The RoomMate

By bblublu

8.7K 159 21

a story about to room mates find love and happiness More

The RoomMate
Day 1 Chapter 2
Sheltered Old Neighbors Chapter 3
The Return of the Exes
Be a Man Chapter 5
House Hunting Chapter 6
1 Week Chapter 7
Sally Dont Play Chapter 8
To Be or Not to Be
Love Is In The Air
1year of love
Miami part 1
Miami Part 2
Miami part 3
Maria gets better
Twitter can Make you or Break you
Anger Turns To Sex Just To Turn Back To Anger
First Things First
Return of the exes Part 2
The Storm
medical alert
Pull Me Out The Fire UnHarmed
Your Life or Your Life
1 week later
bring it back
The Family Pain
The Questioning

First Ultra Sound

251 7 2
By bblublu

Maria's pov

its been 2 months since i found out i was pregnant ......since justin and i offically broke it off.i'd be lying to myself if i didnt miss him holding me at night expically since i'm pregnant my nights are very uncomfortable my mom said its because the baby is growing i'll be like that idk it doesent matter now i wake up this morning for my first doctors appoiment


Justin:morning where you headed

Maria:the doctors office

Justin:why is everything ok

Maria:just getting a check up to see if the baby 's ok

Jusitn:you getting an ultra sound with out me

Maria:well yes i didnt think you wanted to go

Justin:i almost chopped you head off for thinking about abortion and you think i dont want to be there for our baby's ultra sound

Maria:sorry but hurry up i have to be there by 10

Justin:-rolls eyes-

-10 mins later-

Justin:i'll drive

Maria:you look nice


Justin's pov

i'm actually pissed off at maira for thinking i didnt want to go to the first ultra sound but her saying i looked good sent chills up my spin god why we gotta be this way.we pull up to the doctors office and wait for our name to be called


Maria:coming justin help me up

Justin:-sorta helps her-

Maria:-eyes him- thanks

Justin:sure thing

Maria's pov

as we wait for the doctor justin was just bein annoying

Maria:what are doing

Justin:grabbing a glove

Maria:what are you a child put that back

Justin:whats wrong with getting a glove

Maria:what do you need it for

Justin:this-makes a baloon out of the glove then laughs-\

Maria:-tries not to laugh-

Justin:you are such a prude

Maria:i'm not a prude


Justin:dr.gregg you our doctor

Dr.Gregg:yes i am and i thought i told you to be careful

Justin:i was in the moment

Dr.Gregg:and who is this young lady she didnt out you too

Maria:no doctor i didnt i'm maria

Justin:this this maria my ex girlfriend

Maria:i just said who i was

Justin:you didnt say you were my ex

Dr.Gregg:hey hey hey!!! not in here besides its not good for the baby to endure all this negativity

Maria:thats what i said

Justin:but killing the baby isnt the right thing to do

Dr.Gregg:hey!!! what did i just say you know what let me just turn on the ultra sound and get this over with

Maria:you must be a no bullshit kind of doctor

Dr.Gregg:really how'd you know

Justin:wild guess

Dr.Gregg:ok miss jackson lift up your shirt

Maria:-lifts her shirt only to see a little baby bump-

Dr.Gregg:-puts gel on her belly- oh if you look right there you see a little fetus

Maria:right there is a baby

Dr.Gregg:yes let me turn this up to hear the heart beat

-little heart beat grows louder-


Maria:-cries- its beautiful

Dr.Gregg:yup by the time your five momthst the baby will be big enought to know if its a boy or girl

Maria:i hope its a boy

Justin:why a boy

Maria:i want him to be a mama's boy

Justin:lol ok i can live with that

Maria:-cries again-

Dr.Gregg:i'm going to leave you too alone

Jusitn:you dont have to

Dr.Gregg:yes i do -leaves the room-

Justin:-grabs the ultra sound and puts it back on her belly-

Maria:-cries harder- justin .......sorry


Maria:no justin i'm a horrible person for even thinking about killing a baby i've been going around here like its ok and its not and as a woman i need to aplogize to you

Justin:maria i accept only if you accept mines this would not have happened if i hadnt cheated i'm sorry

Maria: apoloigy accepted

Justin: do you think we'll get back together

Maria:not right now its still alot to fix

Justin:but will we get back together

Maria:-smiles- in time yes

Justin:alright justin and maria on their way back

-that night-

Maria:justin can we order....whats this

Justin:you bath water

Maria:with candals and rose petals

Justin:dr.gregg said you need to relax

Maria:but you didnt have

Justin:yes i did just get in

Maria:fine -gets naked- stop looking

Justin:as if i never seen you

Maria:but you dont need to see me now so stop looking

Justin:-turns around-

Maria:-tries to get in the tub- uh justin


Maria:i need help

Justin:-helps her-you have a beautiful body

Maria:how bout you go order some pizza and chinese food

Justin:why all that food

Maria:cause i'm hungry as shit and make me a peanutbutter sandwich and a pickle

Justin:ohhhhhkkkkkkkkkkk O.O

-that night-



Maria:i'm going to bed

Justin:goodnight ria


Justin:i cant call you ria

Maria:its been a while since i herd that

Justin:your always be ria to me

Maria:-smiles- goodnight -closes the door-

-1hour later-

Maria's pov

i'm very glad that justin and i are on good terms the fact that he call me ria made my heart i lay in my bed i hear something i then turn over to see justin climbing in my bed

Maria:justin why are you here

Justin:i didnt want you to sleep alone tonight

Maria:your soo sweet

Justin:-cuddles next to her-night baby


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