
By Ilarianae

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❝ 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩. ❞ Celena Phoebe is quiet. She is misunderstood. A person who has... More

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7.1K 333 211
By Ilarianae

A Trio Who Knew
- - -

"Celena! Take that injured soldier to the Wall! We'll get Eren and get out of here!"

"R - Roger!" With weakness and tiredness threatening her bones, she put the male cadet's right arm over her shoulders and her left arm around his waist. Celena passed by overhead and almost squealed in fear when the boy was about to slip from her hands.

Come on, Celena. He's unconscious and not dangerous. He won't hurt me. Touching him isn't that big of a deal.

She quickly landed on Wall Rose, and another soldier met up with her at her spot. "Alright, is that the last one?"

Celena nodded as she gasped for air. Strength wasn't her strong suit...

"Hey, are you alright?" Hands moved the male cadet away from Celena, and the ginger rested her palms on her chest in order to slow her heartbeat.

"Y - Yes..." She looked up at the other woman who was talking to her. "Thank you."

When her eyes met the woman's, the young adult froze.

A cloak...

"No problem," The woman's cheerful voice pierced Celena's ears. "I'm Squad Leader Hange Zoë from the Survey Corps! Mind letting me know what happened here in Trost while we were out?"

The Survey Corps! They were back!

Celena gulped as the woman neared closer after inspecting the injured man. "My friends..." Her voice left her body, and her mouth stayed open as a wave of discomfort overcame her.

"Oh, don't worry, we're taking care of that. Shorty's down there." Hange waved it off. "Now, let's get them to safety so we can have our little chat, alright?" She pointed towards the four injured soldiers.

- - -

It took two days to clear the titans out and find the dead in order to send them off to their burials. Many cannons, as well as both the Recon and Garrison soldiers, fought against the remaining titans, and at the end of the third day, soldiers were sent out to find the dead and missing.

Right after helping the injured back to Wall Rose, Celena immediately scattered away from Hange, too afraid to talk to a stranger, hiding from the older woman as she spent the next half hour trying to find the selective mute. She managed to escape the eager Squad Leader before reporting back to Commander Pixis and reuniting with Neo and the others.

Pixis allowed her to rest on the third day, away from all the death and destruction, his words being, "You had helped a great deal, now recover as we may need you in the future."

Mikasa, Armin, and the others of the Elite Squad had time to rest as well. However, Eren was taken away by the Survey Corps for interrogation. As they planned a trial for the life of Eren Yeager, which was said to take place in a month, the newly graduated cadets of the 104th Trainee Survey suffered and mourned for the lives lost in the Battle of Trost. Celena found herself comforting a weeping and distraught Jean, who had discovered the half-eaten body of Marco that night. She remembered patting his back and making sure he felt better before turning around and looking for comfort in the arms of her two friends, Violet and Annie. The weight of the guilt felt heavy in her chest no matter how many times Annie, Bertolt, and Reiner told her it wasn't her fault.

Later into the month, Commander Shadis announced that the cadets of the 104th T.S. were allowed to have a two-month rest break as a reward for their bravery and courage early on in their soldier lives. Feeling a bit guilty over the fact that the two had no home to go to, Neo felt generous and decided to invite both Mikasa and Armin, as well as Celena, of course, to his home for the two months in order to avoid the wrath of Keith Shadis. The day before the vacation began, Neo had sat down with his friends at the table and instantly asked the two teenagers the question.

"Armin, Mikasa. Celena and I are going back to the Trost District for these two months, and... well, I was wondering if you two would want to join us."

Armin, who engaged in a technique conversation with Annie and Celena merely minutes before, gazed at Neo with wide ocean-blue eyes.

"W - What? Neo, we can't!"

"Why not? I bet it won't bother my mom at all. It certainly won't bother me, Hakura, or Celi, right?" The young adult looked at his side to Celena, who instantly shook her head no. "Our house is kind of small, but we can make it fit."

"I'll come," Mikasa spoke up from her spot at the edge of the table.

"Mikasa! We can't! We don't want to bother you guys! Plus, you already have Celena with you!" Armin stuttered to be selfless.

Reiner sighed loudly from his spot across from Annie (who obviously was beside Celena), stretching his arm in front of Connie to slap Armin on the shoulder.

"Can you consider his offer, Armin?! I would do anything to get out of this place for two months." He stopped to give Neo a slight glare, to which the latter responded by ruffling his hair awkwardly. "Take the man's offer. You won't have to be here with Shadis' screaming."

