The Boy Project (a one direct...

By happychick

4.4K 68 73

When an all girls school is suddenly integrated with a bunch of guys, who knows what will happen? Join the ta... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
not a real chapter
Chapter 5
chapter 6 part 1
chapter 6 part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 part 1

The Boy Project (a one direction fan fic)

1.5K 15 20
By happychick

Hey guys it is Sara here…Before you read this book there are a few things that you need to know and they are as follows:

1-       I am the world’s biggest cheese ball so everything I write is terribly cheesy. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

2-      This is set in a horrible world where One Direction are not a world famous band. Can you believe it… ‘cause I can’t.

3-       This is a co-write and the same story is on Connie's account (ckbiebs1D). Don’t worry that she is breaking copyright laws etc.

We also ask that if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. Also there may be same small things that don't match up in the separate P.O.V’s and that is because we write separately. Our beautiful and epic editor (TheVelvetRevolver) is amazing but she is human and may miss a few things.

All Rights Reserved

Thanks a Bunch 







“So girls, I have called this whole school assembly to make a formal announcement. The big news you have all been waiting for is this; Saint Mary’s is now a co-Ed school. Letters have already been sent home to inform your parents of this fact.”

Connie let out a huge scream from next to me and the whole school looked at her except for our group of friends who all burst out laughing. She went so red in the face. How embarrassing. Oh well I’m used to Connie’s weird guy obsession.

Cheers and excited whispers ran through the school. Half of the school already knew anyway. I don’t know how but they did. I guess that’s the rumour mill for you.


OH GOD I hate that word. It always seems to arrive before some horrible thing no one ever wants to hear.

“…The boys attending are not here at the moment so they will be integrated in to classes when they get here. This is the reason for your abnormally small classes this year. You are to continue your classes until they arrive. Have fun girls. Make sure that these boys don’t get in the way of your studies.” With that the assistant head mistress left the stage and started chatting to a teacher. The new curriculum co-ordinator I think. Anyway this was the signal we could finally leave. Geez that assembly took forever. Everyone got up and started to head to their timetabled class. There was so much chatter it was almost deafening.

“Oh my God Oh my God! Can you believe it boys and drama together? Oh My God. "

"Yes Connie I know boys are coming to the school. How ground-breaking.” Geez, the way she was acting you would think that every guy in the world was getting abs the same calibre as Taylor Lautner’s. Shame it can’t be so. “Relax and breath in and out nice and deeply. In and then Out."

This is going to be an interesting year

My friend Connie is guy obsessed and let’s just says the feelings are mutual. She is really pretty with just past the shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She is a lot like me except for the fact that I am a lot taller and my hair is a curly mess while hers is straight and I can be slightly annoying at times so guys are less attracted to me than to her. 

“Connie you don’t want to scar the boys, do you?” Ash asked as were headed up the stars to the drama room.

“How would I do that?” Connie asked crossing her arms and jutting out her lip. I shouldn’t have but her facial expression was just so hilarious I couldn’t stop myself from laughing and at the fact that she couldn’t see the obvious fact that she would indeed scar them.

“Get her!!!” Connie and Ashley screamed up once and chased me up the stairs in to the drama room.

“Ashley, Connie I’m sure whatever she did can’t have been that bad.” Miss Tina said without looking up from her romance novel with a bare chested man on the front. Wow he’s in pretty good shape. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that.

“Yeah guys it wasn’t that bad. See, even Miss agrees.” I said hands on hips

 “Let’s get going. You do realise we still have to split the ten roles among us.”   Ashley said with a frustrated look on her face. She always gets stressed about drama and I have no idea why. Maybe because no one wants to be with us.

“Miss can we-“

“Yes, you can use the music room.” Miss didn’t even have to hear out the remainder of my sentence to know what I wanted to ask. Every day we go in there to practice drama.

