
By FreyaIcyBlast777

85 0 0

Frishica having anger issues, this leads her to sins and it is too late to turned back before she became a st... More

Rage 2
Q and A
Alternative Ending
Trailer 1 2 3
Sabrina character

Rage 1

14 0 0
By FreyaIcyBlast777

It's an ordinary day, a unique princess named Frishica being given a unicorn as a birthday present but she didn't liked it she even thought the unicorn is a horse. Frishica was angry and hollered that she do not like animals, she asked her mom why does the "horse" had a cone on it's head, her mom said it is a unicorn and the cone is actually a horn that can make magic. Frishica saw the unicorn vomits giltter rainbow which disgusted her, she told her mom if she could burn the unicorn with fire, her mom replied back furiously said this unicorn is very rare must appreciate what she gets. Frishica finally accepted the gift but instead of riding the unicorn she went to broke the unicorn's horn said it doesn't make sense that horse have a horn, her mom slaps her own forehead said it is magical horse unlike the other horse. Luckily the unicorn still had horn on it's head.

Frishica's brother named Jim asked his big sister that he liked the place that they are living now but frishica said this place is horrible and hated the fact that she is a princess how she wish to become a witch and change this place more creepier. One day, she and her mother went out but in the middle of the road they started quarreling because of Frishica easily got exploded. Suddenly when Frishica stomped on the ground, there is loud thunder and lighting almost to strike near frishica, both of them were terrified, Frishica's mother quickly sheltered Frishica from getting lighting striked and leave this place.

Next day in school Frishica met her frenemy named Victoria she pass the mysterious storybook to Frishica and begged her to make a spell to make her go inside the storybook.
Frishica accepted her request and do the magic spell then she created a magical hole to the other dimension, out of the blue Victoria pushed her to the magical hole well, Frishica was tricked by her and ended up in the other dimension with her ball-shaped robot named penny.

Frishica fall to the ground and slammed her head against the ground, when she saw she was in the mysterious forest she started to panic and puzzled how actually she got here. Then she saw her robot pet, penny turned into a black cat she was horrified then she felt really short and her hands are very small like a kid. She quickly take out a mirror and see if she is herself but the fact is horrifying she is appeared to be a 7 years old witch, she threw the mirror in the air (camera starts to turned around her and the place) while she peel down her face, she realised she is in another dimension and w that she was fooled by Victoria, she started to scream and puts her hand in the air wanting to go back to her own world. But she knew this is not gonna work if she don't do something, she starts to calm down and saw a storybook that Victoria gave to her then she went to pick up that book. On the very first page there is a instruction given on how to use a book, it said that Frishica must follow every chapter of the stories on what to do in the journey and finish them all, if she do not finish the stories she will disappear forever or forever trapped in this dimension.

Frishica's hands were trembling while reading this, Secondly, she must not die in the story as she is a proginist if she died she will die in the real world as well. Frishica is about to cry because she knew she was not capable of completing all the stories nor survives in the stories, but she said to herself must be resilience must not give up. She started to explore this world with her cat, penny. She saw the passer-bys looks like an old generation than her own generation, they are actually villagers they waved at Frishica said "Hey! Marsha!". Frishica realises the main character in this story actually named Marsha but not her own name, she awkwardly waved back at them with smiles pasted on her lip. Suddenly there is a mysterious lady with long blacked- hair wearing long black dress shouted at me, " Marsha! Where have you been?!?! We were been looking for you since just now." She grabbed by hand as I followed I was puzzled at first but when she said I was a naughty daughter I realised she is proginist's mom. Well I was lucky at least I have someone to guide me in this world, if not I had to figured out where should I be at. So she brought frishica to village to her wooden small house where there is trees around, it is unique and nature like which suits Frishica's liking. Frishica who became Marsha had been wondering around the house and was amazed because this is the house that she always been wanted. Later a man with a boy came in the house whom appeared to be Marsha's family. Marsha (Frishica) did not even know who are they but she remained calm and slient, the boy out of the blue called Marsha a sister. Marsha was surprised that boy looks like her brother, Jim but it was not, so she replied back with a hi.

