The Art of Music Projects

Por LunaAndSunnyStories

772 5 0

Thrown together for a project that is due by the end of the year, Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui battle t... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fourteen

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Por LunaAndSunnyStories

Hey everyone! So because we didn't update last week, there is going to be a double update. One chapter now and another a little later today. ~ Luna&Sunny

Camila's POV

I woke up on one of the uncomfortable chairs next to Lucas's bed. I stretched out my arms and yawned.

"Miss Cabello?" I heard from the end of the bed.

Sitting up more, I turned to look at the doctor. "How is he? How are his grandparents?" I asked softly, my eyes traveling to the little boy asleep in the bed with bright blue casts on his right arm and left leg.

"He's fine, a little banged up and broken, but perfectly healthy, as for his grandparents, they are both in critical condition." The doctor said, she sighed heavily.

I took a deep breath, "How bad?"

"It's hard to say. They were unresponsive when the ambulance got there and their bodies are rejecting the treatment." She ran her hand through her blonde hair.

I let my eyes wander back toward my son, "Don't let them suffer, if it's too much let them go." I said softly, I knew I could make these decisions because I was on their medical file.

She sighed. "The doctors are doing everything they can." She said. She walked over to the machines attached to my son, checking them.

"Can you tell me anything about my fiance? Her name is Lauren Jauregui." I asked, worry for both my fiance and son on my mind.

"Em, I'm sorry, I'm not her doctor. I don't know anything, but I can try to find out." She said, a small smile on her face. She pulled her walkie-talkie from her pocket.

I immediately nodded my head, I needed to know she was okay.

"Okay, give me a minute." She pressed a button on walkie-talkie. "Hey, Luke." She said into it.

"Yeah sis." A man's voice came through the speaker.

"Are you Lauren Jauregui's doctor?" She asked.

"Yes, Liv. I am. Why?" The man's voice asked.

"I'm with her fiance who is worried about her, can you give me any news?" She asked.

I bit my lip as I sat beside my son, holding his hand.

"Em, yeah. She's asleep at the minute. There isn't much to tell, not until she wakes up and actually speaks to us, poor girl is terrified. She was shaking when Ricky brought her to me." I could here the sympathy in his voice through the speaker.

"Keep me updated." The blonde said softly, her eyes darting toward me.

I quickly looked down at my hands, what was wrong with my fiance? Why did all of this shit have to happen after we made love?

"Are you okay, Miss Cabello?" Liv asked. I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Is it my fault? All of this happened yesterday after I made love to her for the first time." I whispered as I fought back my tears.

Liv frowned. "This isn't your fault." She rounded the bed and sat down next to me. "What makes you think it's your fault?"

I shrugged, I didn't know how to explain it. "I just, I made love to her after we got into a fight and she wasn't feeling well. Then I get the call about Lucas and now she's in the hospital too." I paused and looked up. "Did I hurt the baby? Is that why she's in here?"

Liv thought for a moment. "I don't think you'd have hurt the baby. Plenty of people hae sex when they are pregnant, my parents did it and they were pregnant with twins, me and Luke." She shrugged. "Your fiance will be fine. She's probably just caught a bug or something."

"Is it normal for someone who is paralyzed to be able to move around during sex?" I asked randomly.

Liv frowned. "Um, I'm not sure. Maybe. Depends on how much passion is put into the sex. Sometimes enough passion can provoke movement and the paralyzed person won't know it." She said.

"I'm only asking because she was moving her hips and legs against me, but then afterward she was back to not being able to move." I said softly, running a hand through my hair.

"That'll happen. It'll be a spir of the moment thing but she won't know she's doing it. She may have a problem with the nerves in her spine and legs." Liv said, she sighed, running her hand through her blonde hair.

I nodded my head, before an idea popped into it. "Would you say sex and maybe moving her legs along with physical therapy will help her gain function?"

"Maybe, but I don't recommend the sex, it could make her worse." Live said.

I bit my lip and shifted in my chair. "I've always been fascinated with the human body, how things work, how they break, ways you can fix them." I said slowly, my eyes widening in excitement. "How it would feel to have someone's life in your hands."

"Maybe you should get into doctoring or nursing, if it's interesting for you." Liv suggested.

