Misleading Actions (ERERI FAN...

By MajesticTeagle

10.1K 606 418

Eren Jaeger and Levi both like each other, but are having trouble expressing how they feel towards each other... More

A little while ago...
Chapter 1: Stormy Weather
Chapter 2: Last words
Chapter 3: Teach me
Chapter 4: The Captain is Forgiving
Chapter 5: CRINGE
Chapter 6: Manly Man
Chapter 7: Eren, You Are Like...
Chapter 9: For Nothing
Chapter 10: Misunderstanding
Chapter 11: The Start
Chapter 12: Manly As Fuck!!
Chapter 13: Be Mine Or Die
Chapter 14: My Body Is Ready
Chapter 15: Love

Chapter 8: Horsing Around

642 43 31
By MajesticTeagle

Just a heads up, later on in this chapter there is some forcful content, but it's crucial to the story. Still, you can skip over it if you dislike it XD
This chapter is quite long so... enjoy!

"I'm disappointed in you."

"I know..."

"A TEEN, Levi!"

"I know."

"An emotional horny teen and you took advantage of him!"

"I know, alright?! Fuck sake, Look, I tried to apologise."


"He was getting cosy with Aryan."

"... Levi, my short little friend? I think I have an idea."


Jealousy is a dangerous thing. It can consume someone and make themselves become lead by the desire to push or harm any in it's way. Insanity. So why Hange decided to make Levi toy with an already unstable teen's feelings, after specifically saying it is wrong to do so, God only knows. But, by no means is it the shock of the day. The award for that goes to Eren, for appearing in the dining hall in a tight, red-skirted
dress,his chest showing off his collarbone and a criss cross pattern stitched through the material. His hair is littered with pretty pink bows and his face caked in make-up.

To say the least, the soldiers are all shocked beyond belief.

"Whoa... Eren." Jean blinks in surprise at the somewhat appealing female looking Eren Jaeger. Levi's eyes glare at Jean from the higher-ups dining table. Eren glides elegantly down the hall like a real proper lady. Armin follows closely behind admiring his finest work. He hums in satisfaction as the dress fits Eren perfectly, hugging the boy's hips and defining his waist and bum. Armin nods to himself and sits down.

Needless to say, Eren makes a sexy woman. And it pisses Levi off. All those men! Greedy, hungry eyes scoping out Eren's body! It makes Levi mad.

Eren walks past Levi's table with many flushed and glazed eyes following him. Levi slams his hands on the table angrily.

"EREN JAEGER!"he shouts. The cross-dressing boy halts and turns with a bat of his eyelashes.

"Yes Captain~?" Eren says with an innocent blink. The innocent look turns to dread at the sight of his enraged Captain.

"Get that prostitute get-up off of you! Are you an idiot or something?" Levi shouts. He draws on the attention of surrounding peers, eyeing the angry man. Hange beside him face palms. Everything she told Levi to do goes over his head when he's cranky. She wanted Eren to get jealous of Levi, but instead, Levi is getting jealous over everyone staring at Eren. Judging by the look of hurt on Eren's face, Levi is only upsetting his desired one. "Eren, you're a fucking boy! Not a girl, alright?! Want me to cut your dick off? Is that it? Wanting to be a girl so badly?! You're a man! Not a side whore!"

"Levi!" Erwin stands up from the head of the table. He's astounded by Levi's attitude. "Calm down and eat your dinner. Leave Eren alone!" He commands with a scold, yet Levi keeps glaring over at the upset teen. No, not at Eren, persay, but the clothes he wears. The clothes that shroud over his masculinity and replacing it with feminism.
"Levi, eat your dinner." Erwin orders darkly, but again is ignored.

"Oi Brat! Get the hell out of those clothes and burn them. I don't want to see them on you again."

From the 104th class' table, Mikasa watches Eren's expression falter. How his lips start trembling and in an instant, watery drops fill his eyes. "Oh Eren..." she softly whispers before glaring at the Captain who has made her dearest friend cry.

Eren sniffs and wipes his face onto the dress sleeves. "Yes Captain... S-Sorry..." he mumbles quietly and makes an exit. The dining hall doors shut with a painfully loud bang, and Hange turns around to punch Levi's arm.

"Ow! What the hell, four eyes?!"

"Captain, you made Eren upset!" One of the members from the Levi squad, Gunther, explains to the oblivious Captai.

"Bull shit."

"He ran out crying!" Petra points out.

"He embarrassed himself. Big deal."

