Ghost Feelings ▸ Theo Raeken

By ambroses

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❝You can be the Juliet to my Romeo.❞ ❝They both ended up dead so, no thanks.❞ ❝Maybe the Leia to my Han.❞ ❝Wh... More



801 40 5
By ambroses





★ ✶ ★ ✶ ★

     The last thing Eiza thought she would do this evening was carrying a chained-up Theo around the Beacon Hills preserve; basically, because she believed he was dead. But, once again, the supernatural world never ceased to surprise her.

     Nevertheless, she wasn't alone; the couple formed by Liam and Hayden accompanied Eiza on her journey. She didn't really know where they were going, but Theo seemed to have a plan to save Stiles, and, although he's not very trustworthy, Eiza was desperate to remember her best friend.

     "This was a bad idea," Liam said, leading the group through the forest.

     "It's not a bad idea," Hayden replied, trying to make Liam feel better.

     "This was a terrible idea," Liam clarified.

     Meanwhile, Eiza and Theo were involved in their own conversation, saying a few words from time to time. There's no need to say that it was rather akward, but both teenagers enjoyed each others company, and that's what really matters.

      "So... No good morning kiss?" Theo asked, turning his head to look at Eiza.

     "No good morning kiss," Eiza answered with a little grin. She will never admit it, but Theo's sarcasm made her feel somehow alive.

     Suddenly, Liam — that heard Theo talking to Eiza — pulled the chains forward, giving him a warning sign.

     "I told you where the transformer is," Theo said while sighing. Now Eiza knew where they were going. "I told you how it works. I don't need to be here when all blows up."

     Eiza poked Theo rather harshly and gave him a glare. Hayden, fed up of Theo's manners, yelled at him.

     "It's not going to blow up! They ride the lightning. We can use that to catch one and keep them there until we figure out what they want. It's a good idea."

     Theo, being Theo, replied to Hayden's theory. Eiza sighed, tired of his stubborness.

     "You're trying to catch a ghost rider. A million things could go wrong. Terrible idea."

     "The bad idea was bringing him back," Liam replied, looking at Eiza. He didn't want to hurt her, but as much as Liam tried to resist the temptation to send Theo back to Hell, he couldn't.

     "Liam, stop, we've talked about this before. You have to give him a chance," Eiza said, starting to get angry. "He has chains in his hands, or can you not see that?"

     "He has betrayed us before," Liam whispered-shouted, pointing at Theo. "He could easily do it again."

     "He is not doing it, because I'm here."

     Liam puffed at Eiza's insistence.

     "Scott's right. This is a mistake."

     "Of course Scott said that," Eiza snarled. "Just when I wasn't in front of him."

     Theo admired how Eiza, somehow, defended him. He was sure she still had feelings for him, but Eiza was not an easy girl, and if he was going to try and fix their relationship, he had to do the impossible for it.

     Hayden, seeing that Eiza was starting to get bad-humored, decided to make a comment.

     "You took a risk. We took a risk. But it was the right thing to do."

     "THANK YOU," Eiza exclaimed, raising her arms up. "See, Liam, I'm not saying he's worth our trust, but the pack has given everybody a second chance. Except him," Eiza said, pointing at Theo. "Peter is far much worse than him, and we had to go to him for help."

     "I believe in you," Hayden said, turning to look at Liam. She took a few steps towards him, and they kissed right there.

     "This seems like a good moment to give me my kiss," Theo whispered, so Eiza could hear it.

     "Maybe later."

     Eiza laughed to herself as soon as she said that, and Theo accompanied her on the act. Growing tired of watching Liam and Hayden snogging, Theo decided to stop them.

     "You guys want me to leave you alone?" Theo asked. They both sent him a death glare. "Oh, that's right. I can't."

     This being said, Theo took a grab of his chains and threw them to the ground.

     "You guys need to sign up for OTP of the year," Eiza sarcastically remarked.

     "What's an OTP?" Liam asked, feeling out of place.

     "You guys live under a rock," Eiza answered, laughing to herself.

     "Ha! I got that reference!" Theo screamed happily, clapping once and pointing at Eiza.

     "Sure you did, Steve Rogers," the enchantress replied.

    "You guys need to sign up for OTP of the year," Hayden said, mimicking Eiza. Suddenly, a thunder was heard. "We better hurry."

     That being said, the four teenagers continued with their journey.

