RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert

By NehpetsSanders

141K 1.3K 860

In this story RWBY Chibi Episodes will be featured along with you, dear reader, of course.... And I noticed t... More

RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert {Ep. 1}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 2} XTRA!!!
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 3}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 4}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {5}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep.6}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 7}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 8}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 10}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 11}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 12}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 13}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 14}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 15}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 16}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 17}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 18}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 19}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 20}

RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 9}

5.6K 56 19
By NehpetsSanders

 Hey Everyoooooone! It's Nehpets here. And welcome back to another episode of our RWBY: Male!Reader Insert! So sorry if this took so long to complete. Again, thank you so much to a very particular friend  of mine for helping me with these series, and to you guys out there for giving me such magnificent ideas that it made my imagination kick in again!

So I know you're all excited about this. Let's get started!

And just to make things crystal clear:

RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth
The story belongs to me
And you belong to yourself

Hope you fellas enjoy!


"Weiss Studying"

It was a typical school day at Beacon, with classes just rapping up for the day. Yang was polishing her motorcycle, Bumblebee, and Blake was reading in the library, annoyed that (Y/N) wasn't there with her. Unfortunately, for the other two members of Team RWBY, it was anything but. In their dorm room, Weiss was at her desk with some books, while Ruby was...

Ruby: I'M BORED!!

...Bored out of her mind. Luckily, she didn't have a board on her, to enforce the fact onto her teammate's face.

Ruby: Entertain me. Please.

Weiss: Can't right now. I'm busy studying for Port's Monster Exam. You know as well as I do that I have no time to waste on childish things.

Ruby: (sulking rapidly) Yeah, I, I know you're busy, that makes sense. I don't have anything else to do, whether you've got stuff to do, that's fine.

Weiss: Why not go bother Claire or Yang or (Y/N).

Ruby: Claire is still mad at me for accidentally eating her pickles(Nehpets: Psssh. Yeah right, like it totally was. Ruby: It was!. Nehpets: Yeah, yeah. Keep saying that to yourself. Ruby: *Grumbles*. Anyways..... Back to the story....); Yang is taking care of her ride, and... I don't know where (Y/N) is; now that you mentioned about him. (remembers what she was doing before) After you're done, uh, would you wanna hang out?

Weiss: I'll be at this all night. Professor Port really likes to give us 10 pages exams, when he can. So, please stop asking.

Ruby wasn't taking a 'no' lightly and continued to bug her ice queen friend.

Weiss: (breaking the 4th wall) Don't call me 'Ice Queen'!

Nehpets: What the Grimm?!

Weiss: Or do you want people to know about your crush on a certain lady with a nice figure.

Nehpets: (O_O)! You wouldn't dare.....

Weiss: You may be the writer. But try me......

Nehpets: Okay. Okay. I'll stop!

Michael: Hmm...

Weiss: (breaking the 4th wall) Thank you. Anyways.

Ruby: (scooting) Maybe we can study together? I mean, I'm not good at studying for tests.

Ruby, I really just need to focus. So please, stop bugging me.

Annoyed that it wasn't going her way, Ruby decided to take action, but in a silly matter. As Weiss was about to go back into her books, she sees Ruby splash land onto the desk and acting like a fish on land.


At that moment, the door opens and walks in Sky with Claire and (Y/N)

Sky & You: Well, we walked on something weird.

Claire couldn't stop laughing at the sight.

"Ren Plays Tag"

Meanwhile in Beacon Academy's vast courtyard Team JNPR decided to have a little game of tag, and Jaune is seen hiding himself (Well, sort of) behind a thin tree.

Just then, Pyrrha hunches over a bench, ruffling Jaune's head. Now that would've been sweet of her, but when Jaune turned towards the person responsible, Pyrrha gives him a small adorable poke on the nose.

Pyrrha: Tag!

Jaune gives Pyrrha a look before going over to Nora up on the tree, her foot seen dangling down. Pyrrha crouches at the bench before leaping off. Back to Jaune, he saw Nora's leg dangling below, as the rest of her body hides up in the leaves of the tree. He jumps up to reach Nora's leg, touching it.

Jaune: Tag!

After that, Nora retracts her leg back up. She leaps to another tree, which is near Ren, who is busy reading a book. Nora hangs upside down beside Ren's head, before tagging him by literally, lightly punching him in the head.

