Wedding On A Rainy Day ♡ Thun...

By JoshayaShipper4Ever

83.7K 2.3K 366

♡ Thunderstorms Sequel ♡ It's five years later...Josh and Maya are still together and planning their wedding... More

1. School
2. Weird
3. Party
4. Ghost
5. Sundays
6. IMY
7. Suspended
8. Rendezvous
9. Shock
10. Reality
11. Statuses
12. Insecurities
13. Promise
14. Reassurance
15. Happiness
16. Candy
17. Baby
18. Surprises
19. Groceries
20. Thanksgiving
21. Calls
22. Home
24. Tears
25. Trust
26. Disbelief
27. Bad
28. Date
29. Stress
30. Breaking
31. Midnight
32. Stalker
33. Help
34. Hope
35. Thunderstorms
36. Birthday
37. Settled
38. Olaf
39. Trial
40. List
41. Proud
42. Disney
43. Pregnant
44. Cake
45. Petals
46. Bachelorette
47. Wedding

23. Reminders

1.7K 50 7
By JoshayaShipper4Ever

"Emmy" I exclaim as I walk into the house on Saturday morning after coming in from taking a walk down to the mailbox. "Look what mommy has" I smile, waving around the catalog for Toys R Us.

"Christmas" she shouts, running up to me excitedly, her small hands reaching for the toy catalog.

"You know the routine baby girl, take this marker" I instruct, grabbing a marker from the small metal pail and handing it over to her, "and circle the toys you want from Santa this year" I smile.

"Okay mommy" she replies happily, her little legs carrying her over to the coffee table as Josh walks in from our bedroom, a distraught look on his face.

"Everything okay baby?" I ask worriedly, going through the rest of the mail.

"Don't get weird" he begs, making my head whip up to meet his gaze.

"Why would I get weird?" I question, stepping back and crossing my arms over my chest as I eye him wearily.

"Callie called" he says softly making my blood begin to boil. I try to contain my anger as I nod, waiting for him to continue. "Drew isn't doing well" he adds, tears forming in his eyes, "they don't know how long he has."

I stare at my fiancé in shock, unsure what to say. "Do they think he'll make it to Christmas?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"They think that's generous" he admits making my heart shatter.

I look over at Emma before looking back at Josh, taking a deep breath. "What do you want to do? I mean we really can't keep dumping Ems on our family" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, "but I know you wanna go see him."

"I'll be fine" he replies but I eye him wearily, gnawing my bottom lip.

"Just" I sigh, "go see him" I give.


"Josh" I snip, "he's your best friend" I whisper, knowing there would be nothing that could keep me from Riley if Josh and I's roles were reversed. "Emma and I will be fine. But you better stay away from Callie" I say seriously.

"I only have eyes for you gorgeous" he assures me, leaning down to leave a quick kiss on my lips. "I love you."

"Love you too" I reply before he slips out the door.


I had to admit when I told Josh to go I didn't think he would be gone so long. It's just past five and he left around one. I try not to let myself get upset as I move around the kitchen trying to prepare dinner when my phone rings.

"Hi Uncle Squirrels" Emma says suddenly, I turn to realize my daughter has answered my phone and Eric is calling for some reason.

"Baby girl" I laugh as I make my way over to her, "can mommy have her phone."

"Bye Uncle Squirrels" she exclaims making me chuckle as she hands over the phone to me.

"Hey Eric, sorry about that, my receptionist is on vacation" I joke making him chuckle. "What's up?"

"Just checking in" he says, "I uh saw something on Facebook." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, "you let him go the hospital alone?"

"Let me guess, Callie tagged him in something" I sigh, grabbing my laptop and yanking it open. I log into my Facebook account and sure enough Callie tagged Josh in her status.

Callie Samuels with – Joshua Matthews

Good friends are hard to find...never let them go

"Ugh" I moan in annoyance as I slam my laptop shut. "I hate her so much" I groan.

"Yet you trusted him to go see her."

"I trust Josh."

"Until he fucks up."

"Eric" I sigh.

"I'm worried about you Moesha" he replies making a soft smile pull at my lips despite the seriousness of this conversation. "I know how much you love him and you have Emma" he trails off. "That girl got her claws into him once, I just don't want to see it happen again."

"I know" I give, opening the oven to check on the lasagna I had baking. "It's about Andrew, he's his best friend. I would be the same way if it was Riley."

"Mhm but you've never had sex with your best friend's husband" he pauses, "I think" he adds making me chuckle.

"No Eric, Huckleberry and I never did more than stare into each other's eyes" I laugh as the front door opens and Josh walks in looking exhausted. "Hey Eric, your brother just walked in. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright Moana, put the piggy on the phone."


"Yea, you're Moana and she's your adorable little pig" he replies making me laugh as I walk the phone over to Emma.

"Baby girl, your uncle wants to talk to you."

"Squirrels" she exclaims, grabbing my phone. I giggle as I turn back around and see Josh standing near the door a smile pulling at his lips.

"How was the hospital?" I ask as I head back to the kitchen to check on dinner. This time it's done so I pull it out of the oven and place it on the counter.

"Sucks" he admits, "Drew misses you, he was pissed you didn't come" he chuckles.