• • •

"Why am I always the last one to know everything?" Eiza protested, seeing that the gang — including Scott, Mason, Corey, Sabrina, and even her brother — were already there. The pack ignored her question and proceeded to explain the plan to the newly arrived members. Eiza didn't pay much attention as she thought about Lydia. She will call her friend later.

Liam took — reluctantly — the chains off Theo, to Eiza's pleasure. She grinned at him, as a way to say thank you.

Theo turned on the transformer and explained how it worked, but Eiza was in her own world, watching Theo from afar as he talked.

Eiza couldn't help but stare at him with longing in her eyes.

Theo caught Eiza staring at him and winked at her when he finished explaining everything. Eiza couldn't hide the blush that was creeping up her cheeks.

Mason and Corey started to talk about how the transformer is going to help them catch a ghost rider with wiser words, but the pack seemed to have their doubts.

"And if the ghost rider lands here," Scott pointed at the floor, "how do we get him in the cage?"

"That's where I come in," Eiza announced, walking through the crowd to Scott. Her friend looked at her, a little bit scared of what could happen.

"No way," Theo snapped. "You're not a werewolf like us, the ghost rider could hurt you."

This was one of the things that pissed off Eiza the most. Some people underestimated her, they forgot that with a simple glare, she could make all the people in the room her slaves.

"Baby, I'm the Medusa of the 21st century. I think I can handle myself very well," Eiza replied.

A sound couldn't be heard in the room. When savage Eiza made an appearance, it was better to shut up.

"Be careful," Scott said while hugging her from the side.

"I always am."

Ben wasn't too convinced about the plan — being the brother he was, he worried too much about her — and Hayden saw that, so she offered herself to help.

"I can help" Hayden proposed. "In case something goes wrong. You know, like a bodyguard."

Eiza puffed, but agreed at the plan. Something could go wrong, and she didn't want to end up in the hospital.

"Okay, so... Scott and Liam. As soon as the ghost rider enters, you close the doors," Mason clarified. "And then I'll put a mountain ash barrier."

"And I'll be on the roof to take down the rod," Corey said. Sabrina was a bit worried about her brother, so she patted his back. When everything was in order, the couple formed by Sabrina and Ben was ready to leave.

"Wait!" Eiza shouted. "Tonight, I'm sleeping at Scott's."

The couple nodded, knowing that Eiza had to confront Scott and Theo sooner or later. This being said, they left. Scott, hearing that Eiza was returning home, grinned. He loved her like a sister, and hated to see her in pain because all of the Theo drama.

"So. This is the best idea we have right now," Scott said.

"As long as everything goes perfectly and he doesn't escape and kill us all," Theo responded.

"And your transformer works and the whole place doesn't catch on fire," Hayden replied.

"And there isn't a catastrophic solar flare," Mason ended.

"Let's do this."

They were ready.

• • •

Yeah, they weren't that ready. Eiza and Hayden accomplished their part perfectly, but the doors decided to stop being doors, so, there was a struggle.

Theo, trying to clean his soul from his old bad acts, decided to help Scott. Eiza was internally screaming when Scott couldn't close the doors, but now that Theo joined him, she looked like a fangirl when someone from a TV show or book died.

"Keep closing!" Theo yelled, clearly having difficulties. Scott used his werewolf strength, and finally, the doors were closed.

Eiza released a handful of air she didn't know she was holding in. Suddenly, she could breathe again.

Mason did the mountain ash barrier and went away because of him not being a supernatural creature; he could easily get hurt.

The ghost rider started to form lighting and the pack became scared, but suddenly, it stopped, meaning that the pack has succeeded.

"It worked," Scott announced.

"Yeah, we did it," Liam replied.

"What do we do now?" Theo asked.

"Try to talk to him," Scott proposed.

"Mr. Ghost Rider?" Liam asked with fear, trying to reach out to him. "Mr. Rider?"

Eiza did want to facepalm herself right then. If glares could kill, he would be dead by now because of Theo and Scott.

"We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back," Liam finished.

"Everyone. We want everyone back," Scott said.

"Tell us how to get them all back!"

The ghost rider didn't say a thing.

"This is the plan?" Theo asked, a little bit shocked.

"There wasn't a plan for this part of the plan," Liam replied, a little bit tired of Theo's sarcasm. Eiza sent him a look, which meant that she was having fun with all of this.

"We just have to figure out how to comunicate with him," Scott propounded.

"Maybe he can't hear us," Liam said. "Maybe he speaks an ancient language."