"Oh, no I wouldn't be a good doctor or nurse." I whispered my excitement vanishing and my mood immediately darkening, I'm not even sure I'm a good mom.

"Oh come on, you'd be a great nurse or doctor. I never thought I'd like it, my dad made me do it, but I love it. You should give it a go." Liv smiled.

I looked down at my hands, playing with my fingers. "I don't think someone who was addicted to drugs and alcohol is fit to be a nurse or doctor." Lifting my head I look back up at her. "I barely see myself as a good enough mother and now I have a baby on the way. What if I screw him or her up?"

"You'd make a great doctor or nurse, doesn't matter what you've been through. You won't screw up with your kid, your a great mom." Liv said. She looked at Lucas.

At that moment the door opened.

"Liv, can I speak to you outside?" A brunette woman asks, a sad expression her her face.

My heart stops, what could possibly be wrong? Was it Lauren? Was it Mr. and Mrs. Vives?

Liv looked at her suspiciously. "Em, yeah." She said, getting up off the chair and walking out of the room, the door closing behind her.

I turned my attention toward Lucas, running my hand through his hair.

"Mama?" He whispered out his voice cracking.

"I'm right here baby." I said softly, sliding my hand down to caress his cheek.

"Nana and papaw got hurted." He said, opening his beautiful brown eyes for me to see.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath. "I know baby."

Tears began streaming down his cheeks. "Mama, it hurts." He cried.

I couldn't fight my own tears as I very gently lifted him into my arms, rocking his small body and rubbing his back. "Mama, knows baby. I've got you." I whispered soothingly into his ear.

"Mama sing?" He cried out in a question.

"For you, always." I whispered in his ear, holding him close, as I began to sing.

I heard the door to the room open, but ignored it as I sang to him. Rubbing his back and rocking him until his breathing evened out and he was back asleep.

His small fist gripped my shirt tightly, his head buried in my chest.

"Camila." Liv said softly.

I took a deep breath and looked up at her. "Did they suffer?" I asked, already knowing by her tone of voice that Carlos and Claudia didn't make it.

Liv sighed, shaking her head. "It was quick and peaceful." She said softly, sitting down in the chair beside me.

I nodded my head before focusing my attention back on Lucas. "How am I supposed to tell my three year old son that his nana and papaw didn't make it?" I asked, tears filling my eyes once more. "Now he's all I have left of his mother and his grandparents." I whispered as I held him even closer.

"I don't know how you'd tell him. You could make a game out of it, make the experience positive." She suggested, running her hand through her hair.

I looked up at her as I let the tears fall freely, "Make a game out of it? I can't make a game out of it, it wouldn't be fair to him." I shifted on my seat and looked at her. "I want to see Lauren, can she be moved into this room?"

"You should try to make his grandparents death a positive thing, make sure he knows they are in a better place and they are happier. I've seen kids come through here losing their parents and it's destroyed them." She sighed. "I don't know about moving her into this room because it's the children's ward, but I can take you to her."

I nodded as she spoke before tensing up. "I don't want to leave him, can't they make an exception or move us to a family room?"

"I'll see what I can do." She said getting up and placing her hand on my shoulder comfortingly and then walking out the room.

I sighed heavily.

Slowly standing up with Lucas in my arms, I made my way onto the bed and laid him down on my chest. I was exhausted and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.


I woke up a few hours later in a different room with Lucas in my arms. I sighed and smiled at him before looking up and seeing Lauren laying on a bed across from us. She was fast asleep.

Gently transferring Lucas onto the bed, I stood up and made my way over to Lauren. Climbing over her in the bed and resting on her thighs I began to place gentle kisses on her lips, each kiss growing longer than the one before.

She didn't move, she stayed asleep, her beautiful emerald eyes hidden behind her eyelids.

I wondered how long she'd been asleep.

Pouting, I leaned down and kissed her little more forcibly, I wanted to speak to my fiance. Biting down gently on her lower lip, I tugged on it with my teeth before sucking on it.

Her head snapped to the side, breaking my hold on her lip. A scared breath left her mouth, her hands began to shake..

"Laur, baby it's me." I whispered softly, cupping her cheeks and turning her head to face me.

Her emerald eyes were wide and filled with panic until they locked on mine.