Marsha's parents bring her to her own room came to talk to her that they have a good news while Marsha was wondering around the room. They gave Marsha a magic wand as she needs to practice her magic spells as a beginner being a witch. They also gave her a thick magic spell's book to guide her on how to use the wand. Marsha is so extremely happy as she always wanting to become a witch as for her liking, and also she wanted to live in a spooky places. Marsha saw her own room was spooky and beautiful she started to turn her body around with saying a yes loudly (cute voice). Next they introduce the potions that they bought and a big pot, Marsha was amazed by this she cannot stop squeaking. So Marsha's parents left the room, Marsha starting to learn magic spells or potion, by the days goes by Marsha started to develop her magic spells and potion that she created a dragon with fire came to alive, Marsha was amazed on what she did. She brings dragon outside and find some shelter that fits the dragon, Marsha's dad saw the dragon and asked her where did she get it. She replied that she created her own, Marsha's dad was shocked with the jaws dropping and he walks away. As days passed by, Marsha is getting frustrated and angry that she wanting to go back to her world as she misses her own world. She started to throw tantrums by throwing things away stumping the floor and kicking the walls, Marsha's parents were worried and trying to stop Marsha and confronts her on what's the matter. She just finally calmed down then she went back to her room sitted down at the corner of the floor and see herself in the mirror she saw her real self which it is Frishica, she is feeling sad and put down her head on her hands wondering how is she going back to her own world. Then she saw a storybook placed on the floor she went to pick up and recalled what should she do to get back to her own world. Marsha decided to read the first chapter called " Vampire's mom tradgey" It written that a Beautiful vampire met this a girl which appeared to be a witch then then they became friends... . Marsha only read until here but she was shocked that the witch is actually her, then she recalled that the storybook advised her to make all actions that is written on the book. She finally understood. In the night she went to her balcony and see the shooting star then wish she could go back to her world. Next morning Marsha's da d trained marsha to fight, marsha is so scared she can't fight at all, her father accidently punched her face she falls on the floor with pain, her father pull her up and trained again until she trained fighting with swords better.

Marsha went out of her house and search for the beautiful vampire that is pictured on the storybook. Marsha's mom gave her a basket of chocolates as she can enjoy with her friends when they are playing. After searching for hours she finally found it, she saw the vampire was hanging on the tree like a vampire bat. She was sleeping in the morning, Marsha looks at her closely appeared to be a princess, she didn't know she was sleeping and tapped on her shoulder. The vampire eyes opened widely her pupils are red then she gave Marsha a big stare and screams like a bat. Marsha was holding her both hands at her back was very shocked she thought the vampire was nice but instead a really cold-blooded one. Marsha timidly spoke to the vampire, " I didn't have any intention to harm you please do not misunderstand me." The vampire came down from the tree and said coldly to Marsha "What do you want from me?" Marsha replied "Nothing, I was just curious why are you hanging upside down?" The vampire replied " That's what all the vampires do when they are sleeping." Then the vampire saw Marsha was carrying a basket of chocolates, her saliva was dripping from her mouth she slowly pointed that chocolates that Marsha's was holding. Marsha said "Oh, you want some of it?" The vampire nodded her head while bitting her own finger. So Marsha gave some of the chocolates to her, The vampire eats it joyfully and big-mouthed while the chocolates stained on her mouth. Marsha thought this is her chance of making friends, but after the vampire eaten her chocolates she walked off without saying thank you. one day when Vampire went to Marsha's house, Marsha was shocked and said who are you, the vampire replied " I'm your cousin Mash-potato. Marsha's jaws dropped ,Vampire came with his big- brother and her father and the vampire often cold-blooded towards Marsha and called her Mash-Potato and often teases Marsha. One day Marsha and her brother tries to make the vampire look bad by roasting her but they failed the vampire roasted back at them very badly that Marsha exploded.