"Levi." Erwin sternly says the man's name with layers upon layers of disappointment. "Go find him, and apologise. He was just having fun."

"Yeah, and attracting everyone's attention..." Levi grumbles annoyed. He hates the fact people stared at Eren like they wanted to play with him. Disgusting soldiers...

Their eyes were raking all over Eren's innocent body and the boy didn't even know. Or maybe he did and liked it? Could Eren secretly be a whore...?

No, Levi decides. Eren can't be. A whore is used to showing off their body and Eren was all stiff and most certainly uncomfortable when Levi took it upon himself to cleanse him. What's with the ridiculous outfit, then?

"Captain Levi!" Mikasa glares down at her sitting superior. She doesn't have to say anything. Levi already knows why she's pissed and maybe she has all right to be so. Levi must admit, even he feels bad about making the brat cry. Eren shouldn't be upset. It bothers Levi even more that he is responsible for it.

'If I desire to be with him, I'm meant to make him happy...'  Levi sighs and stands up
"Yeah, Yeah. I'm going to go find him." Levi announces and leaves the dining hall in search of his Jaegerbrat.


"It's alright, Eren." Jean soothes the weeping boy who has failed to rip off the clothing Levi distates so much. Eren sobs.

A whore, a prostitute. That's what Levi thought of him. Armin's plan failed. To gain Levi's attention through female sexual appeal was a bust and it now ends with Eren feeling shitty and gutted.

"No it's not, Jean!" Eren growls at his comforter before dropping his head onto his knees and hugging his legs tightly out of hurt. "He thinks I'm a prostitute."


"He hates me! All I wanted to do was make him notice me..." Eren sniffs.

"Other people noticed you if that helps?"

"I don't want other people! I want him!"

Jean sighs and looks out over the grassy field. It's dark, the moon is out and shining beautifully over a small pond beside the two sitting boys. Besides Eren's crying, Jean feels the atmosphere to be quite romantic. Here he is, with a stunning emotional girl, broken by the hands of man. Jean could fix her.

'Her'. Jean is so absorbed with Eren with the dress and make-up that his view on Eren has changed.

"You know," Jean starts with a sigh, glancing to the moon in the sky. He shuffles closer to Eren. "He may not have thought so, but I think you're very beautiful..." he purrs in a low seductive tone.

The pervy edge to his voice makes Eren shudder. Not at all because he finds the voice attractive, but because the voice is alarmingly threatening to Eren. No offense to Jean, but by no means does Eren find him at all attractive.

Jean is a greasy, slimy man who on the odd occasion has been caught with a few whore on the side.  His attitude is all about the bedroom. Although as a friend and soldier he's worthy of praise, but as a lover, he's nothing but a disgusting animal begging for attention. He prays on female beauty and due to the hand slipping close to Eren's inner thigh, he knows that the sexually appealing female outfit has attracted the man whore's attention.

"L-Listen Jean." Eren stammers nervously. The creeping hand sending a feeling of violation straight to Eren's stomach. Disgusting, greasy hands clutching his thigh. "Thanks for the compliment but uh..."he hastily shoves the hand off. "I'm fine now, so just... yeah. You can go now."

"But why?" Jean hums. He places his hand dangerously close to what Eren holds precious. How could Jean be so confident? His eyes show lust and a longing to touch.

Panic rises in Eren's stomach. Complete utter horror!

"Come on, Eren. What's the matter? Scared?" The horse chuckles deeply, rubbing his hand along Eren's legs.

"Of you?!" Eren spits harshly and kicks the hand away shuffling a few paces left to distance himself. "No way!"

"Good." Jean smirks and shuffles over he leans over the unwilling male. He doesn't care.

With the make-up highlighting Eren's eyes and bringing out the teal, ocean beauty, and his eyelashes long and black, the dress hugging his hips and showing off his long,  slim legs and round bum, Eren looks like a young innocent girl ready to be taken by a dominant male.

Jean wants to be that dominant male.

"Back off!" Eren snaps. Jean's getting hands up the dress! Chills of dislike spread all over Eren's body.

"Now now, Eren!  It's just a little fun!" The attacking male soothes. He speaks gently but his actions are gross and horrific that it contrasts his intention of calming. It only fuels Eren's panic.

"NO! STOP IT HORESFACE!" The young teen cries out. He clenches his fists and smacks Jean as hard as he can. He freezes.

