Found my Placid Love || Ziam

By dazzlingziam

92.3K 3.7K 5.4K

Liam Payne is a normal boy. He is looking for peace. Have two Best Buddies to hold onto and his 'not so big'... More

Chapter- 1
Chapter- 2
Chapter- 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter- 5
Chapter- 6
Chapter- 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter- 9
Chapter- 10
Chapter- 11
Kindly Ignore
Chapter- 12
Chapter- 13
New Story!
Chapter- 15
Chapter- 16
Chapter- 17
Chapter- 18
Chapter- 19
Chapter- 20
Chapter- 21
Chapter- 22
Chapter- 23
Chapter- 24
Chapter- 25

Chapter- 14

2.7K 121 107
By dazzlingziam

OMG fam. Thank you all, whoever remad this. It reached 2k. I love you guys.

-Liam's POV-

"P-please s-stop Zayn, dammit. Staaph." i pleaded while Zayn just tickled me even more.

We were currently at the shared apparent between me and Nialler. I thought lets bake some macrons, which are quite difficult to make but the taste is worth the pain. I was just baking them and Zayn was applying for an internship at an art university or something in the living room.

I thought it's peace, and i have time to kill so lets make a nice dessert to munch on afterwards. But no, he suddenly came inside the kitchen and started tickling the shit out of me.

"I won't if you wouldn't come with me and cuddle, i feel lonely." Zayn said pouting, i took the opportunity and ran out in the garden as fast as i could, but Zayn is faster and he blocked my way and i am trapped between the fence and him.

"So you love games? Lets play games." Zayn quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, walking inside.

I started kicking in the air and slapping his back and almost fell.

"Better stop moving if you don't want to fall." Zayn chuckled.

We got inside and he placed me on the kitchen counter. He took out Chocolate chip mint flavored ice cream and i was confused.

Not until i felt the back of my neck get in contact with something cold. I traced my hand there and looked at my hand. Ice cream.

I looked up mouth agape, but Zayn was having his sinister smirk. He had his both arms on either side of me on the counter. I was trapped again.

I looked around and got an idea, i picked the blue coloured dough of macrons and and smacked some of it on his face.

I laughed loudly when he gasped.

I squirmed to get up but soon he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and placed some more ice cream on my neck where my birthmark is.

He slowly came closer than ever and licked it. I gasped and took a hold on his raven locks. He started sucking and licking. Gradually the ice cream was long cleaned but he didn't stop.

I moaned when he bit at some places while working his way on my neck, to collar bones. Probably leaving trails of fresh red hickeys.

I kept away the pleasure i was getting and pushed his hard chest. I swiftly got the pack of floor before he had any chance to catch me again, i poured all of the it on him.

I put a hand on my mouth to suppress my laughs and clicked a picture of him, looking like a hot white freak and he was looking at me like a Lion looks at his prey.

I was about to duck away but too late when he hugged me from behind, making me also covered in floor.

"Leave me you, giant man - child." I said laughing uncontrollably when.

"Aww no, i love you Li-li let me cuddle you." Zayn said rubbing his hands and body on me and turning me around, shaking his floor covered head.

I grimaced at that.

"Shouldn't have started this game, your mistake." Zayn said seductively in my ear making me shiver.

We were staring into each others eyes, forgetting about the messy kitchen, the hard work i would have to do to clean the mess and main thing that we were covered with food. None of that mattered in this moment, i was slowly drowning into his hazel orbes.

He wiped his mouth getting rid of the floor and smashed his lips with mine.


We pulled apart when the doorbell rang. Yeah, someone has to ruin it.

Zayn groaned but didn't budged from his position.

"Zayn, there's someone at the door, let me get it." I said.

Zayn huffed but moved so i could go but not before patting my butt. I blushed.

I opened the door and there stood my eldest sister, Nicola smiling widely at me.

If it could be possible, my eyes probably would be out of my sockets.

"Hey little brother." Nicola said.

"Hi?" I said still in shock.

"Why are you so messy?" She asked making a face.

"I-I w-was just baking." I stuttered.

She didn't seem to buy it but nodded anyway getting inside.

"So where is Nia-" Nicola was interrupted.

"LEEYYUM?  WHO'S THERE, BABE?" Zayn shouted and walked into the living area.

No, shit.

Nicola and Zayn were having a little staring competition before i cleared my throat rather harshly.

"Who's this?" both asked in unison.

"Nicola, this is Zayn - My boyfriend. Zayn, this is Nicola - My eldest Sister." I introduced nervously but internally patted my back for not stuttering this time.

"Oh, so this is your boyfriend." She said looking him up and down because basically he was more of a mess than me and now shirtless. WAIT WHAT?

All this time, why does he has to remove his freaking shirt, NOW? Not that i am complaining.

