life of dante

By charlesgordonart

1K 59 31

this is the story of a man, his life his past and the future. will he rise or will he die. will he make a cha... More

life of dante
birth of dante
secret plans. and meetings, storm on the horizon
talks. and murder,
meetings and plan's.
re-training And, discovering plots
The order has crumpled, and shaky foundations.
The ending Is just the beginning. Marcos end Dantes beginning
The funeral and Dantes pain. and The training
The Apple of Eden, and fighting The odds.
fighting the fire, and a uniting of the gang's, and parties.

taking Down Leads and Friends. enemies

61 2 0
By charlesgordonart

{Recap Marco Found out about Dimitri. Now,  Everything comes out}

Abestergo Industries.

The security Guard is viewing The tapes. seeing what They missed and see what was takin or who walked In.  As he was staring at The footage he caught sight of something,  a Hooded figure He quickly got His radio and called His boss. 

Sebastian was In a stock holder's meeting Going over Money and what Not.

"So Our stock's are up, And our Profits Are up.  We Have been selling and makin more Then last year."    His phone rings And he picks it up.  "Yes?"    "Sir It's security They found something. They said It's important,"    "Okay I'm coming now,"  He hung up "I'm sorry but it seems that something important has come up. I'm sure you all understand,  We Can Finnish our meeting another time."   They all stood up And were leaving.  he had a smile But Then it faded.  He walked out And went down The elevator He finally got to security.   "Something You wanted to show me?"      "Yes Sir,  we found something you should see."   He looked at The footage and at first didn't see anything.  But Then saw A hoodie figure,"

"Stop The tape, What Time was This?"


Sebastian went to go make a Call. As The phone ring he waited For The other person to pick up.


"It's Sebastian We have a problem Something you Like to see."

"I will Be There."

Steel Chamber prison

So Far Since Big boss has been here He's just watched everything And everyone.  him And big Rick Have been just sitting.

Now It's lunch Time as Big boss and Rick, Look around The cafeteria watching everyone going about their business, A few clicks here In there

"So Tell me, Who Is The big boss and The Gang's here."    

"Well You have your Russian Gang,  And Your Mafia well The Italian mafia They sorta run Thing's here.  and Then you have The A gang called Black roses,"

Seth took In all He heard And thought very hard.

"Hm anything else? "


But Rick Never Got to finish his word's

Because some random Russian member

walked up to Them.

"So Your new, Got a Name New meat"

"Yeah I do It's Seth, And You best Not mess with me."

"You think your tough, Please You're Nothing compared to my boss. In fact I bet Afrer 1 week you will be someones bitch."

Seth Looked at The Russian Man and was Thinking. He gave a blank stare

"What Are you going to do? You can't do anything But Just stare."

"If I was You I would back Off, Because if You don't Then You will regret it."

The Russian thug Looked away for a minute, seth reached for a knife and hid it from sight.

"This Meat Is Saying how he is going to beat me, Yeah Ok He's a joke"

"You should have Listened to me, Now You will Get hurt."

"Oh Your going to hurt Me I'm so scared.  Not Haaaa, What Can You do to me?"


With That Seth stabbed The man In The hand with a knife.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my hand you stabbed me, Ahhhhhh"

"I told you Not to mess with me You didn't listen."

The Inmates Looked and No One moved,

Then out of No Where A huge fight broke out, Everyone was fighting seth stood up and Removed The knife from The man's hand and punched him, Knocking him out. Big Rick Stood near seth just In case.

"I Guess This is one way of Getting Noticed.  Was This your plan?"

"No Can't say It is, But glad It worked out."

"Now what Theirs a huge brawl And we Can't get through."

"easy We just fight through them, And We show No mercy."

With That seth Started fighting everyone.

In was In The fight And beating his way through,  The guards came in And were Tryin to assist The situation.

"We have a Code Red Code red, We need Back up."

All The Guards were Aiming and ready to attack. But A man In His Forties Walked Out he was of Normal height and had Graying/ black hair. He wore a expensive suit and had Gray eye's He calmly walked Up To The Scene before him, As he was Looking He watched with mild interest

But Something caught his attention It was The person fighting.  He watched with unmoving Eye's He was In awe The brutality Of The man fighting, He was like a Monster.

"Who Is That Person fighting?"

"Who Sir?"

"The One Fighting everyone The One Fighting Like a Monster."

"Oh He's New here,  I believe His name Is seth sir."


He said slowly testing his name on his Lips he smiled Then got serious.

"Stop This fight Now And bring me seth."

"Okay sir, Okay Men Let's end This now."

"The guards threw down a black grenade and as it was thrown it exploded Into other tiny little balls, And All The prisoners Got down and ducked down and Took Cover. Seth simply crouched down and Rick Stood In front of him

The guard's Walked to The prisoners.

