The Other Argent

Od writtergirl2

572K 14.2K 1.5K

"Being the new kid is hell" Emily thought being a Argent was just about being part of a over protective fami... Viac

The Other Argent
Parties Are Hell
Bad Idea
Waiting For The Right Reply
Little Werewolf Oven
No Goldfish For Stiles
You're Not A Monster
Sexy Stiles
La Bete du Gevaudan
Revenge From An Alpha To An Argent
Stunggling With Sourwolf
Cousin Miguel
Sleepless Nights
Mission Mood Killers
Family History Lessons
Hales Giving Fashion Advice
Retribution For The Hales
Danger Ahead
Emily is Hawkeye
Fighting Family
Classroom Meetings
Scott Knows
Kidnapping Escapades
Battle Lines
Almost Drowning With A Spaz And A Sourwolf
Werewolf Fashion Advice
Stiles Does Not Approve
Looks Can Be Decieving
Stiles And The Drag Queens
Authors Note Please read!!!
Authors Note Please read!!!!!!!!!!!
Know Thy Enemy
Serial Killer Vibe
Archaic Latin
Lies And More Lies
Derek Needs A Body Bag
Answers To Lingering Questions
Party Plans
Broken Hearts
Dead In The Water
Keep Fighting
Love Is A Battlefield
Time To Make Things Right
Young Love
Lets talk
Its up!!!!

Not Such A Happy Birthday

12.9K 347 86
Od writtergirl2

I get up the next morning and dress for school. In a dark green long sleeved shirt and denim jacket with maroon jeans and black converse.  I pack up my bag, and finish my small single braid that sits in my curls. I look at my phone, and notice Allison is still in the bathroom. 

"Allison hurry up!" I call from my bedroom heading towards the stairs. I get stopped on the stairs. "Hey Emily, can I talk to you." I smile at her my throat tightens, all the information I know about her banging around in my head like wrecking balls.

I nod and back up to the top of the stairs and she climbs up the two steps and stands in front of me. "What's up, Kate?" I inquire.

 "I'm glad I caught you it seems like we keep missing each other here, but I wanted to apologize again for my lack of not spending anytime with you, and the way I grabbed you with my bag, you think with me being around you so much when you were younger I would be used to you always trying to grab my things, you always had an eye for my stuff."

I smile. "Yeah, I was always the curious one." 

She smiles back, "Still are, I hope." If only you knew lady.

"I believe so."

"Good, so in order to make sure my beautiful niece does not hate me, I want to give you your birthday present early." 

 She hands me a small black box. I open it to find a silver wolf sitting on a silver background with an arrow next to it and the Argent crest in the corner of it. 

"It's beautiful. I love it." I give her a fake smile. It really is, I just don't know if I can wear it.

 She takes it out of the box and puts it around my neck. "Notice the crest on the pendent?"

I pick it up and study it. "Yeah." 

"Restez curieux, ma nièce." She says to me in perfect French. Stay curious my niece.  

 "I will." I respond. She smiles and walks past me up the stairs.

  Allison comes down the stairs shortly after I do. We share a look before heading to school. We don't speak of our birthdays because we hate them. 

I walk into school and Allison and I open our lockers simultaneously and balloons shoot out of our lockers. "Shit." I mumble while trying to shove them in my locker.

Allison tries to shoves hers in as well but it is no use. I pull out a card that says happy birthday from Lydia.

She holds up a matching one that was placed in her locker. Allison and I share a look of annoyance how did she find out?

 "Is today your guy's birthday?" Scott asks while coming up from behind.

 "No ,no ,no. I mean yes." I say while fumbling horribly with the balloons. 

Allison gives up and turns to look at Scott. "Please don't tell anybody. I don't even know how Lydia found out." Allison adds.

 "Why wouldn't you tell me?" Scott inquires look between the both of us.

 "Because we don't want people to know. Because... We are 17." 

"You're both 17?" Scott asks incredulously. 

"Yes that's how the whole twin thing works." I reply sarcastically. 

"That's the reaction we're trying to avoid." Allison replies. 

"Why?" I let out a sigh.

 "Because anyone who finds out thinks we had babies or had to ride the short bus." I reply annoyed thinking back to those memories.  

"That's what you hear on your birthdays?" Scott asks. Allison and I nod. "Uh, you both had to repeat the year because of the moving around, right?"

 Allison looks at me and breaks into a large smile. She then turns around cups Scott's face to pull him into a kiss.