Marsha was very angry and one day she was on top of her rage, she screams at the vampire like a baby and use a wand to stop the vampire she use the force spell at the vampire that the vampire body fly out and falls down. The vampire was shocked, while Marsha stares at her fiercely with her eyes widely opened and told her "Don't ever mess with this little girl!, if you don't want me to harm you." Marsha still at her rage and cannot controls it and electric shocked spell on the vampire. The vampire uses her ice power to froze Marsha but Marsha breaks the ice by using her wand and chasing the vampire. The vampire ask her brother name shafiq to seek for help, her brother quickly sheided the vampire Marsha use her wand to make forces again to push her cousins and told them not to mess with her again.

In the other world, Frishica went missing poster is pasted on the wall everybody was shocked and see and talks about it, Frishica's family all worried about her . Her brother happily looked at the poster said she rather die but Sheila and his brother said it's your sister Frishica's brother said I don't care . In school whole school looking at the Frishica's poster , Victoria makes a evil smile

Next day, Marsha is still angry at the vampire. The vampire came to her house, Marsha was shocked she saw there is spider crawling on the vampire's chest. She said trembling with fear that there is spider around her chest, the vampire was not scared and thought that she's gonna be fine but Marsha said big spiders are poisonous and can bite. The vampire didn't believe it and said ouch as she feels the pain of her chest then throws the spider away, Marsha said to the vampire whether she is okay, the vampire says it just a small bite. After that the vampire came to sit on the wooden sofa and chat with the parents, she felt dizzy one of Marsha's parents says if she is unwell. The vampire insists that she is okay but she's not and collapses on the floor. Marsha's whole family was shocked and do nothing at all then, the vampire's brother frantically trying to wake her up, Marsha said that the vampire has been bitten by a spider. They waited for the father to come back, and the father is shocked and holding her .He started to cry and carries her to the house care, the vampire opened her eyes realises she was in the house care, she said to her father even though I am a vampire I am still weak. The father tries to confront her by saying at least you are still alive and healthy.

Marsha's whole family were told that the vampire is okay right now, after two days can be discharged from the house care. So this is a story of a vampire named sheila, her mother passed away when she was three years old but she didn't know anything about her mother and was depressed for the whole years. She was a innocent girl until she got bitten by a male vampire when she was 13 years old her father saw her lying on the street and quickly carries her to the house care, the doctor says the virus is unknown and says Sheila is fine now. So her father brings back to their castle while she is sleeping unconsiously. Later she woke up when her father was beside her her eyes from blue turned red and she is acting like an animal and opening her mouth with fangs wanting to bite her father, her father is shocked and use his hands to hit right on her neck she fainted while the father is shocked cannot believe the fact that she is a vampire. After that onwards, she is no longer a shy and innocent girl she is fierce and aggresive to her family. She use to slam the door and when they are having lunch her father talks to Sheila she started glare at her own father and stands up shout at him while her brother told her not to do that. She starting to eats vegetables and apples. Out of the blue she asked her father what happened to her mom because in her school her classmates teased her that she has no mother her father kept slient and she asked her brother what happened to her mom, he angrily said to Sheila that he is not going to tell her he is feeling blue whenever Sheila talks about her mom. One day she felt depressed because the fact that she do not have a mom she is not going to sleep and kept thinking about her mom, her brother scolded her that her mom will never comes back. She picked those roses on her head and throw it away out of the window. Next day in the the middle of the conversations between sheila and her father she shouted at her father that her mom abandoned her, the father and hee brother were shocked. The brother shouted "Sheila why you anyhow say such things to your father!" and father slapped her face. Sheila cried and leaved the castle while the father was trying to stop her.

