His Personal Assistant

By N_Multani

321K 10.3K 450

Unedited Alessandra Williams is a 24 year old girl that has had a pretty rough past with a few traumatic exp... More

Too Much Perfume
Cold Hard Eyes
Australian Contract
You should lock the door
Strictly Professional
Coke and Pizza
All Alone
Oh Shit
I Should've Known Better Than This
He's A Dick
Hello, I'm.....
I Fucked Up
Lunch Date
Who are you???
I'm Dead
Apologies, Pizza and Coke
What Are We????
What to do
What are you doing here?
It's All My Fault
Authors note

Leave Us Alone

8.8K 316 16
By N_Multani

Alessandra's POV

I spin around in my seat and stare out my window, admiring the view of New York City. It's nearly lunchtime and I still haven't even finished half of what was given to me and I have meetings for the rest of the day. How on earth am I going to get all this done by the end of the work day? I won't be able to, I guess I'll just take some home with me. While Dax works on his homework, I'll work on mine and perhaps after he's gone to bed as well. I push myself up off of my seat, grabbing my handbag I walk out of my office and into the elevator. Xavier has a lunch meeting so that is where he is at the moment. I quickly scurry out before someone decides to stop and have a chat with me. Everyone seems interested in how my 'new' job is going, they all think I'm going to quit soon. Weird.

I head across the street to Little Blue Café, seeing as my previous visit was cut so short. Stepping into the quaint cafe, I'm hit with an aroma of coffee and freshly baked goods. I quickly order myself a coffee and a ham and cheese toastie before finding a seat in a quiet little corner table. What if Jason manages to take me away? He has a lot of connections, what if he finds me again? But this time, I'm defenceless and I can't rely on Xavier forever. I close my eyes tightly. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. It's not working!! Okay, Alessandra you're okay. It's getting harder to breathe, my eyes watering underneath the closed lids. Alexandra Delacroix Williams!!!! Pull yourself together this instant!!! Gasping silently, my eyes fly open just as the waitress drops my food and drink off at my table. I can't believe I just did that. Taking a deep breath, I dig into the delicious mini meal in front of me. Clearing my head of all negative thoughts, I focus on only my food and what I have to do for the rest of the day.

My phone pings indicating a Facebook message from Alisa, smiling I open the message.

Alisa: Hey xx

Alessandra: Hey xx

Alisa: How r u? I feel as if we haven't talked in ages.

Alessandra: I'm good, wby? That's cos we haven't haha

Alisa: I'm great, I'm in NY atm.

Alessandra: Oh really?? That's awesome. Wat's the occasion?

Alisa: Just travelling, the usual

Alessandra: Surprise surprise haha, we should hang out sometime, to catch up

Alisa: Sounds like a plan, how bout Sat 12pm? u pick place

Alessandra: Great, well how bout the restaurant Ocean Blue?

Alisa: Cool, see u then!

Alessandra: See ya!

Setting my phone back down, I finish off my coffee and stand to leave. I look around the café, only to see him staring right back at me. My smile vanishes and I involuntarily gulp, my eyes mould into a cold hard glare. My face showing nothing but pure hatred directed at Jason Miraz but fear circulates throughout my body, paralysing me in my spot. I turn around to face the table and pull out my phone to call Xavier only to freeze. Why am I relying on him to save me? I'm no damsel in distress, I don't need him to swoop in and be my knight in shining armour. Slipping my phone back into my purse, I turn around ready to confront Jason only to notice that he's disappeared from his spot.

This only escalates my fear, my whole being alert and ready to jump into action. Adrenaline pumps through my body, calming myself down I head out of the building and walk to the left where there is a wedge of space between two parked cars. I go to step forward only for someone to grab my elbow from behind, a hand encases around my mouth preventing me from screaming. I get yanked into an alley that I didn't even know was there. My attacker shoves me up agains the wall roughly, the hard gravelly wall digging into my back. I make eye contact with Jason, my eyes wide in fear. A scream rising up through my throat only to be muffled by his large hand. He grins sadistically, a malevolent glint in his eyes. "Hello, sweetheart. Did you miss me?" I thrash around in his hold trying to get free but to no avail.

"Don't even try getting away, I'm not letting you go this time. Not so you can go prance around like a slut with that billionaire." He spits out, venom laced throughout his tone. "If you promise not to scream, I'll move my hand." I vigorously nod my head, agreeing not to screaming not that anyone would hear over the New York traffic. Wait, I shot him but where? I try hard to think back to the event in my apartment and the location of the bullet. Was it his left shoulder or right? It was his left bicep!! "So sweetheart.." I'm drawn out of my thoughts at the sound of his voice, I avert my eyes to the ground. "You didn't answer my question." He states, a crazy look in his eyes. "Oh.." I squeak out in fear before confidence fills me up. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE?!?!?" I scream, connecting my elbow to his left bicep that was restraining my pelvic bone. A cry of pain escapes his lips as he cradles his arm, I slip out from in between Jason and the wall and make a run for it.

I sprint all the way back into the building and power walk to the elevator. My heart thumps rapidly against my chest, adrenaline rushing through my body like a wildfire. I step out of the elevator, out of breath and probably even more bruised than I was before. I freeze at the sight of a worried yet enraged Xavier in my office, I smile at him sheepishly despite everything else. "Where the hell have you been?!? I have been worried sick?!? You can't just leave without telling anyone of your whereabouts!!" He screams only to stop and inspect the state that I am in. "What happened??"

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