Waiting for His Reply

By ExoticPoetress

4.4K 190 332

Life is all about GROWTH. Whether you are 18 or 88, life will always teach you something new, by stretching... More

Chapter 1: Family Reunion
Chapter 2: The Wrath of Aunt Thelma
Chapter 3: Patrick Award Winner
Chapter 5: Morning After
Chapter 6: NO FREE MILK!
Chapter 7: I like Cream with my Coffee
Hi Loviesssssssssssssssssss
Chapter 8: Give me that Fast Wine
Chapter 9: I'M HERE FOR IT!!!!
Chapter 10: YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!!!
Chapter 11: Girl You Better Run!!
Chapter 12: My White Lie
Chapter 13: I'm Sorry
Chapter 14: Pretty Brown Eyes
Chapter 15: I ain't saying she a GOLD-DIGGER!!!
Chapter 16: Step in the name of love
Chapter 17: Let me love you
I'm so tired yall
Grab you a cup of Tea Lovie👸☕
Chapter 18: THE BLOCK 😥(Part 1)
Chapter 19: THE BLOCK 😥(Part 2)
Chapter 20: The Block 😭(Part 3)
Chapter 21: Attack of the Past ?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! WE @ 2K YALL
Chapter 22: She is not one of your THOTS!
Working Hard Yall

Chapter 4: Fiona's Feast

185 10 21
By ExoticPoetress

I was shocked by Thomas' actions but pleased as well. He lent me his shoulder again, and we walked into the diner.

The ambiance of the diner was cozy yet slightly romantic. It had classic diner decor and appeal. Thomas looked excited. I think he had been dying to come here for a while. He guided us to a table at the back, near a window where we could see passersby walk the streets. We sat and got comfortable, no sooner a waitress came to our aid.

"Good night, welcome to Debbie's diner. Tonight's special is cabbage pie, with fried chicken, baked beans and corn bread. What can I get you guys? " the waitress dragged her words in a groupy tone. You could tell that we annoyed her, seeing that we were the only ones there at the moment. Maybe we stopped her from enjoying her idle time.

"Good night, thanks for the offer but we came to have your delicious breakfast" Thomas replied.

"You do know that it's after 10pm?" she grumbled while popping her gum.

"Yes, but you do know that I am the customer? So you can kindly take our order or we can go some place else" he sternly replied.

She rolled her eyes and then looked at us with disgust. Shockingly, in a preppy tone she smiled "OFC SIR! Breakfast menus coming your way". Quickly she turned around, dropping her fake smile and headed to the main counter by the kitchen.

"I don't know whats wrong with people these days. No respect"

" Yeah she was a bit rude, I can't lie. I think she was hoping no one will come in tonight"

"Well she better get over it, I don't want her ruining our night" he snapped, looking in her direction.

I blushed. I loved when he used words like " our" and "we" it made me felt as if he was considering us as something he can look forward to.

" She wouldn't, Aunt Thelma already did that" I saìd softly.

He grabbed my hand that was resting on the table, and rubbed the back of it with his thumb gently.

"Hey I don't want you to think about that okay, you're with me now. I promise to make this night special."

With his other hand he lifted my head up and turned it towards him. He looked into my eyes, so deeply I thought he could see my soul

"Now let me see that smile I admire so much"

I couldn't help but blush he made me feel so special. I couldn't refuse him especially with that sexy smirk.

"Beautiful" he said while rubbing his fingers against the surface of my cheeks. This man is doing everything way too right. I guess only time would tell what this really means, but for now I will just enjoy his company.

With great enthusiasm, he rubbed his hands together and looked at me mischievously. " What are you gonna order sweet lady?"

I could tell this man was ready to grub. I, on the other hand wasn't too sure if I should let him see this side of me. You see I am a what you call a "foodie". I love food so much, that's its not just a time of feeding but an experience. The way the creamy texture of an New York's strawberry cheesecake would glide on my taste buds. Or the sweet, juicey and crispy feeling you get when you bite into a honey bbq chicken wing. Especially if its well seasoned. Food is magical and it granted my every wish.

Surprisingly I am not overweight for some reason. Mom always said that God made sure he gave me a high metabolism because he knew I would eat a whole cow if I could. Her nickname for me was Fiona, she would say "with the way you eat only Shrek would find your eating habits sexy". I didn't care and neither did my father, he always spoiled me. I guess its because we are both foodies.