"Everyone down No one move a muscle Or else,  Well Seth Looks like You have impressed The warden.  He Like To see you"

"What For?"

The guards Laughed

"Don't know But he was impressed, Seems you really have something he Likes."

"Fine I will come But Rick comes with me,


"Fine He Can come, Let's Go Warden Stone Doesn't like To wait."

They started walking The long hallway, And through The whole walk seth was thinking and wondering The whole time.

Why does The warden want him? And Then he Thought about it again. He smiled and Knew This was his chance to Get Full control over The prison. They finally stopped and arrived at a Door, That said,  warden Mark stone.

"Where Here Now warden Stone Gets impatient. So watch what You say,"

"I understand Then."

Rick made a move To follow him But The guards Held him back.  He looked at Them Seth Looked at Rick.

"Its Okay Rick, I got This Just stay Here."

He Nodded his Head And walked Inside Looking Inside He saw How Warden stone's office was. well furnished and well kept he Saw how He had awards and How The wall's were, A Nice brown and The floor a Nice Red.  He sat behind His desk,

"So Good To see You again my friend. How are You? Can I offer You a Drink,"

"No I don't need One.  I was Shocked when You were impressed with me. It's Not often You impress someone, With fighting so You can Guess I was Shocked I wonder now,"

Seth Gave a Look and Was thinking it over. As He looked at Warden stone

Warden Stone Looked back wondering what Seth was thinking.

"I wanted to speak to You, I was wondering If you be interested In being my right hand man.  You Think you be Interested You Will Get Access To everything and anything,  But With a Price."

"A Price? What Do you mean A price?"

"Come down Tonight, Actually a guard will escort you Down tonight You will see.

So Do we have a deal?"

Seth thought about it and was Thinking very hard. and Smiled

"Sure I'm interested I would love to, You know what I will have a drink. This is a Great day Lets celebrate."

"Wonderful Let's drink as a symbol To New Beginnings."

Warden stone got The Scotch out To toast He poured Them both a cup.

" This Is for Great things to come my friend.  This Prison well Be ours We will rule with a Iron fist, No one Will stop Us.

To us"

Seth had alittle grin on his face His plan will work perfectly. He learn The inner workings and outside of The prison,  Then Take it from warden stone. He raised his Glass As Warden stone raised his glass.

"To Glory And To friendships."

"To Friendships and Glory."

They both drank The Scotch Feeling it's bitter taste.

"Hey how About I show you The security Room. You can see What happens In There."

"Sure Lead The way."

Back at abstergo

Dimitri Had Arrived But He Came alone,

He was curious of What happened That had Sebastian spooked.  As He went up To Sebastian He looked at him He was Looking nervous and troubled.

"Sebastian My Friend,  What Is The problem You Look shook up my friend."

"You would To If You're cameras caught A Assassin. Looking around your place

Look at The tape. Show Him The footage"

"Yes Sir,"

As The tape was Played It showed Marco Coming out of The Computer room. Dimitri Face Looked unreadable, He Was calm and collected.

"Sebastian Don't worry I will handle This matter.  Just remain calm Okay Everything will be fine No worries."

"How are You calm? We Can Get In trouble for This."

"You worry To much I Will tend To This.

It's Nothing Just watch,  In The meantime You have a Company To Run and You can't Lose focus. Don't worry I promise you okay"

"Okay I believe You Thank You very much My Friend. I was worried For A moment I Guess I Need a Vacation."

"Yes You will get One My Friend Just Work and leave It To me."

As Sebastian Left To go back To work Dimitri turned To The tape Looking at Marco.

"It's time Now To get started Everything starts Now. You Forced My hand And everything you Know will come down."

Dimitri Left abstergo As He waited For His car To come. He Was Thinking and wondering About his plans,  He was Ready To Get started On His plans,  Finally His car pulled up and He Got In

As The car Was driving He pulled out His Phone. 

"Shadow I Have a important mission for

You. It's important Because My plans Well start tonight,  And Some People Have to Go. Tonight operation Earth Starts tonight, And No One Will stop Us."

at The bolitte household

Macro And John were talking In The living room While Marie was With Dante.

They were discussing What They found,

"I'm telling You We should Get rid Of him Now. If We don't who Knows what he will Do Next, I Found more proof Of Him dealing dirty Did you Know He's been dealing with Templars."

"What?  He Has We Can't attack him Directly, We Do It The Old way The better way."

"And How Should we Do That. If anything he Has Connections and Knows a Few people,  So Whatever Your plan Is It won't work."

"It well Work We sabotage His operations. We Server His connections And We Deal A Body Blow To him. doing That would set him back, So What Do You Think of That plan."

"Not bad I Have a List Of People He has Under him. It's everyone he Has Connected To him With This We should be able to Learn more about him."

As The two Friend's talked And Discussing plan's.  marie was playing with little Dante He was laughing at his mother,  He Giggled at his mom Who was Makin Funny Faces,

"Who Is my handsome Babie You are.

