Let's go home and switch bedrooms." dad said grabbing both of our hands. "He's in jail for good now dad. I'm fine in my room." I told him. "Oh okay then. Just tell me if you decide to change your mind." he said smiling. I nodded and got into the backseat with Kay. "Hey. Now that he's gone. How about we go to the fair?" Kay asked. "Sure." dad said. "If you girls want a friend to come with you, you can invite them." he said starting the car. "Thanks!" Kay said. "Same here." I said smiling at him rubbing his back. "Wait. I just want to go with you and Mack." Kay said in a cute little voice. "Why is that?" dad asked. "Well. We need more family time. And this will be pretty epic." she said. "Alright honey." he said. "Is that OK with you Mack? Or do you want to have a friend come with you?" he asked me looking at me through his top mirror. "I'll be with you guys. I agree with Kay." I told him. "Alright. Then it's settled. What time should we go?" I thought about a good time. "How about 6:00?" I asked. "Great! Six it is." he said wiggling in his seat. I smiled sat back and closed my eyes.

It's already 6:00 and I'm all ready to go. I have my phone in my pocket and a jacket in my hand; incase it gets cold. Before leaving my room I walk over to my old teady bear and pull his head off. I hide my money in there. I pulled out $30 for the night. That should be enough. I heard a loud honk. Telling me it was time to go. I closed the door behind me and ran to the front door. I stopped and set the alarm then locked the door before leaving. "Come on!" Kay said from the front seat sticking her hand out of the window. "I'm coming!" I yelled back. I ran to the car and sat in the backseat. "All set?" dad asked me after I buckled my seatbelt. "Yup yup." I answered. "I want to ride a biiiggg ride!" Kay said showing us how big she wanted it to be with her hands. "If you're tell enough hun." I told her joking around. "Whatever." she said looking down at her hands. "I was kiddig. I'm sorry Kay." I told her patting her back. "It's okay." she said not looking back up. "Come on honey. Smile." dad said poking her belly. She smiled and then poked dad back. "Okay." she said. She turned around and looked at me. "What ride should we ride first Mack?" she asked me. "Hmm.. I don't know." I answered her. "We'll see when we get there then." she said back laughing. 

Dad's (POV)

I love seeing my girls together. I really do. Their smiles always make me feel happy. They have already rode about 6 rides together in less than an hour. "Watch us daddy! We're going to wave to you." Kay said. "Alright honey." I said smiling to her. They walked off and showed the man at the ride their bracelettes. He opened the gate and let them in. Their getting on a ride called the Tornado. The ride started and Kay and Mack kept waving at me. Kay keeps saying something but I have no clue what it is. I can't make it out.

"Dad. That was fun!" Mack said to me. "I'm glad baby!" I said back to her giving her a hug. "Can we eat now?" Kay asked. "We sure can. You pick a place and we'll go there." I said. She walked over to Mackenzie holding her arm. "Where do you want to go?" she asked her. "It doesn't matter. I'm just in the mood for fries." Mack answered. Kay nodded her head and walked off. Mackenzie and I followed behind her. She walked around looking at the different places to eat. "There!" she said pointing to her left. She ran over there and looked at the big signs. "I want an elephant ear." she said. "Alright, and you Mack?" I asked her. "I'm paying for myself, but thank you." she said. I nodded and walked up to the lady at the moblie food stand. "Hello. What would you like?" she asked me. "Hi. I would like two elephant ears, one bottled water, and a coke." I said to her. "Alright. That would be $10.50." she said. I pulled out my wallet and gave her a $20. "Thank you." she said getting out our change. "Here's your change sir." she said smiling giving it to me. I smiled and backed up waiting on our food. "Hi. Can I get a small cup of fries and a coke?" Mack asked her. "Sure. $4 please." she said to her. Mackenzie gave her the money and backed up. "Two elephant ears, a coke, and water." the lady yelled out. "That's us. Come here Kay." I told her. I got the coke and one of the plates and gave it to her. "Thank you." she said walking back to find us a table. "And here's your water and other one." she said smiling. "Thank you." I told her. She smiled and went back to Mack's order. "Small fries and a coke." she said. Mackenzie walked up and grabbed her food. "Thanks." she said. "Come on honey let's find your sister." I said to her after she got her ketchup. "This is the best night ever!" Kay said. "I know right?" Mackenzie said to her. I just smiled and enjoyed our bonding time.

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