"Let me prove you wrong," Eiza said, positioning herself in front of the ghost rider. "Asshole."

The ghost rider didn't make a move.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if this thing doesn't have ears, I mean, look at his face, he doesn't even have a nose," Eiza commented, trying to defend her methods to do things. Liam sighed at her attempt to trying to make the ghost rider talk, and Scott just made a face. Theo took a step forward, positioning himself next to Eiza.

"Maybe he only responds to pain."

"Or fear," Liam said, looking for an alternative.

"Nothing is going to scare him. Look at him," Theo replied. "It's a walking corpse."

"Something is wrong. Why doesn't he try to get out?" Liam asked.

Suddenly, the ghost rider emitted a sound, making the pack think that he has called for backup.

"When Corey made the ghost rider visible at the party, another one showed up," Liam panicked.

"We have to figure out how to talk to him, or else get the hell out of here," Scott imposed.

"I can compel him with my powers, like I did a few minutes ago when I tried to get him in that cell," Eiza told them, desperate to try anything.

"Yeah, that didn't work out so well. Hayden had to help you," Theo replied.

"Why don't you trust me?!" Eiza shouted, starting to freak out.

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't want you to get hurt!" Theo confessed.

"Okay guys, you can fight later," Liam said, trying to calm them down.

Suddenly, Parrish entered the room and positioned himself in front of the ghost rider, trying to talk to him.

"Tell us how to get everyone back."

The ghost rider made a sound, but no words were said. However, Parrish seemed to understand it.

"He said Hellound."

"Is that a good thing?" Theo asked, feeling scared.

"Ask him again," Scott insisted.

"What do you want from us?"

To Eiza's surprise, the ghost rider did speak her language.

"We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us, hunt forever."

"What does that mean?" Liam asked.

"You know, the asshole thing wasn't serious," Eiza said, afraid of what could happen to her. Theo sent her a death glare.

"Don't do anything that could kill us all, please," Theo whispered so she could hear, although — due to their werewolf powers — everyone heard it.

"Tell us what you want," Parrish continued. The ghost rider repeated the same exact words from before.

"That clarifies things?" Theo commented with sarcasm. Eiza sent him the same glare he sent her before.

"What do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?" Scott asked, being fed up of the situation.

The ghost rider looked at Scott, trying to figure him out.

"He figured out he's the alpha."

"There must be something you want," Scott tried, again.

"There is only the hunt. No one resists. No one escapes."

"If we can't negotiate, we'll have to fight them," Scott concluded. "I'm coming for my friends. I'm coming for everyone. I won't stop. I won't stop until we get everyone back."

The ghost rider looked at Parrish, who was hypnotized by him.

"Parrish? What's happening?"

Suddenly, all the clothing that Parrish was wearing ended up burnt, and he became the Hellhound, once again. Parrish started to free the ghost rider, and everyone panicked.

Eiza decided to take the lead for once, and told the guys to get him out of here. Parrish knocked out Theo, and Eiza went to the rescue, to see if she could help him. Meanwhile, Liam and Scott got him out of the room.

"Hey Theo, hey," Eiza said, slightly slapping Theo on the cheeks. "Now it's not time for sleeping, c'mon!"

"Uh, okay, okay" Theo replied, waking up from his trance. He got up with Eiza's help and fixed the mountain ash barrier that held the ghost rider prisoner.

To their surprise, there was someone standing at the door, and the only thing that Eiza could think about was oh shit, the hot teacher is going to ground me. But that thoughts suddenly disappeared when Mr. Douglas started to chase after them. To her bad luck, the teacher caught her. Turns out she wasn't as fast as she thought.

"Okay, I admit it, I copied the essay from the internet, but I have a good explanation," the girl said, trying to free herself from the hold of her 'teacher'. Theo started to panic, because he knew what he was capable of and because he was holding Eiza against her will.

"Eiza, he's not a normal teacher. Why don't you tell her who you really are, huh?" Theo said, trying to intimidate him. "Hauptmann."

"Wait, what? You know each other? You have serious explanation to do."

"You've been here the whole time?" Theo asked, ignoring Eiza's previous question.

"How could I stay away."

Eiza started to feel something sharp on her stomach; claws. In that moment, she realised that his hands turned out to be werewolf ones.

"Oh, okay, you know him because of the dread doctors. Don't you?"

Theo nodded a bit scared. Eiza felt blood leave her body, due to the pression that Mr. Douglas was putting on her, every second that passed, it ached even more. It came to a point in which she was struggling to breathe.