Armin flinched under Reiner's large hand before shakenly nodding his head.

"T - True... You're right, can we come?"

"Well, I asked you first, didn't I?"

Celena gave Neo a small smile at his selflessness. To this day, her cousin still manages to take care of the ones younger than him, no matter what. She knew that his house was too small for six people; with only one room, they would all have to sleep together, three of them in sleeping bags.

Yet, he still tried.

Later that evening, before everyone went off to bed, they all saluted each other and said their goodbyes. Some would have to depart from the quarters they lived in for three years earlier in the morning; it was all based on how far they would have to travel to get home. Others stayed here, like Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt. As they all said their farewells, Celena couldn't help but feel down at the idea that some cadets should've been in the room with them. She hid all her sorrow deep inside her heart, where it continued to accumulate over the years. The selective mute turned away from Connie and Sasha, having just given them both a tense hug, and moved towards her two closest friends.

"Annie. Violet."

Violet sniffled for a moment, trying to hide her tears behind her hands. "This isn't farewell, you hear?" She moved quickly to wrap her arms around the ginger and the blonde. "We'll visit each other whenever we can!" Her voice whimpered at the end of the sentence.

"Don't be stupid, Violet. Of course, we'll visit each other." Annie said, drained of any emotion. But her eyes deceived her as they reflected Celena's image perfectly in a pool of love and rejection. The blonde fell deeper and deeper into the hole she had dug herself into two years ago, even if she was coldly rejected by the girl she loved.

Though, the worst part of all of it was she didn't mind at all.

"Yeah... We'll have to visit you, Celena, in the break!" The ginger smiled softly at the eagerness in Violet's bright eyes before nodding and moving away from the hug. "I'll send letters."

"Celena." The three turned to face Mikasa, who was walking towards them. "Neo just told me of the distance from here towards his house. We should go to bed early to depart early."

Celena nodded, waving goodbye to the other two girls before walking away with Mikasa.

A pause of silence; Annie stared at Celena's back while Violet knew it all.

"Why is it the people we love always fall for someone else?" Violet suddenly spoke up.

"...Because we don't deserve them." She flinched at Annie's answer, it clearly not being what she expected. But she patted the blonde on the back and bid her goodnight. Once her friend was out of sight, Annie turned and called for her comrades. "Reiner, Bertolt."

Bertolt's cheeks immediately turned warm at the sight of Annie. "Y - Yes?"

Annie spoke in a low voice, "If you want the mission to succeed flawlessly, no harm must be done to Celena. Protect her."

Reiner stared her down, staying silent for a moment. The chatter of the cadets flowed around them as they paid attention to only each other. "You love her," He finally stated, making Bertolt jolt. "But you know what has to happen."

Annie walked farther from the group of cadets with the two males in tow so they wouldn't be heard. When Annie deemed them far away enough from nosey cadets, she spoke. "I'm not able to do my best if she dies," Annie whispered, her façade falling slightly to let her childhood friends see the fears hidden in her small stature.

"We'll do it." Bertolt jumped in, shaking slightly when Reiner looked at him with a glare. "We'll protect her for now until the job's done. Then, we'll go home."

Annie and Reiner glanced at each other.

"Right?" Bertolt pressed on. "We'll go home?"


- - -

"I'm glad you woke up, Haki," Neo muttered while giving his minor sister the tightest hug imaginable. "Do you feel better?"

Hakura paid no heed to the pain as she returned his embrace with a broad smile on her small lips. "Yeah, though I still get some headaches, I consider myself fine. I'm so happy you two are back!" She let go of Neo to jump on Celena for a hug.

Armin watched with curious bright blue eyes as the girl who must be Neo's younger sister stopped short. Hakura opened her arms wide, giving Celena puppy eyes. "Can I...?"

Celena had a ghost of a smile on her lips as she initiated the hug. "Y - You're okay..." She whispered as if she was talking to herself, confirming the safety of her cousin.

Neo put a hand on Armin's shoulder, noticing the confused look in his eyes. "Hakura has the tendency to be... a little intense."

As if on cue, a happy yip was heard. "Aww, yeah! Look Neo! She's hugging me!" Hakura squeezed Celena back roughly, making the timid selective mute freeze in shock and fear.

