Who are you???

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Xavier's POV

I have no idea why I decided to pick Daxton up from school, I mean I don't even know him. He doesn't know me. This isn't going to end well for me is it? Perhaps I'm getting too attached to her, I doubt her kid will like me anyway. Plus, I'm just picking him up from school because Aless can't do it. There is no other reason at all. Who the fuck am I kidding?? I like her. Why did it take me so long to get to that conclusion??? I sigh exasperatedly as I pull up to Eastern Elementary School. I wait in my car for the kids to start piling out.

I lean up against my car and wait for her son to come out. What the hell am I doing?? I spot him coming out of the building and halt, he looks around confused. Sighing I wait for his eyes to get to mine, when they finally do I wave him to me. He cautiously makes his way towards me, stopping a few feet away. "Hi, um I'm here to pick you up on behalf of your mum?" I make it sound like a question, I mean he doesn't even know me. "And who are you??" He questions with a, might I say, cute suspicious look on his face. "I'm Xavier Rodriguez, it's nice to meet you Daxton." I put forth my hand, he shakes it warily. "Yea I know, you're the guy who is rich. My mum's boss and you are a-a-a wo-wo-" I correct him as he struggles to get the word out, "womaniser?" It sounds more like a question as I hunch my shoulders. That kind of hurts, how does he knows this anyway?? Did Alessandra tell him?? "Hey how do you know this??" He gives me a 'are you dumb' look.

"I watch TV" he states, rolling his eyes. "You know you shouldn't believe everything you see and hear on TV," I state, crossing my arms across my chest and leaning against my Lamborghini Aventador. "How do I know I can trust you??" He questions, crossing his arms across his tiny chest. I sigh frustratedly before grabbing my phone and scrolling through my contacts till I find Alex's. I pray Jake is there with him as I hit call, it rings a few times before he answers. "Hello?" He answers, "Is Jake there with you, I kinda need to talk to him?" I question without greeting him. "Well hello to you too." He mutters sarcastically, the sound of the phone being handed over to someone fills my ears. "Why on Earth do you think that I want to speak with you?" Jake answers angrily, rolling my eyes I hand the phone to Daxton.

He watches me cautiously as he puts the phone to his ear. "Hello?" He questions, his eyes not leaving mine. "Oh hey uncle Jake, yea he says he's here to pick me up. Should I go?" He questions, he waits for an answer before looking at me. "Where's mommy?" He questions, worry and fear covering his face. "She's fine, at my place sleeping. She's had a long day." I reply, refraining from tapping my foot impatiently. Daxton relays what I just said before handing my iPhone 6s back to me, I raise it to my ear. "If anything happens to Daxton OR Alessandra, I will murder you!" He seethes before hanging up on me, anger bubbles up inside of me at his rudeness. I shake it off and open the passenger door for Daxton to climb into, once he's inside I make sure his seatbelt is on before heading to the driver's side.

I stop at a red light, Daxton shifts his body to face me. "Yes?" I question, fully aware that he is staring at me. "Mummy always got me ice cream after school." He states randomly, I narrow my eyes at him. He gives me a sweet toothy grin, I hesitate. "I doubt that." I state turning back to the road as the light turns green. "You can call and ask her." He pipes up, I reach for my phone but freeze. She's probably still asleep, I don't want to wake her. I sigh shaking my head. "Fine but I pick the ice cream place." I smile at him, he beams up at me. "Deal!" He shouts, looking back to the front with a grin on his face making me smile. Let's just hope your mother doesn't kill me for this. I think speeding down the road towards my favourite ice cream parlour. 

I pull up outside the building and step out before opening Daxton's door and helping him out. "Okay so what flavour do you like?" I question as I offer him my hand, I smile as he takes it happily. We walk inside only to grin at each other as we see that there is no line, we quickly walk to the front and wait to be served. After a couple of minutes someone finally notices us, a guy probably 16 or 17 smiles at us. "Hello, what can I get you guys today?" He asks, I look down at Daxton only to notice that he's too short to actually see all the flavours. I crouch down and pick him up so that he can have a better view, he does a quick scan of all the flavours before looking at the guy who is waiting patiently with a smile on his face.

"Could I please get mint chocolate chip?" He questions politely looking at me to check if that's ok, I nod at our server who quickly starts to get Daxton his ice cream. "Could I have the same please?" I ask setting Daxton back down on his feet. I grab his ice cream and hand it to him before taking mine and paying the guy, grabbing his hand I lead him to a seat. I help him up before sitting down in front of him, he watches me curiously. "Yes?" I ask him as I lick my ice cream, he just laughs and licks his ice cream. Getting some on his white shirt. It's official, she's gonna kill me. My mum always shouted at me for getting crap on my white shirts, claiming that it's a bitch to get the stain out. "Oh no." I mumble staring at the stain, Daxton follows my line of sight to his shirt. His eyes widen in panic before shooting up to me. "Mummy's gonna kill us!" He exclaims, I watch him with my eyes narrowed before leaning back in the seat. "Why would she kill us? You always get ice cream after school, right?" He shrinks back into his seat before shaking his head, no. I sit up straighter. "You lied?!?" I whisper/shout, he nods timidly before sitting up too. A confident look on his face. "I really wanted ice cream," he shrugs grabbing a napkin, I shake my head. "No, don't do that..."

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