The Many Wicked Ways

By BeautyHeartBouquet

55.2K 2.8K 595

All Rights Reserved!!! BoyxBoy, Book Two, Completed. With not much left to say, Avery isn't to sure... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Six

4.1K 302 35
By BeautyHeartBouquet

My fingers tingled as I laid on something comfortable, it wasn't the California King Bed in Barry's hut but the cot in the Medical Hut instead, I knew running here wasn't a bad idea but I also didn't want to be a bother to Stephanie when she had real subjects to attend to. I slowly set up, groaning as I reached up and grabbed at my throbbing neck, it wasn't as terrible as it was before but when I touched it, I couldn't hold the hiss in as I immediately regretted doing so. I quickly moved my hand away and glanced around while remembering what happened just moments before I passed out, I met a very sexy man, his name was... Wayne

I glanced around for Wayne as the hut door opened and Stephanie made her presence known with someone in toe, I closed my eyes with a heavy sigh while looking around for the triplets, they were no where in sight. Panic surfaced as I quickly pushed the covers back and tried to climb out the cot, my eyes scanned the hut from wall to wall but not any of my babies were in sight as I looked toward Stephanie accusingly, I knew she knew were they were.

"Where are my babies?" I asked, taking a step back from her and one of the individuals I couldn't stand the sight of.

"They're with Barry." Alpha spoke, clasping his hands together behind his back formally. "They're in good hands, I would like for you to sit so we can talk, do you mind?" He asked to Stephanie, who blinked a couple of times before eagerly nodding and leaving.

I slowly walked back to my cot and sat down slowly, noticing that the cot beside mine was occupied with a sleeping person, the guy had brown hair that fell to the nape of his neck with thin eyebrows falling over slightly tanned cheeks. He laid on his back, his stomach was exposed with a couple of bandages wrapped around them, he looked mildly familiar and it took me a second to realize that this was the guy I talked to before I passed out, the handsome guy. I heard the newly installed wooden floor creak and looked at Alpha as he stared back at me, I was on edge with him and wasn't sure if I was safe or not, I really didn't want Wayne to wake up and find my dead, soulless corpse. 

I put my hand on my stomach as it started to turn in rejection to whatever was present there, if anything was actually inside my belly, I felt something foamy bubbling up my stomach and quickly moved to cup my mouth as I tried to suppress it. It was useless, of course, you can't ever stop vomit from exiting once it's reached it's height limit, a tasteless, white foamy vomit escaped into my hand as I looked around for somewhere to put it. I found a bin close by and immediately put my head over it as a wave of nauseous hit me, I flicked some of the foamy vomit off my fingers and into the bin before looking at Alpha questioningly, why was he here... to have his turn at biting me?

"I came to check on you, it's Alpha duty." He said in a tone that told me not to get happy or think that I was special.

I slowly nodded, allowing my head to linger over the trash bin a little longer before pulling back when the sensation of vomiting stopped, I looked at him and wiped my mouth with the back of my cleaned hand while wiping residue of foamy vomit on the gown I was now wearing.

"Stephanie told me you can go home tomorrow, you odd to suck it up by now." Alpha said, giving me a stern look before looking at the hand grasping my stomach. "Have you and Barry had sex recently?"

I felt anger wash over me at the sudden questioning accusation. "N-No! I don't want to be with him ever again." I said angrily.

"He's your mate, you have no choice." Alpha said matter-of-factly. "You'll get over the entire ordeal and be gunning for him once more but soon you'll realize that you've already lost. I think it's best you find someone new, like this young man over here."

I looked at Wayne as Alpha gestured to him, and he actually had me thinking that maybe it'll be a chance to discover and possibly find a way to take a stab at Barry at the same time, I wonder how he'll feel when I let someone else into the mix, then I can stir it all up. I slowly nodded, staring at the sleeping man as he slept silently, he seemed careless in his sleep and I guess because he felt safe while awake, he slept even better. I nervously licked my lips before looking back at Alpha. I could see Wayne raising children, maybe his own only but I could see him being a good father one day, he looked no older than Barry and while at that age, they wanted to party and drink but not Wayne, he didn't seem like a bad boy... at least not in his sleep. 

I pursed my lips in thought, actually considering the fact of getting closer to Wayne and getting to know him a little better. I looked back to Alpha as he stood to his full height, he stared me up and down a second longer with his eyes squinted, as if he was trying to figure me out or at least see my worth, before he turned and exited the hut. I watched his retreating back as he walked toward the door, I turned my attention away and looked into the corner of the hut as I thought about Alpha's words, he meant what he said and he said what he meant, it's time to move on.

"Avery?" Wayne's hushed voice whispered.

I turned to look at him in alertness as he peeked at me before looking toward the door while still laying down on his back, the bandages were wrapped securely around his torso and part of his chest. Wayne looked back at me with a weary smile before slowly trying to sit up, he released a croaky groan and grabbed onto the railing side of the bed to pull himself further up.  