Sheila decided to stay in Marsha's house while her brother come to look for her. Sheila was in the Marsha's room . Marsha and her brother they were playing hide and seek happily but Marsha screams as she got scared by her brother. The screams scared her brother as well and suddenly sheila's brother comes to marsha's room to look for Sheila. He confronted her about her mother but end up to be an arguement ,Marsha and her brother didn't know what to do but to watch sadly they stared at each other felt helplessly, they started to fight and Sheila's brother pushed her to the wall, Marsha quickly seperated them from fighting if not one of them will get hurt.

Sheila's brother went back to the castle and says that Sheila didn't want to come back to his father, the father ask sheila's brother not to tell the tragedy of her mom to Sheila as she cannot take the blow, but the brother said that she will find out soon or later.

Suddenly there is a woman came to the house who appeared to be Sheila's mom friend named Rasy, she wanted to confronts Sheila by bringing her out to some fresh air but Sheila do not even know who is she. They went into this mysterious beautiful cave, in the cave there is alot of roses and crystal clear mirrored walls, there is named carved at the walls said sabrina x colin. Sheila saw a music box and wooden box that were being placed at the corner of the cave, she went to picked them up and played the musicbox. The music box song sounds familiar to her then she opened the wooden box she saw there is a heartshaped necklace that it is opened in half. She saw there is a photo of a family potrait of a daughter and a mother, the necklace looks exactly like hers and she compared to it. It is exactly the same thing. She was shocked that the mother in the portrait looks like her and daughter looks exactly like her, there is another stuff in the wooden box which is the photo memory book, she look in every page of the book and cried and fainted she dream about the memory of her mom and her. She recalled in her dreams that her mom sings the llulaby when she is a baby that is being played in the music box

, and her mom cried when she gave birth to her while leaning her nose on Sheila's head. Her mom hugged her while she was sitting down her mom carrying her while doing chores and . Her mom comb her hair and dress her prettily while her knees on the floor . Her mom cosplay as an angel and she cosplay as a princess

She remember she gave her mom a flower when she's a toddler her mum so touched.

Her mom read to her story book and knees on the bed and whenever Sheila cries because Sheila's dad scolded her , her mom give her a hug and clean her tears away while her mom standing up her mom let her eat her favourite food because Sheila's dad don't allow  Sabrina feed Sheila while Sabrina knees on the floor when she is young  , Sabrina knees on the grass while young Sheila on Sabrina's lap her mom caress Sheila her brother joins in his head lay on Sabrina's lap gave them alot of love affection.

Suddenly she saw her mom died in the war by defending her father, after the mermories of her mom, she saw her mom going towards to her and knees on the ground and hugged sheila while she is sitting on the ground , Sheila cried and hugged her mom tightly then her mom slowly fading and gone into roses of petals. Sheila was shocked and she touch her chest and cried painfully and say owh, owh, owh while breathing panicly then she fainted in her dream, she said that she is sorry rapidly and didn't knew that her mom actually died accused her that she ran away with another guy. She woke up in the cave while her mom's friend trying to wake her up, Sheila started says "where's mom, where's mom?!?!?!." Rasy slowly said that her mom passed away long time ago , Sheila cries and fainted again she cannot take the blow. She woke up in Marsha's room and cried painfully, everyone relieved that Sheila was woken up. She ask everybody to go away and asked Rasy where is the music box and wooden box, Rasy gave to her and she replayed the music box then hugged it. Sheila told Rasy who is she, Rasy replied her mom's close friend Rasy told her about Sheila's mom that they are bestfriends and recalled that she made flower crowns on her and Sheila's mom and kissed her forehead. She also recalled they even played together and one one time Rasy accidently bumps into sheila and she falls down on Sheila both laid on the ground and look at each other. She told Sheila that she have feelings for her mom but Sheila's father takes her already but after sheila died her heart brokes into pieces. Next Rasy told Sheila about memories of what her family did when Sheila's mom still alive, she said that the kingdom was full of joy and happiness Sheila's father carries Sheila while playing with her then she saw her mom Sabrina singing happily while her knees sitting at new window to Sheila and her brother. Sabrina kissed Sheila then tucked her to sleep went to Sheila's dad holds each other hands and said goodnight to Sheila and Sheila's brother. There is also when Sabrina was playing the piano Sheila's dad hugged and kissed her which makes Sheila jealous and she cried ask them to stop. Sabrina and Sheila's dad laughed.

