The forgotten Weasley

By shadowray17

488K 10.5K 784

This is Sophie Weasley. She was born after Ron but before Ginny. She was born on the thirty first of July. Th... More

Sophie 2yrs old
Sophie 3yrs old
Sophie 4yrs old
Sophie 5yrs old
Sophie 6yr old
Sophie 7yrs old
Sophie 8yrs old
Sophie 9yrs old
Sophie 10yrs old
Sophie 11yrs old
School Supplies
Talking with Karkaroff
School yrs 2 quiditch cup
Going to Hogwarts
Running into Ron
Easdropping and prank
The first task
The second task
The third task
Wake up and get the award
Shut out
Getting better
A show
Waking up
Released and date?
The date

The Prank shop

10.4K 246 20
By shadowray17

The boys got a prank shop. That has an apartment above it. They stocked the shelves with prank supplies they made. We made a grand opening three weeks after school ended. I helped restock shelves. It was doing good. So far. We hired help so when we go back to school they can man the shop. The twins had put the trophy behind the counter in a case. I wrote a letter to the minister asking for a meeting. He wrote back giving me an appointment for tomorrow.

When I got to the ministry I checked in and waited for my name to be called. After ten minutes I got called in.
"Sophie why have you asked for this meeting?" He asked.
"You see minister I have been doing the same things in school. I have been doing seventh year schooling for the past couple years. I'm also need to register my animagus forms as I completed the processes and registered in Bulgaria but not here. Can I just do the seventh year schooling. I will gladly take the tests to prove I can easily pass seventh year?" I stated.
He looks to be contemplating the idea.
"If you can pass sixth year tests in all o's then I'll let you take seventh year but you need to be at Hogwarts." He said.
I nod. There was a knock on the door. A pink toad woman entered.
"Ah madam Umbridge. This is Sophie Weasley. She will be taking six year tests. If She does well then she will be in seventh year. Sophie this is madam Umbridge she will be teaching DADA at hogwarts this coming year." Fudge introduced.
"Pleasure to meet you madam Umbridge. I apologize in advance for my brothers pranks." I said.
She gave me a tight lip smile.  I was told to follow her to the room where I'll be doing the theory part of the test.
After a couple hours I finished the theory part. I then started the practical tests. It was dark when I got out. I flood to the shops apartment. The twins hugged me and asked how the meeting go. I told them a ministry official is teaching DADA and that I had to make all O's in 6th year tests and go to Hogwarts to be in seventh year.
The next day I got two letters. One with my results in O's and the other one from Hogwarts saying I'm accepted and they gave me a schedule full of advanced Newt classes in seventh year. They also gave me a prefect badge. I showed the twins and the picked me up and twirled me around. I got my supplies and started reviewing the books I got for my classes. Watch out Hogwarts I'm coming.

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