‘The room’ as we call it is a music room used by the band and most every single music group in the school. At the back of the music room there are a bunch of music stands and instruments. There are three doors that lead into adjacent parts of D block. One opens into the drama room corridor which has a bunch of lockers in it yet is usually empty- weird right. The one on the other side of the room leads in to the next corridor which goes into the other rooms in D block and the third door opens into the next music room. On the same wall there is a huge window so you can see into the next music room. We also make weird faces and draw a crowd when we’re running through any practical work.

“Are we ready to do some actual work today guys?” Connie asked with a small smile. We have a lot of work to do today. And I mean a lot though it’s not like I ever do any work anyway. Not only do we need to have set out all the characters but we also need to divide them up which is going to be a pain because there are a lot of clashes with scenes which will be difficult to resolve.

I set cross legged on the floor constantly fidgeting. I tried stretching but that didn’t help either. Sometimes it does.

“Just dance Sara. God knows you’re annoying the crap out of me! You do this all the time.” Ashley yelled- see as I said, touchy about drama.

“Thanks a lot Ashley please feel free to abuse me about my life and habits.” I faked a hurt tone of voice. The sarcastic shit-head type of voice because she falls for it every time.

“Sorry darling. You know I don’t mean it right. I’m just at that time of the month and we really need to finish writing up these parts.” Ashley said in an apologetic tone. I’m used to it though. I do this most lessons. Ashley does dramatic exercises, Connie looks at various images of hot guys and Justin Bieber and I dance. In fact I’m pretty sure Connie was looking at a topless picture of Justin Bieber right now.

I know that must seem weird but I dance to neutralise my emotions. When I’m stressed, happy, sad excited or angry I just dance a lot and it helps me think. In the past after dancing I have come up with some brilliant ideas and I often dance to brainstorm. I got to my feet and started spinning like a ballerina. I had just come out of the fifth pirouette and was about to launch into a massive breakdance session when I stopped. Before I continue – breakdance and ballet may be a weird combination but it can be done, anyhow, back to the story. I looked up and stacked it due to the shock of seeing not one but 5 guys standing at the window. Damn how embarrassing. I got up and smiled weakly at the guys as I opened the locked door. I cannot believe I just did that. Damn that’s embarrassing. Oh well, life is a bitch after all. The first guy that walked in had brown hair that was kind of messed up but oh so sexy. Yes I did just think that. What are you going to do about it?

“That was great. You have almost perfect technique.” That is a total lie because I have only taken dance classes a few times.

Okay it is official. I love his voice. Make sure it is recorded in the history books. I always love guys with hot accents and boy does he have one.

“Yeah except the end bit. That was a fail.” A guy with really curly hair added to the conversation he was now apparently a part of. He had green/blue eyes that rock! He also possessed the same accent as the first guy but he’s not as cute.


Smooth Sara, real smooth. Shortly after thinking this I hear a huge smash and turn to see the cause of the commotion. What may surprise you but doesn’t actually surprise me is that Connie is in the arms of a guy and Ashley is standing with her mouth hung wide open.

“Great” I mutter under my breath

“Yeah it is” I jump about a foot in the air. A guy with black hair and brown eyes was standing behind me with a hoody on. I didn’t even realise he was standing there. He must be a ninja. I love ninjas. They are so cool.

“Who are you?” ask the boy sitting on the bench.

“I could ask the same thing to you but I won’t. I am Sara, the one on the floor is Connie and the one that looks like a fish is Ashley.” I finished with a smile. Ashley gives me her signature death glare and the boy sitting on the bench smiles wildly. I smile back because hey everyone loves smiles right?

“Well…” said the sexy as hell boy. Stop it you hormone crazed brain. I can’t believe my own brain is turning against me. We used to be so close.

 “I am Liam, the idiot with the curly hair is Harry, the boy on the bench smiling like an idiot is Max and the one standing behind you like a perv is Zayn, the one holding your friend is Justin and the one about to run in the room with a mask on is Louis. Yep, that’s everyone.”

