The Marriage Contest

By Keri8794

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~~ Book 3 of The Marrying You Series. This can be read as a stand alone but I recommened you read the other t... More

Authors note.
Prologue: Don't eat ice cream and drink wine.
Chapter 1: The first time is always awkward.
Chapter 2: What are we doing?
Chapter 3: Just say hello.
Chapter 4: Let's get to know you.
Chapter 5: Where's your faith?
Chapter 6: Let's talk about it.
Chapter 7: Let's explore it all.
Chapter 8: It's about more than conversation.
Chapter 9: Toothbrush Irony.
Chapter 10: Stay
Chapter 11: When a family meets
Chapter 12: A rude awakening.
Chapter 13: Family dynamics
Chapter 14: Staying
Chapter 15: Moving forward.
Chapter 16: It's never smooth sailings.
Chapter 18: It makes sense now.
Chapter 19: Strangers opinions.
Chapter 20: The Choice
Chapter 21: The end of something great.
chapter 22: Moving on to...
Chapter 23: Things change

Chapter 17: Daddy's identity revealed.

8K 633 44
By Keri8794

Song for the chapter: "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson.


"You just had to open your mouth." Vanessa had her teeth slammed against each other, her fists clenched and shoulders tense as she gritted out the words in anger towards Cole. The man in question stood next to her, behind AJ, with his lips relaxed into a sneer of pride. He wanted to ruin her life, she was almost certain of it; his motive was unfortunately still a secret.

"What did I do?" Cole asked, faking ignorance simply to drive Vanessa more out of her mind.

She turned to face him, her face lit up in suppressed anger. "Why?"

Cole shrugged and moved his eyes to glance at anything that stood to gain his attention above her head. "Mommy, what is he talking about?" AJ asked suddenly, causing Vanessa to instantly reach up and pinch the bridge of her nose.

Vanessa considered her options, realizing that she could attempt to lie to her son knowing Cole would correct her anyway or, finally introduce her son to his father; neither option seeming the least bit appealing.

Vanessa stole a glance towards Cole, seeing the challenge flare in his eyes. He wanted her to lie and he wanted nothing more than to correct her in the most uncivil way possible. Looking towards Jonah, Vanessa saw the sympathy in his tepid smile and downcast eyes. He wanted to help but it appeared he realized the same options she had and, if his quick nod was anything to go on, Jonah wanted her to tell the truth.

Vanessa gulped, shooting a glare towards Cole and crouched down to AJ's level. "AJ honey, do you remember the story I told you about who your daddy is?"

AJ nodded and threw Vanessa a sad smile. "You said that when I was born he was very young and wanted to protect the country but didn't know how to do that and be my daddy so he left to protect other people instead."

Vanessa nodded. "That's right. What else did I tell you?"

"That it doesn't mean he didn't love me but that he wasn't ready to be a daddy."

"And what else did I tell you?"

AJ looked towards Jonah and then at Cole before answering Vanessa. "That one day when he is ready to be my daddy that he will come for me. You also said that other people will want him to protect our country for a long time so someone else will come and be my daddy because they love me and want to protect me."

Vanessa's eyes were heavy with unshed tears. She could remember the day she had spoken to AJ about his biological father. He was five years old and had finally realized that he was not a part of what was considered a 'normal family.' He had been confused and unsure of what a father would do for him that she didn't already do or something his favorite uncle Nick wasn't able to do. All Vanessa could think to do was hope that Cole would come find them one day and it was that hope that she had given AJ too.

Things were different now. Cole was finally back which something her and AJ had been hopeful for, for years but, he was different now. Cole wasn't the same adventurous, charming and mysterious boy she had met in her youth. Cole now stood tall, fierce and hardened by years of mental, emotional and physical torture at the hand of terrorists. He hardly smiled and instead walked assuredly with a glare or smirk permanently across his face. He appeared more sinister and hard-edged than curious and soft-centered.

"AJ, do you still want to know who your daddy is?" Vanessa asked, hoping to lay the difficult decision upon someone else's shoulders.

AJ looked confused. His face pulled into an adorable pout with his nose scrunching up and his forehead creasing in deep concentration. "I thought I already did?"