Yes You are I Love you so much Dante,

Your my cute baby Boy. awww I Love you so much."

"Okay I will Look over The list tonight,

And I will Start tonight we have to end This."

"Okay My friend If You need anything

I got You No worries. Just becareful okay Dimitri Is Going all out, And You must watch Your back."

"I will my Friend You should probably Go

I know your busy.  And Have stuff To Do

I will leave you to it my friend.  See you Then"

"Okay Then my friend Have a Good day

And take care of yourself.  watch your

back okay."

"Well Do Let me walk You to The front door."

As Marco walked John To The front door

The two Friend's hugged eachother, and said Their good byes afterwards marie walked up to Marco with a crying Dante.

"Someone Is missing There father He wouldn't stop until He saw You. He misses you terribly,  Hold him Love I was Going to get started On dinner Okay."

"No problem honey Come To daddy.

Awww My little man come To here,"

Marie Handed Dante over to Marco

Dante stopped crying and was snuggling Into His father's arm's.  Marie watched with awe She was blessed because honestly men sometimes can be tough on Children.  But Marco was very soft and gentle with his son. And her She walked up to her husband and Kissed him on his Cheek. He looked Confused

"What was That for?"

"For being A loving husband and father

You have my respect."

Marie went To The kitchen and started cooking . Macro was Looking at Where His wife was And looked at Dante who was fast asleep.

"Hm I wonder."

Later That day

Dimitri Was sitting there thinking He saw Macro On The tape. He was Just thinking and wondering

"Shadow Come Here I need to talk to you."

" Yes Is there something you Need."

"I have a List Of People I want Killed This

Will start Tonight Opperation Earth begins.  Tonight we start our plan's, I'm getting rid of Old Friends I don't need anymore."

Dimitri handed Shadow a piece of paper

With at least 10 people On it.  Shadow Looked at it The first name That popped up was A man named Fredrick Williams.

"The First on My list Is Fredrick Williams.

He Is a old friend But honestly I Don't Need Friends, You Can kill him off I Don't Need him."

"Okay I understand I will Take care of It.

I will make sure It's carried out."

Shadow Left Getting ready and prepared.

Dimitri sat there And felt good He Knew

Shadow could get The job Done, He couldn't wait Until everything was His.

He smirked and Felt everything come together,

later That night

little Dante was Sleeping and Marco was Getting prepared To go out. He Was Checking his gear weapons and making sure everything was In it's proper place,

He checked his knives and dagger, And his smoke bombs.  Last but Least He flicked his wrists and out came his hidden blades.  He put was about to put

His hood up until his well trainned ears heard his wife.

"Marco are You going out again honey."

"Yes My Love But You know I always come back to you.  Don't worrie my Love you have nothing to fear,"

"I know It's just you always go on something dangerous and crazy. I often wonder If your okay,  You know I Love you very much."

He smiled at His wife and held her. She always worries about him And cares for him, Meanwhile He is always concerned about his family.

"My Love I understand You are worried.

I worrie more about you both because I'm not here protecting you.  But have faith I would Never leave you or Die my love, Have faith in me."

"Okay My love I have faith In You Just come back to us okay."

"I will my Love."

With that They kissed eachother with passion and love.  Marco slowly pulled away and put his hood up and left Into

The Night,

Fredrick Williams house

Fredrick Williams was a rich man who had deep connections.  to everybody In scarlet city, So when he heard about Dimitri taking over the world.  To say The least he didn't care one he can make money and money was good. So What if people died small price to pay when you want money.  He Lived in a Huge house on south bank street But of course a place Like his needs 24/hr security.  He was sitting behind his desk,  Looking over his money and drinking to He felt secure

And was happy.   In The shadows was shadow himself He had a Sniper rifle trainned on Fredrick. 

"Should I Kill him Now Or wait?"

"No don't shoot him just yet Someone else is coming."

Macro was Lurking In The shadows and using his eagle vision He spotted Fredrick.  As Marco looked He counted

8 armed men easy take down He came out of hiding and stealthy took out two

Guards.  by bumping there head's together,  Then he took out another two by using poison darts.

"4 down and 4 To go."

and as he Looked he saw last 4 guards there He rolled a smoke bomb.

"Hey where This smoke come from?"

"Can't breath ugh."

Marco stepped in takin Down all four men

He looked up and stealthy approach The door. He quietly opened The door His footsteps were quite and undetected

He moved in The shadows. He looked around and walked upstairs.

"Johnny and Steven check it out it's quite. To quite,  See who's here and shoot anyone here."

as They both went to go Look and check everything.  they were looking and found nothing. Steven was Looking in one of The room's But didn't find anything,  Macro was In The dark waiting to strike,

"Everything seems-."

