Call of the Vallenari

By BlackKat_17

375 8 0

Fantasy-romance, contains mature content such as sex scenes and violence. This is my first time writing, I k... More

Chapter Two - Heaven's mirror
Chapter Three - Tears
Chapter Four - My flower
Chapter Five - The pink haired girl
Chapter Six - Marked
Chapter Seven - Waiting

Chapter One - Leaving

136 2 0
By BlackKat_17

Ophelia stood silently at the top of the hill and gazed down at the village that had raised her. She smiled sadly. It would be a long time till she would see her home again.

The task she must do weighed heavily on her and she could feel small slivers of self doubt slip in.

The village below was slowly starting to wake.

The farmers had to be up early to navigate the marsh that surrounded half the village before the day's heat made it near impenetrable. As the lights of her mother's bakery lit up, Ophelia had to crush the sudden urge to run back home and have her mother hold her and comfort her.

Ophelia shook her head and turned from her home village, Traesey. She took a deep breath and stepped onto the path away. She took another step and as she released her breath, calm over came her. This is something she had to do alone, Ophelia had always felt alone; even when she was surrounded by people she knew and loved. A little piece of her was missing, but what was she missing and how would she ever find it?

Of one thing Ophelia was certain; she wouldn't find what she was searching for at home. Ophelia would find what was missing in her life, she would find her Vallenari.

This journey she was on would take months, maybe even years.

The first town on her journey was Squall's End. There she would stop and rest, buy supplies and a horse for the long road ahead.

Ophelia had worked for her mother and saved every coin for this very day, the day she left home.

It would take Ophelia nearly five hours to walk to Squall's End, that's if she kept a good pace.

It was just after midday by the time Ophelia had reached the bottom of the hill, up top was Squall's End, facing out towards Heavenly Plains. First she would find somewhere to eat and sleep for the night. Then she would pick out a horse; gather supplies then her journey will truly begin.

"Blooming flower inn, sounds like a good place to have some food and a quick rest." Ophelia walked up the wooden stairs and in though the open doors.

"Wow" she breathed.

It was the brightest, flower decorated room she had ever seen. All the tables were covered in pretty floral arrangements. Planter boxes hung from the plain white walls, vines with pink flowers wound around and draped from the beams on the ceiling. The scent from the flowers filled the room and as Ophelia took in a big breath of the fresh scent, she walked over to the front desk.

A plump lady in a bright pink dress stood from her chair. Her dress a big puff of pink, ruffled as she walked around to where Ophelia stood.

"Hello, I am Mrs. Bloom, but you can just call me Violet" she smiled.

Of course her name is Violet Bloom, what else would it be in a place like this, Ophelia thought.

"I am just looking for a somewhere to have some lunch and a quick rest before I leave." She smiled.

"Take a seat over there," Violet pointed to a little booth in the far corner of the room, "I'll have someone bring you out some lunch for you to eat, you can get a little nap in while you wait, if you would like."

Ophelia sat down in her little corner booth, the seat was soft and it was very quiet in the corner, maybe she will have a sleep. She sat and watched as the other people went about their business, when she noticed a man in a hooded cloak was watching her, shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she scooted over to escape his line of view.

Soon her eyes grew heavy and Ophelia shut them for what felt like only a couple of seconds, when she reopened them there was an elf standing there holding a plate of food for her.

Ophelia sat up straight and readjusted her clothes as the elf placed the meal in front of her, along with her knife and fork.

"Thank you" she smiled, knowing that if the elf replied to her, she would not be able to understand him.

He returned a minute later with a goblet and a jug of water and another of ale. Ophelia poured herself a cup of water; she would have to stay hydrated for her long journey.

She finished off her lunch with gusto. Rabbit stew with seasonal vegetables, perfectly seasoned. She wiped up what was left in her bowl with her chunk of bread, and then licked her fingers clean.

Violet waddled over to Ophelia, "everything good over here?" she asked

"Oh yes, this rabbit stew is one of the best I have ever had. Thank you."

