Harry Styles is Cheating on M...

By StripesAndBraces

996K 5.5K 403

*WARNING THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL STORY* Haha, hey! How's it going? I'm Amelia Parker, and I've got what ever... More

Chapter One! A Long Overdue Visit
Chapter Two! Disguises, Disguises... Or Why You Can't Trust the Boys to Blend in
Chapter Three! Ways You Don't Want to Say You Love Someone
Chapter Four! Death... Well, Close Enough
Chapter Five! Behold, The Wonders of The Wig
Chapter Six! A Little Criticism Never Hurt Anyone... Right?
Chapter Seven! Date... Afternoon!
Chapter Eight! ...And That's Why You Don't Be Romantic in Grocery Stores
Chapter Nine! One Direction has No Taste In Movies and TV
Chapter Ten! Cheating only Leads to Fighting
Chapter Eleven! You Still There?
Chapter Twelve! Tiny Spaces= Lots of Yelling
Chapter Thirteen! First Stop In America! ... The Emergency Room
Chapter Fourteen! Suites! And Not So Sweet Food.
Chapter Fifteen! Liam Swims With Dolphins... And Amy gets a Boyfriend
Chapter Sixteen! Just. Hold. Hands.
Chapter Seventeen! Well Hello Amy... Or Lily.
Chapter Nineteen! Slides and Suprises
Chapter Twenty! Nothing Serious
Chapter Twenty One! Who Ever Thought Louis Could be Serious?
Chapter Twenty-Two! Blue is Really Zayn's Colour
Chapter Twenty-Three! We Will Never Speak of This
Chapter Twenty Four! It's My Sandy!
Chapter Twenty-Five! Some People Never Change
Chapter Twenty-Six! Wakey-Wakey!
Chapter Twenty-Seven! Not Happy Birthday!
Chapter Twenty-Eight! What Else Would Louis and I do in Disney?
Chapter Twenty-Nine! A "Pretty Good" Performance
Chapter Thirty! Now Let's Talk About Zayn...
Chapter Thirty-One! Looking Back and Laptops
Chapter Thirty-Two! Moving Forward
Chapter Thirty-Three! Lost and Liam!
Chapter Thirty-Four! Ignorance Bites and Fake Fights
Chapter Thirty-Five! Multiple Parts, And Mended Hearts
abuse accent act afternoon age airplane airport aisle alarms america amy anesthetic argue article asleep attendant avoid awake baby bag baldcap barbra beach beautiful ben big birthday blame blonde blood blue bowtie boxes break bribe bright brit broke bruno bunk business bye cambridge camera career carry carrying caught change cheap cheater cheating chicago closet college colour comfy connecticut contacts cpr crumple cry daft danny dark date day death decision despair die direction disguise disguises disney doctor dolphins double drama dramatic dream drink drive driving drown drunk dye eleanor elevator end eyes face factor faint fake famous fancy fans fat fight file fire fish flashback flat floor fun funny gag giggling ginger girl girls goody grave grease green ground guitar hair harry harvard heart heavy hewy high-five hold horror hospital hot hotel humour insult internet interview iphone ipod jealous just kevin kid kind kiss leather lesson liam lie lily loitering loopy loss lost loud louie louis love lunch mad mall mars mcdonalds minnesota modern movie necklace never new newspaper niall normal nose one onesie onsy oven pack pan pancakes panel paradise part party perspective peter phone picnic picture pictures plan plane playground police popcorn prank present product push race rain read recorder records red return ride room rubbish sandy save scared school scream screen screwed secret security service shifts shiver shoe shoes shopping shorts shove sing sleek sleep sleepwalk slide slow slumber solo song spazz speak sprout stage stairs states steward story stuff stupid styles summer sunglasses sunny surgery surround swollen tag tantrum tardis tears tickling time tired toms tops tour trip triple truth twenty twin twitter two usa van vent watch way wig wigs window woke yale years yell york zayn zaynums

Chapter Eighteen! Messups and Pucker Ups

24.2K 147 12
By StripesAndBraces

"I LIKE THIS BIG RED BUS!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs. We were all currently sitting on top of a huge double-decker bus and riding through the city streets. It was packed. I assumed it was like this most of the time, since only about a third of the people making the streets unnavigable were screaming or holding signs. The rest were minding their own business, focusing on the road, or their phones. We waved to those who did care, while watching all the tall buildings and bright billboards that lined the streets. 