Upon seeing Sheila cries, Marsha smiles at her and laugh as seeing her sad makes her happy as what Sheila do to her in the past. Things got worse, Sheila started cutting herself and attemping sucides . After days past, Marsha's mother confronts Sheila by bringing her and Sheila's brother named Shafiq and Marsha to bond their sibling's relationship. They went to a party next they went for an nature adventure but Sheila was sad all the time when she was having fun. After their outings Marsha felt Sheila isn't that bad after all as Sheila get along with Marsha well but she still recalled the times that Sheila bullied her, she changed her mind continue hating on Sheila.

Sheila went back to the castle with her brother, she saw her father and ignore him while her expression is angry. Her father didn't know the fact that she already knew about her mom tradegy. The next day, she woke up and went to grabs some food she saw her father again and gave a bitchy look then she turns away she cries and touch her chest and when she grabs food she took alot of food and place on the dinning table and munching the food happily.

Her father is disappointed with Sheila and recalled the love of story between him and his wife. When Sheila's father was a teenager he saw a woman bullied by those group of women he stopped them and pull the victim away. When he wanted to ask her questions she quickly ran away but he didn't notice her face very well. A month later, he saw a lady intend to jump off the building, he stopped her but she keeps insist herself to then finallly stopped and cries then ran away. Sheila's dad saw that woman again sitting on a chair touch her heart while surrounded by boys the woman look at Sheila's dad she looks like an angel . A few days later, his mother prepared for him to go to the event called find your partner, alot of people participated in the event. They started off by playing a game called pussy cat. The game rules is very simple everybody has to fill up the sits, when the sit is full and there is only person with no sit have to be a pussy cat , the pussy cat has to wear a cat band and cat's necklace and crawls like a cat, has to go to a person which they prefer then replayed the rules again. So everybody took up the seats except a lady which Sheila's dad seems familiar with at first when he first saw her in the early of the morning she looks very beautiful and innocent (background flower blooms) which makes Sheila's dad fall in love. She awarkwardly wear those cat things and crawls, she crawls towards Sheila's dad and start to say meow which makes Sheila's dad heart melt. After the event was over Sheila's dad picks that girl and asked her what's her name she said in very soft voice that her name is Sabrina, then he realised that girl is the girl whom was bullied and wanted to commit sucide. Sabrina also realise that Sheila's dad protected her from getting bullied and commit sucide. They were in shocked then Sheila's dad decided to protect Sabrina and be Sabrina's boyfriend and they started relationship really well. Sheila's dad brings Sabrina to clothes shop to pick better oufit for her and when she wears it Sheila's dad was sastifed. Next they went to barshop to introduce his friends to Sabrina, Sabrina pulls his clothes tight as she was scared but Sheila's dad that it is fine he let her sit down with his friends and told her that he will be back. His friends were very happy and chit chat with her then they make her drink alot of beer that she is drank she started hiccuping and say anything. She started singing and hiccuping. But the friends started touching her shoulders and hands and hips. By the time Sheila's dad came back he saw this and angrily punched his friends with his wrist and pull Sabrina away Sabrina started to smile at him while falling a sleep and wakes up and smiles at him again and falls a sleep. He sent back Sabrina to her house. Next day he brings sabrina on a date and sitted on a restraunt when he said he will be back in minutes a random stranger came to her and touch her hips talks to her when he came back he saw that and immediately punched the stranger, the stranger ran away and asked if Sabrina is okay, sabrina said yes. Then he propose to Sabrina in the public and everybody was cheering his knees on the floor and hold Sabrina's hand and said will you marry me Sabrina cried touch her heart and say yes. And he carries Sabrina around in the air and hugged her. They both are very happy, but when his mom saw this and is not happy .After many days past, Sheila's dad wanted sabrina to go to his house and meet his mom. When they met his mom, the mom pretended to be sastified infront of his son but when the son walks off she glare Sabrina with big eyes. Sabrina was sad and scared and kept the situation to herself. The next day, when sabrina went outside of her house she got groped on her mouth and she fainted she woke up in a dark room with no hand and legs tighted up she suddenly saw is her boyfriend's mom, she acted like a evil step mom first of all by slowly pushing up sabrina's chin and touches her face told her what a beautiful and innocent girl but poor, I have no intend to harm you but there is only one condition please stay away from my son if not your family will be endangered. Tears dropped down sabrina's face and shocked her shoulders fall down and wa weak then Sheila's dad mom ask her to leave. Sabrina stand up and walking weakly then at the door her hand grabbed the wall and cries and she touch her chest as her heart hurts alot. Then walks off. Next day Sheila's dad wanted to propose to Sabrina but suddenly he saw a man lean against the wall at Sabrina and kissed her, he was angry and punched off that guy, Sabrina started to help that guy stands up and scolded Sheila's dad that he is dumped and ask him why he do this to that guy she was in love with this guy. And walks off, Sheila's das was heartbroken his the flowers and chocolate as it starts raining so he walked off. When Sabrina walks off she cried and touch her chest.