"I am delighted that you liked it" Violet replied.

"How much do I owe you?" Ophelia asked, pulling her coin purse from her pocket.

"Just two gold coins lovely."

Ophelia retrieved the coins from her coin purse, "here you go, thank you for a very yummy meal."

"You are most welcome." She said, collecting the coins.

"One last thing," Ophelia said as she shuffled her way out of the booth to stand in front of Violet, "would you be able to tell me where I would get supplies for a long trip?" she asked.

"If its weapons you are after that would be the Iron Hammer. He also does other supplies as well. Just follow the path down to the right when you leave here. You can't miss it." Violet smiled then waddled back over to her front desk.

"Iron Hammer... Iron Hammer, there you are."

Ophelia wandered down the main street, all the shops were made of giant wooden logs, and Ophelia wondered how they moved such big things around. All the homes were made with slightly smaller wooden logs; everything was so natural and smelt of pine and wood fires. It reminded her of her own village, but bigger.

The selection at Iron Hammer was astounding. Rows of swords and daggers, there was a whole wall just for bows and arrows. At the far back there were shelves piled with different riding clothes and gear. Lastly there was a section for camping supplies.

"This place didn't look that big from the outside." Ophelia mused to herself.

First off she would need a cloak for the cold nights. Ophelia ran her hand along the fur cloaks, stopping at a black, wolf skin cloak. This will keep me warm on even the coldest of nights.

Next she searched for a small dagger, she picked a simple blade. No need to be fancy as this one was to be hidden on her body. She picked up a sheath; it had straps that wrap around the waist and another one to secure it around her thigh, perfect to keep it hidden under her dress. She thought.

Now her sword was a different story. It had to be light so she could hold it, but sturdy so it wouldn't break if she ever used it.

"You look like you could use a little help."

Ophelia turned to see the smith standing behind her

"Yes, I do. I need a sword that is light, but sturdy please. Any suggestions?" she asked.

"This one right here would be your best choice." He said as he picked up a sword. The handle had a delicate feminine design, with what looked like silver vines around the hilt of the sword. The blade was flat on one side with a slight curve on the sharpened edge that hooked slightly at the tip of the blade.

Ophelia took the sword from the man, it was light indeed. She took a step back and gave it a few practice swings, avoiding hitting anything by accident, "I love it" She squeaked, "It would suit me very well."

"Anything else?" he asked as he placed the blade in a sheath and handed it to her.

"A bow and some arrows, just a simple one will do. Nothing to fancy, just strong"

"Okay. Is it for hunting, battle, or both?" He inquired.

"Mainly for hunting but I might need it for both. Just in case." Ophelia stated, as she followed the man to the wall that held all the bows. She was amazed by how many different types he had from the delicate feminine ones to the hefty, manly ones.

The smith stopped and stared at the bows for a moment, picking a few up then placing them back again, until he finally handed her one.

"This long bow should do the trick; it's solid but fairly light for its size. You should be able to carry it with no problems." Ophelia held up the bow and looked it over; it was made from beautiful ash wood, sleek but plain.

"Would you like to go out back and test it out first?" The smith asked.

"Yes please." Ophelia replied. She followed him out back to where he had a line of four targets set up. They stood on stands in front of a wall of hay bales.

Ophelia notched the arrow, drew back the string and lined up her target. She took a deep breath and released the arrow. It whizzed past her chin, bulls-eye.

"You're pretty good with that thing." He applauded.

"Thanks. I usually hunt with my father's bow."

"Is there anything else that you're after?" He asks.

"Nope, just need a quiver and some arrows and then I have all I shall need." She replied.

Ophelia finally had everything she needed; all that was left was to buy a horse. It cost her much less than she thought it would for her supplies and weapons, only two hundred and fifty eight gold coins. She had thought it would cost at least twice that which meant she now has a little more to spend on a good horse.

At the stables, Ophelia was greeted by a big, smelly ogress who grunted at her.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you are trying to say." She apologized.

"She said what do you want?" A ruff, dirty and really cranky looking man snorted.