"Hi, I didn't mean to frighten you." I whispered softly as I gently caressed her cheek.

Her chest was moving up and down quickly in panic and I held her close to me. "Shh." I cooed rubbing her back.

Leaning down I pressed our foreheads together and took a deep breath. "It's okay baby, I've got you." I whispered out, closing my eyes as I tried to fight back my own tears.

Everything was becoming too much all at once and I didn't know what to do anymore.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, digging her fingers into my back, burying her head in my shoulder, tears running down her cheeks.

I buried my face in her neck as I held her close to me, my hands running up and down her back.

"I-It's okay, I've g-got you." I forced out as I tried to hold in my sobs.

Her body was trembling, sobs racked through her chest.

I bit down hard on my bottom lip, forcing my tears to stop. Taking a deep breath I leaned back and lifted her head, cupping her cheeks.

"You're okay baby, I've got you." I whispered before leaning down and kissing her, my hands sliding down to her's and lifting them to rest on my shoulders.

Her lips were salty from her tears.

Why was she so scared?

I deepened the kiss as I felt her beginning to respond, my hands trailing down her arms until I am able to cup the back of her neck. I gently run my tongue over her bottom lip.

She pulled from the kiss and buried her head in my chest. Her small body shook in my grip.

I caressed her neck gently before trailing my hands down her body. "Talk to me baby girl." I whispered as I ran my hands back up her body to the back of her neck, continuing to caress her in this rhythm.

"I-I'm s-scared." She sobbed.

I leaned back and cupped her cheek to stare into her eyes. "Why are you scared?" I whispered softly, my eyes searching her's.

"I s-saw L-luis, h-he h-had a k-knife. H-he w-was t-trying to k-kill m-me." She stuttered, sobs racking her chest.

My heart stopped in my chest as I shifted and moved my hands to hold her head, "He will never touch you, nobody will." I said, my eyes conveying the promise. "You are mine, nobody else will get near you."

She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I was starting to think something serious was going with her, a problem that was destroying her from the inside out.

"Talk to me, I want to know when you're scared, when you're angry. I want to know when you're so upset that you want to cry." I leaned forward and began kissing her tears from her cheeks. "I love you, I love everything about you."

"I l-love y-you t-too." She stuttered, another sob racking her chest.

I leaned up on my knees before leaning down and starting to kiss her, starting from the right side of her neck. I bit down gently on her throat before continuing on my way. Moving my lips to her jawline before kissing her cheeks and finally stopping in front of her parted lips.

My eyes were dark with desire and so were her's, I was panting as my eyes trailed over her face before I leaned forward, crashing our lips together.

She fell back on the bed, kissing me slowly. Her lips were salty with her tears.

Tilting my head as we kissed, I pushed my tongue past her lips and opened my mouth wider as I let my hands travel up her sides.

She cupped my cheeks with her hands, running her thumb over my cheekbone.

I moved so I was laying on my back, pulling her above me so she was straddling my hips. I could feel my erection growing as I pulled her down against me, pushing my hips up against her at the same time.

She moaned into my mouth and then gasped, pulling out of the kiss and looking at me.

I forced my expression to become emotionless as I stared up into her eyes. "Please." I begged as I rocked up against her again, gripping her hips and pulling her down with the thrust.

She gasped, thinking for a moment as she bit her lip. She sighed, closing her eyes before nodding hesitantly.

I continued thrusting up into the apex of her thighs, pulling her down against me at the same time. My erection was growing with every thrust, my back arching against the bed at a particularly hard thrust.

"I want you on top." I moaned out, pulling her into a rough kiss.

She moaned. She pulled out of the kiss and looked down shyly. "You'll have to hold me up." She bit her lip.

"I can do that." I whispered before pushing her down to my thighs and undoing the button on my jeans. "Take these off of me." I moaned when her hands immediately replaced mine, her hand slipping into my boxers instead.

She gripped my erection, running her thumb over the tip and running her index finger across my balls causing me to moan.

"Fuck, Laur, don't tease me." I moaned out, trying to push my jeans and boxers down to my thighs.

She smiled slightly, squeezing my balls gently.

I threw my head back and moaned loudly, unable to stop myself as tears welled up in my eyes. "Please, I need to feel you." I begged as I pushed my jeans and boxers down to my thighs.