"Free her!" Theo shouted, trying to push Eiza away of the chimera. As a result, he ended up in the floor, again. "Free her!"

This time, he said it with his werewolf eyes. Eiza thought about using her power against Mr. Douglas, but she had to be facing him.

"Break the barrier."

Eiza made a movement with her head, telling Theo not to do it while murmuring a no. Theo didn't know what to do, he was in shock.

"If you keep hurting her I'm not going to do anything," Theo said, on an attempt to sound convincing. Eiza kept moving her head.

"Break the barrier or I'll tear her in two."

Theo, hesitantly, did it, and Mr. Douglas threw Eiza to the ground. He caught her before she hit the floor and embraced her in a hug, not caring about her blood staining his clothing.

"Hey, you're okay, you're okay," Theo whispered in her ear, while Eiza was breathing fastly. She coughed blood a few times, feeling weak, but determined to stop Mr. Douglas.

The chimera entered the cell, without leaving his guard down.

"It's been a long time."

Eiza couldn't stop coughing, so Theo put her on the ground.

"No, Theo, let me..."

"No, no, you'll lose more blood."

Eiza tried to stand, but Theo didn't let her. He started to pat her back. She needed to go to the hospital as soon as possible, but they couldn't because of Mr. Douglas, so he took her arm and did the only thing he could do, take away her pain. In that moment, nothing mattered but Eiza, he didn't care about the teacher, the ghost riders... He just wanted her to be okay.

The ghost rider took his whip, and Mr. Douglas prepared himself for the fight. Both teenagers didn't make a sound, but looked at them, worried about what could happen.

Mr. Douglas took a hold of the whip, to the teenager's surprise, and tried to choke his opponent. What happened after was the most horrendous thing Eiza had seen in her entire life; the professor opened the ghost rider's head with his fangs, and ate something inside of it.

Eiza felt like vomiting, and took a grip on Theo's arms while she was gasping of terror and astonishment. Theo, who still had his arms around Eiza, opened his mouth and his eyes.

The ghost rider fell to the ground, dead. The teacher took something out of the ghost rider's skull, and ate it. Eiza definitely puked this time — on the ground —, feeling overwhelmed and tired. She couldn't keep her eyes open anymore.

"Hey, Eiza, please," Theo said, panicking. She couldn't lose her, not know. "Eiza, you're strong, c'mon. You're the strongest woman I know."

But Eiza closed her eyes.

•  •  •

     Theo tried to pull Eiza up, so he could take her to the hospital, but he was feeling very weak himself.

     "Help!" He screamed, very desperate. The pack heard his yells and went to see what happened. What they found once they entered the room left them shaking.

     First, they noticed the ghost rider lying dead on the floor. Then, Theo trying to lift an inconcious Eiza from the floor. They ran to them and helped Theo, who was gasping.

     "What happened?" Scott asked with a shocked expression.

     "Hospital. She needs to go to the hospital," Theo insisted. He was shaking too, maybe because he couldn't hold his own body anymore, or because seeing Eiza in that state made him a handful of nerves.

     "What did you do?" Hayden asked, believing that Theo had something to do with this. Everyone looked at her, raising their brows.

     "It wasn't me, it was Mr. Douglas," Theo answered, raising his hands. "He ate his brain."

     "Scott was right. I'm going to send him back."

     "Hey Corey, Hayden, take her to the hospital please," Scott said, knowing that they had to discuss this, but not wanting Eiza to die.

      "Do you really think I'd hurt Eiza because I want to? Are you out of your mind?" Theo exclaimed, defending himself.

     "It wouldn't be the first time you do it."

     "Yeah, but not with her! Look, I took her pain! Mr. Douglas almost killed her, and he was going to, if I didn't break the barrier! She is the last person in this world I want to hurt. And you know why."

     "Yeah, sure," Liam replied, not believing a single thing.

     "It wasn't his brain. Mr. Douglas ate his pineal gland," Scott said, trusting Theo's words. As much as he hurt the pack, the only one who he didn't try to kill was Eiza, and that meant something.

     "Theo didn't do this," Mason said, looking at Liam. "These murders have been happening for weeks."

     "Guys, his whip is gone," Liam noticed.

     Scott stood next to Theo, with an imposing position.

     "Now, explain. Everything."

★ ✶ ★ ✶ ★

Hey guys! I hope you liked this LONG chapter. There are only three chapters left! What will Eiza's fate be?

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