How rude, she thought. I hope that's not how he greets all his customers?

"I would like to buy a horse" She said as she stood tall and squared back her shoulders to come across more serious. She wasn't going to let him take advantage of her.

"Fine, this way." He led her out the back to the stables where he had all the horses.

"This is one here is Jasper." He said stopping at the first stall, "He's older than all the others. Good for slow travel and carrying all your stuff." The man grunted, before turning to the stable on the opposite side, "That is Navin, she just had a foal. So unless you plan on buying both, she's not for sale." He walked over to the next lot of stalls.

"This here is Atticus. He is the youngest and strongest of the lot, born from a strong line. This stallion would be your best bet and only seven hundred gold, he is a steal." Ophelia noticed that he was trying real hard to sell this particular horse, what was wrong with it? She wondered.

She stood there awhile looking at this horse, it just didn't feel like the horse for her, "What about that horse behind you?" She asked, raising her brow at him quizzically.

"That's Asher, slow, placid critter that one. Nah, you want Atticus he's the best one here."

God this guy was rude, Ophelia thought again. He wasn't giving her much of a choice at all, pushing one horse at her, "Well..." She started.

"You don't want that horse!" A voice shouted out. Ophelia turned to see a man standing at the other end of the stables.

Hey, I recognize him. She thought. It was the guy who had been watching her at Blooming Flower inn.

"You again, are you following me?" She asked, slightly confused yet annoyed.

"No. I was just here checking on my horse when I overheard this guy" He pointed at the horse man, "Trying to sell you a horse that hasn't been completely broken in, you wouldn't get anywhere near that thing." He stated, rather smugly for Ophelia's liking.

"What would you know about my horses!?" Stable guy shouted.

The mysterious guy walked right past them, "Now this one" He stopped right at the end stall.

"Nylah" He read the tag off the fence, "she is young enough to be able to handle just about anything, but old enough to have been broken in properly." He grinned, "Besides a beautiful woman such as you, should have a beautiful horse to ride."

Ophelia blushed at his words; she turned to the stable guy.

"How much is she?" She asked excitedly.

"Five hundred and twenty gold." The stable guy was clearly not impressed with what was happening.

"With the saddle and bridle too?" The stranger asked.

"I guess."

"Okay, I'll take her" Ophelia smiled with glee.

"Nylah" Ophelia called out as she slowly entered the horses stall. She outstretched her hand to offer the sugar cube she held in her hand, "That's a good girl" She whispers as Nylah takes the cube from her hand. Ophelia runs a hand slowly along her mane, "You're so silky." She smiled at Nylah.

She really was a beautiful creature, dark grey in colour, with faint white spots littered through her chest and mid section. Her two front legs had white stockings, while her back legs were full grey. Her head was fully grey, except for an odd crescent moon patch between her eyes. Nylah's mane was as black as night, and silky smooth.

"She's a beauty."

"Are you still here?" Ophelia asked over her shoulder, "What do you want from me?"

"Well I think we can be useful for each other on the road. You could do with the escort of a sexy guy, such as me." He puffed out his chest, "The names Soren, Soren Darkmore. I am a mercenary for hire, if you got the gold."

"And what makes you think I need your help?" She asked, slightly annoyed at his arrogant tone.

Soren brushes her question aside, as he comes to lean on the fence, next to where she is standing, "Where are you heading sweetheart?"

Ophelia grew more pissed off as the words kept spilling from this arrogant asses mouth, she thought Soren seemed like a self absorbed jerk, only out to help himself and if that was the case, what did he really want from her?

Her money, or was it something else, like her body? Either way she didn't need his help and would keep her distance from him. Soren had no idea just how dangerous Ophelia could be.

"Nope, I'm fine." She stated bluntly, "I can handle things myself. Now if you don't mind, it is getting late and I need to leave." Ophelia brushed past Soren and started loading Nylah's saddle and her things, "Good day." She said as she walked away.

"You know it's dangerous for women to travel alone these days!" Soren shouted as she walked away from him and out of sight.

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