Neo sent Armin a look that said, See? before ripping the two girls apart. "Hakura! You never change!"

Hakura pouted before noticing that she had an audience. "Umm... Hello, who are you?"

Neo quickly introduced them, "Hakura, this is Armin and Mikasa. They are two of my fellow companions we met over in training." Mikasa nodded at the girl, seeming older than she was by the mature aura she held, while Armin only held up his hand sheepishly and stuttered out a hello. "They'll be staying with us for the break before we all go back to being cadets." The oldest explained to the youngest.

Hakura shaped her mouth into an 'O' in understanding. "If Neo and Celi like you, you're welcome here!" She quickly hugged the two leaving them both blushing and slightly shocked.

"T - Thank you..."

"Let's go inside," Neo picked up his bag of belongings and Celena's out of generosity before moving towards the door of their temporary home.

"Mom should be back in twenty minutes!" Hakura hummed after Neo showed the two guests around and demonstrated where they would sleep, which was in the same room as the rest. "Make yourselves at home!"

They moved to sit down, waiting for the mother of two to come back.

"Did you have fun training? What did you learn? Can you show me some tricks?" Hakura asked the four soldiers eagerly.

As Armin answered, Celena studied her younger cousin. Hakura was now fifteen, the same age as the Shiganshina trio. She always kept the recognizable ginger hair of Annabeth's side of the family up, but for some reason, today, she left it down, having the locks tumble down to her elbows, a length a little longer than Celena's. She matured well, not looking like the little girl who would follow Neo and Celena around whenever she visited. Well... She did come face-to-face with a titan to protect her mother.

A jingle was heard before the lock on the front door turned, and the door opened, catching the attention of the five. Neo immediately stood up, staring at the woman who came through the door. 

"Hey, Hakura, why did you lock - " Aunt Izumi's sentence ended there before she smiled widely and rushed to hug her son. "Neo!"

"Hey, mom!" Neo hugged his mother back with a smile on his lips.

The embrace and happy laughter made Mikasa look away, a string tightening around her heart. She recognized the emotion as jealousy, reminding her of the two families she'd lost years ago. Her parents and then Eren's... She couldn't help but feel lonely at the thought: Mikasa would never see her mother again. In looking away, something else caught her attention.

Celena. Though she tried her best to hide it, Mikasa knew that look.

Did you lose your mother too? She wanted to ask. But didn't, deciding to keep the newly acquired information to herself.

"Mom, this is Mikasa and Armin. Umm... I asked them to join us in the break here because I didn't want to leave them alone with Commander Shadis," Neo involuntarily shuddered at the thought, watching his mother with careful eyes as she moved to hug Celena quickly. "Is that alright? It'll only be two months."

Izumi looked at her son, shocked for a moment, before smiling widely and bowing at Armin and Mikasa. "Of course, Neo! Hello! Make yourselves at home here!"

Mikasa's gray hues showed recognition of the bow. "You're Japanese...?"

Izumi nodded. "Yes, I'm fully Japanese, though my children are half-Japanese and half-Greek." She glanced at Hakura, who moved to prepare dinner as it was already eight in the evening.

Mikasa's eyebrows slightly furrowed together at the surprise of another Japanese family that used to live in Wall Maria. She glanced at Celena. "Are you Japanese too?" Her mind was going a mile a minute.

But Celena shook her head no, silently questioning the dark look in Mikasa's eyes.

Thankfully for her, Neo jumped in to explain. "No, Celena is from my father's side of the family. Only my mother is pure Japanese. Hakura and I are half, but we still like to pass on the culture out of respect."

Armin, the only one capable of connecting the dots instantly, moved towards his childhood friend. "Mikasa..."

A loud crash in the kitchen interrupted him, followed by a hiss. Celena flinched and leaned forward to see Hakura on the floor with pans around her, holding her head.

"Haki!" Aunt Izumi moved quickly to help her up. "Is it the migraines again?"

Hakura could only nod as Neo stood, sending his guests a glance of apology at the interrupted conversation before picking up his younger sister. "Let's take you to the bedroom. You shouldn't be working so hard after just waking up."

Hakura had woken only a week ago. "Thank you..." She whimpered.

Celena and Mikasa moved to pick up the pans with Izumi as Armin helped Neo put Hakura to bed for a while. Five minutes later, Celena, Neo, and Armin sat back down with Izumi and Mikasa preparing for dinner. Celena wanted to help them, but the kitchen space was small, and Mikasa insisted that she liked cooking and would like to talk more with a motherly figure for a while. Celena understood what Mikasa meant.