"How was Callie?" I snip, unable to help myself.

"I don't control what she posts" he says seriously.

"I know" I reply, opening the drawer and pulling out a spatula. "That doesn't mean I like it."

"We barely even talked, I mean she tried to talk but I brushed her off. I was there for Drew, not Callie." I sigh, bracing myself against the counter. "Maya" he says softly, placing his hand on my hip and slowly turning me to face him, "baby I love you but these insecurities are silly. You're the only person I want to be with."

"She just gets under my skin" I admit, looking up at him. "I'm trying not to get so upset but it's hard and no matter how much you insist that you're not going anywhere, my brain rejects that and convinces me otherwise, you know that."

"I know" he says softly, reaching up to caress my cheek. "I'm sorry baby. Next time we'll go together okay" he smiles.

"But Emma" I protest.

"Can hang out with Dylan" he shrugs, "plus I think Drew would really like to see her."

I look back at Emma talking animatedly on the phone, a smile pulling at my lips before I look back to Josh. "Okay" I give, "maybe once school's on break, before Christmas."

"I'll check with Drew but I'm sure that'll be fine" he smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Now uh, why is my brother calling?"

"He's part of the anti-Callie squad" I admit with a laugh.

"Of course he is" he laughs along with me. "I'm sorry I was gone so long."

"It's okay" I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You hungry?"

"For what?" he smirks making me hit him playfully as I break out of his arms.

"Dinner" I laugh as I go to grab plates from the cupboard.

"Then dessert?"

"Is sex all you think about?" I laugh.

"Lately, yea" he admits, grabbing my waist and pulling me back to him. "Gotta practice if we're gonna have another kid."

"We did just fine the first time without practice" I laugh.

"Semantics" he replies making me giggle as Emma walks back into the room.

"Here mommy" she smiles, handing me my phone. "Is dinner done?"

"Yep" I pop the p, "dinner" I emphasize, turning to Josh, "is ready."

"Yay" Emma exclaims making me smile.

"Here kiddo" Josh says, scooping food onto her plate and placing it at the breakfast bar. "Sit here and mommy will get you something to drink."

"I need a fork" she says, looking at her plate while I pour her a glass of apple juice.

"Here you go" Josh says, handing her a purple fork. "And for you" Josh smiles, handing me my plate. "Dinner" he smirks.

"Thank you" I reply, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips. "Love you."

"Ugh" Emma complains making me giggle as I break away from Josh and go to sit beside her while Josh gets his own plate.

"Ugh?" I question. "Why ugh?"

"I don't know" she shrugs, "it's what Lily does" she adds making me laugh. "Is Aunt Riley having her baby soon?"

"Soonish" I shrug making Josh chuckle.

"Soonish, is that a scientific response."

"She's five she doesn't need an exact time frame" I argue playfully.

"You're such a dork" he laughs, his eyes gazing lovingly back into mine.

"But you love me."

"More and more everyday" he replies sweetly making my heart swell as we finish off dinner.

Emma heads off to her room to get ready for bed while Josh and I clean up the kitchen.

"Do the dishes and maybe you'll get dessert" I smirk, leaning my back against the counter.

"Are you bribing me with sex to get the dishes done?"

"Absolutely" I reply, a giggle bubbling out of me as I nod.

"Screw the dishes" he says, moving to stand in front of me, his lips crashing down onto mine. I moan into the kiss, linking my arms around his neck as he grabs the back of my thighs, picking me up and placing me on the edge of the counter.

"I'm ready for bed" Emma shouts from her room making Josh moan in annoyance as he pulls back from me.

"Are you sure you want another one?" he asks me making me laugh as I push him back and hop off the counter.

"You want one too when you aren't in the mood" I remind him, leaning up to press another quick kiss to his lips. "Do the dishes and you can do me later" I smirk, the dirty remark falling off my lips and leaving Josh speechless as I walk off to Emma's bedroom.


Josh still isn't done with the dishes when Emma falls asleep so I head back into the kitchen and soundlessly creep up onto the counter beside him. "Boo" I exclaim.

"Fuck. Jesus Maya what the hell?" he exclaims making me giggle.

"Did I scare you?"

"Um yea" he laughs, draining the sink before drying his hands on the towel that was lying on the counter beside him. "Ems asleep?"

"Mhm" I nod, "so if there was anything you wanted to do" I trail off as his gaze meets mine.

"I could use a shower."

"Really?" I question innocently. "What kind? Cause I think you could use a cold one" I tease.

"I was thinking the opposite actually" he smirks as he walks towards me, "a hot and steamy one with my fiancée to help remind her that she is and always will be the only woman in my life. What do you say gorgeous?"

"We need to buy a house with a Jacuzzi" I laugh as I hop off the counter.

"Sexy" he replies as he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. "My parents have one of those." I stop, an awkward laugh falling from my lips as I look up at him.

"You're about to take me into our shower and have your way with me and you're bringing your parents into the conversation" I laugh.

"Um" he laughs, "my bad."

"Come on" I laugh, tugging on his hand. "I'm never going to be able to look at Jacuzzis now without thinking about your parents."

"Guess we'll just have to stick with showers then" he smirks as we walk into the bathroom, clicking the door shut behind us. 

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