The RoomMate

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-May 16 2012

Hello everone My Name I Maria Dutchess Jackson i live in miami flordia i just turned 18 and today i'm graduating from highschool.... just as soon as i figure out what i'm going to wear.Anyways if your wondering what college i decied to go to that is Ucla. I choose Ucla because my parents are so protective of me they wanted me to go to Flordia State so i'll be closer and i'm an adult i cant keep me under their wing much longer.Aparment in La and of corse my parents said i needed a room mate cause i cant live alone.AH finally i found this i'm ready

-2hrs into graduation-

Maria's Pov

Why do speakers lie for 2 hrs saying we enjoyed you all and we will miss you Lies all i hear is yall aint shit and dont let the door hit you on the way out whats so hard about being i'm standing here waiting to get my deplomia i'm began to get nervous what if i walk across thee stage and bust my ass oooo i want to curl into a ball

Mr.Jakes:Maria Dutchess Jackson

I walk across the stage i didnt yall but i could hear my family screaming in the crowd and then -hears air horn-THEY BROUGHT A AIR HORN my family you gotta love them. after graduation we head to my favorite place Joes Stone Crab oh the sea food is so good i think i need to get a supply of fried fish for the next 4 years lol

-End of pov-

Grandma Ona:so maria how do you feel

Maria:i got alot of mixed emotions

Grandpa Bo:what college your going to again


Grandpa Bo:why ucla

Maria:its a really great school its in LA

Jack (maria's dad):Its far away from us

Maria:dad please

Jack:thats the main reason and you know it

Kelly(maria's mom):jack please not now

Maria:dad i'm becoming an adult you would think from all that you taught me that you guys would trust me to apply it

Kelly:honey we do its were trying to adjust that your no longer our baby


Jack:your mothers right Ria we've kept you in the nest that its time for you to fly

Maria:but i'll always be your little girl

Jack:we know

Grandpa Bo:just like when jack graduated right Ona

Grandma Ona:oh yes its all about letting go

Kelly:we want to give you this necklace

Jack:its your great grandmothers

Maria:oh mama its beautiful

Kelly:that way when you have children you can give it to them and they can give it to their kids and so on

Maria:i will protect it with my heart

Jack:you better we are so proud of you

Maria:daddy your gonna make me mess up my makeup

Kelly:i work hours on that please dont mess it up

-next day-

-Justin's pov-

Yo names Justin Dior Combs if aint know my father is Diddy as if you need an introduction on who my father is.i'm 18 i'm going to ucla on a football scholarship which caused a uproar cause of who my parents are i earned that shit .whatever i'm not going to let that get to me i'm at the air port getting ready to leave

Justin:oh mom please dont be all mushy

Misa:i'm sorry i'm going to miss you


Justin:oh niko you gonna miss me to

Niko:no i wont i'll be fine

Justin:well do me a favor clock any dude that even breaths in madisons direction

Madison:justin really

Justin:no boys until your 45 ok

Madison:bye justin -hugs him-

Justin:bye niko madison bye mom

Misa:bye baby call me when you get there

Justin:i will-gets on the plane to LA-

-end of pov-

Maria's pov

So i just arrived at my aparment in LA its so big i wonder how my room mate will be i might as well get unpacked good thing i cam here first so i get the bigger room

-end of pov-

Justin's pov

Wow this aparment is huge i thing i hear some one


Maria:uh hi can i help you

Justin:is this aparment e 23


Justin:i'm justin


Justin:your maria i'm your room mate

Maria's pov


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