"Why didn't you want to return to Wall Sina, Celena?" Armin's curiosity got the best of him.

Celena sat up straighter. The attention made her nervous. "I feel more com... comfortable with Neo."

"Yeah," Neo piped up. "Because her father's a d - " He gulped down the ending of his sentence when Celena's dark amber hues showed him that she wouldn't tolerate the insult he was about to say.

"Ah, I see..." Armin's eyebrows furrowed, and he analyzed the exchange between the two family members. To him, it was blatantly apparent that Neo disliked his uncle. Neo spoke about their ruined relationship once or twice during training sessions, but even without that, Armin could tell just by the tone of Neo's voice whenever Alecto was brought up. However, it was Celena's view of Alecto that confused the blond.

Of course, specific issues existed between the ginger and her father, issues that were caused by miscommunication, no doubt, but Celena protected Alecto and his public figure no matter what. She often ensured that no one talked ill of him, including her cherished cousin.

She's protecting his public image... Armin concluded. It must be a delicate thing to uphold for those living in Wall Sina, then.

"Anyways," Neo coughed to clear out the pause that overtook the three. "I always preferred it when Celena was here. The house in Sina is way too big for a family of two, in my opinion, at least." Neo looked out of the window with a hazed look.

"A family of two? I thought your mom and sister lived with you and your father...?"

It was rare for Celena to talk about herself; Neo did most of the talking. However, it was different this time around. Celena held her hand up to stop Neo from speaking when he opened his mouth and took in a heavy breath of air.

"My mom... S - She passed away."

Celena watched Armin's facial expression crumble from one of curiosity to one of grief and pity.

Don't give me that look, Armin... She thought glumly. You and your friends lost more than me.

"She died in the Fall of Wall Maria." Her voice cracked towards the end.

Armin had left his mouth open in shock. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

Neo laughed bitterly. "Even to this day, it still seems like some cruel prank. To lose so many people like that... to lose homes and friends, it's a huge blow for sure. If only we can take it all back. If only..." He didn't finish his sentence, looking away in distraught.

Armin nodded, his throat not letting him breathe as his eyes began to sting.

"My sister," Celena began again, trying to keep the topic off of Wall Maria and its desperation, "S - She's in the Survey C - Corps."

Neo's eyes widened. "What?"

Izumi and Mikasa quickly appeared at the doorway, informing the trio that they had been listening in. "In the Survey Corps?" Izumi's voice cracked.

Mikasa glanced at her, not knowing how to reassure the woman.

Celena nodded. It took her a while, but she finally understood Anabella's plans after all these years. The only way for her to avoid Alecto's claws was to disappear from his range of power altogether. What better choice than to join the Survey Corps? The only military branch stationed far from Mitras. Far from Captan Alecto, their father. Anabella was a genius.

"T - That's where I - I'm going. To join her."

Izumi could feel her heart turn cold. She knew what this meant. Her niece was in the Survey Corps, so Celena would join her to reunite with her older sibling and avenge her mother. That meant... Her eyes moved towards her son, who stared at his cousin in determination. "No... Don't tell me. Neo, you're joining the Survey Corps too?"

Neo flinched at the hurt in his mother's eyes when he met them. He gulped before standing up. "Let's take a walk after dinner, Mom... We need to talk. I want Hakura to be there too."

The lack of an exact answer set the tone for the rest of the night. Restlessness.

- - -

Weeks passed since the first night of vacation. 

Eren's trial steadily crept up toward them until, finally, it was time.

Commander Nile and Captain Alecto stood rigidly in front of the infamous courthouse in Mitras, accompanied by twenty other cadets of the Military Police branch. As they waited for the trial to begin, Alecto's breast pocket felt heavy and itchy with the weight of a small letter. The unknown information from one of his daughters made his fingers twitch in anticipation. Even though people call him emotionless, he still held his daughters' words near his heart. Both of theirs.

This time, the letter was from his youngest.

"I heard Celena was placed with the elites in the Battle of Trost." Nile Dok began, his warm brown eyes glancing over to the father of two. "I recently talked with Pixis. He said he was proud that they won."

Alecto grunted in acknowledgment. "She did well." He grumbled out.

