The Questioning

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Maria pov
I got dressed for the questioning. Justin decied to come with me just in case its too much stress.
Maria: how do i look
Justin: very pregnant
Maria: doctor said i have a couple more weeks
Justin: then the madness begins
Maria: ive been reading up on being a mother of twins lot of women said its very stressful
Justin: it is two babies but we got this
Maria: i know well we better head out
My dad mom marlon and i drove to the police station. Once we got there they led us to this small all white room with three chairs
Officer 1#:you and you husband can wait right here for detective Don
Maria & Justin: alright
Kelly: we'll be in the next room if you need us
Justin :you nervous
Maria: no
Justin: just make sure if it gets to be too much for you let them know
*door opens *
Detective Don: hello im Don you must be maria
Maria : yes i am and this is my fiance justin
Don: hello
Justin: hey
Don: so lets get started, how do you know marlon
Maria: hes my brother
Don: is it true when you were 4 your brother left
Maria: yes
Don: why did he leave
Maria: because he told our dad he is gay
Don: your usual disowning cause hes gay
Maria: yes
Don: from age 4 to when was the first time you saw him again
Maria: when i was 14
Don: who took you to see him Maria:he picked me up from school
Don: what did you guys do
Maria: we went shopping then we went to fuddruckers for lunch
Don: did he ever explain to you why he left
Im sure you had questions
Maria: i already knew why
Don: when did you find out
Maria: he told me on the phone
Don: when
Maria: after he left my mom would call to check on him then would let me talk to him. He didnt explain until i was 11
Don: so you two were pretty close even when he was gone
Maria: yes
Don: im sure you talked about anything
Maria: yes
Don: even about johnny
Maria yes
Don: when did he tell you about him
Maria: when i was 17 he told me about this guy named Johnny he met at a gay bar
Don: did he say which bar
Maria: club shampoo
Don: did you know johnny has part owner
Maria: no i didnt
Don: oh and why didnt he tell you
Maria:i just knew he worked there didnt know the exact position
Don: oh ok. Marlon said that you are the only family member that as met him
Maria: yes.
Don: what was that like
Maria: they were in love happy. Johnny was kind sweet very helpful supportive of my brother, everytime he would talk about dad johnny would say dont worry about it i got you
Don: sure lets wrap this up
Don: when did marlon tell you about the "abuse "
Maria: in greece and he didnt tell me on jis own i saw it
Don: meaning
Maria: we were at dinner johnny had one to many drinks when he reached for another marlon stopped him johnny got mad. Stormed off
Don: what expression did marlon have that implied he was being abused
Maria: he was shaky quiet he kept holding his face down
Don: his face was down? If it was down how could you see his expression
Maria: huh
Don: answer the question
Justin: babe
Don: im just asking a simple question not being harsh
Maria: ok i didnt see his face but i felt it
Don: what did you do about it how did you get him to tell you
Maria: he and i had a slumber party i asked if he and johnny are ok
Don: what did he say
Maria: he said everything was fine then he said we have our issues but it will get better
Don:hinting something was wrong
Maria: yes so i told him just tell me whats wrong, he cried and showed me brusing on his chest and side
Don: did he say why johnny "abused"him
Maria: he aaid because johnny lost his job and became angry
Don: marlon said you talked some sense into leaving johnny
Maria: i told him what dad always. Told us " now matter what dont beat on others because your angry with yourself and dont alow others to beat on you your worth more than that "
Don: mhm
Maria: he agreed, next morning at brunch he came alone told everyone about the abuse then said he was getting a divorce
I offered him to stay in my room until they leave then marlon said hes going to pack his things, he walked away we herd him scream my dad ran i was behind him ,once we got there i.....i um saw johnny dangling from the curtain rod my dad had to take him down
Don: that will be all for now is there anything you like to add before we go to trial
Maria: no
Don:Alriaht then

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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