Macro had grabbed Steven from The shadows.  and pulled him in Steven was trying to get his attacker off But it was useless.  as Steven passed out

"Steven are you there Steven?  Come in."

Johnny Was getting worried so he went looking for his friend.  He looked in The

Room And couldn't see anything at all.

But he found Stevens body He wasn't dead But He was out cold.

"shame what happened to him friend."


With that Marco knocked The last guy out and went to Fredrick office. He opened The door and saw Fredrick sitting there

"So You finally come took you long enough.  So My friend What do You want?"

"Answers You have information I need.

And I'm not leaving Until I get Them,

starting with The whole earth project what does Dimitri plan On doing."

"You Think I tell you anything Yeah okay.

I'm no rat Go ahead do Your wrost because I'm not talking, So there what Now?"

Macro was calm and collected He didn't over react. He slowly walked over to Fredrick and Looked at him, Smiled and grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. Fredrick looked alittle worried

"So you won't talk I Can fix That, I Can make you talk No problem friend."

With that Marco slamed Fredrick on The table and extended His hidden blade at his throat.  Fredrick was scared Now actually .

"Talk Now Fredrick Otherwise I'm going to Kill you. and I don't bluff either So which is it."

"Fine Fine I will talk Okay Dimitri was saying how he wants to change The world. He was going on and on about everything Just sayin how, The earth needs to be changed and how The people Need Order and balance to The world.

He figured This well tip The scale In his favor,"

By Now Marco had Let Fredrick go And Marco was standing there taking in everything.  He couldn't believe it Dimitri was planning this for awhile and He never knew it,

"How Long was Dimitri planning it?  Tell me how long."

"For year's But I Don't know When he will act All I can say is that.  He is insane

But I joined in his madness,  Guess I played some small part In it."

Fredrick poured himself a small glass of Scotch. He looked towards the window He didn't see Shadow Lining his shot up.

"Do you Know anymore people That is connected to him?"

"I do actually I have a list of men both political and non political,  He wants both side's covered Just in case.  He's a smart man for sure You best watch out for him

Hear I have The list inside my desk."

"Now Kill him shadow End His life."

"Copy that. Your going to die Now bye"

Shadow had his finger on The trigger ready to pull it He waited when Frederick

was In his range. Then with a pull The gun fired and it went for it's target.

"As I was saying The list has Names of people you should look into. I becareful If I was you He is something and someone dangerous to."

"I don't fear him But I'm more ready to take him down. I will use this to my advantage thanks."


Bang Fredrick was shot in The back His body jerked foward and he hit The table with a thud.  Marco looked and ran to The window and using his eagle vision He spotted a red figure.  But The figure Ran

Marco looked back at Fredrick dead body faced down He hung his head low and prayed for him.  soon s.p.d. Had The place surrounded .

"Okay surround the place and cover everything.  Let No one leave or get in let's move out."

Marco grabbed the book and was about to leave through The window.

"Freeze Now put The book down and get On your knees."

Marco didn't move but he discreetly reached for his smoke bomb. The cop wasnt patient ,  He repeated himself again.

"I said drop The book and get down Now"

"Sorry But I don't take orders from cop's,"

With that Marco threw a smoke bomb down and The cop fired his gun as Marco jumped out it caught him in his leg.

He grunted but landed down safely and disappear into the night.  Marco made it back home but was limping and feeling the pain but He didn't let it hinder him,

what he heard rocked his world. Dimitri was planning on a new earth, He looked at The book in his hands and gripped it.

"That Son of a bitch, I will kill him For this I will get him."

Dimitri sat In his chair smirking and enjoying himself very much.  He just got

Rid of someone useless and he wasn't done yet,  Shadow was back He bowed

"Good job shadow, One more less person who I don't need He wouldn't last long.

You can go Now your done thank you very much."

"Your welcome master."

Shadow left his mentor to his thoughts.

Dimitri looked towards The city, pondering over his great plan He Knew This would work everything was falling into place.

"my plans for this city are coming together Soon nothing well stop me,

I will rule this city with a iron fist and a world.  a world with humanity as slaves

I can see it Now. Yes a world perfect."

old scarlet park

This park wad a wonderful place too place to play. you can have family gatherings here and eat here, But you couldn't come at night especially by yourself.   a Young beautiful blonde hair woman was jogging and was enjoying her run.   She stopped to catch her breath

She felt eye's on her and Looked around but found nothing but The darkness, there was a noise she heard something and looked to see what it was. there in the darkness was a shadowy figure , He wore a long button up trench coat and he wore a dark hat that hid his eye's,  As the woman approached .  with in human speed he grabbed her.

"Your very beautiful and young but I'm afraid I'm going to kill you."

With that he took out a knife and raised it up high. The poor woman stared hopelessly Into the face of her killer, and with one final scream.


Dead was the woman This night well be The scarlet slasher was born.

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