Commander Nile nodded, satisfied, but his slight smile fell from his lips as he began to think about that cursed night in the Underground. His mouth opened to speak, "I never told you how sorry I was that night." A cold glance from Alecto. "Throwing that order to kill without giving it a second thought or looking at her clearly. I - "

"Enough. I heard enough. You may be my Commander, but I never want to hear apologies from you again. It wasn't your fault. Only Celena's."

"Alecto - "

"No." Alecto dropped his salute meant for the judge arriving any minute now and looked at Nile Dok directly in the eyes. "She was found with the Underground Trio -- one of the most dangerous groups ever to have been created. She knew them by name and might've even shared important information with them. You had every right to believe she was a dangerous thug like the rest of them." He moved back to his spot, his heart over his heart, as a carriage turned towards them. "It's not your fault."

Commander Dok felt discontented at his Captain's words but let it go the moment the carriage stopped in front of them and opened. A polished shoe stepped on the metal bar before going onto the ground. Darius Zackly. The Commander in Chief of all three factions; Military Police, Survey Corps, and Garrison Brigade. The judge of today's trial.

"It's hot today," He muttered, pushing the sweat off his forehead as his snowy hair glistened with gel.

"Welcome, Commander Zackly."

"Commander Dok, Captain Alecto. Let's get this trial started, shall we?"

"Yes, sir! But there was one thing we wanted to go over with you before the trial, sir." Dok took a tentative step forward.

"Well? Get on with it."

"We have three witnesses that our cadets are retrieving from Trost, Wall Rose. We will bring all three here, but it's up to you to allow the third one, sir. She's marked."

Zackly's ocean-blue eyes darkened at the thought of a marked person. But he nodded nonetheless. "I would like to get information from her as well. It wouldn't be a correct trial if she didn't count. But I don't want her in court. It would cause too many problems... We already have one marked soldier joining us today."

"Yes, sir." Dok agreed again.

But Captain Alecto stepped forward now. "Commander Zackly, I must warn you, getting information from her won't be easy. She's had issues communicating since young."

Darius' eyes flashed with recognition. "Communicating issues... and a mark. She wouldn't happen to be your own flesh and blood, Alecto?"

Alecto looked down and almost didn't answer. "She's been causing quite a bit of trouble, sir. I apologize."

"Hmph. Very well then, we shall wait for the witnesses." He said nothing more, his eyes glancing at Alecto one last time before entering the court building with all the soldiers and Commander Nile Dok in tow.

Alecto gazed back, knowing he should follow too but gave himself a few minutes to collect his thoughts and open Celena's letter.

Dear Father,

The Battle of Trost was a battle that scared me and gave me a taste of the world we live in. The titans are terrifying and, must I say, also pungent and loud. I've never managed to kill one on my own yet, but I prefer it that way. I mustn't get too comfortable with them. In little less than a month, I'll be joining the Survey Corps in their war to discover the truth behind the titans and the outside world. I'm hoping I'll be part of the plan to retake Wall Maria, but we shall see. I recently found out that Anabella is in the Survey Corps too, and I'm too ecstatic to see her. It's been five years... I've been making friends as well, though not many will join us in the Survey Corps. One of my closest friends, Annie Leonhart, will be joining the Military Police, and I wouldn't worry. She's very skilled and reasonable. Neo is coming with me to the Survey Corps; his mother found out a few days ago. I feel she resents me for convincing him to join the Trainee Survey with me.

About Eren...

He's a good kid, and he means well. These past three years, I've learned much about the people around me. Most of them were from Wall Maria and were suffering. Eren wants nothing more than to protect his friends and kill titans for the death of his family... I connected with him on that term. I want to avenge Mother, and now, I feel even more determined to kill the creatures that have hurt my friends in our recent battle. I don't understand the power that he has, but I believe that we could use it for good; he was unbeatable when in his titan form, killing titans left and right.

But alas, it isn't my decision.

I hope to see you when I visit Wall Sina for the court trial. I know you see me as nothing more than a disappointment, but hopefully, you'll allow me to speak with Eren before his trial. One last time.

Do your best at work and tell Commander Nile Dok I give him my greetings,

Celena Phoebe.

Alecto took a deep breath and gently closed the letter before putting it back into his breast pocket. Even though he treated her no better than the scum beneath his polished boots, she still had a heart pure of gold... He knew he didn't deserve her kindness. Alecto kept trying to convince himself that he had every right to burn the mark on his daughter and keep her away from his already damaged title, but it was becoming difficult. He was running out of excuses and will soon have to face the truth.