Vanessa gasped. She wasn't aware of how perceptive her son could be but, it appeared she underestimated his ability to decipher situations around him. "How did you figure it out sweetie?"

"You married him and he does all things you said my daddy would do. Doesn't that mean Jonah is my daddy then?" Jonah gasped from behind the pair but Vanessa was too stumped to look behind her and gauge his reaction. How had she not realized it earlier?

"What are you telling my boy?" Cole gritted angrily. Before Vanessa could correct his accusation, Cole has crouched down to their height and turned his next question towards AJ. "Why do say Jonah is your dad?"

AJ looked unsure of answering but with an encouraging nod from Vanessa he quietly answered Cole. "He married mommy. Mommy always said that my daddy will be her husband. He will love her like Jonah does and he will love me."

"How do you know Jonah even loves you?" Cole asked with a sneer and a hard edge to his words that scared even Vanessa.

AJ shrugged, pulling away from Cole as his sharp tone seemed to ignite a level of caution and fear in him. "He cooks food for us. He makes me laugh and tells me stories. He plays with me and listens to my stories. He protects me like he did earlier when the goose came too close to me and he pulled me away quickly so it didn't bite me." AJ looked up to glance at Jonah, a large smile across his face as he grinned at the man he considered his father.

Cole appeared angered by AJ's attention and grabbed his shoulders roughly so that his attention was back on him. "He is not your father. I am!"

Vanessa's reaction was instant. She reached for AJ at the same time that Jonah reached forward to pull Cole away. Vanessa moved AJ away from Cole but before she could even think of how she could carry him, Jonah had quickly pulled AJ into his arms and Vanessa's body against his side. He glared at Cole before growling out a threat that had Vanessa feeling like she was precious cargo being guarded by a king. "Don't you ever touch him like that again!"

"Who are you to tell me how I can touch my kid?"

"I don't care if blood says his yours, you do not grab a child that way, especially if he is yours! You scared him." Vanessa looked towards her son and saw him hiding his head in the crook of Jonah's neck. The patch of bare skin visible was damp and Vanessa knew her son was crying. She heard a sniffle come from the small boy and saw Jonah tighten his hold on him.

"You don't get to tell me how to act with my child," growled Cole, his stance large compared to theirs and it worried her that a fight might erupt any second. They were drawing a crowd and she hated how all of their dirty laundry would now be seen across the country.

She was really starting to hate ever having joined this marriage contest.

"No, but I can," Vanessa countered, her voice far more stern that she thought possible. "You haven't been a part of AJ's life since before he was born. You are no father to him and fight me on this Cole and I swear I will take you for everything you have. How you just treated AJ has been caught on camera, and I will make sure every lawyer and judge knows that you're an unfit parent. Stay away from me and my family or I will use every resource I can attach to my surname and destroy you."

Cole froze where he stood, his face quickly turning sheet white and a flash of fear passing his eyes. He knew how powerful and influential the Brady name was in their city and he'd be a fool to go against her. Cole cleared his throat and without further words, stormed away from them. Vanessa released the breath she wasn't even aware of holding.

"Are you okay?" Jonah asked and Vanessa nodded before realizing that Jonah had been asking AJ and not her.

AJ nodded and moved his head from Jonah's shoulder to look towards Vanessa. He whimpered. "Is he gone?"

"Yes sweetie and he won't be coming back."

"Is he really my daddy?"

Vanessa nodded. "He is but, do you remember what I always say? Family isn't only those who share your blood. Family is the people who love you, protect you and support you in everything you do. Cole is none of those things so you don't ever have to think of him as a daddy."

"Good. He scares me."

Jonah chuckled and squeezed AJ closer towards him. "Don't worry buddy, I'll always protect you."

Vanessa smiled at the sight of her husband and AJ grinning at each other. A pain of worry sat uncomfortably in the pit of her stomach as she thought of how bad it was that the pair seemed to get along so well. Her marriage to Jonah wasn't a certain thing and it worried her that AJ was attaching himself to a man who may leave them in a few weeks. She could only hope that when the time came, AJ would be able to fall into life pre-Jonah quickly.


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Question: Do you think Vanessa is being cowardice in her thinking or is it a good thing that she is being guarded?

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