"Umm.. yea I think I will just have a french toast and some fruit" it was the simplest thing I could think of that would hide my secret addiction.

"French toast and fruit? You on a diet or something? " he looked at me confused. But so was I, was my order too much?

"No, I'm not. Don't want you to think that I am a pig or whatever" I laughed

"It doesn't matter to me, I like a girl with a big appetite. Its sexy to me, especially when I get to feed her myself. Ain't nothing wrong with a little extra meat on my plate" he implied seductively. Licking his bottom lip while analyzing my anatomy.

" You guys ready to order?" Said the preppy voice of the once grumpy waitress. She pulled us both out of our daydreams.

Still looking at me, he replied " Yea I would like to have a strawberry pancake with extra strawberries, I like my cakes sweet" with alluring eyes.

I began to fiddle on my seat because his tone was giving the impression that he wasn't speaking about the food.

" Add two cheese biscuits, make sure they're fluffy and lightly buttered. Along with scrambled eggs and bacon. Not too crispy though, I want it to be a bit moist. And a glass of orange juice to wash it down, thank you"

He then looked at the waitress who began fanning herself with her notepad. I felt so uncomfortable, that I couldn't look at him. I knew I would blush too much. He doesn't need to see all of that. I needed to be the one who controlled the situation.

"Sure..... it would be my pleasure." Said the waitress. For a moment there I swore she was undressing him with her eyes. In a matter of a seconds her face went back into witch mode and she turned to me.

"And what would you be having?" she snapped

My mother's words replayed in my mind as if it were programmed. But to heck with it, since he wants something fluffy, imma give it to him.

I looked directly at him with lustful eyes and replied " I'll have dark chocolate chip pancakes, a small bowl of blue berries. You know what change that. Make that blackberries. You know what they say, the darker the berry the sweeter the juice". I bit my lower lip in a pleasurable manner.

"Yes that's very true" he grinned. He was surprised by my remarks. I hope he knows that he is not the only one who can play the game.

" Add 2 slices french toast, scambled eggs with cheess and a hot... cup.... of Chocolate...." I said sensually.

"Ah!!! I see... okay. Do your thing" he grinned.

"Okay..... would you like a bed with that?" mummbled the waitress

"Excuse me" I questioned the waitress.

" So... french toast, hot chocolate, pancakes... blah blah blah. Coming right up" she rushed and headed to the kitchen.

"So Ms.Saunders tell me about yourself. I am quite intrigued by you" 

"Well there's not much to say, I'm in my final year of medical school. I work at a nursing home on evenings to help with my tuition. There's not really much to talk about, I pretty much an introverted person"

" what about your passions and your dreams? You don't have any hobbies? Aren't there things that you do that you love?" he inquired.

"I don't really go out much, Its just home, work and then school. The rest is for studying and sleeping. But I do love RnB music and I love watching stage plays. Hopefully I could go see one live"

"Dang! we gotta fix that, you only got one life to live, yea you got responsibilities but you gotta take a few moments to enjoy life as well"

" Yeah you're right, but its just time you know and I don't have that much friends--"

"Well you got a new one tonight. I would like to share those wonderful moments with you, if you'll have me?" he interrupted.

"Oh wow! Umm... well sure. Sounds good."

" Great, my brother is celebrating his birthday next week friday. I can pick you up for 10pm"

"Urrr.. umm... "

" Look to make you feel a little comfortable, you can bring a friend"

" Okay, I am down for that. I will let my bff know"

" Great... lets see if you could really get down. I do a mean Sanford chicken leg"


Before I knew it, Thomas got up from his seat and did the best impression I had ever seen of Sanford. He had me laughing uncontrollably. It was hilarious. It was like he was trained by Sanford himself.

We both laughed together, while discussing how crazy he looked. Soon after the waitress came with our meals. It looked so delicious. I could of barely kept my hands to myself.

He was right, the food did taste excellent. Those were the best pancakes I had ever had. And the best part about it was that I felt like I could fully be myself when I'm around him. There were no restrictions, I didn't have to watch what I said or portray a different side of me so that he would stay in my life. I just hope this would not change, but we just began. The honeymoon stage is always sweet.


I had to dedicate this first chapter to my fellow wattpad writer and follower @Minnie1bae.

You are always the first to read my work,sometimes i wonder if you sleep at all lol. I would just like to say thank you. You guys she has some nice poems, check out her book "Connection" ON WATTPAD.


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