Damn I'm lonely. 

 Maybe Danny can change teams for me, probably not. Damn. I decide to leave. I feel awkward when that happens. At least Allison is having a good day.


I walk to chemistry and sit next to Stiles. He nods at me and I nod back at him, I just want this day to be over with.

Stiles is highlighting the book he has his face in, while I'm taking notes off of the board.

Harris starts class by going around giving a lecture. "Just a friendly reminder parent/ teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a "C" are required to attend. I won't name you because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment." I roll my eyes, damn tell us how you really feel.

 "Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" He stops and stands next to Stiles while looking down at Stiles who has no idea.

Harris then shoots a questioning look to me. I shrug.

 Stiles has a highlighter cap in his mouth and his highlighting every word. 

 Jackson walks in, and all heads shoot up to stare like he murdered 6 people, except Stiles. Everyone heard about the attack and that Jackson and Lydia were involved. Harris goes over and talks to Jackson, he pats him on the shoulder and addresses the rest of the class.  "Everyone start reading chapter nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs, it's chemistry, not a coloring book."

Stiles spits out the cap into the air and catches it in his hand.

 Stiles leans forward in his chair towards Danny. "Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?" Stiles asks.

 "No." Danny responds.

 "Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?"


 "Can I ask you another question?" 

"Answer's still no. Emily tell him to leave me alone."

"Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" I ask.  

"He wouldn't tell me." Danny replies sadly.

 "But he's your best friend." I add.

 "One more question." Stiles cuts in.


 "Do you find me attractive?"

 "Really Stiles?" I whisper. 

 Danny doesn't answer and Stiles leans forward until he falls on the floor.  I faceplam. 

The bell rings and I pack up my things and my phone buzzes, I pick it up and unlock it.

Happy Birthday


Derek Hale said happy birthday to me? Wow.


Stiles finds me in the hall. "What are you smiling about?" Stiles ask raising an eyebrow at me.

 "Nothing." I say absentmindedly. 

Stiles grabs my arm to tug me along with him. "I need you to come with me." 

I stop him, and give him a confused look. "Where?" 


We arrive at Lydia's house. "Oh come on!" I groan. "Don't bring me here!" I put my head down on the dash.

"Come in with me." 

"No!" I reply my head still on the dash.

"Please." Stiles pleads.

"Hell no."

"I'll give you a cookie."

I turn my head to look at him.

"What kind?"

"Whatever kind you want." 

"Fine." I growl out.

 We walk up to the house, Lydia's mom answers and agrees to shows us to Lydia's room. "Honey, there's a Stiles and Emily here to see you."

 "What the hell is a Stiles?" Lydia asks, completely drugged out. 

"She took a little something to ease her nerves." Her mother explains noticing the look on my face.

   A little something? What was that a shot of Vodka? Or maybe eight of them? Those are little. 

"You can... You can go in." She mutters.

 "Thanks." Stiles and I say.

  Lydia looks at us. "What are you doing here?" Lydia asks.

 "We wanted to make sure you were okay." I explain. 

"Hmm. Why?" She pats the bed and Stiles sits down.

 "Umm.. Because he was worried about you today." I reply.

 "How are you feeling?" Stiles asks. 

"I feel fantastic." She replies. 

 "Oh!" Stiles says while reaching for a pill bottle on Lydia's night stand. He has an odd look on his face. "What.. I bet you can't say. I saw Suzy sittin' in a shoe shine shop ten times fast."

 She starts."I saw Shuzy." 


 "I shaw. I saw." Lydia gets a look of realization on her face.

 "What? Lydia, what did you see?" I ask.

 "Something." She replies

 "Something like...Like a mountain lion?" I inquire, Stiles and I share a look waiting for Lydia to answer.

 "A mountain lion." Lydia replies.

 "Are you sure you saw a mountain lion, or are you saying that because that's what the police told you?" Stiles asks.

 "A mountain lion."

  I reach to grab the giraffe sitting on the night stand. "What's this Lydia?" I ask while showing it to her.

 "A mountain lion." 

I let out a defeated sigh. "Okay." and I put the stuffed giraffe back.

 "Mmm." Lydia mutters. 

"You are so drunk." I say. Lydia's head falls in Stiles lap and he makes a gasping noise and his eyes get huge. 

"I told you she wants you Stiles." I taunt

  After Stiles finds the ability to move Lydia's head he gets up. 

"We should go. Uh, I'll let you get back to the whole post-traumatic stress thing." Stiles says as we go to the door Stiles has his hand on the small of my back guiding me out. 