By the time Sabrina went to her house she saw Sheila's dad sitting outside her house she tries to get rid of him but failed he instead hugged her tightly while she walks off she tried to escape from him and quickly went inside her house and locked the door and crying while her knees on the floor and touches the door while Sheila's dad falls on his knee and bangs the door. Next day Sheila's dad pull Sabrina's hand and went to the beach and tell her why he was dumped, Sabrina said that she don't love him anymore. He pulls the ring from Sabrina's hand that he gave her while Sabrina tries to stop him and the ring was threw into the sea. Sabrina was shocked and go into the water and find the ring and picked up the ring but she can't swim and fainted her body went backwards while Sheila's dad is disappointed but didn't notice suddenly he saw Sabrina was gone. He saw her shoes on the sand he quickly jumped off the water and saved Sabrina he carried Sabrina on the floor and started to do cpr on her when she woken up and gave the ring to him he hugged her tightly and cried. Sabrina cried too. She decided to tell everything to him on why she broke up with him.

The next day, Sabrina please with Sheila's dad mom that she wanted to stay beside him and able to do chores for him. Sheila's dad mom give Sabrina a towel and asked her to kneel down and clean on her shoes and say sorry. Sabrina really kneeled and cried say sorry many times whil cleaning her shoes. Sheila's dad came and angrily stood up for Sabrina get her up and scolded his mom. Then his mom walked off.

The next day He brings Sabrina outside of his house and their knees on the floor while it is raining he only sheltered the umbrella on Sabrina to let his mom see this. His mom was shocked and had no choice but to agree on his marriage

They finally marriage to each other while Sabrina's bullies were jealous Sheila's father carries Sabrina outside when their marriage ceromeny ended. Sabrina and Sheila's father at the balcony with fireworks loving each other and kissedThey started their marriage very well, When they are on bed Sabrina is on a bed of petals of roses Sheila's dad touch her face wanted to kiss her Sabrina close her eyes then they sex he close bed curtain. years after Sabrina preparing dinner she felt nausea she touch her chest because she felt like vomiting she quickly cover her mouth and vomited on the toilet she touched her chest feeling sad and worried Sheila's dad hold Sabrina to dinning table and ask her to eat Sabrina turn her head to the left and shake her head and cover her mouth and doctor told that she was pregnant and was happy with tears months later, Sabrina tummy grew bigger Sabrina and Sheila's dad went to make an annoucement to the whole villagers that Sabrina pregnant everybody cheer for them Sheila's father and Sabrina she put her hands together on her body