"Could you maybe not scream when I'm Amy?" I grimaced, turning to face my fake beau.

"Shouldn't you love me just the way I am?" He smirked. Suddenly, Niall grabbed his guitar and started plucking. 

"When I see your face! There's not a thing that I would change! 'Cause you're amazing! Just the way you are!" The boys chorused. "And when you smi-"

"Guys!" I made a slashing motion across my neck. I didn't want to call attention to us... I mean, more than what was necessary, we were riding in a double-decker bus for pete's sake. But still, I had that awful nose cast... "Honestly, your guys' obsession with Bruno Mars is getting unhealthy." 

"But that guy is sick!" Niall grinned. 

"I know, but there's a difference between being a fan and being a fangirl." I eyed all of them. They shrugged, accepting they were fangirls entirely. By this time, we had parked and the boys were getting ready to get off to perform for Good Morning America. We ran down the steps to the main level of the bus, where I was going to stay behind just long enough to have the girls get looking the other way, then I was going to sit behind the stage. I looked everyone over. Niall and Zayn were stretching, Liam, straightening his vest, Louis... Doing Louis stuff (in this case, jumping jacks), and Harry looking nervously at the ground. 

"Don't be nervous Babe." I said, walking over, and giving him a small kiss. "You'll do great." 

"I hope so..." He mumbled. 

"I'm sure you will." I smiled slightly. 

At this, Louis called everyone in for a huddle. The boys crammed their heads together, and started mumbling all sorts of things. "Huzzah!" They said, as they came out of it, getting ready to run out. Security stood outside, and nodded, saying they were ready. Our now bus driver, Bill opened the doors. 

"Let's make everyone proud." Louis announced, and with that, they walked into the crowd. I sat back and relaxed, looking out of the tinted window beside me. Girls screamed, and grabbed at the boys, as if it would make them stay a moment longer. I had to say I felt particularily bad for those girls because security only pushed them harder when that happened, they stayed shorter...


I was sitting backstage with my fingers crossed. The first song for them to sing was What Makes You Beautiful, also known as the one Harry was most nervous about because of his solo. If only it would have been later in the program, he would've been more comfortable. But I figured he'd nail it with that beautiful voice of his.

The song went without a hitch. The harmonies were perfect, cheorography well thought out, and no crazy fans jumped on stage. Then it came to the point of Harry's solo. The music died down, and I sucked in a huge breath... Harry didn't. He started out fine, but once he got to the part that was "like nobody else" he ended up taking a breath, the next line, another, and so on. When he finished the solo, he hunched his shoulders and shot the guys looks that said he was sorry. I could see everyone wanted to go over and say it would be alright, but they couldn't do it in the middle of the performance, so they continued as if nothing had happened. Well, Harry didn't. The whole rest of the concert, he put on a brave face, but I could tell he felt rotten. It was an awful sight to see. 

Believe me, I tried to help. But it was kind of hard from the back of the stage. They only came near me once, and when they did, I did the only thing I could think of. I acted like a fangirl. 

"I LOVE YOU HARRY!" I screamed to him. He met my eye, and I knew he got the message that I still thought he did great, but it didn't seem to do any good. I realized no fangirling was gonna help, I was gonna have to talk to him in person... After the interview of course. 


"Harry, you did fine." I whispered in his ear as we walked down a corridor to where the boys were going to interviewed. 

"I'm just not happy with my performance." He said glumly.

"You didn't let anyone down." I whispered back, but by this time, I had to take a seat offstage, and watch.

"Well hello Boys!" The interviewer said cheerfully. "Here is the one and only, One Direction!" 

The interview continued with the normal interview questions. What would you be doing if you weren't singing? Wht inspired you? Did you think you would be this big? Things like that. Until the interview lady said something unexpected. 

"So, Louis. We have a very special lady backstage today, don't we?" She smiled.

It seemed to take him a second to realize she was hinting at me, then, after watching me roll my eyes, he responded. "That we do Robin." He grinned. I realized that the "interviewer lady" had a name.

"You think we should bring her up to sit with us?" She asked, but I had a feeling it wasn't a question. 

"Oh... I don't know... She doesn't really like the cameras much." He said in reply.

"Nonsense! Let's bring her in! Amelia?" I was right, it was never a question. 

I begrudgingly stepped onstage. I looked around for a seat. There was none. I looked to Robin for some help. All she did was gesture to Louis. I slowly walked over and sat on his lap self-conciously.