I quickly shook my head at him while reaching forward to grab his hand. "Don't move, I'll go get Stephanie." I said, getting to my feet.

"No. No, I'm good." He said, putting his hand in mine and painfully smiling up at me. "You okay?"

I pulled away and slowly sat back down on my bed, I stared at the ground for a minute as recognition took place in my head, my lip quivered as I realized one thing over all the things that happened to me so far. My vision blurred towards the bottom edges as something gently tickled down my cheek, I quickly reached up and wiped the streak away before  

"I'll never find love." I gently sobbed, reaching up and wiping my face clean.

"Now, you know that's not true." He said, giving me a pleading look as I shook my head, reaching up and wiping more fallen tears. "Come on, Avery."

I looked up as he held his hands out to me, as if to tell me to run into them and while I would had if he wasn't hurt, I got to my feet and walked over to him as he immediately pulled me into a loving embrace. The scent of him was lunging, like firewood and grass, what a weird combination but he made it doable as he put his arms around me and gently caressed my back up and down in a soothing manner. I could feel his fingers trialing along the spine of my back as I leaned onto his shoulder carefully, I was hesitant to lean against him in the fear that I would actually hurt him.

Wayne chuckled. "Avery, I've been injured enough times to know I have a high pain tolerance, come here." He leaned back and pulled me onto him.

I allowed my mouth to fall open in shock as he buried his face in my hair and took a big whiff, this was what having a mate was suppose to be like? Had Destiny did me wrong, had Fate made a mistake about who was really my mate? I continued to stare up at Wayne with shock as he settled his head back on the pillow beneath his head and gently caressed up and down my side, it felt rather innocent but I was still curious of the thoughts going through his head. His heartbeat thumped gracefully in my ear, it sounded amazing and made me long to stay in his warm and comfortable embrace but I was still careful to avoid his wounds as he continued to trail his fingers along my side, even dipping them low enough to rub against my hipbone.

"You make me feel wanted." I whispered, staring off into the corner once more.

"Avery," Wayne chuckled, "... to admit it, you're hot."

I looked at him in shock as he only laughed at my reaction to his confession, to think that his handsome man thought I was hot was close to being mind-blowing. I squinted my eyes at him before raising an eyebrow to see what his reaction was going to be, I didn't feel hot even the slightest. My hair had grown even longer and was falling in a very feminine way, my small breast that were barely past an A-cup seemed to be saggy to me but I knew that was just an illusion from the downward view I had of them, but that still didn't make a difference to me, I looked hideous. I had bags under my eyes, my lips appeared to always be chapped and to make it worse, my weight was pouring on so drastically that I felt like I swallowed eighty Big Macs just three days ago, and with that weight came my too big butt.

"I think you bumped you head." I said, half-joking and half-serious at the same time.

"I don't think I have... have I?" He asked in a joking tone, making me lightly smile and shake my head at his humor. "I'm kidding, but all jokes aside... you're hot as fuck, and you have a nice butt too. I really hope I'm not offending you right now." He said on quickly.

"Ha, no..." I said, shaking my head lightly, " it's nice to hear someone say it."

"Shit, I would say it everyday... you're sexy as hell and your ass is fat as fuck." Wayne continued on, staring in the distance with a big grin on his face as if he was imagining some nasty things between me and him.

"Wayne..." I said, blushing as I sat up slowly but he pulled me back to him with a heavy chuckle.

He looked back at me and gave me a small smile, his confession was well needed and I actually felt at ease in his presence as he laid his head back but kept his eyes drawn to mine, I reached up and gently caressed his jawbone as his small hairs stabbed my finger tips gently. I dropped my hand to the exposed part of his chest that wasn't injured before looking down at the bandages wrapped around his stomach.

"What happened to you?" I asked, staring at the wrapped bandages.

"Rouge cut me, silver blade..." It wasn't a secret that silver could do a lot of damage to wolves, werewolves for the matter.

"Damn... how's it healing?" I asked.

"Fuck, I wouldn't know... I just hope I don't die, ya know?" He whispered, making me look up at his face while he solemnly cut his eyes away.

"Wayne... just look at my fat as fuck butt, it might make you feel better." I joked, hoping to lighten the mood... it worked, somehow.

He chuckled and made the attempt to get a look at it as I only laughed and teasingly tried to get out of his view by rolling on my side, he shook his head and laid back against the pillow before reaching his hand up and caressing my chin next, I bit my lip at his soft touch. His hands were smooth with a couple of ridges rubbing roughly against my skin, I reached up and touched his arm in a unprotestingly way. He leaned forward and I felt my breath hitch as his lips lingered close to mine, I stared at his nice, thin plump lips with hunger as I felt a sudden need deep within me. It had been so long since another person touched me in this type of manner and I just wanted to feel wanted, even if it was for the shortest moment of him getting his rocks off.

"Hey, you two..." I quickly pulled away from Wayne and looked at Stephanie with a bewildered look as she paused and looked between us. "Uh..."