when Sheila's brother talks to Sabrina and Sheila's father Sabrina make Sheila's brother's outfit properly Sheila's dad kissed Sabrina fore head and touch her tummy while Sabrina touched her tummy and laugh softly while Sheila's dad to communicate with the baby and do nose to nose with Sabrina , Sheila's brother also do that when Sabrina sitting on the chair as he is excited to have a new sister Sheila's brother talk to Sabrina and Sheila's dad when they are standing up months later she gave birth to Sheila with tears her nose put on Sheila's head . Then while Sabrina was cooking Sheila's father hugged her and kissed her check Sabrina smiled Sheila's father move Sabrina body infront of him and he kiss her that it is long when Sabrina's mother in law came they quickly stopped kissing Sheila's father help Sabrina up Sabrina touched her heart feeling embarrassed , when at the dinner Sheila's dad feed Sabrina with his food that makes his mom angry. When Sabrins was playing the piano Sheila's father hugged her from the back. Sheila's father puts cookie on Sabrina mouth and they eat together that they kissed . Everyday when Sabrina makes Sheila's dad oufits properly, he hugged her and gave her a cheek kiss. And eveytime Sheila's dad hugged Sabrina and kiss her cheek whenever she's doing chores he makes her sit on his lap and hugged her and kiss. When she is feeling down and crying he hugged her on her back and gave her love affection. Next day when Sabrina knees on the sofa trying to arrange the roses on the vase her fingers got pricked by the roses and bleeds she hurt so bad and said owch she closed her eyes while she put her hand away from the roses quickly use the tissue to stop from bleeding. Sabrina and Sheila's dad get to see the people cheering for them, Marsha saw Sabrina is so beautiful as an angel this is the first time saw Sabrina, Victoria said isnt she so beautiful Marsha nodded her head Sabrina walked outside the castle there are guard coming towarda Sabrina and bow down to her he said mind if he kiss her hand Sabrina said she didnt mind while she smiled so the guard kissed her hands Sheila's dad and felt jealous he quickly ask the guard to stop Sabrina smiled and convince him it isnt like this . When sabrina prepares dinner litte Sheila and brother is so excited all the people love her food . but there are times when there is bad times Sabrina asked gentely Sheila's dad that cause Sheila's dad to be angry that he shouted at her. Sabrina was shocked cried and gropes her own throat then mouth and couldn't breath. Next day she asked again that cause Sheila's dad to shout at her she was shock and holds her throat then both of her hands cover her mouth not to speak while breathing she quickly went to the toilet and wash her mouth out she grip her chest sobbly on the floor and every night and then when she hugged Sheila sitting on her lap she hugged tight and cry One day she went to take a knife wanting to stab herself, Sheila's dad was shocked he stopped her from doing it and then he hugged her and said he is sorry, he will never shout at her again. Well they are still living happily together, sabrina and Linda preparing sheila's birthday, sheila's dad hold her shoulders and bring Sabrina to the table ask her whether she wants some cake, Sabrina said she don't like sweet things. Sabrina eat one meal a day only Sheila's pull Sabrina to eat dinner she didn't want to, every dinner she either cook soup or washing dishes as Sabrina's mother in law scolded her and force her to do more chores one day Sabrina get to exhausted and fainted on the floor Sheila's father is shocked he hold her body and called Sabrina's name rapidly doctor examined her said she has low blood pressure . Sabrina and Sheila's father get to be king and queen while they are sitting on their own throne Sheila's father hold Sabrina's chin. Sabrina asked Sheilas dad to go to amusement park they played happily together Sabrin get a prize teddy bear and hugged it, then have a romantic dinner after romantic dinner they do a slow dance he hold Sabrinas back and then they kissed she cried when she dances with him she said take care of sheila and shafiq when She one day when they are having a picnic, Sheila's dad gave a musicbox to Sabrina, Sabrina was amazed and said that she loved it, then Sheila's dad put Sabrina's hair back and put a rose on her hold and caress Sabrina's face then hold her chin and went to play the kids , Sabrina smiling and laughing .