And as if it was rehearsed a boy came running in to the room screaming. He opened the next door and ran out of the room slamming the door behind him. Everyone just glanced at each other confusedly and then he comes back in looking more relaxed than before. I turn to whisper to Liam who is standing next to me.

“Watch this. It’ll be hilarious.” I almost burst out laughing at this point but manage to hold it in resulting in a pain in my abdominal muscles. “Hello Louis. How are you?” His eyes just about pop out of his head and he starts to freak out.

“How do you know me? I’ve never meet you before. Please don’t eat my brains.” He buried his head to the floor and started to whimper a tiny bit.

“Louis are you ok? I was just kidding. Liam told me your name before you ran into the room.” I felt bad that I had upset him over something so trivial. I was about to lean down and comfort him but Liam pulled me back just as Louis jumped up in the air to where my head had been not a moment ago. I fell back into Liam’s arms and made a mental note that wow, he has muscles. He looked down at me and moved his face closer to mine, his minty breath tickling my face but I stood back up and dusted my dress off. Normally I would be more concerned about me about to kiss some guy but right now I was think about Connie.

“I think she is coming to” Justin looked really concerned. I think he likes her.

“I can fix this don’t worry it happens a lot. ” The normality of my friends is quite refreshing. “Connie it’s Justin Bieber” And like clockwork Connie shot up in the air like a squirrel on speed.

“WHERE?!?!” She asked breathlessly. In that moment it became evident that Connie was realised there was no Justin Bieber in the room because she went a deep shade of red and I thought I should jump in and save her.

“Hey guys” I addressed the boys. “ I don’t mean to be rude but you have to leave we have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in.”

“Well I guess no-one told you but we’re your new drama group so I don’t really think we’re going to be leaving anytime soon.”

Oh shit. This is going to be an… an… but before I could think of the right word the bell went off. You see at our school the bells are a song which is always fun. This period’s bell turned out to be ‘I Want Candy’ but the ‘Hop’ version. The second the intro came in Ash, Connie and I looked at each other and got into a line. Two weeks ago Miss Tina made us make up a movement pace and this was our song. It was like an old fashion song with contemporary music mixed into it. Towards the end of the dance I had a solo which was more new then old and looked really cool if I do say so myself. I loved to dance and loved music. So do Connie and Ashley incidentally because we’re just epic that way. As the song stoped I looked up and went bright red. All the boys just stood there, mouths wide open. Hey they could double as fly catchers. At this thought any traces of embarrassment had disappeared. There was a knock at one of the three doors. Ashley, Connie and I all ran to the one closest to us and flung them open. Miss Tina was standing at mine. Yes I am the champion. I am so cool. I think I should win an award or something.  

“Hey Miss Tina. What ‘sup ?”

“ I just wanted to let you know that you will be allowed to stay in the room because we have drama after lunch anyway. Knowing you girls, with the distraction of the boys you wouldn’t have gotten any work done.”

“So true Miss, so true. Well thanks anyway.” I said sadly. Are we really that predictable? She turned and walked away without a reply which was really rude. Haven’t people even heard of manners these days?

“So do you guys want to stay or go? I don’t mind. We’ll probably just sort out characters.”

“It’s okay. We’ll stay for lunch.” Liam said a little too happily. What is wrong with this guy. He is such a lost puppy or something. I took a look at the guys. Most of them seemed happy besides the kid with the black hair, I think it was Zayn but regardless of his name he wasn’t that happy.

“Well I’ll get the rest of the girls then.” Ashley finally looked at me. For some reason she hadn’t taken her eyes of the conductors stand at the front of the room. Whatever.

“I’ll go with you.” The guy who I am 98% sure is Max offered.

“I have to go get some lunch. Harry, Zayn and Louis come with me.” Said the guy one whose name escaped me. I think its Justin.

“Do you want me to come?” Liam asked the dude.

Oh god help me this was going to be hard  


I’m sitting nervously in assembly waiting for the good news the school has been raving about. I’ve been stressing so much lately, so whatever good news the school had to offer, it was bound to lighten up my mood a little bit.