Nora: Tag, you're it!

After she said that, she falls from the tree, before she trots away with the rest of the team, leaving Ren behind as he still bears the fact that he's 'it'.

Ren: I'm... it?

Just then, you and Sky were walking your way back inside the academy, holding up random conversations with each other along the way.

Sky: So, yeah. I gave Weiss this necklace and--

You: Look out!

Sky: Wha--?!

Just before he could even finish, Jaune ran over and bumped into him. He gets up real quick before he runs away with the rest of his team.

Jaune: Sorry, Sky!

You: Hmm.... What's that?!

Sky groaned as he stood back up on his feet, and he began dusting himself off.

Sky: What's 'what'?

You: I mean look!

You began pointing at something near the courtyard. Sky looks to at what you are clearly pointing, and sees Ren putting himself through some sort of disciplined martial arts training regime.

You go ahead, Sky. Let me check this one out a bit. We'll continue your issue with Weiss later.

Sky: *sighs* Fine.......

Sky begins walking back inside the academy, while you see Ren running out towards the grassy field, just past the courtyard. You followed him and saw him doing push ups. Curious, you decided to approach him.

You: Hey, Ren!

Ren stops at what he is doing, and stands up.

Ren: Hello, (Y/N).

You: So, whatcha doin'?

Ren: It's nothing. I'm just preparing for my greatest comeback yet against someone.

You: Who is it?

Ren: It's.....

You: Never mind about that. You're gonna need all the help you can get, and looks like I'm in for it.

Ren: if you say so.....

You two first began push ups with two hand. Ren advances by using a single finger this time. You followed up too with ease. Then much to your surprise and amazement, he begins pushing up by blowing air from his mouth against the ground. He appears to be struggling with it before he releases his final breath, and lies down on the ground out of exhaustion from literally losing air. You tried doing this too, but you didn't even made three push ups before you collapsed to the ground as well.

The next step was through meditation. You and Ren made your way to the top on one of the archways in the courtyard, so you two won't be disturbed. Ren sat cross-legged as he connected his index fingers and thumbs together, while you were doing the same thin, only you were balancing with the use of your head. At some point, Ren would use Zwei for balance and lightweight, and he would even use a powerful electric fan to have his makeshift levitation, while you were using a flurry of frosts and snows to levitate you.

The last preparation was using Ren's instinct in catching the peppermint candies by using chopsticks. You threw one on his right and he catches it with ease and chomps it. You threw another on the left and quickly followed it up with another on the right. He takes the one on the left first, he eats it real hastily before he catches the last one quickly.

You: Well, I guess you're ready. Don't you think so, Ruby?

You turned to Ruby who was literally stuffing her face with a handful peppermint candies from the jar that you brought. With her mouth full of peppermint, she could only nod in approval. Sneakily, you and Ren stalked the hallways. Well, Ren did, you were only following him until you two reached inside Team JNPR's dorm, hiding.

You: So, who's this someone you're up against? Cardin? (a King Taijitu? Mercury? Emerald? Cinder?! Salem?!?!)

Nehpets: *facepalm* Seriously, dude?!

You: (breaking the 4th wall) What?! You're the one who wrote it in the first place.

Nehpets: Pfffft........ Touche'. Now get back there. NOW!!!!!

Ren: *smirks* You'll see.

And with that he crouches behind the doorway, flips forward and suddenly tags Nora, who happen to have passed by on the hallways, cheerily humming to herself.

Ren: Tag!

Nora: Tag back!

Nora uses her head with full force to tag Ren back, resulting him to be knocked backwards, his whole body being rigid and stiff. She resumes her humming and goes on with whatever her business is, skipping over Ren's whole, rigid figure. You, on the other hand, could not believe at what you just saw. You blinked a couple of times before you finally spoke.

You: I went through all that! For this ridiculous game. What in the actual f----

Nehpets: *suddenly covers your mouth* Whoa! Hey! Easy there, feisty pants! I don't wanna hear any swearing words from you.

You: Will you stop breaking the freakin' fourth wall?!?!

Nehpets: Look who's talking?! And don't blame me! I didn't even started it.

And there you have it guys! A very disappointing episode to be honest. It may not be as funny as the others, but I thank you all so much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

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