Jean stills for a while. The hand up Eren's dress stopped right at his underwear. Slowly, Jean raises his head to glare

"You suicidal bastard!" He screeches. Eren is forced into the ground, face in the dirt and his body flipped around.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Eren screams. He hears clinking of a belt being undone and his whole body turns to a blood freezing cold.

"NO! FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! HELP!" He cries out. He slips back onto his back and kicks Jean in the face. He finds his footing, stands, only to meet the ground with a hard thwack.

Eren's face is forcfully grabbed and the horse delivers bruising kisses that Eren does not return. Tears flood his eyes once again. Why is he so weak? Why now of all times does he feel his strength diplenish into nothing? He can't even save himself from the horse... he's being forced to make out with this disgusting excuse for a human. Here he is, dressed in women's clothing being taken advantage of by a man while his strength runs off with the dish and the spoon.

His mouth becomes numb due to the forcfully rough kisses. Eren trembles before shoving harshly on Jean once more.

"Get the fuck away from me!" He yells and punches Jean incredibly hard. In response, Jean becomes more demanding. He holds Eren down and allows his hands to roam over every part of his body. His unwanted touch makes Eren want to vomit.


Eren bawl his eyes out as Jean holds him down.


Jean shoves the dress up before a boot collides with his face.  The horse is kicked into the water.

"Tch. Disgusting creature." Levi glares down at the emerging cadet who splutters and coughs completely drenched.

"C-Captian LEVI! " Jean widens his eyes and is met with Levi's blood curdling gaze. Levi is a terrifying character. Jean gets a felling that he's about to see the full extent of Levi's wrath. With a stare so cold it could freeze Jean's heart, he almost shits himself.

Levi crosses his arms.

"Rape. I never took you as the type."

Jean flinches at the venomous tone. He's screwed!

"I have half a mind to kill you."

"P-please don't!" Jean pleads.

"Begging, now? Did I mention I hate beggars?"

Jean trembles in fear and bursts into tears.  Clutching life by a mere thread.

"Don't touch what isn't yours. Pack your things. I'm sending you to the military police." Levi orders. With a shaky nod, Jean leaves, leaving Eren a mess on the grass with his make-up ruined.

If Levi hadn't of come, Eren wonders what would have happened.

Eren jolts in shock, warm arms scooping him up and holding him close. He feels weightless as he's gently rocked side to side before being placed by the pond's glistening water.

Levi discards his cravat, dips the cloth into the water, and surprises Eren by cupping his cheek and clearing the make-up off of him. Soft sweeps graze his skin making Eren blush at their close proximity. Washing away the cakey substance and peering at Eren's natural skin, natural eyes, natural lips... this is what Levi likes to see. The boy he loves in his own pure skin. The boy who already shines beautifully without the works.

"That's better..." Levi hums quietly. He wipes away the boys tears. "It's alright. You're safe now."

"Thank you, sir." Eren sniffs.

"Levi." The man corrects.


"Call me Levi. It's annoying having you call me 'sir' all the time. I don't like it. It feels like it creates distance between us." Levi sighs and ruffles the brunettes hair. He notes the softness of it and pats him once more with a content hum. The comforting gesture spreads a homey warmth through the young boy's body. It's almost like with Levi's mere touch,  Jean's unwanted greasyness fades away and is replaced with a sense of security and  comfort.

"Don't dress up again. Whatever you were trying to do, never do it again. Also, never ever get a sex change. You're fine the way you are." Levi says.



"Sorry... Levi, I was just... um... I was trying to..." Eren trails off blushing heavily. He contemplates whether he should be truthful with his superior while under the watchful eye of the full moon. However, it becomes a thought of the past when Levi pulls Eren into his chest for a tight embrace. Being in Levi's arms is a gift Eren never thought he'd have the pleasure to experience. The teen's skin tingles from heat spreading in his body while Levi hugs him in a protective hold.

Such behavior is out of the ordinary, but neither complain. Eren's never felt such a strong feeling of content in his life. He knows he has feelings for this man, but now h, with this warm glow spreading from his chest to the ends of his fingers and toes, makes him realise how much.

A lot.

Levi sighs and shifts holding him tighter. "Sorry..." he apologises.

Eren looks up with a startled blink. His Captain shares the same red face that Eren has.

"What for?" Eren asks.

"I'm not very good with comforting... I probably just stepped over the line."

"Not at all." Eren insists and grips onto Levi when he goes to unwrap his arms from the boy.


Eren grins and holds onto the arms.

"You're doing great!"

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