There sitting next to me was Sara. She is really tall (I’m a midget next to her), with such hot long legs, she has beautiful brown curly hair, she’s so cute and she is one of the nicest people in the world and has the greatest personality, I’m so lucky to be her friend.  Then there’s me sitting on the edge. I admit to being a massive flirt and a bit sad when it comes to me staring at guys. I have brown hair, brown eyes, I’m really short for my age and I’m Greek.

Then our assistant head mistress came in.

“So girls, I have called this whole school assembly to make a formal announcement. The big news you have all been waiting for is this; Saint Mary's is now a co-Ed school. Letters have already been sent home to inform your parents of this fact.” I let out this massive scream and all my friends just stared at me and laughed. She then continued


Uh oh. That word sent shivers down my spine.

“The boys attending are not here at the moment so they will be integrated in to classes when they get here. This is the reason for your abnormally small classes this year. You are to continue your classes until they arrive. Have fun girls. Make sure that these boys don’t get in the way of your studies.” Oh what a relief. I thought it’d be worse. We were all dismissed to our first classes of the day.

I checked my timetable and I had drama first with Sara and my other friend Ashley. I then started to scream “Oh My God Oh My God, can you believe it boys and drama together OMG.” See what I mean when I say I’m a massive flirt. I was so excited it was so hard to breathe.

"Yes Connie I know boys are coming to the school. How ground-breaking. Relax and breath in and out nice and deeply. In and then Out." That was Sara. I think she may be a little amused by this whole situation. I can’t believe this was happening. OMG this is such big news and I’ve already forgotten everything else that’s happening in my life.

As we were walking along Ashley asked me “Connie you don’t want to scare the boys, do you?”

“How would I do that?” While trying to act pissed, although it was easy to tell that Sara  was trying to hold in her laughter but it didn’t work. She burst out laughing.

Ashley and I looked at each other, nodded our heads and yelled in perfect synchronisation.

“GET HER!!!”

 and we started to chase Sara into the drama room. “Ashley, Connie whatever she did can’t have been that bad. ”Miss Tina said without looking up from her romance novel.

“Yeah guys it wasn’t that bad. Even Miss agrees.” Sara replied.

We were working on a play and there were ten roles in it. That meant the three of us had to split the roles amongst ourselves. Crap, as if this drama task needed to be any harder.

We asked the teacher if we could use the music room for practise and she immediately let us with hearing what we were saying. We like to go in there because we are able to practise in private in there and not have to listen to everyone else screaming. At the back of the music room there are a bunch of music equipment which we don’t really use. There are three doors that lead into different parts of the building. One opens into the drama room corridor which has a bunch of lockers in it that the little year seveners use. The door on the other side of the room leads in to the next corridor which goes into the rest of the top floor of D block and the third door opens into the next music room. There is a huge window between this room and the music room next door which we kind of like to make random faces and draw attention through.

I was a little stressed about this task and I actually started to act a little serious.

“Are we ready to do some actual work today guys?” We had a lot to do today and I may seem wild and boy crazy, but when it matters I can be dead serious.

I eventually gave up when Sara and Ashley were arguing about something and I couldn’t be bothered listening to this pointless conversation so I just logged on to my laptop and started to stare at some Justin Bieber pictures. Oh God, he is so hot it is as if he were created by angels.

As I’m staring at the laptop, I notice a strange presence in the room and it seemed like Sara, Ash and I weren’t alone. As I looked up I saw seven really hot guys standing at the door. I started to freak out, OMG, THEYRE IN THE SAME ROOM AS US AND THEY ARE SO BLOODY SEXY. Suddenly everything started to go really blurry and before I knew it I was lying unconscious on the floor.

As I started to regain sight and I woke up from this overwhelming dream. I could still see guys and there was one of them holding me from the floor. Oh boy, everything started going blurry again, but Sara was there to save the day and quickly yelled to me in an attempt to get my attention.