I slid my hands up her thighs and under the hospital gown, running my left hand between the apex of her thighs and caressing her through her panties.

She bit her lower lip, squeezing my balls and then the tip of my dick.

I couldn't take it anymore as I sat up, lifting her so she was straddling my hips and lining myself up at her entrance, I gently eased her body down onto my erection.

Throwing my head back and moaning once our hips are flush, I use the controls on the side of the bed to lift it up into a seated position.

"Mmm, oh god Laur." I moaned out as I let her sit on top of me, my dick buried deep inside her warm, wet walls.

Lauren sat on me, she leaned forward, causing friction and kissed my neck softly.

"You're so tight." I moaned.

I pulled down on her hips while thrusting into her, moaning when her hips move without me.

"Hold onto my shoulders." I breathed out as I began a gentle rhythm, the hospital bed making a creaking sound as I bent my knees to gain leverage.

She brought her head up from my neck. She looked at me, frowning slightly, her head tilted to the side, and then moving her hand up to grip my shoulders.

I threw my head back in pleasure as I thrust up into her, a low moan escaping me as I hit a spongy material deep inside that caused her to gasp.

"Just like that." I cried out as I leaned forward and captured her lips in a rough kiss.

My hands pushing and pulling her at a faster pace, my hips thrusting up into her and our hips knocking against one another.

I heard her prominent hip bones hitting off of mine. I ignored the sound kissing her slower.

Pulling out of the kiss, I looked into her eyes, forcing my emotions to stay beneath the surface.

"I love you." I breathed out as I picked up speed, slamming up into her with every upward thrust of my hips.

She gasped, wincing slightly. "I love you too." She moaned, her head falling into my shoulder.

Her breath hitched in her throat as I hit the spongy material deep inside again.

"Let go." I whispered in her ear, pushing deep into her once more and hitting the spongy material.

She gasped, her hands shaking against my shoulders as her juices flowed out of her soaking my dick.

I leaned forward and bit down on her shoulder, releasing a scream of pleasure as I thrust into her, once again hitting that spongy material before releasing deep inside of her.

Tears filled my eyes as I buried my face in her neck, no longer able to hold back my emotions.

She flopped down against me, her body weak.

I was still buried deep inside her as her body, everything but her legs, shook.

A sob managed to escape my throat as I held her against my body, pulling the blanket around our hips. My tears began to flow quickly as I struggled to hold back the rest of my sobs.

Her breathing was heavy and fast as she closed her eyes, trying to compose herself.

It wasn't long before she fell asleep, my dick still buried deep inside her vagina.

Gently lifting her off of me, I laid her beside me on the bed before lifting my hips to pull my boxers and jeans back over my body.

Glancing over at Lucas who was still asleep, I curled up on my side facing him before sleep took over.


I woke up to be met with Dinah's face in mine.

"Morning." Dinah smirked.

"Fuck, you scared me Cheech." I mumbled shoving her shoulder. "Bitch."

"Uh oh, mama said bad word." I heard Lucas giggle out.

A smile grew on my lips as I looked over at him. "Morning monkey." I said using his nickname.

He giggled, smiling at me. "I'm not a monkey." He whined.

"Oh but you are my dear child." I joked, smiling wider when Lauren moved against me.

My smile dropped however upon seeing everyone in the room.

"Uhm, hey." I said slowly before glancing at Dinah nervously.

She smiled at me, turning to Lucas. "How's the leg and arm, kid?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and smiled softly at him.

"All better!" He responded enthusiastically before he lifted a stuffed bear. "Miss Awwy buyed me a bear!"

I smiled again before sitting up some more and stretching my arms, groaning softly when Lauren's head falls onto my lap. Not only did that hurt but it also provoked dirty thoughts.

My smile fell and I nudged her shoulder gently. She woke up quickly and began to panic.

"Shhh, you're okay." I whispered softly, caressing her cheek, while also placing a hand over my jeans.

I could hear Lucas talking excitedly to Dinah and Ally as I focused on Lauren.

Her breathing was quick and her head whipped back and forth as she scanned the room.

"You're okay, nobody here is going to hurt you." I promised as I cupped her cheeks.

