A Perfect Utopia?

By XxTheDarkAngelxX

6.8K 206 164

Which part of you childhood had been real, and which part implanted? What if all that had just happened was a... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilogue:The Boss

Chapter 13

163 9 2
By XxTheDarkAngelxX

Mr. Jetson was having a very bad day, probably one of the worst that he had ever had in his life. And now his wife was staring at him, and he would have to tell her the secret that he had been dreading to tell her all his life. But first, something more important.

“We have to go.” Mr. Jetson nearly spat the words out; he was so worried.

“What?” Mrs. Jetson was staring at him curiously, like she didn’t understand what he had just said. Mr. Jetson did not blame her. If he were in her position, he would probably be doing the same thing that she was doing. Still, they had to leave immediately.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. “Just please stay in my office. I have to make a call.”

Mrs. Jetson nodded and obediently sat down in a chair. Mr. Jetson made the phone call.

Mrs. Jetson was watching her husband carefully. It was clear to her that he was about to snap, and she did not want to help him snap in any sort of way. She knew that he would not make her stay in his office unless something was horribly wrong, but as far as Mrs. Jetson knew, nothing was horribly wrong.

Mr. Jetson quickly hung up the phone. Mrs. Jetson knew that the conversation could not have lasted more than a few minutes, if even that. “What- What is wrong?” She choked out, staring at her husband’s frantic movements.

“We have to go!” He cried grabbing her arm and pulling her out of his office, almost at a run.

Mrs. Jetson felt herself being pulled after him, even as she attempted to keep her feet planted still. She wanted to know what was wrong, but knew that in order to find that out, she would just have to wait. So that is what she did.

Mrs. Jetson kept silent as Mr. Jetson pulled her up the stairs. She was still silent as he dragged her into their master bedroom- even though her arm was beginning to feel as though it might fall off. She remained silent as Mr. Jetson pushed away the big dresser against the wall across from the bed.

Mrs. Jetson could not, however, manage to keep silent when she saw what lay behind the dresser, nor could she hide the small gasp that fell from her lips. Mr. Jetson looked at her ruefully, as though he were dreading what would happen next.

Luckily, he had rendered Mrs. Jetson speechless for the moment.

For behind the dresser lay a passage. It was a passage that Mrs. Jetson had never known about, and would have been glad to live the rest of her life without knowing about.

Her shocked eyes quickly found Mr. Jetson’s own calm eyes, and she opened her mouth to speak. Someone else beat her to it.

“Mr. and Mrs. Jetson, I order you to leave your house immediately.”

Vesper knew that Lavinia was mad at Aliyah, and she didn’t blame her either. She figured that if she were in the same place as Lavinia, she would be mad too.

She had woken up thinking of Domini. Vesper knew that Domini had promised Lavinia something. She also knew that Domini had no clue what she was getting herself into. Vesper would bet that if Domini had known something about Lavinia before she promised to help her out.

But then again, she still might have agreed. Being locked up so long, Domini definitely knew what it was like to have no clue if your family was alright or even if they were alive or not. Then again, Domini did not know Lavinia’s full story.

Vesper did know some things about Lavinia’s past, but she was forbidden to speak of them. It made sense to her. Lavinia could not want or need to know the things about her past that Vesper knew. There were things in Lavinia’s past that were horrible, horrible things, and sometimes Vesper wished that she did not know them. It made her guilty to feel pain for the things she had suffered, simply because they were so much better than they could have been.

Sometimes it hurt her. It hurt to keep such a huge secret from Lavinia, even though her life might be the price of telling her the truth. Vesper knew that she had to do her best to discourage Lavinia from finding the secrets of her past out, but Vesper could not bring herself to do that.

Domini probably did know some stuff about Lavinia’s past, and that was what scared Vesper the most: that somebody, who did not know why the secrets of Lavinia’s past were kept a secret, knew the secret. Whatever Domini knew, Vesper hoped that she did not know as much as Vesper herself did. The result of telling Lavinia would be disastrous, and it just might end up hurting Domini too.

“Vesper? Vesper, are you awake?” Lavinia was knocking at Vesper’s door. Hurriedly, Vesper picked herself off her bed and walked to the door. She threw it open, eyes locking with Lavinia’s.  Lavinia smiled when she saw her, and Vesper berated herself again.

Seeing Lavinia so happy sometimes upset Vesper, knowing that she was not happy, even though she tried her best to be happy. Vesper knew that knowing her past would knock the smile off Lavinia’s face for good. Vesper could not be able to live with herself if that happened.

Slowly, Vesper trailed after Lavinia as they both went to get their food.

Lavinia knew that something was wrong with Vesper. It was clear to everyone, and even clearer to those who knew her well. Lavinia hoped that it was not something to do with Celastrus. Most days she could relate to Vesper, because her family was unknown of to her. But today, she could not.

