Invader Zim reader insert

By CrypticFascination

72.6K 1.5K 1.6K

Just another reader insert thing i'm embarrassing myself with. I do not own Invader Zim. All characters and c... More

Chapter 1 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 2 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 3 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 4 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 6 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 7 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 8 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 9 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 10 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 11 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 12 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 13 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Part 1 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Part 2 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Part 3 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Part 4 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Part 5 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini series: Part 6 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Part 7 {UNDER REFERB}
Mini Series: Finale {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 14 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 15 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 16 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 17 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 18 {UNDER REFERB}
Chapter 19 {UNDER REFERB}
Big A/N:

Chapter 5 {UNDER REFERB}

3.7K 90 89
By CrypticFascination

(A/N: Ah yes. I get to write the most infamous episode now.)

  Today was a normal day in Ms. Bitter's class. Except it wasn't exactly. Your mother was picking up 5 minutes after lunch for a surprise. You had no idea what she could mean, but she sounded super excited. You couldn't help but feel excited too. As insane as life was currently, it was pretty good too. You often helped Dib when he needed it, and he made you feel like you had importance. Gir came back a few times even to say hi and eat food. He liked the mixtape as well, and on the most recent visit, you gave him the a completed copy.

As you sat there, you listened to Ms. Bitters explain The Plague. Your attention was drifted to a pigeon who flew in through the window and landed directly on top of Zim's head. Ms. Bitters called Zim to attention and told him he had Head Pigeons. What the actual hell did that mean? She gave him a hall pass to go to the nurse and before he left Dib of course felt the need to taunt him some more. "You know Zim, when the nurse examines you, she'll notice that you don't have human organs. Then it's just a short step to a hospital, and from there to an alien autopsy table, and then you're just another segment on Mysterious Mysteries." He said grinning evilly. You sighed and face palmed. You had a feeling that this taunt would give Zim a bad idea and motive him to do something horrific.

  Both of you had the same goal. To stop Zim from conquering Earth. But  what you both wanted after that goal was accomplished was where your ideas and aspirations went against each other's. He wanted Zim on an autopsy  table organs spilling out for research. While you wanted him to give up his quest for Earth and show him the many beauties of it. Every life was important to you, even an alien bent on destroying everything.

  It occurred to you that you actually have never seen him out of his disguise. You wondered what mysteries were behind that poor disguise. You certainly wondered, but you weren't sure if you wanted to find out. This battle within you must have lasted about 20 minutes and it wasn't until you saw Dib brake his pencil in half and shove one half up his nose and hid the other. You smiled and snickered a bit. "Ms. Bitters, I think there's a pencil lodged in my brain, can I go to the nurse?" He asked. Ms. Bitters sighed. "How far Dib." He looked at the pencil. "Pretty far."  You could help but giggle until you felt Ms. Bitter's eyes fall upon you. "Excuse me Miss/Mr. L/N, is there something funny?" She replied growling. You blushed instantly feeling embarrassment and guilt.

  "N-nothing Ma'm. I'm sorry." She stared at you and a few other kids snickered. She eventually moved on and gave Dib an auxiliary hall pass. He set out and you listened to the lesson once more.

  Now a lot happened while you were listening. Some kids and the nurse lost their organs to Zim. But you would have not have known that if you weren't in the class room listening to Ms. Bitters. About a minute later, the lunch bell rang. Finally. As you walked out you saw Dib on the floor. "Wait! Your organs! In! Danger!" You helped him up and he wiped off the dust on his coat. He looked at you frantically and grabbed your arms tightly looking at your face for any abnormal coloring. "Did he get to you? Are you ok?" He said examining you some more. "I'm fine. What's this all about?" Before he could say anything, you heard a flashing noise coming from next to you. The kid had the auxiliary hall pass in him, his skin being abnormally pale. "I don't feel so good," and with that, he fell over and didn't move. You started to hyperventilate and hid behind Dib covering your mouth in horror. "Follow me and stay close." He said. You nodded.