"Yes, i am, his boyfriend. My name's Zayn Malik, nice to meet you." He smiled and offered his hand to her. Luckily he cleaned his hands. But how is he so fucking calm?

I saw Nicola's expression soften a bit at that and shook his hand.

"I am Nicola, sorry for just crashing in without informing." She said indicating at his torso.

He blushed a little but chuckled to hide it.

"Oh, why are you saying this? Its your brother's house, you can crash in anytime, i am sorry for looking so 'Presentable'." He rubbed the back of neck. "I'll just come in a minute, you guys chat up till then" he said rushing in my room to get changed.

We sat down at the couch.

"He is hot, i approve." Nicola said patting my shoulder.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Oh shush. I approve not because he is hot, i just stated it, i approve because he is a gentleman as far as i see, but still i need some more tests to be done." Nicola winked.

"Alright. But how come you are here?" I asked.

"Oh, Mum told me she got a call from you and that you told her about your boyfriend. Blah blah. I was bored as well. The main thing is she wanted to meet him, you know the typical, mum is always strict with these kinda things. Also we missed you so much." She hugged me and i suddenly felt warm on the inside.

"I missed you all too, but you and Ruth are Mum's favorite, why would she miss me?" I said and chuckled bitterly.

"She loves us all, she is just more strict with you, and acts all emotionless sometimes with you. But she loves you the most baby bro." She said offering a sweet smile which i returned.

"Hey, what all i missed? " Zayn said joining us as well. He was wearing one of the largest hoodies i have of my size, which is still slightly smaller at his frame.

"I was just telling your party pooper of a boyfriend here, that Mum wants a dinner with you both. And also i am staying the night here." She grinned.

She is really evil.

"No, you can't, Niall still stays here." I protested.

"She sure can stay the night. Niall wouldn't mind staying over at Josh." Zayn said smiling at me.

"Oh so Nialler also have a man now. My babies are growing so fast" She asked dramatically wiping invisible tears. "What about Haz and Lou?" she added.

"Yeah, they are going great. Had some ups and downs, but are great. Louis always comes up to me for advice, i am fantastic at that." Zayn boasted and i rolled my eyes fondly at the past events.

"Wait, i remember Liam telling me once he has a sexy little brother. Who is he though?" She asked.

"Oh, that's Zayn." I answered flustered.

"Woah, that's questionable because you are a sweetheart and he is a brat. But I don't know why i love him." Nicola laughed. Zayn chuckled as well.

"Well, he has his own amount of bratness in him." Irish accent said making me jump.

"Hiya, guys. Hey Nicola, long time eh." Niall said hugging Nicola.

"It's getting frustrating how everyone just barge in this house without a sound." I mumbled.

Zayn looked at me and pecked my lips, intertwining our hands.

"It's alright Li, I love your cute jumpy self. It makes me want to protect you even more." He said smiling and i blushed.

"Awww, you guys are so cute." Nicola squealed.

"Oh no way. Ew. He is blushing." Niall said.

"Oh, i wasn't the one who was having a piggy back ride by his boyfriend around in our house." Liam sassed.

Niall just showed him the finger.

"So, what's up? I got your text. Hurry up i just finished my project with Perrie, now i am tired and want Josh" Niall asked pouting.

"I was wondering if you'll spend the night at your boyfriend's? I am staying in your room." Nicola said.

"Oh my god. Are you professor X?  I was just thinking the same thing. So cool, i'll just go-" Niall looked at his phone for the time. It said 8:15 pm.

"-Now" he said and was out the next minute.

"He's desperate" Nicola said chuckling.

"Nah, he's just in love." I said. "So what about the dinner? And why are you even staying here" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I will just go home tomorrow morning, i stayed because Ruth is out at a friend's and Mum is at Auntie Marie's house for the night and i was alone. So we all will prepare everything tomorrow. Lets keep it tomorrow at 7pm. I am tired as well but its fine right?" Nicola looked at us expectantly.

"Yeah, its absolutely fine. The room's that way and bathroom is here if you wanna freshen up. " Zayn smiled. Really this man is something, how is he so perfect?

"Learnt this house by heart eh? Ahh well, I never got to ask by the way, what were you two doing before i came?" Nicola asked pointing at my neck and i blushed hiding it.

"Um, w-we, um we" I stuttered yet again.

"Okay, i think i got the answer, i just hope you didn't do the dirty in the kitchen." She asks directly at Zayn.

He chuckled.

"Oh no,  we didn't. And we are not yet at that stage." he said sheepishly looking at me and i bit my lower lip from all the embarrassment.

"Okay, i am just gonna chill and sleep. I will be in the room till morning to be honest." She said and walked away after patting Zayn's shoulder giving him an approving nod and kissing my cheek.

"Tomorrow is going to be a rough day." I said..

"It is. But it will be worth everything. I love you Liam." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me passionately.

"I love you too." i mumbled.

Woohoo, so i just posted a new story.

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