 “WHERE!!??” I didn’t see Justin Bieber, but I saw this really hot guy holding me as he was laughing.

He then noticed I was fully conscious and helped me up. We sat on the floor near the drum kit away from the screaming and yelling my friends and the other boys were making. I got a proper look of the guy who was sitting next to me. He had just longer than short light brown hair, coffee brown eyes and wow he looked a lot like Justin Bieber. As he started to talk I noticed he had a deep, sexy voice and his smile was so beautiful.

“Hey, I’m Justin” the guy said with his smile lighting up the whole room. Okay is this just some weird coincidence that he looks like Justin Bieber and his name is Justin? But I wasn’t complaining. He continued “I’m sorry about the huge shock, but me and my boys have been grouped up with your group for drama and I’m aware that we’re filling some missing parts. And what would be your name sweetie?”

“Um, I’m Connie” I said nervously. I may be obsessed with guys but I do get nervous and shy around them most of the time. Particularly when they are potential boyfriend material.

“Hey Connie. I guess you were freaking before about the ten parts in this play?” Justin said.

“Not really” I didn’t want to expose the truth because that would be embarrassing.

We started talking and I could help but melt. He was great to get along with; he was funny, outgoing and so charming. He was the whole package. My dream guy.

Justin and I then had a quiet moment to study each other and he then quickly looked to the floor smiling. I really thought we were heading to more than friendship here. I think I was falling for Justin and I just met him 2 minutes ago. What was Sara going to think. My God I’m never going to live this down.

He was about to say something and then we both suddenly turn to see this boy in a mask run around the room screaming and then leave. “Ok” I said slightly confused about what just happened. I was really disappointed because that event just ruined that nice flirty moment with Justin. I mean, that’s kind of inconsiderate, even though he didn’t actually know we were having a moment.

“That must be Louis” Justin said sounding annoyed. “Oh I haven’t introduced my friends. The curly haired one with your other friends, is Harry, the other one with the tall girl is Liam, the one on the bench is Max, the one with the dark hair is Zayn and I’m sure you already know the retard Louis.” I giggled as he introduced them. He was so cute how he was explaining them. He was trying to act all manly but it was easy to tell he was really close to his friends.

 “And who are your two friends?” he asked breaking me out of my inner monologue. “Well the tall one you mentioned with Liam is Sara and the other girl with red hair is Ashley. Sara is a bit hyper and Ashley is a total drama queen.” I explained trying not to laugh as I thought back to a moment last week which involved both Sara’s slight craziness and Ashley’s dramatic tendencies.

“Cool can’t wait to meet them” Justin replied. “Now where were we?”

 I was kind of confused but then I could see his face drawing closer to mine. He was so sexy from up close. I felt his hand find its way through my hair and around my neck. We got to the point where our noses were practically touching and the chemistry was becoming intense. I really was struggling to breathe and hoping I wasn’t making a fool of myself. This wouldn’t be my first kiss but it was looking like it would be one of the best. I didn’t want to ruin it under any circumstances.

 His lips met mine and I melted into him. I know this might sound corny but it felt like we were made for each other. Damn and he tasted like strawberries which somehow smelt so manly on him. I drew away before things started to get too heated. I mean I might enjoy kissing him immensely, but we are in a room with eight other people and I don’t want to be doing that in front of my friends. Wow, that was just, wow. I stared into Justin’s eyes and smiled. He looked like he enjoyed it just as much as I did and for a moment I revelled in the fact that I didn’t ruin our first kiss. We might be moving fast but I don’t care. It just feels rights. I turned away for a quick second to catch my breath and I could see Harry looking at us.  To break the awkwardness I shot him a quick little smile and faced Justin again.

He had a really sheepish and nervous look on his face and for some reason it made me nervous

“What’s up? You look terrified.”

“Umm well, would you like to go out with me? Maybe dinner this Saturday?”

“Definitely. It’s a date.

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