  As you followed him to the Cafeteria you saw one of the most horrific things in your life. Kids had a slight green tint to their skin or abnormally pale like the kid earlier. They were bumping into each other, hunched over on the tables or falling down. Dib saw Gaz and immediately ran towards her. You followed him to see she had a game system glowing from inside her dress and presumably her skin. Dib then pulled out a machine that you presumed to be an X-ray type thing. You turned around to find Jessica, one of the girls who had used you for your forging skills and bullied you a bit not moving and her head on the table. You ran over and pulled her up. "You're just unconscious right Jessica?! JESSICA?!" She didn't open her eyes or reject your touch like she would probably do. You saw Gretchen, and she looked awful too. This was horrible. It wasn't until you met up with Dib again was when you saw Him. Zim was an inhuman blob with stolen organs. You gasped and covered your mouth again. Dib clearly felt the same way and started to tell him off. "This has to stop!" He yelled, to which Zim replied, "I don't know what your talking about." You shook your head in denial over and over again tears forming at the end of your eyes threatening to drop. "Zim, this is awful. How could you? These are children you are tampering with! CHILDREN! Now your a horrible monster of stolen organs!" You replied as your voice was hoarse yet harsh. "I've been working out!" He replied. It wasn't until he gagged out an intestine and slurped it back up like spaghetti was when things got gross for you. You felt your stomach turn and you leaned on Dib feeling the need to vomit. "I can't look anymore." You said voice shaky. You heard a conversation between him and it wasn't until you heard Dib reply, "You won't get lungs on my watch Zim!"

  He turned to you and then looked you in the eye. "You said you were leaving during lunch right?" You nodded nervously feeling a knot tie up in your stomach. "You have your stuff with you from earlier, go to the office! It's the only way!" You started to back away following his instructions of running. It wasn't unto you heard clanking through the vents and the cooing of a pigeon. You froze, immediately starting to sob out of terror and fear. You didn't let this stop you, as you began to run like you never ran before hearing the clanking getting louder. You ran faster and eventually you reached the office and slammed the door behind you sighing out of relief. You were greeted by the kind face of your mother smiling and you were great full for that. "Hi Honey! You ready to-" you cut her off by hugging her tightly crying into her shirt mumbling phrases over and over again. "Hon?! Are you ok?!" She asked nervously until you wiped the tears away nodding. "I'm alright. I'll tell you later."

  Later, both of you sat in the car as you explained everything that happened. "You aren't pulling my leg are you?" You started to get upset. "Mom! No! It was awful! I'm telling the truth! Dib helped me get to safety." Her eyes went wide. "So your telling me that boy helped you escape and stay there to fight Zim off?" You nodded and she shook her head. "I would take you out of this school but we can't afford to move again. Plus, Dib is an incredible friend and I would hate for you to loose that. Stick with him ok? But don't treat Zim any differently than you normally would. Maybe he needs some kindness in his life eh?" She said smiling weakly.

You smiled back and nodded. Talking to your mom always helped you. And you could tell she wouldn't let any alien take your organs away. Never ever.

  As soon as the car was parked in the driveway your mother was as excited as ever to get out. You followed her and before she opened the door, she turned to you. "Ok, ok. Close your eyes ok?" She said smiling. You did so and she opened the door and led you inside. "Ok, open them!" You did what you she told you and your eyes went wide and immediately tears came. It was your father smiling his arms out ready to give you a warm welcoming hug. You practically rammed into him and climbed to him tightly, sobbing. He hugged you tightly back rubbing your back for comfort too. For a long time you just stayed there loving every moment of this.

That night you had the best night you can remember. You talked to your Dad about your friend and everything that was currently going on, and gave him his Mixtape which he loved. He eventually assured you that no alien was going to steal your organs as long as he's around, and this made you feel a little bit safer. It wasn't until you finally got to bed you heard your phone ring. You picked it up and answered. "Hello?" You asked. "Y/N? Are you ok? Did Zim take your organs and replace them with stuff," he asked. "No he didn't. What about you?" You heard from the other end some rustling assuming that he was getting
into his covers. "Sadly I can't say the same for myself. That alien scourge replaced one of them! But I got taken to the ER after the press came and it turned out ok I guess." You froze and suddenly you felt guilt wash over you. "Oh Dib, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you or help-" He cut you off. "Y/N it's ok. Just get some rest ok? We need it to stop Zim's next evil plan right?" He said enthusiastically. You laughed weakly. "Heh yeah. Goodnight dude." And with that you hung up and struggled to sleep for what seemed an eternity.

This was only the beginning of many crazy adventures you would find yourself dragged in. Wether you liked it or not.

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I do NOT own any of these stories. Simply just fan.