The Neverland Star


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The Neverland Star
Chapter Two; Michael's Sunshine.
Chapter Three The Photo Shoot and Memories
Chapter Four The Date
Chapter Five Love Rekindles Slowly
Chapter Six Sunshine's Artistry
Chapter Seven The Proposal
Chapter Eight Getting Comfortable, Relaxed Trouble looms
Chapter Nine An Evil Act, Confusion The Search For The Truth
Chapter Ten Michael's Problem Has A Solution
Chapter Eleven Goodbye Tony! Michael and Sunshine Forevermore!

Chapter One The Neverland Star

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Thank you to all my readers and supporters of my stories, I know I am still new at this and have a long way to go for improvement but I appreciate all your support always.. Thank you Hawa for the ideas and I love you... This is for my dear friend Sunshine who without her I would not even be writing at all. Her love and friendship and encoragement has been my inspiration and rock..I love you Sunshine!! This whole Story is for you, you are the best!!  Shell


Michael; Sunshine!! Wait!! Giggles

Sunshine: I will not! You are too slow Michael!! We’ll miss the parade if I wait for you!!

Michael; No we won’t!! I’ll get you!1

Sunshine; Oh no you won’t!! giggling as she runs faster.

Michael; Catching Sunshine and they both fall on the grass. GOT YOU!!! giggling

Sunshine: You cheated!! Pushing Michael off and running towards main street to catch the circus parade.

Michael; Hey!! Okay this time. But next time girl!! A tickle fest is what we will have. I’ll tickle you until you wet your pants!! Ha!!

Sunshine: Ewww!! Michael you can be so gross at times!! Why I am your friend is beyond me. Turning away crossing her arms huffily.

Michael; his smile fades fast Y’you don’t want to be my friends anymore? Tears prick his eyes and he begins to turn away.

Sunshine; looking back at him, she immediately feels bad, Michael? She says softly. I was only kidding. Come on. You know I didn’t mean it. You are my best friend. She hugs him. It’s just sometimes you say the most awful things. I was only tying to teach you a lesson. She hugged him and kissed his cheek as she had done many times of the years.

Michael; hugging her back. I I’m sorry. Maybe Joseph is right. I don’t know how to talk to people, I’m not a good person. I don’t know who to be a friend. The tears that had pricked his eyes before now spilled over.

Sunshine; Joseph is wrong!! You are a good person and you are a good friend. I love you Michael. You are my best friend!! I don’t care what that mean old Joseph says. He’s evil and you are not. You talk just fine. Just be yourself without the grossness okay?? Hugging him tighter.

Michael; I’m sorry Sun. he says softly. Kissing her cheek. We missed the parade because of me. Looking down.

Sunshine; No we didn’t!! Come on. Taking his hand. Let’s go!!

Michael and Sunshine hurried over to Main St. where the parade was just starting to come through. Michael and Sunshine squeezed their way through the crowd to stand in the front of the line of onlookers. They saw elephants and giraffe’s, monkeys and acrobats, and clowns on both sides dancing and handing out balloons to the children. Michael got a balloon from a clown and gave it to Sunshine. When the parade was over they went and got some cotton candy and headed back toward their street.

Michael and Sunshine were playing tag in the yard with Randy and Janet when Joseph came home in his van. He was all excited and yelled for the boys to come out and help him. Tito, Jackie and Jermaine came out of the house quick. They knew Joseph calls you move quick or you will be quick to feel his belt. Michael’s mother Katherine came out to see what all the fuss was and when she saw all the instruments and equipment she was livid. The boys needed clothes and shoes and the girls needed dresses. They had words in the front yard but Joseph didn’t care he hand the boys take the stuff inside and told Michael play time was over to get his butt inside.

Sunshine; Do you have too? She said sadly.

Michael; Yes, you know Joseph. I..I don’t want that belt. I swear he hits me so hard like he’ll cu right through me one day.

Sunshine; Okay. She looks down. Michael?

Michael: Pausing and turning back to her. Yes Sun?

Sunshine; leaning in and kissing him. I love you Michael. You are my best friend.

Michael; Blushing and smiles, and kisses her too, I love you Sun, you will always be mine too.

Over the next two years Michael and Sunshine spent every moment they could together. They went to movies and hung out. Laughed and were just silly kids. Sunshine knew Michael and his brothers were starting to get popular and it was getting harder for them to see each other. They shared their dreams of life and love and what real true devotion and friendship was. What happiness meant to each other and helping other children be happy.

Michael; Sunshine, come with me a while please!

Sunshine; Where are we going?

Michael: Remember we spoke of Peter Pan and fairy tales?

Sunshine; Yes of course Michael but we’re older now Do you still believe all that is possible?  I want to believe Michael I..I..just seen too many hurt because no one cares to stand up.

Michael; I know Sun but I promise. I will make it happen. Come with me please. I want to share this with you. You are my best friend and I will always love you.

Sunshine; Okay Michael. She nods at him smiling

Michael; Remember our star?

Sunshine: Yes?

Michael; Here look. Handing her a drawing.

Sunshine; Michael!!! I love it!! It’s our Neverland Star!! Giggling

Michael: Laughing. Yep. Let’s get one each that way we will always remember each other and our dreams of helping children and love and happiness.

Sunshine; Can we? But what about Joseph??

Michael; I don’t care what he says! This is for us Sun! Just us!

Sunshine. Okay! Smiling.

The two walk downtown into a friend of theirs fathers tattoo parlor and told them what they wanted. At first he was very reluctant as they are children yet but with Michael’s persuasion and explanation of why they wanted it. The tattoo artist eventually agreed.

Four hours later both Sunshine and Michael walk out with Neverland Stars. A permanent reminder of each other and the dreams they shared. Neither knew at the time just how significant that moment was because it was from then on Michael’s life became crazy with traveling, shows, and personal appearances and moving away from Gary Indiana  that would separate them forever.


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