I continued whispering to her until she calmed down, a soft smile growing on her lips.

"There's my pretty girl." I whispered before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

I groaned when my mother spoke up. "Are you going to explain what is going on here?"

"There was an accident." I stated bluntly, keeping my eyes on Lauren. I pulled her up the bed and hugged her, her head resting on my shoulder.

I released a sigh and looked toward my parents. "Papa, mother meet your grandson Lucas James Vives." I said, sending a smile to my son who smiles back widely. "DJ, can you bring him here?" I asked my best friend.

Dinah gently lifted him into her arms and carried him over to me.

I wrapped one of my arms around him, the other staying wrapped around Lauren.

I took a deep breath and looked at everyone. "Lucas is mine and Lucy's son."

My mother's mouth fell open, a look of complete shock on her face.

Lauren's mother moved around the bed. She tried to place her hand gently on Lauren's back but Lauren moved out of her reach and closer to me. Mrs. Jauregui sighed.

"No, this isn't possible." My mother began mumbling to herself. "Lucy killed herself while she was pregnant with him!" She yelled out.

Lucas flinched and tears filled his eyes. "Mama!" He cried out burying his face in my chest.

I held him and Lauren close while glaring at my mother. "No, she killed herself the day after he was born. Her parents took custody of him and now they are d-e-a-d." I growled out, making sure to spell the word dead instead of saying it out loud.

My mom gasped and shook her head. "That's a lie!" She yelled, causing both Lucas and Lauren to flinch and move closer to me.

Mrs. Jauregui, tried to touch Lauren again, but her daughter wouldn't let her. I was the only one who could touch her. Lauren's eyes were closed in fear, her body, except her legs, shaking.

I took a deep breath, running my hands over both Lauren and Lucas' sides. "Mother, I would appreciate if you stopped yelling, you're scaring my son and my fiance."

"Your what?!" My mother yelled.

Mrs. Jauregui gasped, staring at me in complete shock.

"I said to stop yelling, you're scaring my son and my fiance." I growled out, my eyes darkening with anger as I looked at the woman. "Now that Carlos and Claudia are gone, I have sole custody of him."

"Lauren, you can't get married, your only seventeen." Mrs Jauregui snapped at her daughter.

Lauren tightened her grip on my waist.

I turned my attention on Mrs. Jauregui, "We are waiting until she is twenty." I said calmly, pulling my fiance closer.

Taking a deep breath I looked around the room. "I was hoping everyone here would be understanding of the circumstances, especially now that I have to buy a new home for not only my fiance and our baby but also for my son."

Mrs. Jauregui set her jaw, taking a deep breath through her nose. She looked at me suspiciously. "I hope your not marrying my daughter because she's carrying your kid." She said.

She was surprisingly calm which made me think that if I said the wrong thing she'd explode and take Lauren away from me.

"Of course not, I'm marrying your daughter because even though I'm only nineteen, I'm in love with her." I said just as calmly, staring straight into her eyes. "She means the world to me, and I would really appreciate if you could support not only our relationship but the fact that I have a son."

She thought for a moment, shaking her head, opening her mouth to speak but she was cut off.

"You're too young to know what love is." My mom yelled.

Lauren and Lucas flinched again. Lauren was crying, her eyes shut, tears streaming down her cheeks and dripping onto my shirt, wetting it.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, ignoring my mother and turning to face Mrs. Jauregui, shifting Lucas gently into Lauren's arms and sitting up.

"Mrs. Jauregui, I may be only nineteen but I do know what I want. I can't sleep at night if she's not in my arms, if I don't see her all day I begin to worry." I ran my hand through Lauren's hair with a soft smile. "I love waking up with her in my arms and just being able to take care of her."

Looking back up, I let my eyes convey my emotions. "I love your daughter more than anything in the world, and I would rather die than be without her."

Mrs. Jauregui sighed, she looked away from me, shaking her head. "She's too young. She's still a baby. She's been through too much in her short life, look at her she's broken. How do you expect me to just let my baby go?" She asked. I could hear the emotion in her voice as it cracked.