I looked at Louis with pleading eyes, could this get worse? I instantly regretted thinking that at all, because that's when things tended to get worse. 

"Everyone, this is Amelia Parker, Louis' girlfriend." Robin gestured towards us. "Aren't they so cute?! Look at their matching shirts!" 

Louis and I just laughed kind of awkwardly, smiling... Or trying to anyways.

"So how did you two meet?" She smiled.

"Well we were always best friends..." I said, then remembered that I was saying how we got together. "But... Uh... GREASE!" 

Robin was confused. "Uh... Grease?"

Suprisingly, Louis caught on. "Well when we were in high school, we were Sandy and Danny in Grease. And we thought nothing of it then. But... Uh.... After Eleanor and I broke up, we were doing a encore for the boys, who had never seen us do it before... And we kissed, and that was it?" He shrugged, saying it more like question, and looking to me to see if his answer would work. 

"Uh, yeah." I nodded. "He's my Danny alright."

"And she's my Sandy." We shot ooey gooey glances at each other... I should win an award for this. 

"That's just adorable." Robin smiled. "How about we see one of those "Danny and Sandy" kisses that brought you two together?" She asked. Once again, I was pretty sure it wasn't a question.

"Oh, that's okay." I flicked my hand. "We're not big on PDA...."

"Kiss! Kiss!" She chanted, looking at the boys, as if trying to get them to join. Everyone besides Harry (who looked like he was hit by a truck because of his messed up solo) and Louis (who looked disgusted, thanks pal) looked amused, and actually started chanting. I shot them all glares, then shrugged to Louis. I gave him a peck reluctantly. The chanting ceased. 

"Oh come on! You two are in love!" She said expectantly. Somewhat annoyed, I leaned over and gave him a Sandy kiss. I fought the urge to vomit, I'd kissed Louie so much lately.

"That's lovely." She said warmly. 

Oh yeah, that's the word. 


"That went awful." I laughed to Louis as we walked back onto the bus. 

"At least we have our stories straight." He chuckled as everyone settled into seats. We laughed with the others about this for about ten minutes before I realized I only heard four laughs besides my own. I looked around, and finally found Harry in the back of the bus with his knees hugged tight to his chest. I stood up slowly, and made my way to the back.

"Harry?" I asked quietly. He turned to face me. I felt stabbed as I saw the pain that was shone plainly on his face. His eyes were puffy and red. His face, lined with tears. And I couldn't help myself from hugging him, trying to help. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, unable to think of anything else to say. I sat in the seat next to his, and grabbed his hand that was closest to mine. I realized the other was holding his phone. He flashed the screen so that I could see it. 

"Harry- .... Why would you search that?" I said, surprised. Harry was one of those people that didn't look at what people said, because he knew there would always be some things he didn't want to hear. Yet there he was, looking for bad stuff.

He wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. "I... Wanted to know I was right about how bad I was... And I read a list of the things they said." I grabbed the phone from him and started reading through.

"But what about these?" I asked, pointing to three in a row that said they loved him.

"Look at the next one." I did. It said "I hate you." I didn't understand why it bothered him so much. "It's just... You don't wonder why they said they love me, they're fans... But." He sniffed a little, wiping his eyes again. "Why do they hate me? What did I do?" Fresh tears slid down his cheek, he bit his lip.

"Harry Styles. They don't matter. Look around this bus. These are fiive people that love you. Not to mention we've all got families that love you too. And why do people hate Lily? They want you all for themselves. Don't let a few people that are jealous get to you. And another thing. You did fine today. You have one of the best voices I've ever heard. And somtimes you don't do like you want, but you always sound perfect to me." I wiped away his tears with the back of my hand, then kissed him. He smiled a little, though still looking down. 

"Awwww!" All of the boys chorused. At this I realized that they were all sitting behind us, and sitting with their heads leaned on each others shoulders sappily. 

"Again with the eavesdropping." I rolled my eyes, and laughed along with them.


Hey guys! Sorry this is so long! I just got into it I guess!(: 

Please comment and vote! The more I get, the faster I'll write the next chapter! Yeah I know, bribing is never good, but I would really like to get this story higher into the charts, and if bribing's what it takes, so be it! Let's say... Four votes for a new chapter? Or three comments... Or both! Anyways, tell your friends, family, enemies, whatever suits your facy, to read my story! Thanks so much!

-FanFiction101 xx

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