"S-Stephanie... hi." I said shyly, glancing at Wayne before looking back at her as Wayne set with a small smirk on his face.

"Nice way of ruining the moment, Steph." Wayne said, making Steph shake her head before looking at me with a squinted expression, it surely is a habit around this pack. "Guess we'll just have to wait until next time..."

"I hope next time isn't in my hut, I really don't want to have to smell the stench of sex, get a room at the big hut next time... God! Can I get any respect around here? First, Alpha's making me run to West Beak territory while I'm only days away from having this baby and now I have to deal with my grouchy husband cause he can't have sex with me any longer. I just want peace... and quiet!" Stephanie huffed, taking a heavy sit on her desk and putting her head in her hands.

I looked at Wayne as he went to open his mouth, I quickly moved forward and put my hand over his mouth as he playful glared at me then gave me a tiny wink, I playfully glared back before looking over at Stephanie. I removed my hand from Wayne's mouth and carefully climbed out the bed, I walked over to her and pulled the stressed woman into a hug as she started to mewl like a child. She used her mouth to muffle her cries as I held her tightly before pulling away and wiping her tears, Stephanie was always hard working and you could see she did a lot for the pack but even then, it made you want to yell out or just run away, and she didn't have the right to do either.

"I'm sorry you're going through all of this." I said comfortingly, making her pause in her tears to look at me.

"W-What's it like?" Stephanie asked, putting her hand on her stomach as more tears streaked down her face.

"What?" I asked, glancing her up and down with confusion.

Being alone? Being bit? Being unsure? Having to share a man? Having to share a bed with your man and his wife? Meeting a new man? Lusting for that new man? There were many things that were a first for me, and I was sure it was a first for anyone around this pack to hear, people usually got confused when I told them I stayed with Barry and they'd ask where I sleep, and I'd have to say I share the bed with my mate and his wife.

"Having the babies... holding them that first time?" She explained, making me lightly smile at my own reminder.

"It's nice, it scared me at first because I never held a child before and I was cared of it being fragile and breaking it but... as I sat there, I couldn't help myself but to hold my baby tight to me, it squirmed and kicked for the first time and then it looked at me... and I feel in love with each of my babies from the start." I informed here.

I don't know how I went from about to kiss a sexy guy named Wayne to giving advice to Stephanie, I glanced back at Wayne as he watched me comfort the person who birthed my children, helped me every step of the way since my arrival, and listened to me rant whenever I couldn't sleep. Stephanie was a good friend and I was going to be a good friend for her, her husband was unknown to me and while I never asked about him, I always wondered if he tried to pressure her into things that she didn't want to do... was their marriage forced or did she actually know the man as her soulmate and lover for eternity? I decided to question it another time and turned my attention back to Stephanie as she slowly nodded before slouching over on the desk and clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry..." Stephanie whispered.

"For what?" I asked gently.

"I... I don't know... I just feel like an apology is necessary, for taking my anger out on you two..." She said, looking up at me pleadingly, as if to ask me not to question her real intentions.

"It's okay." I said, turning and carefully stalking back to my bed.

I really didn't know why Stephanie was keeping me for another day, I felt perfectly fine without the Phenine in my system any longer, I had no reason to stay another day but I didn't push it as I slowly climbed in the bed and pulled the covers over my lower section then laid back against my pillow in a way similar to Wayne. I looked in his direction as Stephanie climbed off her desk and walked behind it, she started going through little crates, scrapping boxes back and forth as she looked for certain things. I wasn't sure what she was doing until I remembered something about her going to a different territory, I wasn't sure if it was for work matter, treaty matter, or even personal matter and that wasn't my business if she didn't want to tell me in depth what was going on.

"So... who's going to run the Medical Hut while you're at West Beak?" I asked, cocking my head. "Are they shipping in another doctor while you're gone?"

Stephanie shook her head.

I rose an eyebrow before laying back on the bed again and staring at the ceiling in confusion, so who was going to make sure everyone was okay while she was gone... was she going to be coming back?

"When will you be back?" I asked, hoping she'd at least give me a verbal reply.

"I don't know... I might not be coming back."

"But without a doctor..." Wayne started with his slightly croaky voice returning, he paused to clear his throat, " your pack will have troub-"

"We have another doctor, they're laying right beside you." Stephanie said, turning and leaning against a wooden shelf with an uncapped black sharpie in her hand.

Wayne and I both lifted up to see who was in the bed beside him, it was completely empty with the blankets folded and ready for any patient that was to come in next, I frowned as I looked at Wayne while he stared at me. I looked toward Stephanie in mild confusion as I tried to wonder what was really going on, I figured Fran knew a little doctor experience, maybe even Jacob but without a doctor, we were helpless and Alpha was losing his mind at the moment, so I wasn't too surprised. I looked back at the empty bed then back at Wayne as it finally dawned on me what Stephanie meant by "laying right beside you", I was occupying the next bed by Wayne.

"Ha... Dr. Avery." Wayne softly joked.

My face paled.

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