Suddenly there is thunderstorm. A group of armies went to attack them, Sheila's family was shocked trying to escape when Sheila's dad trying to fight back, Sabrina quickly run to shield him and got stabbed in the stomach by a mysterious person with hoodie, Sheila's dad was shocked he quickly hold on her while she is dying and pull the sword out of her stomach. She said I'm sorry I did not love you longer enough and she pulls out her necklace and gave it to him her hand pull on the floor and died , Sheila's dad cried tears dropping on her, roses fell out of her hand then Sheila's dad screams and fight with the armies. Sabrina is a caring sister that helps im chores and take care of her baby brother she is experienced nurse and went to patient's house to take care of patients. She is a queen now but she still helps. Sabrina still visit her baby brother plays with him and loves him when her knees on the floor . Sabrina is talented in singing sewing doing chores painting and princess duties an studies . She get good grades and hardworking and well oraganized . She loves animals she sit under the blossom trees all animals came to her she cares for animals and hold the butterflies she sometimes cry in there she put her both hands on her chest . Sabrina loves roses when she went to the garden with Sheila's dad , Sabrina put her hand on her heart and hold the flowers said this flowers is very beautiful

Sheila's dad said like you , when Sheila's dad saw Sabrina use her hand and hold her heart and touch the flowers from the bushes Sabrina called Sheila's dad name Sabrina do not like to eat that much whenever Sheila's dad pull her to eat she don't want and cover her mouth Sabrina when she is alive she went to Linda's house for vaccation Sheila and Lila play Linda and Sabrina do chores and cook happily together and eat together Linda and Sabrina cover their mouth laughing while watching tvLinda's dog always licks Sabrina's leg Sabrina felt ticklish and laugh while trying to push stop the dog  when she is sitting down while knees on the sofa  and go closer to her Linda said it seems to like you alot Sabrina carry the dog up and carress it while she sit her knees on the sofa they even have photo with their moms and relatives together one day the carriage came and pick Sheila and Sabrina up Linda cannot bare when Sabrina leave they hold their hands but the carriage go Sabrina's and Linda's hands let go they said by alot of times when Sabrina is alive there is many guest also an old lady Sabrina help her to the chair and ask the old lady whether she is comfortable sitting on the chair the old lady nodded then Sabrina sit on the floor she put her knees together on the floor and place one of her hand on her heart and one on the floor Sabrina also help to cut fruits and prepare tea to the guest . When Sabrina is still alive Sabrina and Linda bring Lila and Sheila to playground Sabrina and Linda happily chit chat Marsha blows bubbles and Victoria and the twins play catching when Sabrina is alive Sheila's dad hold Sabrina chin under the the blossom tree they both happily together.

Sheila was having a dinner with Marsha's family, she eats a alot of bowls while smiling while Marsha and his brother were disgusted.

Marsha went to her bedroom and takes out the storybook and read. It says that the witch transformed into the vampire's late mother inorder to take over the castle and destoryed the vampire's family. Marsha smiled grimly, outside the road she used her wand to transformed into the vampire's late mother, Sheila was shocked noticed follows her. Marsha saw Sheila's dad and wave at him, Sheila's dad was shocked think that Sabrina was still alive but it is actually Marsha. He quickly bring fake Sabrina to his castle, they happily went together. At the castle, all the people were shocked upon seeing fake Sabrina. Sheila quickly convinced her father that her mom was already in her grave there is no such thing that she is alive again. Sheila's dad is angry and reprimanded Sheila that Sabrina is real and is her mom. Fake sabrina smirks at Sheila, Sheila was shocked. Fake Sabrina started to sing the mine song along the street. Fake Sabrina went to the balcony and laugh like an evil witch and said after sohe destoryed the father and daughter she will over take the kingdom. Fake Sabrina went outside and sing mine song. When she went back to the castle, Fake Sabrina went to the mirror in her room she started to love Sabrina's look and do duck face then the mirror reflected Sheila.

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