Domini Jetson knew something about her family, and soon Lavinia was going to know those things as well. It was enough to make her happy for the rest of her life. Finally, there was someone willing to tell her something about her life. Finally, Lavinia had an actually chance of knowing something about her life. Whatever it was, Lavinia was prepared to hear it, with the knowledge that it would change her life.

Sometimes it seemed to Lavinia that people, who she did not suspect of knowing anything about her past, knew things about her past. She knew that Aliyah definitely knew something about her origin, but she was too stubborn for Lavinia to get anything about her. It seemed that everything and everybody who were somehow related to her past were forbidden to speak of it.

Then came along Domini Jetson. She knew something of Lavinia’s past, and so far, she was allowed to speak of it, for now, at least. Lavinia knew that she would be able to get something out of Domini before anyone made her stay silent.

The thing that confused Lavinia the most was that sometimes Vesper seemed to know something too. Vesper always seemed to discourage Lavinia from finding anything about her past, and it bothered her. Lavinia had the right to know her past, no matter what anyone else said. That included Vesper.

But Vesper seemed to think that it was bad. Lavinia knew that there were moments that Lavinia tried to talk about her past, and Vesper seemed like she was about to respond, but something kept her from saying anything.

Lavinia needed to know things about her past, and she did not care who got in her way, she would find some sort of way to get around them.

If she did not know anything about her past, how was she supposed to know anything about herself? All she currently knew were her age and first name. Those were the only things that linked her to her parents. If her parents were even still alive.

Knowing her past would just seal Lavinia’s future.

And everyone wants to know what happens next, right?

It had been almost twenty minutes.

Lab Assistant 217 knew that if Mr. and Mrs. Jetson were planning on coming, they would be here already. Slowly, she reached for her phone again.

“Please send a squadron to go collect Mr. and Mrs. Jetson,” she paused for a moment. “You heard me. Now,” She cried, and with that, slammed the phone down. Her voice was flat, and almost sounded monotonous during that call.

Lab Assistant 217 knew that it was obvious that she did not want to be doing what she was doing, but there was no way around it. At some point in their lives, nearly everyone got sick of their jobs. It was that simple.

Her head fell into her hands. Her elbows rested on the desk, almost creating a cradle for it. Mr. and Mrs. Jetson were good people. They were. So why did she have to bring them here.

Lab Assistant 217’s fingers itched to go pick up the phone and explain to the captain that it was a mistake, and that they did not need to be picked up. But she could bring herself enough courage to do it. As much as she hated to admit it, she could not afford to get fired from her job. There was a chance that she could never be hired again. And there was only so much that the Boss could ever do to prevent that from happening.

She did not even know if he would help her out. Lab Assistant 217 had been so rude to him lately that he probably did not even know what to think of her. She would not blame him if he wished them not to be friends anymore.

She sighed again. Some amends were to be made and it was her job to start them. The Boss had not done anything of offense to her, only she to him. Now, it was time that she apologized to him.

Hopefully he would accept it.

Hopefully, he would understand why she had reacted the way that she did.

But it would not surprise her if he did not. And even if he did accept her apology, there was no reason for her to even think that they could still be friends. Now, she did not know what to think. She was probably just as hopelessly confused as the Boss was.

And she was the one going to apologize.

Domini sat upon the bed in her room. Aliyah had tried to introduce her to some people, but Domini’s head had started spinning. Meeting new people was helping only to fuel it. Aliyah sent her back to her room. Surprisingly, Domini had found it with no assistance needed.

Maybe she was finally- no. Domini was not going to let her guard down. She had done it when meeting Vesper and Lavinia, and she was going to make sure that it did not happen again.

For all she knew, Vesper and Lavinia could just be people made to look like them. Aliyah could just be lying to her, no matter how kind she kept on acting to her. And that man could be the only real thing.

She could just be in some lab simulation. Domini was not let them get into her head more than they already had. Domini Jetson was stronger than they were.

There was only one thing that could make her crack and that was her parents. Domini would know if they were real or not.

At least, that is what she hoped.

Sometimes Domini wondered what it would be like to live in a world where you were sure to know who your true friends were, and who were just lying to you.

Sometimes, she wondered why her world was like this.

Sometimes, she wondered why the answers were never given to people, and they always had to search for the truths that lay among lies. It did not make sense to her.

And then she realized that almost nothing made sense to her anymore.


Okay, so, this was quite a long chapter to make up for not uploading sooner. I hope this either answered some of your questions or confused you more. It would be even better if it did both!

This is nearly as long as my first chapter which was definately the longest, and I hoped you loved it!

Remember to vote comment and fan!

Much love,


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