"Mrs. Jauregui, I'm not asking you to let her go. I am asking you to let me take care of her, let me love her and our child." I took a deep breath and moved off of the bed. "We can move into a house near you, I know there are plenty for sale." I leaned over the bed and kissed Lauren's forehead before doing the same to Lucas and standing back up. "I know she is young and I know she is your baby, but please don't take away the only person besides my son that brings me true happiness."

Mrs. Jauregui turned to me, looking at me with tear soaked eyes, tears streaming down her face. "I'm not going to take her away from you." A sob escaped her lips. "She's my baby."

The woman in front of me looked like she might have a break down.

I stepped around the bed and pulled her into a hug. "And I won't take your baby away from you." I whispered in her ear. "All I am asking is for you to accept us, to be there when we struggle." I leaned back and wiped her eyes. "You are a strong woman, and you have been through just as much if not more than Lauren. Let me take care of her, we'll even move into your neighborhood."

She sniffed, looking at her daughter over my shoulder. "She's been through more than I have. She's got a lot of problems." another sob escaped Mrs. Jauregui mouth, tears soaked her face.

"And I will do everything in my power to not only fix her, but to take on the burdens of those problems and make them mine." I promised her, wiping her eyes once more. "I mean it Mrs. Jauregui, Lauren is it for me."

She looked into my eyes, nodding slightly. "She doesn't need me anymore. She's got you now. She's shut me out, I'll never get her back. She's too scared."

I shook my head and smiled sadly. "She needs you now more than ever, but she is scared and she needs not only you but her father." I whispered in her ear before backing away and climbing back into the bed.

Lauren immediately curled up beside me, her eyes closed as she slept while holding Lucas to her chest.

I smiled as I watched my fiance and son sleep.

I ran my fingers through her hair as Mrs. Jauregui's sobs filled the room.

At that moment the door was opened and a doctor walked in. "I'm Lauren's doctor, Luke. Who's Camila?" He said.

I looked up toward Luke, turning my body slightly to face him. "I'm Camila."

"You wanted to know what was wrong with her?" He asked, looking down at his clipboard and then back up at me.

"Yes, she's been overly tired and is almost always scared when she wakes up." I responded sitting up some more on the bed.

He thought for a moment. "We took her blood pressure before we brought her in here. It's through the roof. She's far too stressed. If some of that stress isn't removed, she may have a miscarriage, which could lead to depression or PTSD." He sighed.

"She's already got PTSD." Mr. Jauregui spoke, his voice broke.

My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest. "W-what do you mean?" I asked softly, my hand instinctively going to Lauren's stomach.

"If we don't lower her stress levels she risks losing the baby." Luke said softly.

I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair. "What do I do? How do I help her?" I whispered, staring into his eyes.

"Well the PTSD makes lowering her stress levels a little more difficult. She's going to be constantly afraid which will increase her stress levels." He explained.

I nodded my head, listening as he spoke about things I could do to help Lauren.

"There are going to be days when she's fine and happy. Days when she pushes you away. Days when she's going to cling onto you like her life depends on it. Days when she'll act out because she's so scared." He said.

"I will do whatever it takes to help her, even if she doesn't want me around." I responded with a glance toward Lauren.

"You can't ever leave her alone. She could injure herself." He said softly.

I took a deep breath and glanced toward not only our families but our friends. "We won't leave her alone."

"We can refer her for further testing to see how bad her PTSD is and the refer her to a specialist from there. We can refer her to a physical therapist for her legs, her nerves are severely damaged and there's a chance she may never walk again." He said looking down at his clipboard.

I shook my head in confusion. "What do you mean may never walk again?"

"The nerves in her lower back and legs are several damaged, we don't know how but they are." He said, sighing deeply.

My confusion grew as I looked at him. "No, the doctor she had before said with some physical therapy she would walk again."

He sighed again looking up at me. "Doctor's sometimes get things wrong. We took some x-rays and it's worse than we initially thought, Camila."

I didn't like what I was hearing, Lauren would walk again, I won't listen to this shit.

Taking a deep breath I turned away from the doctor and looked at my sleeping fiance and my son.

I heard the doctor sigh and he said something to Mr. Jauregui before the door to the room closed.

James walked over to the bed, looking at his older sister. He took a strand of her dark hair in his hand played with it. A tear ran down his cheek.

I smiled sadly before placing a gentle kiss on Lauren's temple.

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