Strictly Professional

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Alessandra POV

I walk in the conference room behind Xavier, I sigh and sit down on a chair. I make eye contact with one man, a 50 year old man. His eyes travel down my face to my breasts and back up, I give him a subtle disgusted look. I see him grin sadistically out of my peripheral vision, I resist the urge to shiver in disgust. I glance at Xavier to see he has his fists clenched, his jaw is clenched and his eyes are filled with raw anger. What is his problem?

Annoyingly enough the 50 year old man's eyes stay trained on me, I notice a few other males in the room giving me lust filled looks like they haven't been laid in years while their Personal Assistant's stare at me with jealousy and disgust shining in their eyes. I give the 'girls' a sarcastic smile making them scrunch up their faces in anger. They scoff and move closer to their bosses. "Right, it seems that everyone is here." And just like that the meeting starts, a long and boring two hours drone ahead. Surprisingly I manage to keep up with taking notes and ignoring everyone else gazes.

I see Xavier getting angrier by the minute making me wonder what the hell is wrong. I watch as his anger spikes when a man across from me reaches for a glass of water but it seems like Xavier doesn't know that. "OK! That is enough, I want everyone out immediately!! This meeting is over!" I jump at the anger that's laced throughout the words he's saying. "Mr Rodriguez, is everything-" Xavier angrily cuts the poor man off. "Out now!" Everyone jumps into action and as quickly as possible they all file out of the room. I slowly stand up and grab my things before heading towards the door, not wanting to face Xavier's anger.

A hand grabs my wrist and spins me around all the while pushing me up against the wall. Fear spikes throughout my body as I recognise the position and I try to get away only for Xavier to push me back against the wall. "Mr Rodriguez." I hate the way my voice trembles in fear. Xavier still doesn't let me go but jut nestles his head in the crook of my neck. I feel myself shaking in pure fear. "X-Xavier, y-you're scaring me." I stutter, cursing my voice for doing so. "Did you see the way those horrible men were eye raping you?? The way they were staring at you hungrily as if you are a piece of meat. I don't want you around any other man except me." I freeze as I realise that Xavier Rodriguez was jealous. Anger overwhelms my body and I push Xavier away with as much force as possible.

"You have no right to act this way! I can be around anyone I wish, you cannot control me. Do you understand?? You cannot act like this, like like we're together. You live your life they way you want to as will I. We are strictly professional." I spit out with venom in my voice, with that said I storm out of the room and into the elevator, I lean against the cool glass and close my eyes as it takes me back up to my floor. I can't even muster up a fake smile towards Lucy making it look more like a grimace.

For the rest of the day I avoid Xavier like the plague not that it was hard seeing as he stays inside his office for most of the day. After the millionth attempt on keeping my eyes open, I finally decide that it's time for some caffeine. I get up off my chair and stretch my sore limbs before walking to the staff kitchen, there is a kitchen on each floor. The kitchen literally only has a microwave, fridge, coffee and a jug to boil water in. I pour myself some scrumptious coffee and take a sip. I resist the urge to moan in delight because of the coffee.

Finally having a dosage of caffeine in my system, I can think clearly. I return to my office and decide to take a little break to think. Okay so after work, I have to pick Dax up from soccer practice and then I might make lasagna for dinner. Hmm maybe even have a glass of wine. My mind drifts over to the kiss making me smile and butterflies erupt in my stomach. How cliche. My mind takes a plunge into this morning which saddens and angers me. I knew it was way to good to be true. I know better than to get my hopes up but I still fucking did. It doesn't really matter though, it wouldn't have lasted long anyways because of my messed up past. Besides who would love a fucked up girl with a fucked up past and a 5 year old kid not that I regret having him. He's the best thing that has happened to me. He's almost like an angel sent from Heaven in the disguise of a little innocent boy. I love and cherish my little baby boy so so much.

I shake my head clear of thoughts and resume working so that Xavier doesn't catch me, hopefully I won't have to face his anger again anytime soon. Sighing, I start to proof-read contracts and fitting in meetings and appointments into Xavier's busy schedule. I try to finish as many things as possible before I have to leave. The phone beeps and Xavier's voice booms through making me internally sigh. "I need you to stay in late today." I shake my head and reply with. "I'm sorry Mr Rodriguez but I simply cannot stay late." I try not to sound demanding and I certainly hope that I'm not pushing my luck. "Why the hell not?!?" Xavier's voice rings through followed by a woman's. "Xavier, don't be rude. She might have important things to do and family to go home to." I smile and decide to negotiate with him. "I can stay late tomorrow Mr Rodriguez." I offer making him groan in frustration. "Fine." And with that he hangs up causing me to roll my eyes.

I pack up my things and carefully stuff some work into my bag before heading out and into my car. I grab my AUX cord and plug my phone in, I scroll through my playlists before putting Demi Lovato on shuffle. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel to Give you heart a break as I stop at a red light. I smile as the song changes to Warrior, I sing along trying to hit the notes.

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