He was nothing more than a monster that made his little girls run away.

- - -

"Do you know him, Celena?"

In front of the group of six stood two cadets and a carriage.

In front of Celena stood Mero Tumaa.

He looked older as if the past three years they'd spent separated must've been harsh. Those cruel, dark hues of his that used to seem like death itself and scared Celena now just were restless. His mouth was slightly open in surprise at the small home that held six individuals, but he was quick to hide his feelings as soon as his eyes locked on Celena's figure. And then, Mero smirked.

"Miss Celena Phoebe, you just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you?"

Celena turned away from him, ignoring his question.

"We're here for the trial of Eren Yeager," The other cadet spoke, his eyes flashing with hatred at the name of their close friend. "We need Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Alert for the trial and Miss Celena Pheobe," He turned towards the daughter of his Captain. "You are required as well but cannot go into trial."

Armin's eyebrows furrowed at that.

Aunt Izumi nodded and gave a hug to the three soldiers. "When will they return?" She asked the Military Police cadets, as her children said their goodbyes as well.

"They should return this evening." Cadet Tumaa opened the door of the carriage.

Celena felt nervous about being without Neo, but she knew Mikasa and Armin would help her if she ever froze up in fear. The Military Police still managed to scare her even if Mero Tumaa and Celena had put their differences aside years ago. Armin and Mikasa glanced at each other before saying goodbye to the Izumi family and entering the carriage. Celena and the two cadets followed in after them, and they were soon moving away from the Trost District.

"Why can't you come into trial with us?" Mikasa leaned over in front of Armin to ask the ginger.

The question made Celena's hands tighten into fists. She knew it had to do with her mark. No one could look at the poor girl the same after seeing the burned scar on her shoulder. People always believed she was lying or faking her difficulty communicating, and it was only expected that Zackly wouldn't want her at the trial. Her presence would have thrown the jury and the people off.

The cadet beside Tumaa laughed. "You don't know? As respected as her family is, Miss Celena Phoebe cannot join you because of the anger she'll instill in the jury and the people!"

Celena glanced at the cadet for a moment and noticed the emotion in his eyes. He respected her father but thought of her as a nuisance-- as well as all of the other Military Police cadets that knew the story. She looked out of the window of the carriage, not wanting to see the displeasure on Mikasa and Armin's faces when they found out.

"The anger?" Armin questioned himself.

Tumaa kept his eyes on the girl he was ordered to bring to Wall Sina, knowing that under the emotionless façade she had, she was freaking out. But she didn't stop the cadet from continuing.

"She was marked two years after her father created the project." The cadet snickered. "What a daughter the Captain has..."

Celena closed her eyes, resting her forehead against the windowpane, feeling everyone's gaze on her small frame. Suddenly it all made sense to Armin and Mikasa.

Her being marked connected to her unnatural relationship with her father. Captain Alecto despised her for the way she ruined the family title and no doubt she was hated by the people of Mitras as well for her actions, whatever they may be. This was also the thing she was afraid of the day they had Eren close up the wall. When that soldier recognized her and Mikasa shut him down before he could continue speaking.

She was dangerous... But how? How can a quiet, timid girl like her be dangerous?

Armin supposed that looks can be deceiving.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the carriage after Cadet Tumaa quieted his fellow soldier down. They spent two next hours with only the sound of horses and chatter from the towns and districts passing by outside. And then the carriage stopped, and the door opened, revealing a Sina courthouse with many soldiers, either guarding the important figures entering or being there for protection if Eren was to try anything. Celena was the first to step out, and as her two friends exited the carriage, Mero Tumaa motioned at her to talk to him at the side.

He gazed down at her, knowing she was scared of what the people and her friends would think. But he asked his question anyway. "Do you regret it? Going to the Underground District more than once?"

The ginger looked up to meet his eyes. She remembered all the times she put both her and her friends in danger, of the times she could've gotten hurt, and of the times she did. The imaginary barbed wire that has been wrapped around her throat since the day it all happened, when she was seventeen, seemed to have tightened a bit.

She opened her mouth. "Yes."

Celena regretted being found by Rietman, Dok, and other cadets there that day. She regretted going down to the Underground District all those times. Yet, although many bad things occurred due to her childishness in the previous years, Celena did not regret meeting Levi, Isabel, and Farlan.