"Mmm. Stay." Lydia mutters.

 Stiles has a surprised look then it changes to a kid in the candy store face. "Me? Stay? You want me to stay?" He asks.

 "Mmm-mmm." She bats the bed seductively. Stiles sits on the bed next to Stiles and I stay by the door with my arms folded over my chest.

 "Mmm-hmm. Yes, please. Stay." She touches Stiles face.

 "Please Jackson." I almost die of laughter. 

"And we're done here." Stiles drawls out. Lydia falls back on the bed and passes out. Her phone goes off, I walk over to the phone. 

"You want me to get that?" I ask. I reach for the phone. "It's a text. I don't know how to..." It's the Alpha. It's a video of the freaking Alpha.

 "Stiles look." His eyes go wide he pulls me out of the room taking the phone with us.

Stiles was calling Scott while I was calling Allison neither one of them were answering. 

"For the love of God Allison Argent answer your damn phone! Stop getting busy in the car!" I yell and hang up. My sister needs to answer the phone.

"Ugh, why did they choose today of all days not to have their phones on?" I plop on to Stiles bed while he sits in his desk chair when the door knocks. 

Sheriff walks in and his opening statement is. "Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/conference thing tonight." He says to Stiles. 

"Depends on how you define good news." Stiles replies while playing with something in his hand.

 "I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues."

 "You may want to rethink that definition Mr. Stilinski." I cut in. He nods.

 "Enough said. Bye Emily."

 "Bye Mr. Stilinski." Before he leaves Mr. Stilinski calls back. "No sex! I mean it." My hand goes to my mouth, dear God. Stiles' face turns eight shades of red.

"I don't know where he gets any of his ideas from." Stiles mutters. 

"Let's focus on the phone and on your dad's idea of you and me as a thing."

"Thank you."  

  We look at the phone again. "Come on, Scott. Where the hell are you?" Stiles mutters as he checks his phone again.

 "Just delete it Stiles, it gives us nothing of who the alpha is. It just shows us that that is definitely not a mountain lion and it might just get Lydia more involved than she needs to be."

 Stiles deletes the video. 

I pick up my bag and start to head toward the door. "I better go home."

 "All right thanks for coming to Lydia's with me. Oh and happy birthday."

"Thanks." I turn my head and he goes to his desk and pulls out a folder with papers. 

"What's that?"

 "The Hale house fire report. Wanna take a look?"

 "Move over." I drop my bag and grab some papers.

 "No suspects found, arson still possible'" I read.

 "Do you think Kate had help?" Stiles asks.

 "I don't know."

 I drive home. The drive there makes me only think about what I read in the reports, if Kate isn't the only arsonist then there are more people we need to find out about.

 I walk up to my room and I'm about to flick on the lights. I hear movement in my room, I turn on the lights and see Derek, standing there by my window. 

  "For the love of God I am buying you a freaking bell to wear like a cat! What are you doing here? My parents and or Kate could be hear any second." I say as I put my bag down on my bed.

 "I heard there was an animal running wild at the school and I came to make sure you didn't get hurt."

 "Thanks. I wasn't at the school though."

 "All right." He nods and walks toward the window.

 "Wait. Thanks for telling me happy birthday." 

"Welcome." I noticed the tense way he was carrying himself.

 "Hey umm what happened to you?" 

"What?" He asks cocking his head at me.

 "You look tenser than usual."

 "Oh nothing I was just paid a visit....By Kate." 

My eyes get wide and I walk over to him stepping close. "Are you okay?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder.

 He stays tense under my touch. "Yeah I got away."

 "I'm sorry she is making your life a living hell."

 "It's nothing I'm not used to." He replies.

 "I'm going to find away to help you and Scott. I'm gonna be an Argent that helps wolves not hunt them." I say my voice filling with conviction. 

"I don't want you to get hurt." His eyes locking with mine the hardness in them gone for a moment.

 "I'm tougher than I look." I point out with a smirk.

 "I know." I give him a small smile.

Derek tilts his head like he hears something and then turns back to look at me. "I have to go," Derek says.

I nod. "Be careful."

 "You too." He lingers for a moment and then he jumps out the window and takes off.

When Allison comes home she later tells me that night that she can't see Scott because she is grounded. I feel bad for her, she really likes Scott. I hate that this supernatural stuff is making things complicated for Allison and Scott, Even Allison and me.

Vote Comment and enjoy

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