That, she was sure of.

- - -

As Mikasa and Armin were taken into the courtroom to be seated for the trial that was about to begin, Celena sat down in an unfamiliar room, waiting for the boy she had to talk to. The door opened, and Eren, her father, and a familiar Survey Corps squad leader came in.

It was the woman who helped her out and chased her for information at that one time... Squad Leader Hange. Her brown eyes lightened when they landed on Celena's face, and she pointed at the ginger accusingly. 


Celena flinched.

Alecto sighed in annoyance and pushed past Hange with Eren behind him, his hands chained together. "Sit." He grumbled out, forcing Eren to sit on the couch across from Celena before turning to his daughter. "You have five minutes, Celena Phoebe.  Squad Leader Zoë will stay in the room just in case you convince him to lie or escape."

Eren looked up and glared at the Captain. "I know Celena! She would never do that!"

Alecto scrunched up his nose in disgust at the scum that tried to argue with him. In his eyes, Eren was just another titan. "Five minutes." He repeated, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Celena knew he was just standing outside, counting down the minutes.

Eren finally looked at his companion, relishing that she had gotten out of the Battle of Trost alive and well. He knew Mikasa and Armin were around here somewhere too, and he hoped to see them before his trial... Who knew what they could sentence him with, even if Hange assured him that the Survey Corps had a plan.

"You're alright?" He asked, with Hange sitting down to watch them.

Celena nodded. "Y - You?"

"I'm fine... As fine as I could be."

To prove his point, the titan shifter raised his hands to show the shackles keeping them together. Celena wondered if he could break out of them with his new power... After all, he could turn into a fifteen-meter titan.

Hange jumped in, a severe look crossing her face. "You ran away from me that day. Why?"

Celena flinched again, scratching the burned mark hidden under her civilian clothing, which to Eren and Hange, was very Sina-like. "Sorry..."

Eren furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Hange. "You know each other." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Not really," Hange leaned back and put her arms behind her head. "I met her when Shorty saved you from the titan. But when I wanted her to tell me what happened, she ran from me, and I wasn't able to find her."

"Oh, Celena doesn't react well to strangers, Leader Hange... She - "

"W - We d - don't have time!" Celena interrupted, her voice failing her.

Eren looked at her with wide eyes before leaning closer. "What's wrong, Celena? Why did you ask for me?"

"They m - may..." She took in a deep breath, not feeling well. "They may mark you, Eren." The ginger knew how this was going to plan out. She was thinking about it the whole ride from Wall Rose to Wall Sina.

Hange's facial expression darkened; it was clear that she disagreed with the Mark Project. "How are you sure? How can we trust you?"

Celena looked at the door, unsure if her father might hear her from outside the room. She scooted closer, her face and Eren's a good twenty inches from each other. "My father and Commander Nile Dok... H - He won't let Eren g - go... If you have a plan, L - Leader Hange... To get Eren away, he has to get marked."

There was no other way. Either the jury and Zackly decide that Eren must die for his shifting powers, or he leaves with a burned mark on his arm. Hange's brain worked to find solutions as Eren looked at Celena with slight surprise and fear. "Then he will get marked. It's better to use his powers for the Survey Corps than have him rot here in Sina."

Eren looked at Hange and nodded. "Anything to get in the Survey Corps."

Celena wanted to agree, but the thought of one of her friends getting poorly hurt messed up her mind. She stood and moved to put a hand on his shoulder as the door opened, and Alecto's head popped in, letting them know their time was up. Eren looked up at Celena, his beautiful eyes deceiving him as fear shone through.

"Close your eyes if it happens, Eren..." She whispered to him. Hange stood up and entered into a conversation with Alecto, letting him know they were done. "It hurts less w - when you don't see it coming."

Alecto pushed Celena back and grabbed Eren by the arm, heading towards the door that led to the room of the trial. Eren looked back at Celena in the hallway as he suddenly took in her words. "W - Wait! I still need to ask her something! How do you know, Celena?!"

Alecto glared at the titan shifter. "Let's go, boy!"

Eren's eyes widened as Celena rested her hand over her covered mark symbol and stared at him with knowing eyes. And he knew. The door closed behind him. Celena sat down on the sofa once more and hid her face in her hands.

Now, she can only hope they don't send him to his death.

To be Continued. . .

- - -
[Silent.] Ilaria_NP
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